Cypress UI Testing

Perform Cypress UI Testing across multiple browser versions, ensuring seamless compatibility and optimal performance.

Trusted by 2M+ users globally

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Cypress UI Testing on Cloud

Run Cypress UI tests instantly on cloud-based tools across multiple browser versions on Windows and macOS platforms.
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Automation Video Logs
Cypress Parallel Testing

Parallel Cypress Testing for Faster Releases

Automate Cypress UI testing with parallel tests on scalable cloud infrastructure to minimize execution time. Get extensive test coverage, and ship quality builds faster.
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Features of Cypress UI Testing on Cloud

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

Debug each test run with detailed end-to-end execution logs, including Cypress console logs, video logs, and command logs.

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Enterprise-ready LambdaTest Tunnel

Enterprise-ready LambdaTest Tunnel

Test locally hosted or privately hosted web apps and webpages using the enterprise-ready LambdaTest tunnel feature.

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Easy NPM Packages to Install and Run

Easy NPM Packages to Install and Run

Easily install and run Cypress-based UI tests on LambdaTest with a dedicated LambdaTest-Cypress CLI npm package.

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Customer Success Is Our Success

How LambdaTest is helping Global Enterprises

Trusted by startups, SMBs and big enterprises alike.


By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.

Anish Ohri

Head of Testing and Performance Engineering


Increased Browser Coverage

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LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cypress testing framework?
Cypress is a JavaScript front-end-based testing framework for web automation. It eliminates the hassle of QA and developers while performing end-to-end testing. Cypress uses a unique DOM manipulation technique and tests are executed inside the browser.
Can I use Cypress for API testing?
Cypress can be used to perform end-to-end API testing. If you have developed a REST API in your application, automated API testing should be included in the application's E2E tests.
Can I use Cypress for performance testing?
Yes, you can use Cypress to test the performance of a websites and web apps.
Can I use Cypress for end to end testing?
Yes, you can use Cypress to perform end to end testing of websites. Also, Cypress offer easy debugging with its live preview, screenshot, snapshots and videos.
How do I start automation testing with Cypress on LambdaTest?
You need to install the LambdaTest-Cypress CLI - the test runner to help you get started with running tests on LambdaTest. A detailed guide to help you get started is here.
How to run Cross Browser Tests with Cypress on LambdaTest?
LambdaTest provides a cloud grid of 40+ browser versions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. To perform cross browser testing with Cypress, all you need to do is specify the browser-OS combination in lambdatest.json file and execute the test. You can know more about running cross browser tests here.
How can I run Cypress tests in parallel using LambdaTest?
Use the lambdatest.json file to set the parallelization first. Trigger the tests using lambdatest-cypress run by specifying the number of parallel tests you want to run.
What are the benefits of Cypress Testing on LambdaTest?
LambdaTest is one of the most powerful platforms that helps you scale faster with its robust, reliable & secure cloud grid. You can trigger Cypress tests instantly on 40+ browser versions (more to come) and moreover get features that aid you to execute tests and deploy faster.
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