API Testing : Check web hook handling

Verify that the API correctly handles web hooks and delivers the correct events to subscribed clients.

Language: Java

Framework: Rest assured

1/​/​Assuming the API endpoint URL is "sample.com/​api/​hook"2/​/​Assuming there are two subscribed clients34import org.junit.Test;5import io.restassured.RestAssured;6import io.restassured.http.ContentType;78public class WebHookHandlingTest {910 @Test11 public void testWebHookHandling() {12 13 /​/​Set up the endpoint URL14 RestAssured.baseURI = "sample.com/​api/​hook";15 16 /​/​Subscribe two clients17 RestAssured.given()18 .contentType(ContentType.JSON)19 .body("{\"client_id\": \"client1\"}")20 .post("/​subscribe")21 .then()22 .statusCode(200);23 24 RestAssured.given()25 .contentType(ContentType.JSON)26 .body("{\"client_id\": \"client2\"}")27 .post("/​subscribe")28 .then()29 .statusCode(200);30 31 /​/​Trigger the event through the web hook32 RestAssured.given()33 .contentType(ContentType.JSON)34 .body("{\"event\": \"sample event\"}")35 .post("/​")36 .then()37 .statusCode(200);38 39 /​/​Verify the event is delivered to subscribed clients40 RestAssured.given()41 .contentType(ContentType.JSON)42 .get("/​events")43 .then()44 .statusCode(200)45 .body("[0].client_id", equalTo("client1"))46 .body("[0].event", equalTo("sample event"))47 .body("[1].client_id", equalTo("client2"))48 .body("[1].event", equalTo("sample event"));49 50 /​/​Instructions to connect to remote client with desired capabilities51 /​/​Assuming the remote client URL is "http:/​/​​wd/​hub"52 /​/​Assuming the desired browser is Chrome53 /​*RestAssured.remote("http:/​/​​wd/​hub", new DesiredCapabilities("chrome"));54 /​/​Add test code here55 */​56 }5758}

Language: Javascript

1/​/​ Mocha and Chai23/​/​Assumption: The API endpoint URL for subscribing to webhooks is accessible45describe('Webhook Handling', () => {6 it('should deliver correct events to subscribed clients', async () => {7 /​/​Assumption: Subscription to the webhook is successful8 const subscriptionUrl = 'https:/​/​webhook.api.com/​subscribe';9 const response = await fetch(subscriptionUrl);10 expect(response.status).to.eql(200); /​/​Check if subscription is successful with status code 20011 12 /​/​Assumption: Subscription ID is received after successful subscription13 const subscriptionId = 'abcd1234';14 15 /​/​Assumption: Webhook is triggered with correct event payload16 const eventPayload = {17 id: 'event2',18 type: 'purchase',19 data: {20 item: 'iPhone'21 }22 };23 const webhookUrl = `https:/​/​webhook.api.com/​handle/​${subscriptionId}`;24 25 /​/​Connecting to remote client with desired capabilities26 /​/​const capabilities = { browserName: 'chrome' };27 /​/​const driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(capabilities).usingServer('http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub').build();28 29 /​/​Assumption: Local driver is installed and running to interact with webhook API30 const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');31 const driver = new webdriver.Builder()32 .forBrowser('chrome')33 .build();34 35 await driver.get(webhookUrl);36 /​/​Assumption: Webhook is triggered instantly with a response status of 20037 const webhookResponse = await driver.executeScript(`fetch('${webhookUrl}', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(${eventPayload}) })`);38 39 expect(webhookResponse.status).to.eql(200); /​/​Check if webhook is triggered with status code 20040 41 /​/​Assumption: Expectation (e.g. notification to subscribed client) is delivered successfully42 const notification = await fetch('https:/​/​client.api.com/​notifications');43 const notificationData = await notification.json();44 expect(notificationData).to.eql(eventPayload.data); /​/​Check if the notification payload and the sent event payload are identical45 46 await driver.quit(); /​/​Quit driver once the test is complete47 });48});

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