Verify that the API correctly handles content negotiation and returns the correct HTTP status code.
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1// Assumptions:2// * The base URL for the API is http://api.example.com3// * The endpoint for content negotiation is /content-negotiation4// * The API supports both JSON and XML content types5// * JSON content is the default if no Accept header is provided6// * A valid API key is required for all requests78import org.junit.Test;9import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;10import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;1112public class ContentNegotiationTest {1314 @Test15 public void testContentNegotiation() {1617 // Set base URL18 baseURI = "";1920 // Set API key header21 header("X-Api-Key", "validApiKey");2223 // Test with JSON24 given()25 .accept("application/json")26 .when()27 .get("/content-negotiation")28 .then()29 .assertThat()30 .statusCode(200)31 .contentType("application/json");3233 // Test with XML34 given()35 .accept("application/xml")36 .when()37 .get("/content-negotiation")38 .then()39 .assertThat()40 .statusCode(200)41 .contentType("application/xml");4243 // Test with invalid Accept header44 given()45 .accept("text/plain")46 .when()47 .get("/content-negotiation")48 .then()49 .assertThat()50 .statusCode(406);5152 }5354 // If connecting to a remote client with desired capabilities:55 // import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;56 // import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;57 // import;58 //59 // @Test60 // public void testContentNegotiation() throws Exception {61 //62 // // Set desired capabilities for remote client63 // DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;64 //65 // // Set remote client URL66 // URL remoteUrl = new URL("");67 //68 // // Create remote driver with desired capabilities and URL69 // RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(remoteUrl, capabilities);70 //71 // // Set base URL for remote client72 // driver.get("");73 //74 // // Rest of code remains the same75 //76 // driver.quit();77 //78 // }7980}
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1// Assume API Base URI as ""2// Assume endpoint for content negotiation as "/negotiate"34import org.junit.Test;5import io.restassured.RestAssured;6import io.restassured.http.ContentType;78public class ContentNegotiationTest {910@Test11public void testContentNegotiation() {12 // Scenario Setup13 RestAssured.baseURI = "";14 15 // Request Definition16 RestAssured.given()17 .accept(ContentType.JSON)18 .when()19 .get("/negotiate")20 .then()21 // Assertions22 .statusCode(200)23 .contentType(ContentType.JSON);24 25 // To connect to remote client with desired capabilities26 // RestAssured.remote("remote-client-url", port, "username", "password");27 }28}
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai.23//Assuming endpoint URL is ""45const chai = require('chai');6const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');7const expect = chai.expect;8chai.use(chaiHttp);910describe('API content negotiation tests', function () {1112 it('should return 200 OK for "application/json" header', function (done) {13 chai.request('')14 .get('/content')15 .set('Accept', 'application/json')16 .end(function (err, res) {17 expect(err);18 expect(res).to.have.status(200);19 done();20 });21 });2223 it('should return 406 Not Acceptable for unsupported content types', function (done) {24 chai.request('')25 .get('/content')26 .set('Accept', 'text/plain')27 .end(function (err, res) {28 expect(err);29 expect(res).to.have.status(406);30 done();31 });32 });3334 it('should return 415 Unsupported Media Type for unsupported request types', function (done) {35 chai.request('')36 .post('/content')37 .send({38 "title": "Example Title",39 "body": "Example body content"40 })41 .set('Content-Type', 'text/plain')42 .end(function (err, res) {43 expect(err);44 expect(res).to.have.status(415);45 done();46 });47 });4849}); 5051//Assuming remote endpoint URL is "" with desired capabilities for browser version and operating system version.5253const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');54const {Capabilities} = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/capabilities');55const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');56const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');57const edge = require('selenium-webdriver/edge');58const safari = require('selenium-webdriver/safari');5960const capabilities = new Capabilities();61capabilities.set('browserName', 'chrome');62capabilities.set('browserVersion', 'latest');63capabilities.set('platform', 'Windows 10');6465const options = new chrome.Options();66options.addArguments('--disable-extensions');67options.addArguments('--disable-popup-blocking');68options.addArguments('--disable-infobars');6970const driver = new webdriver.Builder()71 .forBrowser('chrome')72 .withCapabilities(capabilities)73 .setChromeOptions(options)74 .build();7576//To connect to remote client with the desired capabilities, replace the `forBrowser` method with `usingServer`, `withCapabilities` method with `withCapabilities`, and `setChromeOptions` method with `setFirefoxOptions`, `setEdgeOptions`, or `setSafariOptions` methods based on the browser being used. Update the capabilities with the appropriate values for the remote host and desired browser. 7778const remoteDriver = new webdriver.Builder()79 .usingServer('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub')80 .withCapabilities(capabilities)81 .build();
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai.23//Assuming API endpoint is ""4//Assuming acceptable content types are 'application/json' and 'application/xml'5//Assuming we have test data for both content types67const request = require('request');8const expect = require('chai').expect;910describe('Content Negotiation Test', function() {11 it('should handle JSON content negotiation', function(done) {12 const options = {13 url: '',14 headers: {15 'Accept': 'application/json'16 }17 };18 request.get(options, function(err, res, body) {19 expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200);20 expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.include('application/json');21 expect(JSON.parse(body)).to.deep.equal(jsonTestData); //Assuming jsonTestData is valid JSON test data22 done();23 });24 });25 26 it('should handle XML content negotiation', function(done) {27 const options = {28 url: '',29 headers: {30 'Accept': 'application/xml'31 }32 };33 request.get(options, function(err, res, body) {34 expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200);35 expect(res.headers['content-type']).to.include('application/xml');36 expect(parseXML(body)).to.deep.equal(xmlTestData); //Assuming xmlTestData is valid XML test data37 done();38 });39 });40});4142//Code to use remote client with desired capabilities43//Assuming we have Selenium Grid running on remote machine with IP address and port 44444445const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');46const {Builder, Capabilities} = require('selenium-webdriver');4748const capabilities =; //Assuming we want to use Chrome browser49capabilities.set('version', '93.0');50capabilities.set('platform', 'WINDOWS');51capabilities.set('screenResolution', '1920x1080');5253const driver = new Builder()54 .withCapabilities(capabilities)55 .usingServer('')56 .build();57 58//From here, we can write our Selenium test cases using 'driver' instance.
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