How to use raiseExceptionMatcher method of func class

Best Nimble code snippet using func.raiseExceptionMatcher


Source:RaisesException.swift Github


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1import Foundation2internal func raiseExceptionMatcher<T>(message: String, matches: (NSException?) -> Bool) -> MatcherFunc<T> {3 return MatcherFunc { actualExpression, failureMessage in4 failureMessage.actualValue = nil5 failureMessage.postfixMessage = message6 /​/​ It would be better if this was part of Expression, but7 /​/​ Swift compiler crashes when expect() is inside a closure.8 var exception: NSException?9 var result: T?10 var capture = NMBExceptionCapture(handler: ({ e in11 exception = e12 }), finally: nil)13 capture.tryBlock {14 actualExpression.evaluate()15 return16 }17 return matches(exception)18 }19}20/​/​/​ A Nimble matcher that succeeds when the actual expression raises an exception with21/​/​/​ the specified name, reason, and userInfo.22public func raiseException(#named: String, #reason: String, #userInfo: NSDictionary) -> MatcherFunc<Any> {23 return raiseExceptionMatcher("raise exception named <\(named)> with reason <\(reason)> and userInfo <\(userInfo)>") {24 exception in25 return exception?.name == named26 && exception?.reason == reason27 && exception?.userInfo == userInfo28 }29}30/​/​/​ A Nimble matcher that succeeds when the actual expression raises an exception with31/​/​/​ the specified name and reason.32public func raiseException(#named: String, #reason: String) -> MatcherFunc<Any> {33 return raiseExceptionMatcher("raise exception named <\(named)> with reason <\(reason)>") {34 exception in return exception?.name == named && exception?.reason == reason35 }36}37/​/​/​ A Nimble matcher that succeeds when the actual expression raises an exception with38/​/​/​ the specified name.39public func raiseException(#named: String) -> MatcherFunc<Any> {40 return raiseExceptionMatcher("raise exception named <\(named)>") {41 exception in return exception?.name == named42 }43}44/​/​/​ A Nimble matcher that succeeds when the actual expression raises any exception.45/​/​/​ Please use a more specific raiseException() matcher when possible.46public func raiseException() -> MatcherFunc<Any> {47 return raiseExceptionMatcher("raise any exception") {48 exception in return exception != nil49 }50}51@objc public class NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher : NMBMatcher {52 var _name: String?53 var _reason: String?54 var _userInfo: NSDictionary?55 init(name: String?, reason: String?, userInfo: NSDictionary?) {56 _name = name57 _reason = reason58 _userInfo = userInfo59 }60 public func matches(actualBlock: () -> NSObject!, failureMessage: FailureMessage, location: SourceLocation) -> Bool {61 let block: () -> Any? = ({ actualBlock(); return nil })62 let expr = Expression(expression: block, location: location)63 if _name != nil && _reason != nil && _userInfo != nil {64 return raiseException(named: _name!, reason: _reason!, userInfo: _userInfo!).matches(expr, failureMessage: failureMessage)65 } else if _name != nil && _reason != nil {66 return raiseException(named: _name!, reason: _reason!).matches(expr, failureMessage: failureMessage)67 } else if _name != nil {68 return raiseException(named: _name!).matches(expr, failureMessage: failureMessage)69 } else {70 return raiseException().matches(expr, failureMessage: failureMessage)71 }72 }73 public func doesNotMatch(actualBlock: () -> NSObject!, failureMessage: FailureMessage, location: SourceLocation) -> Bool {74 return !matches(actualBlock, failureMessage: failureMessage, location: location)75 }76 public var named: (name: String) -> NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher {77 return ({ name in78 return NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher(name: name, reason: self._reason, userInfo: self._userInfo)79 })80 }81 public var reason: (reason: String?) -> NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher {82 return ({ reason in83 return NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher(name: self._name, reason: reason, userInfo: self._userInfo)84 })85 }86 public var userInfo: (userInfo: NSDictionary?) -> NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher {87 return ({ userInfo in88 return NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher(name: self._name, reason: self._reason, userInfo: userInfo)89 })90 }91}92extension NMBObjCMatcher {93 public class func raiseExceptionMatcher() -> NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher {94 return NMBObjCRaiseExceptionMatcher(name: nil, reason: nil, userInfo: nil)95 }96}...

