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Pytest is a popular Python testing framework that is mainly used for unit testing. It is an open-source framework with more than 8.5k Stars and 2k Forks on the pytest GitHub repository. Pytest provides an effective way to write and execute scalable test cases or test suites and generate extensive test reports. Selenium automation testing with pytest helps you write scalable tests for different testing types like cross browser testing, database testing, Pytest API testing, and more.
If you're looking for a complete Selenium pytest tutorial, you've come to the right place. Here we cover everything related to the Pytest framework - right from Pytest basics to Selenium testing with pytest, and explore advanced use cases of Selenium pytest with detailed examples.
Let’s begin!
Pytest is a test automation framework that allows developers and testers to write test scripts using Python language. Learn the basics of the pytest framework, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to perform Selenium Python testing using the pytest framework."
Pytest is one of the most widely used frameworks for Python automation testing. This article will look at the setting up pytest framework and how it can be used with the Selenium WebDriver framework to perform automated cross browser testing for websites and web apps.
Selenium WebDriver is one of the most popular tools for automated UI testing. This article discusses the basics of Selenium WebDriver, Selenium WebDriver with Python, and how to execute pytest automation scripts on a cloud-based online Selenium Grid.
In this section of the Selenium pytest tutorial, you will explore the advanced use cases of running Python automation tests like parameterization, fixtures, and more.
Running tests sequentially can take immense time and effort. Performing tests in parallel help you improve the scalability of your Selenium test automation. In this Selenium pytest tutorial, learn how to run parallel tests with Selenium Python and pytest on an online Selenium Grid.
Parameterized tests is the most effective way to define and run several test cases while avoiding code duplication and increasing test coverage. In this Selenium pytest tutorial, we delve deeper into parameterization in pytest.
Pytest fixtures are functions that are hooked to tests and run prior to the execution of the test function. Learn how to use pytest fixtures to execute Selenium automated testing.
Pytest framework makes it easy to run multiple test cases from a single file. Let's explore the different scenarios for running multiple test cases in Python using pytest from a single file.
During Selenium pytest testing, there is a scenario where one may want to halt the test suite's execution after a certain number of test failures. This Selenium pytest tutorial describes how to stop the test suite after ‘n’ test failures.
Reports deliver outputs in a more concise and readable format, typically in the form of an HTML or XML file, making decoding the output easier. This article will show how to use pytest report generation with Selenium.
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