How to use tearDown method of func class

Best Quick code snippet using func.tearDown


Source:BalancedXCTestLifecycleRule.swift Github


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...4 public var configuration = SeverityConfiguration(.warning)5 public static let description = RuleDescription(6 identifier: "balanced_xctest_lifecycle",7 name: "Balanced XCTest life-cycle",8 description: "Test classes must implement balanced setUp and tearDown methods.",9 kind: .lint,10 nonTriggeringExamples: [11 Example(#"""12 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {13 override func setUp() {}14 override func tearDown() {}15 }16 """#),17 Example(#"""18 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {19 override func setUpWithError() throws {}20 override func tearDown() {}21 }22 """#),23 Example(#"""24 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {25 override func setUp() {}26 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}27 }28 """#),29 Example(#"""30 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {31 override func setUpWithError() throws {}32 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}33 }34 final class BarTests: XCTestCase {35 override func setUpWithError() throws {}36 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}37 }38 """#),39 Example(#"""40 struct FooTests {41 override func setUp() {}42 }43 class BarTests {44 override func setUpWithError() throws {}45 }46 """#),47 Example(#"""48 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {49 override func setUpAlLExamples() {}50 }51 """#),52 Example(#"""53 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {54 class func setUp() {}55 class func tearDown() {}56 }57 """#)58 ],59 triggeringExamples: [60 Example(#"""61 final class ↓FooTests: XCTestCase {62 override func setUp() {}63 }64 """#),65 Example(#"""66 final class ↓FooTests: XCTestCase {67 override func setUpWithError() throws {}68 }69 """#),70 Example(#"""71 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {72 override func setUp() {}73 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}74 }75 final class ↓BarTests: XCTestCase {76 override func setUpWithError() throws {}77 }78 """#),79 Example(#"""80 final class ↓FooTests: XCTestCase {81 class func tearDown() {}82 }83 """#),84 Example(#"""85 final class ↓FooTests: XCTestCase {86 override func tearDown() {}87 }88 """#),89 Example(#"""90 final class ↓FooTests: XCTestCase {91 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}92 }93 """#),94 Example(#"""95 final class FooTests: XCTestCase {96 override func setUp() {}97 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}98 }99 final class ↓BarTests: XCTestCase {100 override func tearDownWithError() throws {}101 }102 """#)103 ]104 )105 /​/​ MARK: - Life cycle106 public init() {}107 /​/​ MARK: - Public108 public func validate(file: SwiftLintFile) -> [StyleViolation] {109 testClasses(in: file).compactMap { violations(in: file, for: $0) }110 }111 /​/​ MARK: - Private112 private func testClasses(in file: SwiftLintFile) -> [SourceKittenDictionary] {113 file.structureDictionary.substructure.filter { dictionary in114 guard dictionary.declarationKind == .class else { return false }115 return dictionary.inheritedTypes.contains("XCTestCase")116 }117 }118 private func violations(in file: SwiftLintFile,119 for dictionary: SourceKittenDictionary) -> StyleViolation? {120 let methods = dictionary.substructure121 .compactMap { XCTMethod($ }122 guard123 methods.contains(.setUp) != methods.contains(.tearDown),124 let offset = dictionary.nameOffset125 else {126 return nil127 }128 return StyleViolation(ruleDescription: Self.description,129 severity: configuration.severity,130 location: Location(file: file, byteOffset: offset))131 }132}133/​/​ MARK: - Private134private enum XCTMethod {135 case setUp136 case tearDown137 init?(_ name: String?) {138 switch name {139 case "setUp()", "setUpWithError()": self = .setUp140 case "tearDown()", "tearDownWithError()": self = .tearDown141 default: return nil142 }143 }144}...

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Source:EmptyXCTestMethodRuleExamples.swift Github


