Boost your app quality with LambdaTest’s mobile testing cloud. Test on real iOS & Android devices across 5000+ environments for flawless performance.
Globally Secured
Mobile emulators and simulators offer a glimpse, but they fall short in mimicking real-world scenarios. With LambdaTest's Real Device, you can test on actual devices to ensure your app excels in every real-world scenario. Don't settle for emulations/simulations; choose real device.
Easily upload .aab, .apk & .ipa files or import from app stores files, or install production apps directly from the Play Store/App Store.
Get Started For FreeTest websites or apps on mobile devices using automation. Speed up app and browser testing with parallel execution on our Appium Grid.
Unblock your team and give them instant access to both emulator and simulator devices, as well as real devices. No installation, download, or setup required.
Get Started For FreeTest your native mobile applications using LambdaTest’s online real device cloud. Reduce costs by eliminating your in-house device lab.
Use faster Chrome DevTools to debug webapps across multiple devices with different screen sizes.
Ensure seamless user experience by checking your mobile view website's responsiveness on various network profiles.
Got questions? Throw them to our 24/7 in-app customer chat support, or email us at
Test your website or mobile app from different geoIP locations to ensure users have a perfect experience across all regions.
Integrate effortlessly with your testing stack through a wide array of 120+ out-of-the-box integrations.
Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all Integrations
World's leading companies trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey. All Customer Stories
flaky tests
reduction in test execution time
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Sagar Uday Kumar
Sr. Engineering Manager
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Thank you for providing free open source license to run the web and mobile tests of our open source projects for free on Lambdatest platform.