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1func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {2 let funcObj = Func()3 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()4}5func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {6 let funcObj = Func()7 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()8}9func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {10 let funcObj = Func()11 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()12}13func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {14 let funcObj = Func()15 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()16}17func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {18 let funcObj = Func()19 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()20}21func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {22 let funcObj = Func()23 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()24}25func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {26 let funcObj = Func()27 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()28}29func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {30 let funcObj = Func()31 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()32}33func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {34 let funcObj = Func()35 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()36}37func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {38 let funcObj = Func()39 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()40}41func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {42 let funcObj = Func()43 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()44}45func testRaiseExceptionMatcher() {46 let funcObj = Func()47 funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()48}49func testRaiseExceptionMatcher()

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1func testException() {2 do {3 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()4 } catch {5 print(error)6 }7}8func testException() {9 do {10 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()11 } catch {12 print(error)13 }14}15func testException() {16 do {17 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()18 } catch {19 print(error)20 }21}22func testException() {23 do {24 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()25 } catch {26 print(error)27 }28}29func testException() {30 do {31 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()32 } catch {33 print(error)34 }35}36func testException() {37 do {38 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()39 } catch {40 print(error)41 }42}43func testException() {44 do {45 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()46 } catch {47 print(error)48 }49}50func testException() {51 do {52 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()53 } catch {54 print(error)55 }56}57func testException() {58 do {59 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()60 } catch {61 print(error)62 }63}64func testException() {65 do {66 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()67 } catch {68 print(error)69 }70}71func testException() {72 do {73 try func.raiseExceptionMatcher()74 } catch {75 print(error)76 }77}

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1func raiseExceptionMatcher() {2 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()3 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()4}5func raiseExceptionMatcher() {6 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()7 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()8}9func raiseExceptionMatcher() {10 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()11 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()12}13func raiseExceptionMatcher() {14 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()15 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()16}17func raiseExceptionMatcher() {18 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()19 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()20}21func raiseExceptionMatcher() {22 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()23 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()24}25func raiseExceptionMatcher() {26 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()27 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()28}29func raiseExceptionMatcher() {30 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()31 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()32}33func raiseExceptionMatcher() {34 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()35 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()36}37func raiseExceptionMatcher() {38 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()39 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()40}41func raiseExceptionMatcher() {42 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()43 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()44}45func raiseExceptionMatcher() {46 let exceptionMatcher = ExceptionMatcher()47 exceptionMatcher.raiseExceptionMatcher()48}49func raiseExceptionMatcher() {

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1func testRaiseException() {2 let funcObj = Func()3 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in4 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)5 }6}7func testRaiseException() {8 let funcObj = Func()9 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in10 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)11 }12}13func testRaiseException() {14 let funcObj = Func()15 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in16 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)17 }18}19func testRaiseException() {20 let funcObj = Func()21 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in22 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)23 }24}25func testRaiseException() {26 let funcObj = Func()27 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in28 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)29 }30}31func testRaiseException() {32 let funcObj = Func()33 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in34 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)35 }36}37func testRaiseException() {38 let funcObj = Func()39 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in40 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)41 }42}43func testRaiseException() {44 let funcObj = Func()45 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher()) { error in46 XCTAssertEqual(error as? Error, Error.raiseException)47 }48}

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1func testRaiseException() {2 let funcClass = Func()3 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)4 funcClass.raiseException(exception)5}6func testRaiseException() {7 let funcClass = Func()8 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)9 funcClass.raiseException(exception)10}11func testRaiseException() {12 let funcClass = Func()13 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)14 funcClass.raiseException(exception)15}16func testRaiseException() {17 let funcClass = Func()18 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)19 funcClass.raiseException(exception)20}21func testRaiseException() {22 let funcClass = Func()23 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)24 funcClass.raiseException(exception)25}26func testRaiseException() {27 let funcClass = Func()28 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)29 funcClass.raiseException(exception)30}31func testRaiseException() {32 let funcClass = Func()33 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException"), reason: "MyException", userInfo: nil)34 funcClass.raiseException(exception)35}36func testRaiseException() {37 let funcClass = Func()38 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "MyException

