Verify that the API request parameters are correctly passed to the API.
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1// Assumptions: 2// - The API endpoint is already defined3// - The request parameters are passed via query string4// - A successful API response should return a HTTP status code of 2005// - The expected request parameters are firstName and lastName67import org.testng.annotations.Test;8import io.restassured.RestAssured;9import io.restassured.response.Response;10import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;1112public class APITest {1314 @Test15 public void verifyRequestParams() {16 // Define the endpoint URL17 RestAssured.baseURI = "";18 19 // Define the expected request parameters20 String firstName = "John";21 String lastName = "Doe";22 23 // Define the query string parameters24 String queryParams = "?firstName=" + firstName + "&lastName=" + lastName;25 26 // Send the GET request to the API with the query string parameters27 Response response = given().log().all()28 .when()29 .get("/users" + queryParams)30 .then()31 .extract().response();32 33 // Verify that the API response returns a HTTP status code of 20034 assert response.getStatusCode() == 200 : "API request failed with HTTP status code: " + response.getStatusCode();35 36 // Verify that the API request parameters are correctly passed to the API37 assert response.getBody().asString().contains("\"firstName\":\"" + firstName + "\",") : "API response does not contain expected firstName request parameter";38 assert response.getBody().asString().contains("\"lastName\":\"" + lastName + "\",") : "API response does not contain expected lastName request parameter";39 40 // Additional code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities41 // Uncomment when executing tests on the remote client42 43 // RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://remote-machine:4444/wd/hub"),;44 // driver.get("");45 }46}
Language: Javascript
1// Code for API Testing in Javascript using Cypress framework:23// Assumptions:4// 1. API is available at ""5// 2. API endpoint for request parameters is "/api/params"6// 3. Request parameters are passed as a JSON object in the request body7// 4. API response contains status code and response body in JSON format89// Import Cypress library10import cy from 'cypress';1112// Declare API endpoint13const API_ENDPOINT = '';1415// Define test case for verifying request parameters16describe('API Testing - Verify request parameters', () => {17 it('Verify that the API request parameters are correctly passed to the API', () => {18 // Define request parameters as a JSON object19 const requestParams = {20 param1: 'value1',21 param2: 'value2'22 };2324 // Send API request with request parameters25 cy.request('POST', API_ENDPOINT, requestParams)26 .then((response) => {27 // Verify response status code28 expect(response.status).to.equal(200);2930 // Verify response body contains request parameters31 expect(response.body).to.deep.equal(requestParams);32 });33 });34});3536// Optional: Code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities37// Assuming remote client is available at ""38// and uses Chrome browser with version 90.039Cypress.config('baseUrl', '');40Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', 10000);41Cypress.config('viewportWidth', 1920);42Cypress.config('viewportHeight', 1080);43Cypress.config('testFiles', '**/*.spec.js');44Cypress.config('chromeWebSecurity', false);4546const chromeBrowser = {47 browserName: 'Chrome',48 browserVersion: '90.0',49 'goog:chromeOptions': {50 args: [51 '--no-sandbox',52 '--disable-web-security'53 ]54 }55};5657const desiredCapabilities = {58 browserName: 'chrome',59 chrome: {60 version: '90.0'61 }62};6364Cypress.on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {65 if ( === 'chrome') {66 launchOptions.args.push('--no-sandbox');67 launchOptions.args.push('--disable-web-security');68 return launchOptions;69 }70});7172cy.remote({73 user: 'username',74 key: 'accesskey',75 spec: 'cypress/integration/*.spec.js',76 env: {77 baseURL: ''78 },79 browser: chromeBrowser,80 desiredCapabilities: desiredCapabilities81});
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