LambdaTest Chrome Extension

Perform live-interactive and automated cross browser testing of websites with LambdaTest

Chrome Extension across 3000+ Real Browsers and Operating Systems

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LambdaTest Chrome Extension For Browser Testing

Perform live-interactive and automated cross browser testing of websites & web apps across multiple real browsers and operating system right from your browser tab and fastrack cross browser compatiblity issues of your websites and web apps.
Get Started with LambdaTest Chrome Extension
LambdaTest Chrome Extension
LambdaTest Chrome Extension

Live-Interactive Testing For Browser Compatibility

Ensure your websites renders seamlessly across different browser environments. Enter the test URL, choose configurations and perform real-time testing of the websites over 2000 browsers. Get instant access to real machines running on the cloud, latest and legacy web browsers, browser versions, operating system, and resolutions.

Capture Full Page Automated Screenshots

You can simply take screenshots directly from your local browser. You can take direct screenshots on upto 25 different browser and operating system configuration at a time by clicking on LambdaTest’s icon and selecting the configuration using LambdaTest.
Automated Screenshot Using Chrome Extension
Real Time Testing With Favorites

Launch Real Time Tests Quickly With Favorites

Perform real time testing instantly using Favorites and eliminate the painpoint of selecting configurations everytime. Add your favorites configurations in Favorites and launch the test with same configuration right from your browser tab.

Schedule Screenshots With Automated Screenshot Scheduler

Eliminate the process of capturing screenshots manually. With LambdaTest Automated Screenshot Scheduler, schedule the screenshots on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. LambdaTest will automatically run the screenshot tests, and will deliver the screenshots to your mailbox.
Automated Screenshot Scheduler
Geolocation Testing

Perform Geolocation Tests Across Different Locations

Test websites across different geographies on 3000+ browser environments and check how it renders or behaves across different geolocations. Perform tests for Geo-Targeting, Geo-Blocking, Geo Localization across various locations. Select the location and browser environments and kick start your geolocation testing.

Walkthrough: LambdaTest Chrome Extension

Watch the video and get started with our Chrome Extension

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Seamless Collaboration

Integrate LambdaTest with your favorite tool and save yourself from manually managing bugs and tasks. Also fits with your CI/CD pipeline.

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