API Testing : Check no compression

Verify that the API response is not compressed when the client does not send the 'Accept-Encoding' header.

Language: Java

Framework: Rest assured

1/​/​Assuming the API endpoint is 'https:/​/​exampleapi.com/​data'2/​/​Assuming 'Accept-Encoding' header is not sent by the client34import io.restassured.RestAssured;5import io.restassured.response.Response;67public class NoCompressionTest {89 @Test10 public void testNoCompression() {1112 /​/​Set base URI for API endpoint13 RestAssured.baseURI = "https:/​/​exampleapi.com/​data";1415 /​/​Send GET request to API16 Response response = given()17 .when()18 .get();1920 /​/​Assert that the response has no compression21 String contentEncoding = response.getHeader("Content-Encoding");22 Assert.assertNull(contentEncoding, "Content-Encoding header was present indicating compression");2324 /​/​To connect to remote client with desired capabilities, add the following commented code:25 /​*DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();26 capabilities.setBrowserName("chrome");27 capabilities.setCapability("version", "91.0");28 capabilities.setCapability("platform", "Windows 10");29 WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub"), capabilities);30 RestAssured.proxy("localhost", 8080);*/​3132 }3334}

Language: Javascript

1/​/​ Mocha + Chai + Supertest.23const expect = require('chai').expect;4const request = require('supertest');56describe('API Testing', () => {7 const apiUrl = 'https:/​/​example.com/​api';89 it('should not compress response when client does not send header', (done) => {10 request(apiUrl)11 .get('/​endpoint')12 .end((err, res) => {13 expect(err).to.be.null;14 expect(res.status).to.equal(200);15 expect(res.headers['content-encoding']).to.not.exist;16 done();17 });18 });19});2021/​/​ Uncomment and modify the desired capabilities to use remote client22/​/​ const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');23/​/​ const capabilities = {24/​/​ browserName: 'chrome',25/​/​ version: 'latest',26/​/​ platform: 'Windows 10',27/​/​ name: 'API testing'28/​/​ };29/​/​ const driver = new webdriver.Builder()30/​/​ .usingServer('http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub')31/​/​ .withCapabilities(capabilities)32/​/​ .build();

Disclaimer: Following code snippets and related information have been sourced from GitHub and/or generated using AI code generation tools. LambdaTest takes no responsibility in the accuracy of the code and is not liable for any damages.

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