Run Online Cypress Parallel Testing

Execute and analyse Cypress tests in parallel. Expand browser testing coverage on 40+ browser versions and deploy quality builds faster with the LambdaTest cloud.

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Perform Cypress Testing on Cloud

Execute end-to-end Cypress testing on LambdaTest. Experience blazing-fast test execution speeds with a scalable, secure cloud test platform that supports 40+ browsers and browser versions, including headless.

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Perform Cypress Testing on Cloud

Execute Cypress Tests in Parallel

Run Cypress parallel tests and access results instantly. Cut down test execution times, reduce developer feedback times and release your products faster with confidence.

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Execute Cypress Tests in Parallel

Automate Accessibility Testing Effortlessly

Ensure web accessibility and achieve compliance with automated tests using LambdaTest Accessibility Automation.

Automate Accessibility Testing

Seamless Collaboration via Integration

Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all IntegrationsArrowArrow

Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
GitHub Integration With LambdaTest
GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
Jira Integration With LambdaTest
Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
GitHub Integration With LambdaTest
GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
Jira Integration With LambdaTest
Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
GitHub Integration With LambdaTest
GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
Jira Integration With LambdaTest
Airtable Integration With LambdaTest
Applitools Integration With LambdaTest
Asana Integration With LambdaTest
Azure Pipeline Integration With LambdaTest
Bamboo Integration With LambdaTest
Bitbucket Integration With LambdaTest
Bugasura Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Clickup Integration With LambdaTest
Datadog Integration With LambdaTest
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GitLab Integration With LambdaTest
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Paymo Integration With LambdaTest
TeamCity Integration With LambdaTest
Trello Integration With LambdaTest
Wrike Integration With LambdaTest
YouTrack Integration With LambdaTest
ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest
K6 Integration With LambdaTest
Leapwork Integration With LambdaTest
Mattermost Integration With LambdaTest
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CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
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Paymo Integration With LambdaTest
TeamCity Integration With LambdaTest
Trello Integration With LambdaTest
Wrike Integration With LambdaTest
YouTrack Integration With LambdaTest
ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest
K6 Integration With LambdaTest
Leapwork Integration With LambdaTest
Mattermost Integration With LambdaTest
Miro Integration With LambdaTest Integration With LambdaTest
CircleCI Integration With LambdaTest
Notion Integration With LambdaTest
Paymo Integration With LambdaTest
TeamCity Integration With LambdaTest
Trello Integration With LambdaTest
Wrike Integration With LambdaTest
YouTrack Integration With LambdaTest
ZipBoard Integration With LambdaTest

Features of LambdaTest Cypress Cloud

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

End-to-end Test Execution Logs

Debug each test run with end-to-end test execution logs. Get complete Cypress console logs, video logs, command logs and much more.

Enterprise-ready LambdaTest Tunnel

Enterprise-ready LambdaTest Tunnel

Test your locally hosted or privately hosted web apps and webpages through our enterprise-ready LambdaTest tunnel feature.

Easy NPM Packages to Install and Run

Easy NPM Packages to Install and Run

Easily install and run Cypress parallel tests on LambdaTest with a dedicated LambdaTest-Cypress CLI npm package.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cypress automation?
Cypress is an open source end-to-end test automation framework written in JavaScript and based on Mocha and Chai. With Cypress you can automate tests on browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Brave & Edge family. Cypress is known for easy to set up, faster test execution, debugging capabilities and an active community.
What order do Cypress tests run?
Cypress first runs the test code to read and queue all the commands it needs to execute, then loads the page, and finally executes one by one all the commands previously queued.
Can we run Cypress tests in Parallel?
Cypress allows you to run tests in parallel across multiple machines since version 3.1.0. However, testing in parallel on a single machine can take significant resources, so it is recommended to use a cloud-based test execution platform like LambdaTest for running cypress parallel tests.
How to run Cross Browser Tests with Cypress on LambdaTest?
LambdaTest provides a cloud grid of 40+ browser versions for chrome, firefox and edge. To perform cross browser testing with cypress all you need to do is specify the browser os combination in lambdatest.json file and execute the test.
How can I run Cypress tests in parallel using LambdaTest?
Use the lambdatest.json file to set the parallelization first. Trigger the tests using lambdatest-cypress run by specifying the number of parallel tests you want to run.
What are the benefits of Cypress Testing on LambdaTest?
LambdaTest is one of the most powerful platforms that helps you scale faster with its robust, reliable & secure cloud grid. You can trigger cypress tests instantly on 40+ browser versions (more to come) and moreover get features that aid you to execute tests and deploy faster.
Is Cypress better than Selenium?
Cypress supports only JavaScript whereas Selenium supports all programming language. Cypress browser support is also limited as compared to Selenium. However, Cypress helps in faster test execution and is more developer-friendly in comparison to Selenium. To know the key differentiators of you can read our blog on Cypress vs Selenium.
Can I run Cypress tests on LambdaTest through the CI/CD pipeline?
Yes! To run Cypress tests using a CI/CD pipeline, you need to clone your test repository, then install the LambdaTest-Cypress CLI and, setup application servers. (if needed)
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