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The HTML character encoder online converts certain characters to special strings, called HTML entities, that can be read by a browser.
The HTML entities to text encoder converts certain characters to their corresponding HTML entities. These characters have special significance in HTML and can be converted to their related HTML entities.
The tool converts the HTML entities to text form so it becomes readable. Often, some elements of the texts have characters that are part of HTML syntax. E.g., & will be converted to & which is readable by the browser as & instead of an HTML syntax.
It provides the ability to save and share the text while converting the HTML Entities decode text to plain text. Any HTML Entities file can be imported and converted into text with the help of this free tool. To preserve the meaning of certain characters in HTML, they have to be converted into their correct HTML Entities and vice versa. You can convert the characters in HTML Entities to text easily.
Use this free tool to convert your HTML Entities text into plain text so that it’s readable since some elements of the text have characters that are a part of the HTML syntax.
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