Verify that the API correctly handles API change logs and returns the correct resources for each API change.
Language: Java
Framework: Rest assured
1// Assume the API endpoint is ""2// Assume that API change logs are stored in JSON format3// Assume the expected response format is a JSON array of objects45import org.junit.Test;6import io.restassured.RestAssured;7import io.restassured.response.Response;89public class APIChangeLogsTest {1011 private static final String API_ENDPOINT = "";1213 @Test14 public void testAPIChangeLogs() {15 // Set up RestAssured16 RestAssured.baseURI = API_ENDPOINT;1718 // Make a GET request to the API endpoint19 Response response = RestAssured.get();2021 // Verify the response status code is 200 (OK)22 assert(response.getStatusCode() == 200);2324 // Verify the response body is not empty25 assert(response.getBody().asString().length() > 0);2627 // Convert the response body to a JSON array of objects28 JSONArray changeLogs = new JSONArray(response.getBody().asString());2930 // Verify that each change log has a "resource" property31 for (int i = 0; i < changeLogs.length(); i++) {32 JSONObject changeLog = changeLogs.getJSONObject(i);33 assert(changeLog.has("resource"));34 }35 }3637 // Uncomment the following code to run the test on a remote client with desired capabilities38 /*39 @Test40 public void testAPIChangeLogsWithDesiredCapabilities() {41 // Set up desired capabilities for the remote client42 DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();43 capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "chrome");44 capabilities.setCapability("browserVersion", "90.0");4546 // Set up the RemoteWebDriver with the desired capabilities47 RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);4849 // Set up RestAssured with the RemoteWebDriver50 RestAssured.config().httpClient(HttpClientConfig.httpClientConfig().reuseHttpClientInstance());51 RestAssured.driver(driver);5253 // Run the test as usual54 testAPIChangeLogs();5556 // Quit the driver after the test is complete57 driver.quit();58 }59 */60}
Language: Javascript
1// Mocha and Chai.23// Assumptions4// 1. The API endpoint for change logs is '/api/changelogs'5// 2. The API returns a JSON object containing information about API changes and resources associated with each change.67const chai = require('chai');8const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');9const expect = chai.expect;10chai.use(chaiHttp);1112describe('API Change Logs', function() {13 it('should return change logs and associated resources', function(done) {14 const baseUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'; // assuming API is running on local machine at port 300015 const endpoint = '/api/changelogs';16 const expectedKeys = ['change', 'resources']; // assuming the JSON object returned has these keys17 chai.request(baseUrl)18 .get(endpoint)19 .end(function(err, res) {20 expect(res.status).to.equal(200); // assuming status code of 200 means success21 expect(res.body)'array'); // assuming endpoint returns an array of change logs22 expect(res.body[0]).to.have.all.keys(expectedKeys); // assuming each change log has keys as expectedKeys23 done();24 });25 });26});2728// Assumptions for connecting to remote client with desired capabilities:29// 1. Remote client is running on Selenium Grid at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub30// 2. Desired capabilities include browserName 'Chrome' and platformName 'Windows'31// 3. Remote client has a valid SSL certificate 3233const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');34const { until } = webdriver;35const { Capabilities } = webdriver;3637const caps = new Capabilities({38 browserName: 'Chrome',39 platformName: 'Windows'40});4142const driver = new webdriver.Builder()43 .usingServer('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub')44 .withCapabilities(caps)45 .build();4647driver.get('')48 .then(() => driver.wait(until.titleIs('Example Domain'), 5000))49 .then(() => driver.quit()); // assuming the desired action is visiting the example website and waiting for the title to be "Example Domain" within 5 seconds
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