For tooltips, follow corresponding ARIA authoring practice.
Language: Java
Framework: Selenium 4
1import org.openqa.selenium.By;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;3import;4import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;5import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;67public class TooltipARIA {89 public static WebDriver driver;1011 public static void main(String[] args) {1213 // Assumptions: 14 // This test case is being executed on the latest version of Google Chrome browser15 // The website has tooltips that need to be tested16 // The website is accessible over the internet and is available to test1718 // Setting local driver path19 System.setProperty("", "/path/to/local/chromedriver");2021 // Creating instance of ChromeDriver22 driver = new ChromeDriver();2324 // Commented code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities25 // DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;26 // driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capabilities);2728 // Navigating to website for testing29 driver.get("");3031 // Adding code to perform ARIA authoring practice for tooltips32 // Assuming each tooltip is associated with an element that has attribute [data-tooltip]33 List<WebElement> tooltipElements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("[data-tooltip]"));3435 for(WebElement element : tooltipElements) {36 String tooltipText = element.getAttribute("data-tooltip");37 String tooltipID = element.getAttribute("aria-describedby");38 // Assuming that the tooltip content is present in an element with ID same as the tooltipID39 WebElement tooltipContent = driver.findElement(;40 String tooltipContentText = tooltipContent.getText();41 // Assuming that tooltipContentText should be equal to the tooltipText42 assert(text.equalsIgnoreCase(tooltipContentText));43 }4445 // Closing the driver window46 driver.quit();47 }48}
Language: Python
Framework: Selenium 4
1from selenium import webdriver23#Assuming the webpage has tooltips with ARIA tags4#Assuming webdriver is installed and placed in PATH5#Assuming Chrome browser is installed on the local machine67#Using ChromeDriver as the local driver8driver = webdriver.Chrome()910#Use the following code to connect to remote client with desired capabilities11#Assuming Selenium Grid is set up and remote instance details are known12#remote_instance_url = 'http://<remote_ip>:<port>/wd/hub'13#desired_capabilities = {'browserName': 'chrome'}14#driver = webdriver.Remote(remote_instance_url, desired_capabilities)1516#Assuming button with tooltip exists on the webpage17#Clicking on the button to trigger tooltip18button = driver.find_element_by_id('tooltip_button') tooltip is displayed in div with id 'tooltip'22#Checking if the aria-describedby attribute exists on the button element23aria_id = button.get_attribute("aria-describedby")24assert aria_id is not None, "aria-describedby attribute not found on button element"2526#Checking if the corresponding element with id equal to the value of aria-describedby has the 'tooltip' attribute27tooltip = driver.find_element_by_id(aria_id)28assert 'tooltip' in tooltip.get_attribute("class"), "Tooltip ARIA authoring practice not implemented correctly"2930#Close the browser window31driver.close()
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