Required table indexes should be created.
Language: Java
Framework: JUnit using JDBC
1import java.sql.Connection;2import java.sql.DriverManager;3import java.sql.ResultSet;4import java.sql.Statement;5import org.junit.Assert;67public class DatabaseTest {8 9 //Assuming database name is "TestDB" and table name is "UsersTable"10 //Assuming the required indexes are "username" and "email"11 //Assuming JDBC driver is already available in the classpath12 13 @Test14 public void testTableIndexes() {15 try {16 //Creating connection to local MySQL server17 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/TestDB", "root", "password");18 19 //Retrieving the indexes for the table20 String query = "SHOW INDEX FROM UsersTable";21 Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();22 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);23 24 //Checking if the required indexes are present25 boolean index1Present = false;26 boolean index2Present = false;27 while ( { 28 if (rs.getString("Column_name").equals("username")) {29 index1Present = true;30 }31 if (rs.getString("Column_name").equals("email")) {32 index2Present = true;33 }34 }35 36 //Asserting if both the required indexes are present37 Assert.assertTrue("Username index is missing", index1Present);38 Assert.assertTrue("Email index is missing", index2Present);39 40 //Closing the resources41 rs.close();42 stmt.close();43 conn.close();44 45 } catch (Exception e) {46 e.printStackTrace();47 }48 }49 50 //Code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities51 /*52 public void testTableIndexes() {53 try {54 //Creating capabilities object55 DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();56 capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome");57 capabilities.setCapability("platform", "Windows 10");58 59 //Creating remote driver and connecting to the database60 RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);61 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/TestDB", "root", "password");62 63 //Test case code here6465 //Closing the resources66 driver.quit();67 conn.close();68 69 } catch (Exception e) {70 e.printStackTrace();71 }72 }73 */74}
Language: Python
Framework: Pytest
1Here is the code to implement the test case in Python using Pytest framework:23```4import pytest5import mysql.connector67#Assuming database name is 'exampledb' and table name is 'exampletable'8#Assuming Required indexes are 'exampleindex1' and 'exampleindex2'9#Assuming connection details are as follows:10database = mysql.connector.connect(11 host="localhost",12 user="root",13 password="password123"14)1516def test_check_table_indexes():17 cursor = database.cursor()18 cursor.execute("USE exampledb;")19 cursor.execute("SHOW INDEXES FROM exampletable;")20 indexes = cursor.fetchall()21 index_names = []22 for index in indexes:23 index_names.append(index[2])24 assert 'exampleindex1' in index_names25 assert 'exampleindex2' in index_names2627#Code to connect to remote client with Desired Capabilities2829from selenium import webdriver30from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities3132def test_remote_driver():33 desired_cap = {34 'browser': 'Chrome',35 'browser_version': '91.0',36 'os': 'Windows',37 'os_version': '10',38 'resolution': '1024x768'39 }40 driver = webdriver.Remote(41 command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',42 desired_capabilities=desired_cap43 )44 driver.get('')45 assert driver.title == 'Google'4647```4849In the first test function `test_check_table_indexes()`, the code connects to the database and checks if the required indexes exist in the table. The assumptions regarding the database name, table name, and index names are specified in comments.5051In the second test function `test_remote_driver()`, the code connects to a remote selenium client using the Desired Capabilities specified. The assumptions regarding the remote client address and desired capabilities are specified in comments. The code then opens the Google website and checks if the title matches the expected value 'Google'.
Disclaimer: Following code snippets and related information have been sourced from GitHub and/or generated using AI code generation tools. LambdaTest takes no responsibility in the accuracy of the code and is not liable for any damages.
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