How to use methodTemplate method of without class

Best Mockingbird code snippet using without.methodTemplate


Source:MockableTypeTemplate.swift Github


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...41 static let mockProtocolName = "Mockingbird.Mock"42 static let thunkStub = #"fatalError("See 'Thunk Pruning' in the README")"#43 }44 45 private var methodTemplates = [Method: MethodTemplate]()46 init(mockableType: MockableType, mockedTypeNames: Set<String>?) {47 self.mockableType = mockableType48 self.mockedTypeNames = mockedTypeNames49 }50 51 func methodTemplate(for method: Method) -> MethodTemplate {52 if let existing = methodTemplates[method] { return existing }53 let template: MethodTemplate54 if method.isInitializer {55 template = InitializerMethodTemplate(method: method, context: self)56 } else if method.kind == .functionSubscript {57 template = SubscriptMethodTemplate(method: method, context: self)58 } else {59 template = MethodTemplate(method: method, context: self)60 }61 methodTemplates[method] = template62 return template63 }64 65 func render() -> String {66 let (directiveStart, directiveEnd) = compilationDirectiveDeclaration67 return String(lines: [68 "/​/​ MARK: - Mocked \(",69 directiveStart,70 NominalTypeDefinitionTemplate(71 declaration: "public final class \(",72 genericTypes: genericTypes,73 genericConstraints: mockableType.whereClauses.sorted().map({ specializeTypeName("\($0)") }),74 inheritedTypes: (isAvailable ? inheritedTypes : []) + [Constants.mockProtocolName],75 body: renderBody()).render(),76 directiveEnd,77 ])78 }79 80 lazy var compilationDirectiveDeclaration: (start: String, end: String) = {81 guard !mockableType.compilationDirectives.isEmpty else { return ("", "") }82 let start = String(lines:{ $0.declaration }))83 let end = String(lines:{ _ in "#endif" }))84 return (start, end)85 }()86 87 lazy var shouldGenerateThunks: Bool = {88 guard let typeNames = mockedTypeNames else { return true }89 return mockableType.isReferenced(by: typeNames)90 }()91 92 lazy var isAvailable: Bool = {93 return unavailableMockAttribute.isEmpty94 }()95 96 /​/​/​ Protocols that inherit from opaque external types are considered not available as mocks97 /​/​/​ because it's not possible to generate a well-formed concrete implementation unless the98 /​/​/​ inheritance is trivial.99 var nonMockableOpaqueInheritanceMessage: String? {100 let hasCompleteInheritance = mockableType.kind != .protocol101 || mockableType.opaqueInheritedTypeNames.isEmpty102 guard !hasCompleteInheritance else { return nil }103 104 let opaqueTypeNames = mockableType.opaqueInheritedTypeNames.sorted()105 let allOpaqueTypeNames = opaqueTypeNames.enumerated().map({ (index, typeName) -> String in106 (index > 0 && index == opaqueTypeNames.count-1 ? "and " : "") + typeName.singleQuoted107 }).joined(separator: opaqueTypeNames.count > 2 ? ", " : " ")108 109 if opaqueTypeNames.count > 1 {110 return "\( inherits from the externally-defined types \(allOpaqueTypeNames) which needs to be declared in a supporting source file"111 } else {112 return "\( inherits from the externally-defined type \(allOpaqueTypeNames) which needs to be declared in a supporting source file"113 }114 }115 116 /​/​/​ Cannot mock a type that inherits a type that isn't declared in the same module and isn't open.117 /​/​/​ This mainly applies to protocols that have a Self constraint to a non-inheritable type.118 var nonMockableInheritedTypeMessage: String? {119 guard let nonInheritableType = mockableType.inheritedTypes120 .union(mockableType.selfConformanceTypes)121 .first(where: {122 $0.kind == .class && !$0.accessLevel.isInheritableType(withinSameModule: $0.shouldMock)123 })124 else { return nil }125 return "\( inherits from the non-open class \( and cannot be mocked"126 }127 128 /​/​/​ Protocols can inherit properties whose names conflict from other protocols, such that it is129 /​/​/​ not possible to create a class that conforms to the child protocol.130 var nonMockablePropertiesMessage: String? {131 let duplicates = Dictionary(grouping: mockableType.variables, by: {Variable.Reduced(from: $0)})132 .mapValues({ $0.count })133 .filter({ $1 > 1 })134 guard !duplicates.isEmpty else { return nil }135 136 let allDuplicates = duplicates.keys137 .sorted(by: { $ < $ })138 .enumerated()139 .map({ (index, variable) -> String in140 (index > 0 && index == duplicates.count-1 ? "and " : "") + })142 .joined(separator: duplicates.count > 2 ? ", " : " ")143 144 if duplicates.count > 1 {145 return "\( contains the properties \(allDuplicates) that each conflict with inherited declarations and cannot be mocked"146 } else {147 return "\( contains the property \(allDuplicates) that conflicts with an inherited declaration and cannot be mocked"148 }149 }150 151 /​/​/​ Classes that define designated initializers but none which are accessible.152 var nonMockableDesignatedInitializerMessage: String? {153 guard mockableType.kind == .class, !shouldGenerateDefaultInitializer else { return nil }154 guard !mockableType.methods.contains(where: { $0.isDesignatedInitializer && $0.isMockable })155 else { return nil }156 return "\( does not declare any accessible designated initializers and cannot be mocked"157 }158 159 /​/​/​ Classes that cannot be initialized due to imported accessibility from an external module.160 var nonMockableExternalInitializerMessage: String? {161 guard mockableType.kind == .class, mockableType.subclassesExternalType else { return nil }162 guard !mockableType.methods.contains(where: { $0.isInitializer && $0.isMockable })163 else { return nil }164 return "\( subclasses a type from a different module but does not declare any accessible initializers and cannot be mocked"165 }166 167 lazy var unavailableMockAttribute: String = {168 guard let message = nonMockableOpaqueInheritanceMessage169 ?? nonMockableInheritedTypeMessage170 ?? nonMockablePropertiesMessage171 ?? nonMockableDesignatedInitializerMessage172 ?? nonMockableExternalInitializerMessage173 else { return "" }174 175 logWarning(176 message,177 diagnostic: .notMockable,178 filePath: mockableType.filePath,179 line: self.mockableType.lineNumber180 )181 182 return """183 @available(*, unavailable, message: "\(message)")184 """185 }()186 187 /​/​/​ The static mocking context allows static or class methods to be mocked.188 var staticMockingContext: String {189 if !mockableType.genericTypes.isEmpty || mockableType.isInGenericContainingType {190 /​/​ Class-level generic types don't support static variables directly.191 let body = !shouldGenerateThunks ? Constants.thunkStub :192 "return genericStaticMockContext.resolveTypeNames([\(runtimeGenericTypeNames)])"193 return """194 static var staticMock: Mockingbird.StaticMock \(BlockTemplate(body: body, multiline: false))195 """196 } else {197 return "static let staticMock = Mockingbird.StaticMock()"198 }199 }200 201 lazy var runtimeGenericTypeNames: String = {202 let baseTypeName = "\(\(allGenericTypes)"203 let genericTypeSelfNames = mockableType.genericTypes204 .sorted(by: { $ < $ })205 .map({ "Swift.ObjectIdentifier(\($" })206 return String(list: [baseTypeName.doubleQuoted] + genericTypeSelfNames)207 }()208 209 lazy var genericTypes: [String] = {210 return{ $0.flattenedDeclaration })211 }()212 213 lazy var allGenericTypes: String = {214 guard !mockableType.genericTypes.isEmpty else { return "" }215 return "<\(separated:{ $ }))>"216 }()217 218 var allInheritedTypes: String {219 return String(list: inheritedTypes + [Constants.mockProtocolName])220 }221 222 /​/​/​ For scoped types referenced within their containing type.223 lazy var fullyQualifiedName: String = {224 guard mockableType.kind == .class, mockableType.isContainedType else {225 return mockableType.fullyQualifiedModuleName226 }227 return "\(\(allGenericTypes)"228 }()229 230 /​/​/​ For scoped types referenced at the top level but in the same module.231 func createScopedName(with containingTypeNames: [String],232 genericTypeContext: [[String]],233 suffix: String = "",234 moduleQualified: Bool = false) -> String {235 let name = moduleQualified ?236 mockableType.fullyQualifiedModuleName.removingGenericTyping() : mockableType.name237 guard mockableType.kind == .class else { /​/​ Protocols can't be nested238 return name + suffix + (!suffix.isEmpty ? allGenericTypes : "")239 }240 guard mockableType.isContainedType else {241 return name + suffix + allGenericTypes242 }243 244 let typeNames = containingTypeNames.enumerated()245 .map({ (index, typeName) -> String in246 guard let genericTypeNames = genericTypeContext.get(index), !genericTypeNames.isEmpty else {247 return typeName + suffix248 }249 /​/​ Disambiguate generic types that shadow those defined by a containing type.250 return typeName + suffix + "<\(separated:{ typeName + "_" + $0 }))>"251 })252 + [ + suffix + allGenericTypes]253 254 if moduleQualified && mockableType.fullyQualifiedName != mockableType.fullyQualifiedModuleName {255 return String(list: [mockableType.moduleName] + typeNames, separator: ".")256 } else {257 return String(list: typeNames, separator: ".")258 }259 }260 261 lazy var protocolClassConformance: String? = {262 guard mockableType.kind == .protocol,263 let classConformance = mockableType.primarySelfConformanceTypeName264 else { return nil }265 266 /​/​ Handle class conformance constraints from where clauses.267 return classConformance268 }()269 270 var inheritedTypes: [String] {271 var types = [String]()272 if let protocolClassConformance = self.protocolClassConformance {273 types.append(protocolClassConformance)274 }275 types.append(fullyQualifiedName)276 277 let classConformanceTypeNames = Set(278 mockableType.selfConformanceTypes279 .filter({ $0.kind == .class })280 .map({ $0.fullyQualifiedModuleName })281 )282 let conformanceTypes = Set(mockableType.allSelfConformanceTypeNames)283 .subtracting(classConformanceTypeNames)284 .subtracting(types)285 .sorted()286 return types + conformanceTypes287 }288 289 func renderBody() -> String {290 let supertypeDeclaration = "typealias MockingbirdSupertype = \(fullyQualifiedName)"291 let mockingbirdContext = """292 public let mockingbirdContext = Mockingbird.Context(["generator_version": "\(mockingbirdVersion.shortString)", "module_name": "\(mockableType.moduleName)"])293 """294 295 var components = [String(lines: [296 /​/​ Type declarations297 supertypeDeclaration,298 299 /​/​ Properties300 staticMockingContext,301 mockingbirdContext,302 ])]303 304 if isAvailable {305 components.append(contentsOf: [306 renderInitializerProxy(),307 renderVariables(),308 defaultInitializer,309 renderMethods(),310 renderContainedTypes()311 ])312 } else {313 components.append(renderContainedTypes())314 }315 316 return String(lines: components, spacing: 2)317 }318 319 func renderContainedTypes() -> String {320 guard !mockableType.containedTypes.isEmpty else { return "" }321 let containedTypesSubstructure = mockableType.containedTypes322 .map({323 MockableTypeTemplate(mockableType: $0, mockedTypeNames: mockedTypeNames)324 .render().indent()325 })326 return String(lines: containedTypesSubstructure, spacing: 2)327 }328 329 func renderInitializerProxy() -> String {330 let isProxyable: (Method) -> Bool = {331 /​/​ This needs to be a designated initializer since if it's a convenience initializer, we can't332 /​/​ always infer what concrete argument values to pass to the designated initializer.333 $0.isDesignatedInitializer && $0.isMockable334 }335 336 guard !shouldGenerateDefaultInitializer else { return "" }337 let initializers = mockableType.methods338 .filter(isProxyable)339 .filter(isOverridable)340 .sorted()341 .compactMap({ methodTemplate(for: $0).classInitializerProxy })342 343 guard !initializers.isEmpty else {344 return "public enum InitializerProxy {}"345 }346 return NominalTypeDefinitionTemplate(declaration: "public enum InitializerProxy",347 body: String(lines: initializers, spacing: 2)).render()348 }349 350 /​/​/​ Store the source location of where the mock was initialized. This allows `XCTest` errors from351 /​/​/​ unstubbed method invocations to show up in the testing code.352 var shouldGenerateDefaultInitializer: Bool {353 /​/​ Opaque types can have designated initializers we don't know about, so it's best to ignore.354 guard mockableType.opaqueInheritedTypeNames.isEmpty else {355 logWarning(356 "Unable to synthesize default initializer for \( which inherits from an external type not defined in a supporting source file",357 diagnostic: .undefinedType,358 filePath: mockableType.filePath,359 line: self.mockableType.lineNumber360 )361 return false362 }363 364 let hasDesignatedInitializer =365 mockableType.methods.contains(where: { $0.isDesignatedInitializer })366 367 guard mockableType.kind == .protocol else { /​/​ Handle classes.368 if hasDesignatedInitializer {369 log("Skipping default initializer generation for \( because it is a class with a designated initializer")370 }371 return !hasDesignatedInitializer372 }373 374 /​/​ We can always generate a default initializer for protocols without class conformance.375 guard protocolClassConformance != nil else { return true }376 377 /​/​ Ignore protocols conforming to a class with a designated initializer.378 guard !hasDesignatedInitializer else {379 log("Skipping default initializer generation for \( because it is a protocol conforming to a class with a designated initializer")380 return false381 }382 383 let isMockableClassConformance = mockableType.primarySelfConformanceType?.shouldMock ?? true384 if !isMockableClassConformance {385 logWarning(386 "\( conforms to a class without public initializers and cannot be initialized",387 diagnostic: .notMockable,388 filePath: mockableType.filePath,389 line: self.mockableType.lineNumber390 )391 }392 return isMockableClassConformance393 }394 395 var defaultInitializer: String {396 guard shouldGenerateDefaultInitializer else { return "" }397 let