General webpage functionality : Test drop down menu

Dropdown menu should be clickable and opens dropdown

Language: Java

Framework: Selenium 4

1/​/​Assumptions: 2/​/​1. The webpage is already opened in a browser.3/​/​2. The dropdown menu is not already open.4/​/​3. The dropdown menu can be found by locating the element with the "id" attribute5/​/​ as specified in the HTML code of the webpage.67/​/​To use local driver:8import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;9import;1011System.setProperty("", "path/​to/​chromedriver.exe");12/​/​path/​to/​chromedriver.exe is the location where the chromedriver executable is saved in your local machine1314WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();1516/​/​To connect to remote client with desired capabilities,17import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;18import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;1920DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;21/​/​specify any desired capabilities as necessary2223WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub"), capabilities);2425/​/​Test case code:26import org.openqa.selenium.By;27import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;2829/​/​Locate the dropdown menu element30WebElement dropdownMenu = driver.findElement("dropdownmenu"));3132/​/​Click on the dropdown;3435/​/​Check if the dropdown is open36if(dropdownMenu.getAttribute("class").contains("open")){37 System.out.println("Dropdown opened successfully.");38}else{39 System.out.println("Dropdown failed to open.");40}

Language: Python

Framework: Selenium 4

1Python with local driver.23# Assumptions:4# - The dropdown menu is located in the main navigation bar of the webpage5# - The dropdown menu is identified by its id "dropdown-menu"6# - Clicking on the dropdown menu will cause a dropdown to appear78from selenium import webdriver910# Create a new instance of the local browser driver11driver = webdriver.Chrome()1213# Connect to a remote browser using desired capabilities (uncomment to use)14# desired_capabilities = {"browserName": "chrome"}15# driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor="http:/​/​selenium-hub:4444/​wd/​hub", desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)1617# Navigate to the webpage to be tested18driver.get("http:/​/​")1920# Find the dropdown menu using its id21dropdown_menu = driver.find_element_by_id("dropdown-menu")2223# Click on the dropdown menu to open the Wait for the dropdown to appear (assumes a delay of 2 seconds)27driver.implicitly_wait(2)2829# Verify that the dropdown is visible30assert dropdown_menu.is_displayed()3132# Close the browser33driver.quit()

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