API Testing : Check SQL injection prevention

Verify that the API correctly handles SQL injection prevention and returns the correct HTTP status code and error message.

Language: Java

Framework: Rest assured

1/​/​Assuming the API url is "https:/​/​www.example.com/​api"2/​/​Assuming the API endpoint for SQL injection prevention check is "/​prevent-sql-injection"34import org.junit.Test;5import io.restassured.RestAssured;6import io.restassured.response.Response;7import static io.restassured.module.jsv.JsonSchemaValidator.matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath;8import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;910public class SQLInjectionTest {1112 @Test13 public void testSQLInjectionPrevention() {14 15 /​/​Assuming valid input for the API call16 String validInput = "This is a valid input without any SQL injection code.";1718 /​/​Assuming SQL injection string to test19 String sqlInjectionString = "'; DROP TABLE users; --";2021 /​/​Assuming expected HTTP status code and error message for SQL injection prevention22 int expectedStatusCode = 400;23 String expectedErrorMessage = "SQL injection detected in request.";2425 /​/​Performing API call with valid input26 Response response = RestAssured.given()27 .param("input", validInput)28 .when()29 .post("https:/​/​www.example.com/​api/​prevent-sql-injection");3031 /​/​Validating HTTP status code32 response.then().statusCode(expectedStatusCode);3334 /​/​Validating error message35 response.then().body("error", equalTo(expectedErrorMessage));3637 /​/​Validating JSON schema of response38 response.then().assertThat().body(matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath("schema.json"));39 40 /​*41 * Uncomment below code to run test on remote client with desired capabilities42 * Assuming the URL of the remote client is "http:/​/​www.example.com:4444/​wd/​hub"43 *44 DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();45 capabilities.setBrowserName("chrome");46 capabilities.setVersion("91.0");47 capabilities.setCapability("enableVNC", true);48 capabilities.setCapability("enableVideo", false);4950 RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​www.example.com:4444/​wd/​hub"), capabilities);51 driver.get("https:/​/​www.example.com/​api/​prevent-sql-injection");52 */​53 }54}

Language: Javascript

1/​/​Mocha + Chai + Supertest23/​/​Assumptions:4/​/​1. API Endpoint URL: http:/​/​localhost:3000/​users5/​/​2. HTTP status code for successful request: 2006/​/​3. HTTP status code for malformed request: 4007/​/​4. Error message for malformed request: "Invalid input"89const request = require('supertest');10const app = require('../​app');1112describe('API Test: SQL Injection Prevention', () => {13 it('should prevent SQL injection and return correct HTTP status code and error message', (done) => {14 const maliciousInput = "'; DROP TABLE users;"15 request(app)16 .post('/​users')17 .send({ name: 'Test User', username: maliciousInput, password: 'testpassword' })18 .expect(400)19 .expect((res) => {20 chai.expect(res.body).to.have.property('message').to.equal('Invalid input');21 })22 .end(done);23 });24});

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