canCallSuper = mockableType.kind == .class || protocolClassConformance != nil398 return FunctionDefinitionTemplate(399 declaration: "fileprivate init(sourceLocation: Mockingbird.SourceLocation)",400 body: String(lines: [401 canCallSuper ? "super.init()" : "",402 "self.mockingbirdContext.sourceLocation = sourceLocation",403 "\( = sourceLocation",404 ])).render()405 }406 407 lazy var containsOverridableDesignatedInitializer: Bool = {408 return mockableType.methods.contains(where: {409 $0.isOverridable && $0.isDesignatedInitializer && $0.isMockable410 })411 }()412 413 func renderVariables() -> String {414 return String(lines: mockableType.variables.sorted(by: <).map({415 VariableTemplate(variable: $0, context: self).render()416 }), spacing: 2)417 }418 419 func isOverridable(method: Method) -> Bool {420 let isClassMock = mockableType.kind == .class || mockableType.primarySelfConformanceType != nil421 let isGeneric = !method.whereClauses.isEmpty || !method.genericTypes.isEmpty422 guard isClassMock, isGeneric else { return true }423 424 /​/​ Not possible to override overloaded methods where uniqueness is from generic constraints.425 /​/​ https:/​/​​t/​cannot-override-more-than-one-superclass-declaration/​22213426 /​/​ This is fixed in Swift 5.2, so non-overridable methods require compilation conditions.427 return mockableType.methodsCount[Method.Reduced(from: method)] == 1428 }429 430 func renderMethods() -> String {431 return String(lines: Set(mockableType.methods).sorted(by: <).filter({ $0.isMockable }).map({432 let renderedMethod = methodTemplate(for: $0).render()433 guard !isOverridable(method: $0) else { return renderedMethod }434 return String(lines: [435 "#if swift(>=5.2)",436 renderedMethod,437 "#endif",438 ])439 }), spacing: 2)440 }441 442 func specializeTypeName(_ typeName: String) -> String {443 /​/​ NOTE: Checking for an indicator prior to running `replacingOccurrences` is 4x faster.444 let concreteMockTypeName = + "Mock"445 446 if typeName.contains(SerializationRequest.Constants.selfTokenIndicator) {...

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Source:MethodTemplate.swift Github


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1/​/​2/​/​ MethodTemplate.swift3/​/​ MockingbirdCli4/​/​5/​/​ Created by Andrew Chang on 8/​6/​19.6/​/​ Copyright © 2019 Bird Rides, Inc. All rights reserved.7/​/​8/​/​ swiftlint:disable leading_whitespace9import Foundation10/​/​/​ Renders a `Method` to a `PartialFileContent` object.11class MethodTemplate: Template {12 let method: Method13 let context: MockableTypeTemplate14 15 init(method: Method, context: MockableTypeTemplate) {16 self.method = method17 self.context = context18 }19 20 func render() -> String {21 let (directiveStart, directiveEnd) = compilationDirectiveDeclaration22 return String(lines: [23 directiveStart,24 String(lines: [mockedDeclarations, synthesizedDeclarations], spacing: 2),25 directiveEnd26 ])27 }28 29 enum Constants {30 /​/​/​ Certain methods have `Self` enforced parameter constraints.31 static let reservedNamesMap: [String: String] = [32 /​/​ Equatable33 "==": "_equalTo",34 "!=": "_notEqualTo",35 36 /​/​ Comparable37 "<": "_lessThan",38 "<=": "_lessThanOrEqualTo",39 ">": "_greaterThan",40 ">=": "_greaterThanOrEqualTo",41 ]42 }43 44 var compilationDirectiveDeclaration: (start: String, end: String) {45 guard !method.compilationDirectives.isEmpty else { return ("", "") }46 let start = String(lines:{ $0.declaration }))47 let end = String(lines:{ _ in "#endif" }))48 return (start, end)49 }50 51 var mockableScopedName: String {52 return context.createScopedName(with: [], genericTypeContext: [], suffix: "Mock")53 }54 55 var classInitializerProxy: String? { return nil }56 57 var mockedDeclarations: String {58 let body = !context.shouldGenerateThunks ? MockableTypeTemplate.Constants.thunkStub :59 ThunkTemplate(mockableType: context.mockableType,60 invocation: mockableInvocation,61 shortSignature: method.parameters.isEmpty ? nil : shortSignature,62 longSignature: longSignature,63 returnType: matchableReturnType,64 isBridged: false,65 isThrowing: method.isThrowing,66 isStatic: method.kind.typeScope.isStatic,67 callMember: { scope in68 let scopedName = "\(scope).