Experience lightning-fast test execution Cloud on 3000+ browsers that is up to 70% faster than any traditional Selenium Grid cloud. Perform parallel testing on latest and legacy browser versions.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
HyperExecute is an impressive cloud based platform that allows you to execute your tests in no time. HyperExecute is a platform that executes your tests faster than any other cloud-based test execution grid. The platform also scales as you add more tests, and has intelligent features to manage the testing process. Experience faster test execution on 3000+ browsers and browser versions.
With HyperExecute, you get a single dashboard view with both terminal and full test execution logs for 3000+ browsers. An intuitive dashboard makes it easier to see how well your automated tests are running. This in turn makes it easier to debug and fix problems when they arise.
HyperExecute provides hosted, feature-packed runners for every major operating system. They come with pre-installed support for all major programming languages and frameworks including Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, GO, C#, Rust, and Ruby.
Using a YAML file, HyperExecute allows you to group and distribute tests intelligently across environments. This intelligent test orchestration takes past test run data into account and automatically reorders the test runs to surface failures faster and cut down developer feedback times.
HyperExecute lets you analyze the quality of your builds on a single platform by generating reports for each build you execute. You can also eliminate the need of gathering data from multiple sources and building extensive reporting frameworks on any browser version.
HyperExecute can run your tests in parallel on any browser version at a massive scale, giving you ultrawide test coverage while ensuring precise YAML-based concurrency control and matrix-based multiplexing. This means you can cut down not only on test execution time but also on test creation times!
For organizations concerned about keeping their data on premises, we offer HyperExecute with on-premise cloud capabilities. With HyperExecute, you can set up your own cloud runners and storage which ensure no data leaves your organization’s firewalls ever. Whether your application needs to be scaled up or down, we have you covered with our configurable hypercloud environment.
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