For pre-recorded video (without audio), provide a text alternative or audio descriptions that provide the same information presented.
Language: Java
Framework: Selenium 4
1//Assumptions:2//1. The video element has a specific ID in the HTML code3//2. The text alternative is displayed through the 'alt' attribute of the video element4//3. The audio description is provided through a separate audio element with a specific ID5//4. The audio element is hidden from sight to prevent visual distraction67//Code to implement test case in Selenium 4 with Java:89//Import required libraries for Selenium WebDriver10import org.openqa.selenium.By;11import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;12import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;13import;1415public class AccessibilityTesting {1617 public static void main(String[] args) {1819 //Set the path of the ChromeDriver executable20 System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");2122 //Create a new instance of ChromeDriver23 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();2425 //Navigate to the webpage with the video element26 driver.get("");2728 //Find the video element by its ID29 WebElement video = driver.findElement("video-element-id"));3031 //Check if the video has a text alternative32 String textAlternative = video.getAttribute("alt");33 if(textAlternative.equals("")) {34 System.out.println("Text alternative is missing for pre-recorded video");35 }3637 //Find the audio element by its ID38 WebElement audio = driver.findElement("audio-element-id"));3940 //Check if the audio description is provided41 boolean isAudioHidden = audio.getCssValue("display").equals("none");42 if(isAudioHidden) {43 System.out.println("Audio description is missing for pre-recorded video");44 }4546 //Close the browser47 driver.quit();48 }49 50 //Code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities:51 //Assuming the remote client is using a Linux server with Firefox 90.0 and supports Javascript52 WebDriver driver;53 String REMOTE_URL = "http://<remote-url>:4444/wd/hub";54 String PLATFORM = "Linux";55 String BROWSER_NAME = "firefox";56 String BROWSER_VERSION = "90.0";5758 //Set desired capabilities59 DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();60 desiredCapabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PLATFORM_NAME, PLATFORM);61 desiredCapabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, BROWSER_NAME);62 desiredCapabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_VERSION, BROWSER_VERSION);63 desiredCapabilities.setCapability("javascriptEnabled", true);6465 //Connect to remote client66 try {67 driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(REMOTE_URL), desiredCapabilities);68 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {69 e.printStackTrace();70 }7172}
Language: Python
Framework: Selenium 4
1#Assumption: This test case will be executed on a web application23from selenium import webdriver4from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities56#Connecting to Remote Client with Desired Capabilities7#Assumption: Remote client has desired capabilities already set up8capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME9driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://remote-client-ip:port/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=capabilities)1011#Initiating new instance of ChromeDriver12#Assumption: ChromeDriver is installed and executable path is set in the system environment variables13driver = webdriver.Chrome()1415#Navigate to web application URL16driver.get("")1718#Locate the pre-recorded video element19video_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//video[@class='pre-recorded-video']")2021#Check if video has audio description or text alternative22if video_element.get_attribute("aria-describedBy") is not None:23 print("Video has audio description")24else:25 print("Video does not have audio description or text alternative") 2627#Close the browser window28driver.close()
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