\(backticked: self.method.shortName)"69 guard self.method.isVariadic else {70 return FunctionCallTemplate(71 name: scopedName,72 arguments: self.invocationArguments,73 isThrowing: self.method.isThrowing).render()74 }75 76 /​/​ Variadic functions require casting since Swift doesn't support splatting.77 let name = FunctionCallTemplate(78 name: "Swift.unsafeBitCast",79 arguments: [80 (nil, "\(scopedName) as \(self.originalSignature)"),81 ("to", "\(parenthetical: self.longSignature).self")])82 return FunctionCallTemplate(83 name: name.render(),84 unlabeledArguments:{ $0.parameterName }),85 isThrowing: self.method.isThrowing).render()86 },87 invocationArguments: invocationArguments).render()88 let declaration = "public \(overridableModifiers)func \(fullNameForMocking)\(returnTypeAttributesForMocking) -> \(mockableReturnType)"89 return String(lines: [90 "/​/​ MARK: Mocked \(fullNameForMocking)",91 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,92 declaration: declaration,93 genericConstraints:{ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") }),94 body: body).render(),95 ])96 }97 98 /​/​/​ Declared in a class, or a class that the protocol conforms to.99 lazy var isClassBound: Bool = {100 let isClassDefinedProtocolConformance = context.protocolClassConformance != nil101 && method.isOverridable102 return context.mockableType.kind == .class || isClassDefinedProtocolConformance103 }()104 105 var overridableUniqueDeclaration: String {106 return "\(fullNameForMocking)\(returnTypeAttributesForMocking) -> \(mockableReturnType)\(genericConstraints)"107 }108 109 lazy var uniqueDeclaration: String = { return overridableUniqueDeclaration }()110 111 /​/​/​ Methods synthesized specifically for the stubbing and verification APIs.112 var synthesizedDeclarations: String {113 let invocationType = "(\(separated: matchableParameterTypes)) \(returnTypeAttributesForMatching)-> \(matchableReturnType)"114 115 var methods = [String]()116 let genericTypes = [declarationTypeForMocking, invocationType, matchableReturnType]117 let returnType = "Mockingbird.Mockable<\(separated: genericTypes)>"118 119 let declaration = "public \(regularModifiers)func \(fullNameForMatching) -> \(returnType)"120 let genericConstraints ={ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") })121 122 let body = !context.shouldGenerateThunks ? MockableTypeTemplate.Constants.thunkStub : """123 return \(ObjectInitializationTemplate(124 name: "Mockingbird.Mockable",125 genericTypes: genericTypes,126 arguments: [("mock", mockObject), ("invocation", matchableInvocation())]))127 """128 methods.append(129 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,130 declaration: declaration,131 genericConstraints: genericConstraints,132 body: body).render())133 134 /​/​ Variadics generate both the array and variadic-forms of the function signature to allow use135 /​/​ of either when stubbing and verifying.136 if method.isVariadic {137 let body = !context.shouldGenerateThunks ? MockableTypeTemplate.Constants.thunkStub : """138 return \(ObjectInitializationTemplate(139 name: "Mockingbird.Mockable",140 genericTypes: genericTypes,141 arguments: [("mock", mockObject),142 ("invocation", matchableInvocation(isVariadic: true))]))143 """144 let declaration = "public \(regularModifiers)func \(fullNameForMatchingVariadics) -> \(returnType)"145 methods.append(146 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,147 declaration: declaration,148 genericConstraints: genericConstraints,149 body: body).render())150 }151 152 return String(lines: methods, spacing: 2)153 }154 155 /​/​/​ Modifiers specifically for stubbing and verification methods.156 lazy var regularModifiers: String = { return modifiers(allowOverride: false) }()157 /​/​/​ Modifiers for mocked methods.158 lazy var overridableModifiers: String = { return modifiers(allowOverride: true) }()159 func modifiers(allowOverride: Bool = true) -> String {160 let isRequired = method.attributes.contains(.required)161 let required = (isRequired || method.isInitializer ? "required " : "")162 let shouldOverride = method.isOverridable && !isRequired && allowOverride163 let override = shouldOverride ? "override " : ""164 let `static` = method.kind.typeScope.isStatic ? "static " : ""165 return "\(required)\(override)\(`static`)"166 }167 168 lazy var genericTypes: [String] = {169 return{ $0.flattenedDeclaration })170 }()171 172 lazy var genericConstraints: String = {173 guard !method.whereClauses.isEmpty else { return "" }174 return " where \(separated:{ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") }))"175 }()176 177 enum FunctionVariant {178 case function, subscriptGetter, subscriptSetter179 180 var isSubscript: Bool {181 switch self {182 case .function: return false183 case .subscriptGetter, .subscriptSetter: return true184 }185 }186 }187 188 enum FullNameMode {189 case mocking(variant: FunctionVariant)190 case matching(useVariadics: Bool, variant: FunctionVariant)191 case initializerProxy192 193 var isMatching: Bool {194 switch self {195 case .matching: return