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Keep Moving Forward With LambdaTest Certifications

Earn resume-worthy test automation certifications that help you land a top job. Prove your expertise by adding top automation testing certification and globally recognized badges to your profile.

Enroll now and get certified today!


Test Automation Certifications

Espresso 101 Espresso 101


This certification is tailored for those looking to excel in the field of Android automation testing and elevate their career path.

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Appium 101 Appium 101


This certification is for individuals seeking to advance in the field of Appium testing and aiming to enhance their career trajectory.

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Selenium 101 Selenium 101


This certification is for anyone who wants to stay ahead among professionals who are growing their career in Selenium automation testing.

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Selenium Advanced Selenium Advanced


This certification is ideal for testing professionals who want to acquire advanced, hands-on knowledge in Selenium automation testing.

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Selenium Java 101 Selenium Java 101


This certification demonstrates your knowledge of Selenium and Java, and your expertise at automating tests for any project.

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Selenium C# 101 Selenium C# 101


Take this certification to master the fundamentals of Selenium automation testing with C# and prove your credibility as a tester.

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Selenium Ruby 101 Selenium Ruby 101


With Selenium Ruby 101 certification, you can validate your skills and master the techniques required to perform automated testing using Ruby.

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Selenium Python 101 Selenium Python 101


This certification is for professionals looking to develop advanced, hands-on expertise in Selenium automation testing with Python.

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Selenium JavaScript 101 Selenium JavaScript 101


Take this certification as proof of expertise in the field of test automation with JavaScript to empower yourself and boost your career.

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TestNG TestNG


With TestNG certification, you can challenge your skills in performing automated testing with TestNG and take your career to the next level.

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JUnit JUnit


This JUnit certification establishes testing standards for those who wish to advance their careers in Selenium automation testing with JUnit.

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Cypress 101 Cypress 101


Take this certification to showcase your expertise with end-to-end testing using Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead.

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Playwright 101 Playwright 101


This certification is a testament to your expertise as a Playwright automation tester to perform end-to-end testing for modern web apps.

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Playwright 102 Playwright 102


Take this certification as a concrete demonstration of your advanced Playwright test automation knowledge and skills on HyperExecute cloud grid.

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Why Choose LambdaTest Certifications?

Let everyone know, you got what it takes to be a top automation testing professional.
Prove your mettle with the best automation testing certification.

Get Educated

Get Educated

Stay up to date on the latest trends in software testing and test automation by browsing through our Learning Hub and taking the certification.

Get Recognized

Get Recognized

Add a globally recognized badge to your LinkedIn profile. Get inspired to earn career-changing certification and become the legend you are destined to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to register?
The registration links are available on
What is the certification exam mode?
The certification process is entirely online.
What is the certification duration?
The objective test needs to be completed in 45 mins.
The coding assignment needs to be completed in 36 hours.
How long does it take to get the final score and certificate?
The team gets back with the final cumulative score and the certificate (if passed) within 10-15 business days.
How long is the certificate valid once issued?
The issued certificate is valid for 2 years.
Can I reappear for the certification?
Participants can reappear for the (same) certification after 45 days.