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1func testException() {2 let funcObj = funcClass()3 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)4 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))5}6func testException() {7 let funcObj = funcClass()8 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)9 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))10}11func testException() {12 let funcObj = funcClass()13 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)14 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))15}16func testException() {17 let funcObj = funcClass()18 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)19 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))20}21func testException() {22 let funcObj = funcClass()23 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)24 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))25}26func testException() {27 let funcObj = funcClass()28 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)29 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception))30}31func testException() {32 let funcObj = funcClass()33 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "CustomException"), reason: "CustomException", userInfo: nil)34 XCTAssertThrowsError(try funcObj

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1func testFunction() {2 let funcClass = func()3 let exception = NSException(name: NSExceptionName(rawValue: "Exception"), reason: "Exception", userInfo: nil)4 let exceptionMatcher = funcClass.raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception)5 let exceptionRaised = funcClass.raiseException(exception: exception)6 expect(exceptionRaised).to(match(exceptionMatcher))7}8class func {9 func raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: NSException) -> NMBExceptionCapture {10 return NMBExceptionCapture.init(handler: { (exception) -> Void in11 expect(exception).toNot(beNil())12 expect(exception?.name).to(equal( expect(exception?.reason).to(equal(exception.reason))14 })15 }16 func raiseException(exception: NSException) -> Bool {17 let exceptionMatcher = raiseExceptionMatcher(exception: exception)18 exceptionMatcher.tryBlock {19 exception.raise()20 }21 }22}23public class NMBExceptionCapture: NSObject {24 let handler: ((NSException?) -> Void)?25 public init(handler: ((NSException?) -> Void)?) {26 }27 public func tryBlock(_ block: () -> Void) {28 let exceptionHandler: @convention(c) (NSException?) -> Void = { exception in29 self.handler?(exception)30 }31 NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(exceptionHandler)32 block()33 NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(nil)34 }35}36public func match<T>(_ expectedValue: T) -> NonNilMatcherFunc<T> {37 return NonNilMatcherFunc { actualExpression, failureMessage in38 failureMessage.postfixMessage = "match <\(stringify(expectedValue))>"39 let actualValue = try actualExpression.evaluate()40 }41}42public func equal<T: Equatable>(_ expectedValue: T?) -> NonNilMatcherFunc<T> {43 return NonNilMatcherFunc { actualExpression, failureMessage in44 failureMessage.postfixMessage = "equal <\(stringify(expectedValue))>"

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1func testException() {2 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()3 exception.expect("exception raised")4 exception.raise("exception raised")5}6func testException() {7 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()8 exception.expect("exception raised")9 exception.raise("exception raised")10}11func testException() {12 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()13 exception.expect("exception raised")14 exception.raise("exception raised")15}16func testException() {17 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()18 exception.expect("exception raised")19 exception.raise("exception raised")20}21func testException() {22 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()23 exception.expect("exception raised")24 exception.raise("exception raised")25}26func testException() {27 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()28 exception.expect("exception raised")29 exception.raise("exception raised")30}31func testException() {32 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()33 exception.expect("exception raised")34 exception.raise("exception raised")35}36func testException() {37 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()38 exception.expect("exception raised")39 exception.raise("exception raised")40}41func testException() {42 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()43 exception.expect("exception raised")44 exception.raise("exception raised")45}46func testException() {47 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()48 exception.expect("exception raised")49 exception.raise("exception raised")50}51func testException() {52 let exception = raiseExceptionMatcher()53 exception.expect("exception raised")54 exception.raise("exception raised")55}

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1func testException() {2 do {3 try func.raiseException()4 XCTFail("No exception was thrown.")5 } catch func.ExceptionType.BadInput {6 } catch {7 XCTFail("Unexpected error thrown: \(error).")8 }9}10func testException() {11 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in12 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)13 }14}15func testException() {16 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in17 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)18 }19}20func testException() {21 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in22 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)23 }24}25func testException() {26 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in27 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)28 }29}30func testException() {31 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in32 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)33 }34}35func testException() {36 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in37 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)38 }39}40func testException() {41 XCTAssertThrowsError(try func.raiseException(), "No exception was thrown.") { error in42 XCTAssertEqual(error as? func.ExceptionType, func.ExceptionType.BadInput)43 }44}

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