Verify that the API returns the correct HTTP status code for requests that are not supported (e.g. HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed).
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1//Assuming the base URI of the API2String baseURI = "";34//Assuming the endpoint that doesn't support a certain HTTP method5String unsupportedEndpoint = "/unsupported";67//Assuming the HTTP method that is not supported by the endpoint8String unsupportedHTTPMethod = "PATCH";910//Assuming the expected HTTP status code for unsupported requests11int expectedStatusCode = 405;1213//Creating a request using Rest Assured14RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();1516//Specifying the unsupported HTTP method in the request17request.method(unsupportedHTTPMethod);1819//Sending the request to the unsupported endpoint20Response response = request.when().baseUri(baseURI).basePath(unsupportedEndpoint).send();2122//Asserting that the response contains the expected status code23response.then().statusCode(expectedStatusCode);2425//Uncomment the following code to connect to a remote client with desired capabilities26//DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();27//capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome");28//WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://remoteclient:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);29//driver.quit(); //end the session after testing is done
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai23//Assuming API Endpoint URL4const apiEndpoint = "";56//Assuming Unsupported API request7const requestUrl = apiEndpoint + "/unsupported";89describe("API Testing - Check unsupported requests", () => {1011 it("Should return 405 Method Not Allowed status code", () => {12 13 //Assuming API response should contain status code14 const response = fetch(requestUrl);15 expect(response)'status').that.equals(405);1617 });18});
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