Verify that the API returns the correct results when searching for a case- insensitive string.
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1// Assumptions: 2// - The API endpoint for searching is '/search'3// - The API returns a JSON response with a 'results' key4// - The 'results' key contains an array of search results, each with a 'name' key56import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;7import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;89// Local driver10RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";1112// Remote client with desired capabilities - not required for local testing13// DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();14// capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android");1516public class APITest {17 @Test18 public void testCaseInsensitiveSearch() {19 given()20 .param("query", "APPLE")21 .when()22 .get("/search")23 .then()24 .statusCode(200)25 .body("", everyItem(equalToIgnoringCase("apple")));26 }27}
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha, Chai, Supertest, Node.js.23//Assumptions: 4// The API endpoint for the search function is already defined and can be accessed using an HTTP request.5// The API returns a JSON object containing a list of search results.6// The API supports case-insensitive search queries.78//Code:910// Import necessary modules11const request = require('supertest');12const { expect } = require('chai');1314// Define API endpoint15const apiUrl = '';1617// Describe test suite18describe('API Testing - Case-insensitive search', () => {1920 // Define test case21 it('should return correct results for case-insensitive search', async () => {22 23 // Define search query24 const searchQuery = 'Example';2526 // Define HTTP request with query parameter27 const res = await request(apiUrl)28 .get('/')29 .query({ q: searchQuery });3031 // Assert response status code32 expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200);3334 // Assert response JSON object35 expect(res.body)'object');36 expect(res.body.results)'array');3738 // Assert search results contain the search query (case-insensitive)39 const searchResult = res.body.results.find(result => result.toLowerCase() === searchQuery.toLowerCase());40 expect(searchResult).to.exist;41 });42});4344// Commented code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities:45/*46const { Builder } = require('selenium-webdriver');47const chromeCapabilities = {48 browserName: 'chrome',49 "goog:chromeOptions": {50 args: [51 "--headless",52 "--disable-gpu",53 "--window-size=800,600"54 ],55 },56};5758const driver = new Builder()59 .usingServer('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub')60 .withCapabilities(chromeCapabilities)61 .build();62*/
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