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This tool quickly converts ASCII text to hexadecimal values, supporting input via text, file uploads, or URLs, ideal for programmers, students, and anyone needing accurate conversions.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard used to represent text in computers and digital devices. Each ASCII character is assigned a unique number, which can be represented in hexadecimal (base 16) format. Hexadecimal is commonly used in programming, debugging, and network communication to simplify data representation.
To understand how an ASCII to hex converter works, it is first necessary to understand how ASCII codes are represented. In ASCII, each character is assigned a unique 7-bit code. The first 128 codes (0-127) are standardized across all systems, while the remaining 128 codes (128-255) are often system-specific. For example, the ASCII code for the letter "A" is 65 (0x41 in hexadecimal notation), while the code for the letter "B" is 66 (0x42 in hexadecimal notation).
The first step in converting an ASCII code to hexadecimal notation is to translate the ASCII code's decimal value into binary. For instance, we would carry out the subsequent actions to convert the ASCII code for the letter "A" (65) to binary:
The binary representation of 65 is, therefore, 01000001. To convert this binary representation to hexadecimal, we can group the bits into sets of four, starting from the right-hand side.
Each group of four bits corresponds to a single hexadecimal digit so that we can convert each group to its hexadecimal equivalent. Therefore, the hexadecimal representation of the ASCII code for the letter "A" is 0x41.
ASCII | Hexadecimal |
null | 0 |
start of header | 1 |
start of text | 2 |
end of text | 3 |
end of transmission | 4 |
enquire | 5 |
acknowledge | 6 |
bell | 7 |
backspace | 8 |
horizontal tab | 9 |
linefeed | A |
vertical tab | B |
form feed | C |
carriage return | D |
shift out | E |
shift in | F |
data link escape | 10 |
device control 1/Xon | 11 |
device control 2 | 12 |
device control 3/Xoff | 13 |
device control 4 | 14 |
negative acknowledge | 15 |
synchronous idle | 16 |
end of transmission block | 17 |
cancel | 18 |
end of medium | 19 |
end of file/ substitute | 1A |
escape | 1B |
file separator | 1C |
group separator | 1D |
record separator | 1E |
unit separator | 1F |
space | 20 |
! | 21 |
" | 22 |
# | 23 |
$ | 24 |
% | 25 |
& | 26 |
' | 27 |
( | 28 |
) | 29 |
* | 2A |
+ | 2B |
, | 2C |
- | 2D |
. | 2E |
/ | 2F |
0 | 30 |
1 | 31 |
2 | 32 |
3 | 33 |
4 | 34 |
5 | 35 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 37 |
8 | 38 |
9 | 39 |
: | 3A |
; | 3B |
< | 3C |
= | 3D |
> | 3E |
? | 3F |
@ | 40 |
A | 41 |
B | 42 |
C | 43 |
D | 44 |
E | 45 |
F | 46 |
G | 47 |
H | 48 |
I | 49 |
J | 4A |
K | 4B |
L | 4C |
M | 4D |
N | 4E |
O | 4F |
P | 50 |
Q | 51 |
R | 52 |
S | 53 |
T | 54 |
U | 55 |
V | 56 |
W | 57 |
X | 58 |
Y | 59 |
Z | 5A |
[ | 5B |
\ | 5C |
] | 5D |
^ | 5E |
_ | 5F |
` | 60 |
a | 61 |
b | 62 |
c | 63 |
d | 64 |
e | 65 |
f | 66 |
g | 67 |
h | 68 |
i | 69 |
j | 6A |
k | 6B |
l | 6C |
m | 6D |
n | 6E |
o | 6F |
p | 70 |
q | 71 |
r | 72 |
s | 73 |
t | 74 |
u | 75 |
v | 76 |
w | 77 |
x | 78 |
y | 79 |
z | 7A |
{ | 7B |
| | 7C |
} | 7D |
~ | 7E |
DEL | 7F |
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding system that represents text using numbers. Each character, such as a letter or symbol, is assigned a unique numeric code.
Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system that uses 16 symbols (0–9 and A–F) to represent values. It is commonly used in programming and data representation for its compact and human-readable format.
ASCII to hex conversion is useful for programming, debugging, data encoding, and understanding how text translates into machine-readable formats.
Absolutely. The tool performs conversions on your browser, meaning your data isn’t sent or stored on any server.
This is a web-based tool, so an internet connection is required.
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