true196 case .mocking, .initializerProxy: return false197 }198 }199 200 var isInitializerProxy: Bool {201 switch self {202 case .matching, .mocking: return false203 case .initializerProxy: return true204 }205 }206 207 var useVariadics: Bool {208 switch self {209 case .matching(let useVariadics, _): return useVariadics210 case .mocking, .initializerProxy: return false211 }212 }213 214 var variant: FunctionVariant {215 switch self {216 case .matching(_, let variant), .mocking(let variant): return variant217 case .initializerProxy: return .function218 }219 }220 }221 222 func shortName(for mode: FullNameMode) -> String {223 let failable: String224 if mode.isInitializerProxy {225 failable = ""226 } else if method.attributes.contains(.failable) {227 failable = "?"228 } else if method.attributes.contains(.unwrappedFailable) {229 failable = "!"230 } else {231 failable = ""232 }233 234 /​/​ Don't escape initializers, subscripts, and special functions with reserved tokens like `==`.235 let shouldEscape = !method.isInitializer236 && method.kind != .functionSubscript237 && (method.shortName.first?.isLetter == true238 || method.shortName.first?.isNumber == true239 || method.shortName.first == "_")240 let escapedShortName = mode.isInitializerProxy ? "initialize" :241 (shouldEscape ? method.shortName.backtickWrapped : method.shortName)242 243 return genericTypes.isEmpty244 ? "\(escapedShortName)\(failable)"245 : "\(escapedShortName)\(failable)<\(separated: genericTypes)>"246 }247 248 lazy var fullNameForMocking: String = {249 return fullName(for: .mocking(variant: .function))250 }()251 lazy var fullNameForMatching: String = {252 return fullName(for: .matching(useVariadics: false, variant: .function))253 }()254 /​/​/​ It's not possible to have an autoclosure with variadics. However, since a method can only have255 /​/​/​ one variadic parameter, we can generate one method for wildcard matching using an argument256 /​/​/​ matcher, and another for specific matching using variadics.257 lazy var fullNameForMatchingVariadics: String = {258 return fullName(for: .matching(useVariadics: true, variant: .function))259 }()260 func fullName(for mode: FullNameMode) -> String {261 let additionalParameters: [String]262 if mode.isInitializerProxy {263 additionalParameters = ["__file: StaticString = #file", "__line: UInt = #line"]264 } else if mode.variant == .subscriptSetter {265 let closureType = mode.isMatching ? "@autoclosure () -> " : ""266 additionalParameters = ["`newValue`: \(closureType)\(matchableReturnType)"]267 } else {268 additionalParameters = []269 }270 271 let parameterNames ={ parameter -> String in272 let typeName: String273 if mode.isMatching && (!mode.useVariadics || !parameter.attributes.contains(.variadic)) {274 typeName = "@autoclosure () -> \(parameter.matchableTypeName(in: self))"275 } else {276 typeName = parameter.mockableTypeName(context: self)277 }278 let argumentLabel = parameter.argumentLabel ?? "_"279 let parameterName = if argumentLabel.backtickUnwrapped != {281 return "\(argumentLabel) \(parameterName): \(typeName)"282 } else if mode.isMatching && mode.variant.isSubscript {283 /​/​ Synthesized declarations for subscripts don't use argument labels (unless the parameter284 /​/​ name differs) for parity with bracket syntax.285 return "_ \(parameterName): \(typeName)"286 } else {287 return "\(parameterName): \(typeName)"288 }289 }) + additionalParameters290 291 let actualShortName = shortName(for: mode)292 let shortName: String293 if mode.isMatching, let resolvedShortName = Constants.reservedNamesMap[actualShortName] {294 shortName = resolvedShortName295 } else {296 shortName = actualShortName297 }298 299 return "\(shortName)(\(separated: parameterNames))"300 }301 302 lazy var mockableInvocation: String = {303 return ObjectInitializationTemplate(304 name: "Mockingbird.SwiftInvocation",305 arguments: [306 ("selectorName", "\(doubleQuoted: uniqueDeclaration)"),307 ("selectorType", "Mockingbird.SelectorType.method"),308 ("arguments", "[\(separated: mockArgumentMatchers)]"),309 ("returnType", "Swift.ObjectIdentifier(\(parenthetical: matchableReturnType).self)"),310 ]).render()311 }()312 313 func matchableInvocation(isVariadic: Bool = false) -> String {314 let matchers = isVariadic ? resolvedVariadicArgumentMatchers : resolvedArgumentMatchers315 return ObjectInitializationTemplate(316 name: "Mockingbird.SwiftInvocation",317 arguments: [318 ("selectorName", "\(doubleQuoted: uniqueDeclaration)"),319 ("selectorType", "Mockingbird.SelectorType.method"),320 ("arguments", "[\(matchers)]"),321 ("returnType", "Swift.ObjectIdentifier(\(parenthetical: matchableReturnType).self)"),322 ]).render()323 }324 325 lazy var resolvedArgumentMatchers: String = {326 return self.resolvedArgumentMatchers(for:{ ($, true) }))327 }()328 329 /​/​/​ Variadic parameters cannot be resolved indirectly using `resolve()`.330 lazy var resolvedVariadicArgumentMatchers: String = {331 let parameters ={ ($, !