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This free online tool converts ASCII characters to their corresponding decimal values quickly, making it ideal for coding, data processing, and text conversions.
ASCII Text refers to characters represented using the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding. In ASCII, each character (letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and some control characters) is mapped to a unique numeric value between 0 and 127. This standard allows computers to store, share, and display text in a consistent format. ASCII is widely used in programming and data exchange due to its simplicity and compatibility across systems.
The Decimal Number System or base-10, uses ten digits (0-9) to represent numbers. Each digit's value depends on its position, with each place representing a power of 10. Commonly used in everyday life for counting, measuring, and calculations, it forms the basis for mathematics, finance, and science.
This tool allows you to convert ASCII characters (letters, numbers, symbols) into their decimal representation. ASCII encoding is widely used in computer systems, where each character is represented by a unique number. This conversion can be helpful for developers, students, or anyone working with ASCII codes in programming, cryptography, or data analysis.
Example: 1
ASCII: Hello
When we convert the values to decimal: we get: 72 101 108 108 111
Example: 2
When we convert the values to decimal: we get: 103 111 111 100
Example: 3
ASCII: Amazing
When we convert the values to decimal: we get: 97 109 97 122 105 110 103
ASCII Character | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Binary |
Space | 32 | 20 | 100000 |
! | 33 | 21 | 100001 |
" | 34 | 22 | 100010 |
# | 35 | 23 | 100011 |
$ | 36 | 24 | 100100 |
% | 37 | 25 | 100101 |
& | 38 | 26 | 100110 |
‘ | 39 | 27 | 100111 |
( | 40 | 28 | 101000 |
) | 41 | 29 | 101001 |
* | 42 | 2A | 101010 |
+ | 43 | 2B | 101011 |
, | 44 | 2C | 101100 |
- | 45 | 2D | 101101 |
. | 46 | 2E | 101110 |
/ | 47 | 2F | 101111 |
0 | 48 | 30 | 110000 |
1 | 49 | 31 | 110001 |
2 | 50 | 32 | 110010 |
3 | 51 | 33 | 110011 |
4 | 52 | 34 | 110100 |
5 | 53 | 35 | 110101 |
6 | 54 | 36 | 110110 |
7 | 55 | 37 | 110111 |
8 | 56 | 38 | 111000 |
9 | 57 | 39 | 111001 |
: | 58 | 3A | 111010 |
; | 59 | 3B | 111011 |
< | 60 | 3C | 111100 |
= | 61 | 3D | 111101 |
> | 62 | 3E | 111110 |
? | 63 | 3F | 111111 |
@ | 64 | 40 | 1000000 |
A | 65 | 41 | 1000001 |
B | 66 | 42 | 1000010 |
C | 67 | 43 | 1000011 |
D | 68 | 44 | 1000100 |
E | 69 | 45 | 1000101 |
F | 70 | 46 | 1000110 |
G | 71 | 47 | 1000111 |
H | 72 | 48 | 1001000 |
I | 73 | 49 | 1001001 |
J | 74 | 4A | 1001010 |
K | 75 | 4B | 1001011 |
L | 76 | 4C | 1001100 |
M | 77 | 4D | 1001101 |
N | 78 | 4E | 1001110 |
O | 79 | 4F | 1001111 |
P | 80 | 50 | 1010000 |
Q | 81 | 51 | 1010001 |
R | 82 | 52 | 1010010 |
S | 83 | 53 | 1010011 |
T | 84 | 54 | 1010100 |
U | 85 | 55 | 1010101 |
V | 86 | 56 | 1010110 |
W | 87 | 57 | 1010111 |
X | 88 | 58 | 1011000 |
Y | 89 | 59 | 1011001 |
Z | 90 | 5A | 1011010 |
[ | 91 | 5B | 1011011 |
\ | 92 | 5C | 1011100 |
] | 93 | 5D | 1011101 |
^ | 94 | 5E | 1011110 |
_ | 95 | 5F | 1011111 |
` | 96 | 60 | 1100000 |
a | 97 | 61 | 1100001 |
b | 98 | 62 | 1100010 |
c | 99 | 63 | 1100011 |
