Accessibility testing : Descriptive transcript for pre-recorded audio

For pre-recorded audio (without video), provide a descriptive transcript that includes dialogue and all other meaningful sound.

Language: Java

Framework: Selenium 4

1/​/​Assumptions: 2/​/​1. The pre-recorded audio file is stored on a web page and can be accessed through a URL.3/​/​2. The page on which the audio is located contains a text area or a container with an ID, where the transcript will be displayed.45import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;6import;7import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;8import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;9import;101112public class AccessibilityTesting {1314 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {1516 /​/​Creating an instance of Chrome local driver17 System.setProperty("", "path/​to/​chromedriver.exe");18 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();1920 /​/​Code for Remote Driver with Desired Capabilities21 /​*DesiredCapabilities dc =;22 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub"), dc);*/​2324 /​/​Navigate to the page with the pre-recorded audio25 driver.navigate().to("[URL of the page with audio]");26 Thread.sleep(2000);2728 /​/​Locating the text area or container where the transcript will be displayed29 WebElement transcriptContainer = driver.findElement("[ID of the container]"));3031 /​/​Fetching the transcript using the Web Audio API32 JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;33 String transcript = (String) js.executeScript("return document.querySelectorAll('audio')[0].textTracks[0].cues[0].text;");3435 /​/​Displaying the transcript in the text area or container36 transcriptContainer.sendKeys(transcript);3738 /​/​Closing the browser window39 driver.quit();40 }41}

Language: Python

Framework: Selenium 4

1from selenium import webdriver2from import ChromeDriverManager34# Assuming the pre-recorded audio is available on a web page5url = "http:/​/​​pre-recorded-audio"67# Using Chrome driver locally8driver = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())910# To connect to remote client with desired capabilities, uncomment below code and provide the necessary details11# from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities12# capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()13# capabilities['platform'] = 'WINDOWS'14# capabilities['version'] = '10'15# driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub',16# desired_capabilities=capabilities)1718# Maximizing the browser window to ensure all elements are visible19driver.maximize_window()2021# Navigating to the page with pre-recorded audio22driver.get(url)2324# Assuming the descriptive transcript is available as an attribute of an element with id "audio-transcript"25audio_transcript = driver.find_element_by_id("audio-transcript").text2627# Asserting that the transcript contains dialogue and all other meaningful sounds28assert "dialogue" in audio_transcript29assert "meaningful sound" in audio_transcript3031# Closing the browser window after completing the test32driver.quit()

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