API Testing : Check resource searching

Verify that the API correctly handles searching for resources based on specific criteria.

Language: Java

Framework: Rest assured

1/​/​Assumptions: 2/​/​The API is up and running3/​/​There are resources available to search for4/​/​The resource search function is at endpoint "/​search"5/​/​The search criteria includes name, type and location67import org.testng.Assert;8import org.testng.annotations.Test;9import io.restassured.RestAssured;10import io.restassured.response.Response;11import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification;1213public class ResourceSearchTest {1415 @Test16 public void verifyResourceSearch() {17 18 /​/​Specify endpoint for resource search 19 RestAssured.baseURI = "http:/​/​localhost:8080/​api/​search";20 21 /​/​Define search criteria 22 String name = "test";23 String type = "book";24 String location = "USA";25 26 /​/​Define request specification27 RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given();28 29 /​/​Add query parameters to the request30 httpRequest.queryParam("name", name);31 httpRequest.queryParam("type", type);32 httpRequest.queryParam("location", location);33 34 /​/​Send request and capture response35 Response response = httpRequest.get();36 37 /​/​Check response status code38 int statusCode = response.getStatusCode();39 Assert.assertEquals(statusCode, 200);40 41 /​/​Check response body for search results42 String responseBody = response.getBody().asString();43 Assert.assertTrue(responseBody.contains("search result"));44 45 /​/​Code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities46 /​*47 DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();48 capabilities.setBrowserName("firefox");49 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub"), capabilities);50 */​51 }52}

Language: Javascript

1/​/​ Mocha and Chai.23/​/​Assuming that the API endpoint is 'https:/​/​example.com/​resources' with valid authentication credentials.45/​/​Importing necessary libraries6const chai = require('chai');7const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');89/​/​Initializing chai10chai.use(chaiHttp);11chai.should();1213describe('Resource Searching API Test', () => {14 15 it('Should handle searching resource based on specific criteria', (done) => {16 /​/​Assuming resource type and keyword to search as query parameters17 const resourceType = 'book';18 const keyword = 'JavaScript';19 20 /​/​Assuming the expected response type and status code21 const responseType = 'application/​json';22 const expectedStatusCode = 200;2324 /​/​Sending a GET request to the API with query parameters25 chai.request('https:/​/​example.com')26 .get(`/​resources?type=${resourceType}&search=${keyword}`)27 .end((error, response) => {28 /​/​Checking for errors and validating response29 if (error) {30 console.log('Error occured:', error);31 done(error);32 }33 response.should.have.status(expectedStatusCode);34 response.should.be.json;35 response.body.should.have.property('resources');36 response.body.resources.should.be.a('array');37 done();38 });39 });4041 /​/​Uncomment the below code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities 42 /​*43 it('Should handle searching resource based on specific criteria on Remote client', (done) => {4445 /​/​Assuming capabilities and endpoint of remote client46 const capabilities = {47 browserName: 'chrome',48 'goog:chromeOptions': {49 w3c: true50 }51 };52 const clientEndpoint = 'https:/​/​example.selenium.com/​wd/​hub';53 54 /​/​Initializing remote browser driver55 const driver = new webdriver.Builder()56 .usingServer(clientEndpoint)57 .withCapabilities(capabilities)58 .build();59 60 /​/​Assuming same variables with updated values for the search query61 const resourceType = 'video';62 const keyword = 'Selenium';6364 /​/​Assuming the expected response type and status code65 const responseType = 'application/​json';66 const expectedStatusCode = 200;67 68 driver.get('https:/​/​example.com/​resources?type=video&search=Selenium').then(() => {69 driver.findElement(By.css('.search-box')).sendKeys(keyword);70 driver.findElement(By.css('.search-button')).click().then(() => {71 driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.resource-list')),2000);72 driver.findElement(By.css('.resource-list')).getText().then((text) => {73 console.log(`Result of remote search ${resourceType} type of ${keyword} is ${text}`);74 driver.quit();75 done();76 });77 });78 });79 });80 */​81});

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