Verify that the API correctly handles pagination and returns the correct resources for each page.
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1import org.testng.annotations.Test;2import io.restassured.RestAssured;3import io.restassured.response.Response;4import io.restassured.path.json.valida.jsonPathValidator;5import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;6import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;78public class TestAPIPagination {910 @Test11 public void testPaginationHandling() {12 13 //Assuming baseURI and basePath of API endpoints14 RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";15 RestAssured.basePath = "/api/v1";16 17 //Pagination parameters, assuming page size is 1018 int currentPage = 1;19 int pageSize = 10;20 21 //Assuming endpoint for resource and query parameters for pagination22 String endpoint = "/resources";23 String queryParam = "page=" + currentPage + "&size=" + pageSize;24 25 //Requesting resources for first page26 Response response = given().when().get(endpoint + "?" + queryParam);27 28 //Assuming response code for successful API call29 response.then().statusCode(200);30 31 //Assuming response JSON has 'totalElements' key32 response.then().body("totalElements", equalTo(100));33 34 //Assuming response JSON has 'content' key and its size is equal to page size35 response.then().body("content.size()", equalTo(pageSize));36 37 //Connecting to remote server with desired capabilities38 /*DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();39 capabilities.setCapability("platform", "Windows 10");40 capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome");41 capabilities.setCapability("version", "latest");42 capabilities.setCapability("name", "APIPaginationTest");43 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);*/4445 }46}
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai.23//Assumptions: 4//1. Pagination takes place in the query parameters and is of the form "?page=x&limit=y" where x and y are integers.5//2. The API returns resources as an array of objects.6//3. The API endpoint for pagination is "".78const { expect } = require('chai');9const fetch = require('node-fetch');1011describe('API Pagination Test', () => {12 it('should return the correct resources for each page', async () => {13 const baseUrl = ''; 14 const pageLimit = 10; //Assuming each page contains a maximum of 10 resources15 const totalResources = 30; //Assuming there are a total of 30 resources16 17 //Sending a request to the API to retrieve the first page18 const response = await fetch(`${baseUrl}?page=1&limit=${pageLimit}`);19 const responseBody = await response.json();20 21 //Checking if the API returns an array of objects22 expect(responseBody)'array');23 24 //Checking if the response contains the expected number of resources25 expect(responseBody.length).to.equal(pageLimit);26 27 //Iterating through the remaining pages and comparing the resources with the expected ones28 for(let i = 2; i <= Math.ceil(totalResources/pageLimit); i++) {29 //Sending a request to the API to retrieve the next page30 const nextPageResponse = await fetch(`${baseUrl}?page=${i}&limit=${pageLimit}`)31 const nextPageResponseBody = await nextPageResponse.json();32 33 //Checking if the API returns an array of objects34 expect(nextPageResponseBody)'array');35 36 //Checking if the response contains the expected number of resources37 //If the last page has fewer resources, checking for its actual length instead38 const expectedLength = i === Math.ceil(totalResources/pageLimit) ? totalResources % pageLimit : pageLimit;39 expect(nextPageResponseBody.length).to.equal(expectedLength);40 41 //Checking if the resources on the page match the expected ones42 const expectedResources = responseBody.slice((i-1)*pageLimit, i*pageLimit);43 expect(nextPageResponseBody).to.deep.equal(expectedResources);44 }45 });46});4748//Assuming if a remote client is being used, the desired capabilities are being set externally and will be injected into the WebDriver instance. Code snippet for that is:49// const { Builder } = require('selenium-webdriver');50// const { Options } = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');51// const capabilities = {52// 'browserName': 'chrome',53// 'platformName': 'Windows 10',54// 'browserVersion': 'latest'55// }56// const options = new Options();57// options.addArguments('--disable-dev-shm-usage');58// options.addArguments('--no-sandbox');59// const driver = new Builder().withCapabilities(capabilities).setChromeOptions(options).build(); //Connecting to remote client with desired capabilities.
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