Provide a link to skip to the main content as the first focusable link on the page.
Language: Java
Framework: Selenium 4
1//Assuming that the web page is using HTML structure with anchor tag (<a>) for the link to skip to main content2//Assuming that the link has id "skip-link" to allow for easy access in the code34import org.openqa.selenium.By;5import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;6import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;7import;89public class SkipToMainContentTest {10 public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {11 12 //Assuming that the driver is saved locally and has been added to the system PATH variable13 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 14 15 //Assuming that the web page URL is known and can be navigated to16 driver.get(""); 17 18 //Assuming that the link to skip to main content is coded with anchor tag and has id "skip-link"19 WebElement skipLink = driver.findElement("skip-link")); 20 String skipLinkHref = skipLink.getAttribute("href");21 22 //Assuming that clicking the skip link would lead to the main content of the page23; 24 25 //Assuming that the main content of the page has unique identifier and can be checked26 Thread.sleep(2000); //Waiting for the page to load completely27 WebElement mainContent = driver.findElement("main-content"));28 String mainContentText = mainContent.getText();29 30 //Asserting that the main content is now in focus, assuming that the text is displayed31 assert(!mainContentText.isEmpty()); 32 33 //Assuming that the code is used in a remote client with desired chrome capabilities34 //DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;35 //WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);36 37 //Quitting the driver once the test is completed38 driver.quit(); 39 }40}
Language: Python
Framework: Selenium 4
1from selenium import webdriver23# assuming website URL is ""4url = ""56# assuming there is a button on the top of the page named "Skip to main content"7skip_to_main_content_btn = "Skip to main content"89# assuming the id of the main content section is "main-content"10main_content_id = "main-content"1112# assuming the browser is Chrome and the webdriver is saved locally13driver = webdriver.Chrome()1415# accessing the website URL16driver.get(url)1718# searching for the "Skip to main content" button19skip_to_main_content = driver.find_element_by_link_text(skip_to_main_content_btn)2021# verifying the link is the first focusable link22assert skip_to_main_content == driver.switch_to.active_element2324# assuming the test needs to be run on a remote client with desired capabilities25from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities2627# assuming the desired browser is Firefox and desired version is 8028desired_cap = {'browserName': 'firefox', 'browserVersion': '80.0'}2930# connecting to remote client with desired capabilities31remote_url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"32driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor=remote_url, desired_capabilities=desired_cap)
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