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...7 override func setUp() {8 super.setUp()9 foobar = Foobar()10 }11 override func tearDown() {12 foobar = nil13 super.tearDown()14 }15 func testFoo() {16 XCTAssertTrue(foobar?.foo)17 }18 func testBar() {19 /​/​ comment...20 XCTAssertFalse(foobar?.bar)21 /​/​ comment...22 }23 }24 """),25 /​/​ Not an XCTestCase class26 Example("""27 class Foobar {28 func setUp() {}29 func tearDown() {}30 func testFoo() {}31 }32 """),33 /​/​ Methods with parameters34 Example("""35 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {36 func setUp(with object: Foobar) {}37 func tearDown(object: Foobar) {}38 func testFoo(_ foo: Foobar) {}39 func testBar(bar: (String) -> Int) {}40 }41 """),42 /​/​ Asserts in one line43 Example("""44 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {45 func testFoo() { XCTAssertTrue(foobar?.foo) }46 func testBar() { XCTAssertFalse(foobar?.bar) }47 }48 """)49 ]50 static let triggeringExamples = [51 /​/​ XCTestCase class with empty methods52 Example("""53 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {54 override ↓func setUp() {55 }56 override ↓func tearDown() {57 }58 ↓func testFoo() {59 }60 ↓func testBar() {61 }62 func helperFunction() {63 }64 }65 """),66 Example("""67 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {68 override ↓func setUp() {}69 override ↓func tearDown() {}70 ↓func testFoo() {}71 func helperFunction() {}72 }73 """),74 /​/​ XCTestCase class with comments (and blank lines)75 Example("""76 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {77 override ↓func setUp() {78 /​/​ comment...79 }80 override ↓func tearDown() {81 /​/​ comment...82 /​/​ comment...83 }84 ↓func testFoo() {85 /​/​ comment...86 /​/​ comment...87 /​/​ comment...88 }89 ↓func testBar() {90 /​*91 * comment...92 *93 * comment...94 *...

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Source:TestCaseAccessibilityRuleExamples.swift Github


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...17 }18 override func setUpWithError() throws {19 try super.setUpWithError()20 }21 override static func tearDown() {22 super.tearDown()23 }24 override func tearDown() {25 super.tearDown()26 }27 override func tearDownWithError() {28 try super.tearDownWithError()29 }30 override func someFutureXCTestFunction() {31 super.someFutureXCTestFunction()32 }33 func testFoo() {34 XCTAssertTrue(true)35 }36 func testBar() {37 func nestedFunc() {}38 }39 private someFunc(hasParam: Bool) {}40 }41 """),42 Example("""43 class FooTests: XCTestCase {44 func allowedPrefixTestFoo() {}45 }46 """, configuration: ["allowed_prefixes": ["allowedPrefix"]]),47 /​/​ Not an XCTestCase class48 Example("""49 class Foobar {50 func setUp() {}51 func tearDown() {}52 func testFoo() {}53 }54 """)55 ]56 static let triggeringExamples = [57 Example("""58 class FooTests: XCTestCase {59 ↓var foo: String?60 ↓let bar: String?61 ↓static func foo() {}62 ↓func setUp(withParam: String) {}63 ↓func foobar() {}64 ↓func not_testBar() {}65 ↓enum Nested {}66 ↓static func testFoo() {}67 ↓static func allTests() {}68 ↓func testFoo(hasParam: Bool) {}69 }70 final class BarTests: XCTestCase {71 ↓class Nested {}72 }73 """)74 ]75 static let corrections = [76 Example("""77 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {78 ↓var foo: Bar?79 ↓struct Baz {}80 override func setUp() {}81 override func tearDown() {}82 func testFoo() {}83 func testBar() {}84 ↓func helperFunction() {}85 }86 """):87 Example("""88 class TotoTests: XCTestCase {89 private var foo: Bar?90 private struct Baz {}91 override func setUp() {}92 override func tearDown() {}93 func testFoo() {}94 func testBar() {}95 private func helperFunction() {}96 }97 """)98 ]99}...

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1import XCTest2class MyTest: XCTestCase {3 override func setUp() {4 super.setUp()5 }6 override func tearDown() {7 super.tearDown()8 }9 func testExample() {10 }11 func testPerformanceExample() {12 self.measure {13 }14 }15}16import XCTest17class MyTest: XCTestCase {18 override func setUp() {19 super.setUp()20 }21 override func tearDown() {22 super.tearDown()23 }24 func testExample() {25 }26 func testPerformanceExample() {27 self.measure {28 }29 }30}31import XCTest32class MyTest: XCTestCase {33 override func setUp() {34 super.setUp()35 }36 override func tearDown() {37 super.tearDown()38 }39 func testExample() {40 }41 func testPerformanceExample() {42 self.measure {

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1import XCTest2class 1: XCTestCase {3 override func tearDown() {4 super.tearDown()5 }6 func testExample() {7 }8 func testPerformanceExample() {9 self.measure {10 }11 }12}13import XCTest14class 2: XCTestCase {15 override func setUp() {16 super.setUp()17 }18 func testExample() {19 }20 func testPerformanceExample() {21 self.measure {22 }23 }24}25import XCTest26class 3: XCTestCase {27 override func setUp() {28 super.setUp()29 }30 func testExample() {31 }32 func testPerformanceExample() {33 self.measure {34 }35 }36}37import XCTest38class 4: XCTestCase {39 override func setUp() {40 super.setUp()41 }42 func testExample() {43 }44 func testPerformanceExample() {45 self.measure {46 }47 }48}49import XCTest50class 5: XCTestCase {51 override func setUp() {