$0.attributes.contains(.variadic)) })332 return resolvedArgumentMatchers(for: parameters)333 }()334 335 /​/​/​ Can create argument matchers via resolving (shouldResolve = true) or by direct initialization.336 func resolvedArgumentMatchers(for parameters: [(name: String, shouldResolve: Bool)]) -> String {337 return String(list:{ (name, shouldResolve) in338 let type = shouldResolve ? "resolve" : "ArgumentMatcher"339 return "Mockingbird.\(type)(\(name.backtickWrapped))"340 }))341 }342 343 lazy var returnTypeAttributesForMocking: String = {344 if method.attributes.contains(.rethrows) { return " rethrows" }345 if method.attributes.contains(.throws) { return " throws" }346 return ""347 }()348 349 lazy var returnTypeAttributesForMatching: String = {350 return method.isThrowing ? "throws " : ""351 }()352 353 lazy var declarationTypeForMocking: String = {354 if method.attributes.contains(.throws) {355 return "\(Declaration.throwingFunctionDeclaration)"356 } else {357 return "\(Declaration.functionDeclaration)"358 }359 }()360 361 lazy var mockArgumentMatchers: [String] = {362 return{ parameter -> String in363 guard !parameter.isNonEscapingClosure else {364 /​/​ Can't save the argument in the invocation because it's a non-escaping closure type.365 return ObjectInitializationTemplate(366 name: "Mockingbird.ArgumentMatcher",367 arguments: [368 (nil, ObjectInitializationTemplate(369 name: "Mockingbird.NonEscapingClosure",370 genericTypes: [parameter.matchableTypeName(in: self)]).render())371 ]).render()372 }373 return ObjectInitializationTemplate(374 name: "Mockingbird.ArgumentMatcher",375 arguments: [(nil, "\(backticked:")]).render()376 })377 }()378 379 lazy var mockObject: String = {380 return method.kind.typeScope.isStatic ? "self.staticMock" : "self"381 }()382 383 /​/​/​ Original function signature for casting to a matchable signature (variadics support).384 lazy var originalSignature: String = {385 let modifiers = method.isThrowing ? " throws" : ""386 let parameterTypes ={387 $0.matchableTypeName(context: self, bridgeVariadics: false)388 })389 return "(\(separated: parameterTypes))\(modifiers) -> \(matchableReturnType)"390 }()391 392 /​/​/​ General function signature for matching.393 lazy var longSignature: String = {394 let modifiers = method.isThrowing ? " throws" : ""395 return "(\(separated: matchableParameterTypes))\(modifiers) -> \(matchableReturnType)"396 }()397 398 /​/​/​ Convenience function signature for matching without any arguments.399 lazy var shortSignature: String = {400 let modifiers = method.isThrowing ? " throws" : ""401 return "()\(modifiers) -> \(matchableReturnType)"402 }()403 404 lazy var mockableReturnType: String = {405 return context.specializeTypeName(method.returnTypeName)406 }()407 408 lazy var matchableReturnType: String = {409 return mockableReturnType.removingImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionals()410 }()411 412 lazy var mockableParameterTypes: [String] = {413 return{ $0.mockableTypeName(context: self) })414 }()415 416 lazy var matchableParameterTypes: [String] = {417 return{ $0.matchableTypeName(context: self) })418 }()419 420 lazy var invocationArguments: [(argumentLabel: String?, parameterName: String)] = {421 return{ ($0.argumentLabel, $0.parameterName) })422 }()423}424extension Method {425 var isThrowing: Bool {426 return attributes.contains(.throws) || attributes.contains(.rethrows)427 }428 429 var isVariadic: Bool {430 return parameters.contains(where: { $0.attributes.contains(.variadic) })431 }432}433private extension MethodParameter {434 func mockableTypeName(context: MethodTemplate) -> String {435 return context.context.specializeTypeName(self.typeName)436 }437 438 func matchableTypeName(context: MethodTemplate, bridgeVariadics: Bool = true) -> String {439 let rawTypeName = mockableTypeName(context: context)440 441 /​/​ Type names outside of function declarations differ slightly. Variadics and implicitly442 /​/​ unwrapped optionals must be sanitized.443 let typeName = rawTypeName.removingImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionals()444 if bridgeVariadics && attributes.contains(.variadic) {445 return "[\(typeName.dropLast(3))]"446 } else {447 return "\(typeName)"448 }449 }450 451 var parameterName: String {452 let inoutAttribute = attributes.contains(.inout) ? "&" : ""453 let autoclosureForwarding = attributes.contains(.autoclosure) ? "()" : ""454 return "\(inoutAttribute)\(name.backtickWrapped)\(autoclosureForwarding)"455 }456 457 func matchableTypeName(in context: MethodTemplate) -> String {458 let typeName = context.context.specializeTypeName(self.typeName).removingParameterAttributes()459 if attributes.contains(.variadic) {460 return "[" + typeName + "]"461 } else {462 return typeName463 }464 }465 466 var isNonEscapingClosure: Bool {467 return attributes.contains(.closure) && !attributes.contains(.escaping)468 }469}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let obj = without()2obj.methodTemplate()3let obj = without()4obj.methodTemplate()5let obj = without()6obj.methodTemplate()7let obj = without()8obj.methodTemplate()9let obj = without()10obj.methodTemplate()11let obj = without()12obj.methodTemplate()13let obj = without()14obj.methodTemplate()15let obj = without()16obj.methodTemplate()17let obj = without()18obj.methodTemplate()19let obj = without()20obj.methodTemplate()21let obj = without()22obj.methodTemplate()23let obj = without()24obj.methodTemplate()25let obj = without()26obj.methodTemplate()27let obj = without()28obj.methodTemplate()29let obj = without()30obj.methodTemplate()31let obj = without()32obj.methodTemplate()33let obj = without()34obj.methodTemplate()35let obj = without()36obj.methodTemplate()37let obj = without()38obj.methodTemplate()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let without = Without()2without.methodTemplate()3let without = Without()4without.methodTemplate()5let without = Without()6without.methodTemplate()7let without = Without()8without.methodTemplate()9let without = Without()10without.methodTemplate()11let without = Without()12without.methodTemplate()13let without = Without()14without.methodTemplate()15let without = Without()16without.methodTemplate()17let without = Without()18without.methodTemplate()19let without = Without()20without.methodTemplate()21let without = Without()22without.methodTemplate()23let without = Without()24without.methodTemplate()25let without = Without()26without.methodTemplate()27let without = Without()28without.methodTemplate()29let without = Without()30without.methodTemplate()31let without = Without()32without.methodTemplate()33let without = Without()34without.methodTemplate()35let without = Without()36without.methodTemplate()37let without = Without()38without.methodTemplate()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let withoutObject = without()2withoutObject.methodTemplate()3let withoutObject = without()4withoutObject.methodTemplate()5let withoutObject = without()6withoutObject.methodTemplate()7let withoutObject = without()8withoutObject.methodTemplate()9let withoutObject = without()10withoutObject.methodTemplate()11let withoutObject = without()12withoutObject.methodTemplate()13let withoutObject = without()14withoutObject.methodTemplate()15let withoutObject = without()16withoutObject.methodTemplate()17let withoutObject = without()18withoutObject.methodTemplate()19let withoutObject = without()20withoutObject.methodTemplate()21let withoutObject = without()22withoutObject.methodTemplate()23let withoutObject = without()24withoutObject.methodTemplate()25let withoutObject = without()26withoutObject.methodTemplate()27let withoutObject = without()28withoutObject.methodTemplate()29let withoutObject = without()30withoutObject.methodTemplate()31let withoutObject = without()32withoutObject.methodTemplate()33let withoutObject = without()34withoutObject.methodTemplate()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let object = Without()2object.methodTemplate()3let object = With()4object.methodTemplate()5let object = With()6object.methodTemplate()7let object = With()8object.methodTemplate()9let object = With()10object.methodTemplate()11let object = With()12object.methodTemplate()13let object = With()14object.methodTemplate()15let object = With()16object.methodTemplate()17let object = With()18object.methodTemplate()19let object = With()20object.methodTemplate()21let object = With()22object.methodTemplate()23let object = With()24object.methodTemplate()25let object = With()26object.methodTemplate()27let object = With()28object.methodTemplate()29let object = With()30object.methodTemplate()31let object = With()32object.methodTemplate()33let object = With()34object.methodTemplate()35let object = With()36object.methodTemplate()37let object = With()38object.methodTemplate()

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Using AI Code Generation


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