Verify that the API response contains the correct resource representation based on the specified locale (e.g. en-US, fr-FR).
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1//Assumptions:2//1. API endpoint has been established and its URL is ''3//2. Required dependencies and libraries for Rest assured have been imported.45import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;6import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;78public class LocaleRepresentationTest {910 @Test11 public void testLocaleRepresentation() {12 13 //Set locale14 given()15 .param("locale","en-US")16 .when()17 .get("")18 .then()19 .statusCode(200)20 .body("resourceRepresentation", equalTo("en-US"));21 22 //Set locale23 given()24 .param("locale","fr-FR")25 .when()26 .get("")27 .then()28 .statusCode(200)29 .body("resourceRepresentation", equalTo("fr-FR"));30 31 //Connect to remote client32 //DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();33 //caps.setBrowserName("chrome");34 //caps.setPlatform(Platform.LINUX);35 //WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(remoteUrl), caps);36 //Use driver for API testing37 }38}
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai.23//Assumptions4//1. The API endpoint is known and the response code is 200 for the expected request.5//2. The locale code is passed as a query parameter named 'locale'.6//3. The expected resource representation for the locale is defined in a JSON file with locale codes as keys.78const request = require('request');9const expect = require('chai').expect;10const resourceData = require('./resource_data.json');1112describe('API Testing: Locale-based representation', () => {13 it('should return the correct resource representation for the specified locale', (done) => {14 //Assume an endpoint like const endpoint = '';16 //Assume locale to be tested is 'en-US'17 const locale = 'en-US';18 //Assume request parameters and headers19 const params = {20 url: `${endpoint}?locale=${locale}`,21 headers: {22 'Content-Type': 'application/json'23 }24 };25 //Assume response to be JSON with a 'locale' property26 request.get(params, (error, response, body) => {27 const responseBody = JSON.parse(body);28 expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200);29 expect(responseBody)'locale').equal(locale);30 expect(responseBody).to.deep.equal(resourceData[locale]);31 done();32 });33 });34});3536//Connecting to remote client with desired capabilities37//Assume the remote client is using Chrome browser with desired capabilities of version 89.038const assert = require('chai').assert;39const {Builder, By, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');40const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');41const chromedriver = require('chromedriver');4243describe('API Testing: Locale-based representation', () => {44 it('should return the correct resource representation for the specified locale using remote client', async () => {45 //Assume locale to be tested is 'fr-FR'46 const locale = 'fr-FR';47 //Assume URL of the web application48 const url = '';49 //Chrome options for the remote client50 const options = new chrome.Options().setChromeBinaryPath('path/to/chrome').setChromeVersion('89.0').addArguments('--headless');51 //Assuming the remote client is running on selenium grid with URL ''52 const driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').usingServer('').withCapabilities(options.toCapabilities()).build();53 try {54 await driver.get(url);55 const langSelect = await driver.findElement('lang_select'));56 await;57 const selOption = await driver.findElement(By.xpath(`//option[@value="${locale}"]`));58 await;59 const applyBtn = await driver.findElement('apply_btn'));60 await;61 await driver.wait(until.elementLocated('resource_display')), 10000);62 const resourceDisplay = await driver.findElement('resource_display'));63 const resourceText = await resourceDisplay.getText();64 assert.strictEqual(resourceText, resourceData[locale].description);65 } finally {66 await driver.quit();67 }68 }).timeout(30000);//Assuming the wait time for each step of a test case is 10 seconds. So setting timeout to 30 seconds for this scenario.69});
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