LambdaTest enables you to execute Behave Testing scripts online. Run Python Selenium based test scripts in parallel, at scale, on an online cloud-based infrastructure.
Trusted by 2M+ users globally
Run Behave base Selenium Python test scripts in parallel at scale. Perform unit and e2e tests across latest and legacy browser versions and operating systems.
Get Started For FreeTest on real machines running real browsers. Run your Behave test scripts across real device cloud running real browsers and real operating systems.
Get Started For FreeTest execution at blazing fast speeds on any major browsers. HyperExecute is a special LambdaTest offering that executes automation tests much faster than any traditional cloud grid and costs as much as spot instance.
LambdaTest enables you to quickly debug issues found on application under test through detailed logs generated for each Behave test run. For each test run, you get detailed raw Selenium logs, exception logs, network logs, command logs, and an entire video log taken on real machines.
Get Started For FreeGet access to industry leading 24/7 dedicated support
Perform faster local testing with UnderPass app, built for secure tunnels
Fits seamlessly into your testing stack with out-of-the box integrations
Use native DevTools to debug and optimize your apps effortlessly
Connect to dozens of applications to test directly with LambdaTest. Explore all Integrations