Accessibility testing : Color contrast for graphics and UI components

Color contrast for graphics and interactive UI components must be at least 3:1 so that different parts can be distinguished.

Language: Java

Framework: Selenium 4

1/​/​Assuming the web application is launched and the home page is loaded2/​/​Assuming the graphics and UI components are already present on the page345import org.openqa.selenium.By;6import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;7import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;8import;9import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;10import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;11import;1213public class ColorContrastTesting {1415 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {1617 /​/​ Connecting to remote client with desired capabilities1819 DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;20 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub"), capabilities);2122 /​/​ If running locally, use this instead of above code to use local driver 23 /​/​ WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();2425 /​/​ Launching the web application26 driver.get("https:/​/​​");2728 /​/​Locating graphics and UI components 29 WebElement graphics1 = driver.findElement("graphics-one"));30 WebElement graphics2 = driver.findElement("graphics-two"));31 WebElement UiComponent1 = driver.findElement("UI-Component-one"));32 WebElement UiComponent2 = driver.findElement("UI-Component-two"));3334 /​/​ Getting the color of graphics and UI components35 String graphics1Color = graphics1.getCssValue("color");36 String graphics2Color = graphics2.getCssValue("color");37 String UiComponent1Color = UiComponent1.getCssValue("color");38 String UiComponent2Color = UiComponent2.getCssValue("color");3940 /​/​Calculating the color contrast ratio41 double graphicscontrastRatio1 = calculateContrastRatio(graphics1Color, "white");42 double graphicscontrastRatio2 = calculateContrastRatio(graphics2Color, "white");43 double UiComponentcontrastRatio1 = calculateContrastRatio(UiComponent1Color, "white");44 double UiComponentcontrastRatio2 = calculateContrastRatio(UiComponent2Color, "white");4546 /​/​Asserting the color contrast ratio for graphics and UI components with the expected ratio of 3:147 assert graphicscontrastRatio1 >= 3.0 : "The contrast ratio for graphics1 is less than 3:1";48 assert graphicscontrastRatio2 >= 3.0 : "The contrast ratio for graphics2 is less than 3:1";49 assert UiComponentcontrastRatio1 >= 3.0 : "The contrast ratio for UI component1 is less than 3:1";50 assert UiComponentcontrastRatio2 >= 3.0 : "The contrast ratio for UI component2 is less than 3:1";5152 /​/​Closing the browser53 driver.quit();54 }5556 public static double calculateContrastRatio(String color1, String color2) {57 int[] rgba1 = getRGB(color1);58 int[] rgba2 = getRGB(color2);59 double l1 = getLuminance(rgba1);60 double l2 = getLuminance(rgba2);61 double ratio = (Math.max(l1, l2) + 0.05) /​ (Math.min(l1, l2) + 0.05);62 return Math.round(ratio * 10) /​ 10.0;63 }6465 public static int[] getRGB(String color) {66 /​/​Hex to RGB conversion67 String hex = color.replace("rgb(", "").replace(")", "");68 String[] rgb = hex.split(",");69 int[] result = new int[3];70 result[0] = Integer.parseInt(rgb[0].trim());71 result[1] = Integer.parseInt(rgb[1].trim());72 result[2] = Integer.parseInt(rgb[2].trim());73 return result;74 }7576 public static double getLuminance(int[] rgb) {77 /​/​ RGB to Luminance conversion78 double R = rgb[0] /​ 255.0;79 double G = rgb[1] /​ 255.0;80 double B = rgb[2] /​ 255.0;81 double Rlinear = (R <= 0.03928) ? R/​12.92 : Math.pow((R+0.055)/​1.055, 2.4);82 double Glinear = (G <= 0.03928) ? G/​12.92 : Math.pow((G+0.055)/​1.055, 2.4);83 double Blinear = (B <= 0.03928) ? B/​12.92 : Math.pow((B+0.055)/​1.055, 2.4);84 double L = 0.2126 * Rlinear + 0.7152 * Glinear + 0.0722 * Blinear;85 return L;86 }87}88

Language: Python

Framework: Selenium 4

1#Assumptions: 2#1. The web application being tested is running on a local server 3#2. The web application has a graphics and interactive UI components 4#3. The webdriver for Chrome is installed on the local machine 56#Import Required Libraries78from selenium import webdriver910#Create New Instance of Chrome Driver11driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='./​chromedriver')1213#Connect to Remote Client with Desired Capabilities14desired_caps = {15 'browserName': 'chrome',16 'chromeOptions': {17 'mobileEmulation': {18 'deviceName': 'iPhone X'19 }20 }21}22driver = webdriver.Remote(23 command_executor='http:/​/​​wd/​hub',24 desired_capabilities=desired_caps25)2627#Open the Web Application28driver.get('http:/​/​localhost:8000')2930#Get the Background Color of the Graphics and UI Components31graphics_background_color = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.graphics').value_of_css_property('background-color')32ui_background_color = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.ui-components').value_of_css_property('background-color')3334#Calculate the Color Contrast between the Background Colors35graphics_contrast = background_color_contrast(graphics_background_color, '#FFFFFF')36ui_contrast = background_color_contrast(ui_background_color, '#FFFFFF')3738#Assert if the Contrast Ratio is at Least 3:139assert graphics_contrast >= 340assert ui_contrast >= 34142#Close the Browser43driver.quit()

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