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1import XCTest2class UnitTest: XCTestCase {3 override func setUp() {4 sut = ViewController()5 }6 override func tearDown() {7 }8 func testAdd() {9 let result = sut.add(a: 10, b: 20)10 XCTAssertEqual(result, 30)11 }12}13import XCTest14class UnitTest: XCTestCase {15 override func setUp() {16 sut = ViewController()17 }18 override func tearDown() {19 }20 func testSub() {21 let result = sut.sub(a: 10, b: 20)22 XCTAssertEqual(result, -10)23 }24}25import XCTest26class UnitTest: XCTestCase {27 override func setUp() {28 sut = ViewController()29 }30 override func tearDown() {31 }32 func testMul() {33 let result = sut.mul(a: 10, b: 20)34 XCTAssertEqual(result, 200)35 }36}37import XCTest38class UnitTest: XCTestCase {39 override func setUp() {40 sut = ViewController()41 }42 override func tearDown() {43 }44 func testDiv() {

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1import XCTest2class Test: XCTestCase {3 override func tearDown() {4 super.tearDown()5 }6}7import XCTest8class Test: XCTestCase {9 override func tearDown() {10 super.tearDown()11 }12}13import XCTest14class Test: XCTestCase {15 override func tearDown() {16 super.tearDown()17 }18}19import XCTest20class Test: XCTestCase {21 func test() {22 XCTAssert(true)23 }24}25import XCTest26class Test: XCTestCase {27 func test() {28 XCTAssert(true)29 }30 ("test", test),31}32 Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.0 (0.0) seconds

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1class func tearDown() {2 print("teardown")3}4class func setUp() {5 print("setup")6}7class func tearDown() {8 print("teardown")9}10class func setUp() {11 print("setup")12}13class func tearDown() {14 print("teardown")15}16class func setUp() {17 print("setup")18}19class func tearDown() {20 print("teardown")21}22class func setUp() {23 print("setup")24}25class func tearDown() {26 print("teardown")27}28class func setUp() {29 print("setup")30}31class func tearDown() {32 print("teardown")33}34class func setUp() {35 print("setup")36}37class func tearDown() {38 print("teardown")39}40class func setUp() {41 print("setup")42}43class func tearDown() {44 print("teardown")45}46class func setUp() {47 print("setup")48}49class func tearDown() {50 print("teardown")51}52class func setUp() {53 print("setup")54}

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1class func tearDown() {2 print("tearDown method")3}4class func setUp() {5 print("setUp method")6}7class func setUp() {8 print("setUp method")9}10class func setUp() {11 print("setUp method")12}13class func setUp() {14 print("setUp method")15}16class func setUp() {17 print("setUp method")18}19class func setUp() {20 print("setUp method")21}22class func setUp() {23 print("setUp method")24}25class func setUp() {26 print("setUp method")27}28class func setUp() {29 print("setUp method")30}31class func setUp() {32 print("setUp method")33}34class func setUp() {35 print("setUp method")36}37class func setUp() {38 print("setUp method")39}40class func setUp() {41 print("setUp method")42}43class func setUp() {44 print("setUp method")45}46class func setUp() {47 print("setUp method")48}49class func setUp() {50 print("setUp method")51}52class func setUp() {

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1import XCTest2class MyTest: XCTestCase {3 override func setUp() {4 super.setUp()5 }6 override func tearDown() {7 super.tearDown()8 }9 func testSomething() {10 }11}12import XCTest13class MyTest: XCTestCase {14 override func setUp() {15 super.setUp()16 }17 override func tearDown() {18 super.tearDown()19 }20 func testSomething() {21 }22}23I have problem with my test class. I have 2 swift files with same class name, but different test methods. I want to use tearDown method in both files. How can I do that? I tried to use super.tearDown() in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and I don't want to use it in another one. I tried to use tearDown method in both files, but it doesn't work. I want to use tearDown method in both files, because I want to use it in one of them, and

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1class func tearDown() {2 print("tearDown method is called")3}4class func setUp() {5 print("setUp method is called")6}7class func test() {8 print("test method is called")9}10class func test() {11 print("test method is called")12}13class func test() {14 print("test method is called")15}16class func test() {17 print("test method is called")18}19class func test() {20 print("test method is called")21}22class func test() {23 print("test method is called")24}25class func test() {26 print("test method is called")27}28class func test() {29 print("test method is called")30}31class func test() {32 print("test method is called")33}34class func test() {35 print("test method is called")36}37class func test() {38 print("test method is called")39}40class func test() {41 print("test method is called")42}43class func test() {44 print("test method is called")45}46class func test() {47 print("test method is called")48}

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1func testExample() {2 let expectation = self.expectation(description: "some description")3}4override func tearDown() {5 super.tearDown()6}

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