d | 100 | 64 | 1100100 |
e | 101 | 65 | 1100101 |
f | 102 | 66 | 1100110 |
g | 103 | 67 | 1100111 |
h | 104 | 68 | 1101000 |
i | 105 | 69 | 1101001 |
j | 106 | 6A | 1101010 |
k | 107 | 6B | 1101011 |
l | 108 | 6C | 1101100 |
m | 109 | 6D | 1101101 |
n | 110 | 6E | 1101110 |
o | 111 | 6F | 1101111 |
p | 112 | 70 | 1110000 |
q | 113 | 71 | 1110001 |
r | 114 | 72 | 1110010 |
s | 115 | 73 | 1110011 |
t | 116 | 74 | 1110100 |
u | 117 | 75 | 1110101 |
v | 118 | 76 | 1110110 |
w | 119 | 77 | 1110111 |
x | 120 | 78 | 1111000 |
y | 121 | 79 | 1111001 |
z | 122 | 7A | 1111010 |
{ | 123 | 7B | 1111011 |
| | 124 | 7C | 1111100 |
} | 125 | 7D | 1111101 |
~ | 126 | 7E | 1111110 |
(DEL) | 127 | 7F | 1111111 |
Non-printable ASCII characters are characters that do not represent a visible symbol or letter. Instead, they perform control functions in computing and telecommunications. Here’s a brief description of the non-printable ASCII characters conversion table:
ASCII Character | Decimal | Hexadecimal | Binary | Description |
NUL | 0 | 0 | 0 | Null character |
SOH | 1 | 1 | 1 | Start of Heading |
STX | 2 | 2 | 10 | Start of Text |
ETX | 3 | 3 | 11 | End of Text |
EOT | 4 | 4 | 100 | End of Transmission |
ENQ | 5 | 5 | 101 | Enquiry |
ACK | 6 | 6 | 110 | Acknowledge |
BEL | 7 | 7 | 111 | Bell (Alert) |
BS | 8 | 8 | 1000 | Backspace |
HT | 9 | 9 | 1001 | Horizontal Tab |
LF | 10 | 0A | 1010 | Line Feed (New Line) |
VT | 11 | 0B | 1011 | Vertical Tab |
FF | 12 | 0C | 1100 | Form Feed |
CR | 13 | 0D | 1101 | Carriage Return |
SO | 14 | 0E | 1110 | Shift Out |
SI | 15 | 0F | 1111 | Shift In |
DLE | 16 | 10 | 10000 | Data Link Escape |
DC1 | 17 | 11 | 10001 | Device Control 1 |
DC2 | 18 | 12 | 10010 | Device Control 2 |
DC3 | 19 | 13 | 10011 | Device Control 3 |
DC4 | 20 | 14 | 10100 | Device Control 4 |
NAK | 21 | 15 | 10101 | Negative Acknowledge |
SYN | 22 | 16 | 10110 | Synchronous Idle |
ETB | 23 | 17 | 10111 | End of Transmission Block |
CAN | 24 | 18 | 11000 | Cancel |
EM | 25 | 19 | 11001 | End of Medium |
SUB | 26 | 1A | 11010 | Substitute |
ESC | 27 | 1B | 11011 | Escape |
FS | 28 | 1C | 11100 | File Separator |
GS | 29 | 1D | 11101 | Group Separator |
RS | 30 | 1E | 11110 | Record Separator |
US | 31 | 1F | 11111 | Unit Separator |
(DEL) | 127 | 7F | 1111111 | Delete |
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding assigns a numerical value to each character. This allows computers to store and manipulate text efficiently. Converting ASCII characters to their decimal equivalents is essential in numerous fields:
This tool is currently web-based and requires an internet connection. However, you can bookmark this page for quick access anytime.
Yes you can by using our other tool Decimal to ASCII converter.
No, this tool is designed to handle large inputs, so feel free to paste as much text as you need.
No registration is required! This tool is free to use with no signup or login necessary. Just enter your text and convert it instantly.
The tool is highly accurate and precisely follows the ASCII standard to ensure that each character is matched to its correct decimal code.
All processing happens in your browser, nothing is stored or sent to our servers. Your data stays private and secure.
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