When the focus changes, the page should not cause a change in page content, spawn a new browser window, submit a form, cause further change in focus, or cause any other change that disorients the user.
Language: Java
Framework: Selenium 4
1import org.openqa.selenium.By;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;3import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;4import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;5import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions;67public class AccessibilityTesting {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 //Assuming the website URL10 String url = "https://example.com";11 //Assuming the absolute path of the Chrome driver12 String driverPath = "/path/to/chromedriver.exe";13 14 //Creating a ChromeOptions object with desired capabilities15 ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();16 options.setCapability("enableVNC", true);17 18 //Creating a new instance of the ChromeDriver with the ChromeOptions object19 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);20 21 //Maximizing the browser window22 driver.manage().window().maximize();23 24 //Navigating to the website URL25 driver.get(url);26 27 //Assuming the ID of the element to be focused28 String elementID = "my-element";29 //Assuming the text of the element to be focused30 String elementText = "Some text";31 32 //Locating the element to be focused and storing it in a WebElement33 WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id(elementID));34 35 //Printing the text of the element before focusing on it36 System.out.println("Text before focus change: " + element.getText());37 38 //Focusing on the element39 element.click();40 41 //Printing the text of the element after focusing on it42 System.out.println("Text after focus change: " + element.getText());43 44 //Assuming the expected behavior of the page content during focus change45 String expectedText = elementText;46 47 //Checking if the page content has changed during focus change48 if(expectedText.equals(element.getText())) {49 System.out.println("Test Passed: Stable page content during focus change");50 } 51 else {52 System.out.println("Test Failed: Page content changed during focus change");53 }54 55 //Closing the browser window56 driver.quit();57 }58}
Language: Python
Framework: Selenium 4
1#Assumptions: The Selenium 4 package is already installed and the Python environment is set up to use it. 2#The website has an input field that can be focused on. 3#The test will be run locally.45from selenium import webdriver6from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys78#Local driver initialization9driver = webdriver.Chrome()1011#Remote client with desired capabilities connection12#Assuming remote server IP address = 123.456.789.0 and port number = 444413#browser_name = "chrome", platform = "linux"14#desired_capabilities = {"browserName": browser_name, "platform": platform}15#driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://123.456.789.0:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)1617#Assuming website URL = "https://www.example.com"18driver.get("https://www.example.com")1920#Find an input field on the website21input_field = driver.find_element_by_id("inputField")2223#Check if the input field exists and is enabled24if input_field and input_field.is_enabled():2526 #Focus on the input field27 input_field.send_keys(Keys.TAB)2829 #Check if page content is stable30 if driver.execute_script("return document.readyState") == "complete":31 #print a success message32 print("Stable page content during focus change test passed.")33 else:34 #print error message if page content is not stable35 print("Error: Page content is not stable during focus change.")3637else:38 #print error message if input field cannot be found or is disabled39 print("Error: Input field not found or disabled.")
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