The user should not be able to type in the drop-down select list.
Language: Java
Framework: Selenium 4
1// Assumptions:2// 1. The website uses Selenium 4 Driver.3// 2. The dropdown select list is a <select> HTML tag.4// 3. The dropdown select list is identified by the "id" attribute.56// Import necessary libraries7import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;8import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;9import;1011public class TestScenario {12 13 public static void main(String[] args) {14 15 // Set the WebDriver to local driver16 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();17 18 // Navigate to the webpage19 driver.get("");20 21 // Find the dropdown select list element by ID22 WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement("selectList"));23 24 // Create a Select object using the dropdown element25 Select select = new Select(dropdown);26 27 // Enter text into the dropdown select list 28 select.sendKeys("Text");29 30 // Get the value of the dropdown select list 31 String value = select.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();32 33 // Check if the value of the dropdown select list is empty34 assert value.isEmpty() : "The user is able to type in the dropdown select list!";35 36 // Quit the browser37 driver.quit();38 39 // Uncomment the following code to connect to a remote client with desired capabilities40 /*41 DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();42 capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "android");43 capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "Samsung Galaxy S7");44 45 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), capabilities);46 47 // Rest of the code48 */49 }50}
Language: Python
Framework: Selenium 4
1# Assumption: The select list is identified by the id "mySelect".2# Also, the test is being executed locally using ChromeDriver.34from selenium import webdriver5from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys6from import Select78# Local ChromeDriver initialization9driver = webdriver.Chrome()1011# Remote client with desired capabilities code12# desired_cap = {13# 'browserName': 'chrome',14# 'version': '91.0',15# 'platform': 'WINDOWS',16# }17# driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='', desired_capabilities=desired_cap)1819# Navigate to the webpage20driver.get("")2122# Select the dropdown 23select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id("mySelect"))2425# Send typing keys to the dropdown26select.select_by_visible_text("Option 1")2728# Assertion to check if the user is unable to type in the drop-down select list 29assert not driver.find_element_by_id("mySelect").get_attribute("typeable") 3031# Close the browser32driver.quit()
Language: Javascript
Framework: Cypress
1describe('General webpage functionality', () => {2 it('should restrict typing in drop-down select list', () => {3 //Assuming there is a drop-down select list with id 'select-list'4 cy.visit('');5 cy.get('#select-list').should('be.visible').click();6 7 //Verify that typing is not allowed8 cy.get('#select-list').type('Option 1').should('have.value', '');910 //Assuming that there are no options already selected11 //Select the first option and verify that it is selected12 cy.get('#select-list').select('Option 1');13 cy.get('#select-list').should('have.value', 'Option 1');14 15 //Add commented code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities16 /*17 const remoteDriverUrl = 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub';18 const desiredCapabilities = {19 browserName: 'chrome',20 'goog:chromeOptions': {21 'args': ['--headless']22 }23 };24 cy.customCommand('createSession', {25 remoteDriverUrl,26 desiredCapabilities27 }).then((sessionData) => {28 const { sessionId, browser } = sessionData;29 cy.log(`Created session with session id: ${sessionId}`)30 browser.url('');31 //Add remaining test code here.32 browser.deleteSession();33 });34 */35 });36});
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