How to use _qck_testMethodSelectors method of func class

Best Quick code snippet using func._qck_testMethodSelectors


Source:VideoTransformationComposerAspectFillTests.swift Github


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...45 XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(resultOffsetX, 0)46 XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual(resultOffsetY, 0)47 }48 49 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {50 51 /​/​generate parameters52 53 let sizes = [50, 100, 200]54 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize)] = []55 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []56 var targetSizes: [CGSize] = []57 58 for width in sizes {59 for height in sizes {60 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))61 targetSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))62 }63 }64 65 for originalSize in originalSizes {66 for targetSize in targetSizes {67 testsParameters.append((originalSize: originalSize, targetSize: targetSize))68 }69 }70 71 return { parameter in72 /​/​/​ first we wrap our test method in block that takes TestCase instance73 let block: @convention(block) (Self) -> Void = { $0.methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: parameter.originalSize, targetSize: parameter.targetSize) }74 /​/​/​ with help of ObjC runtime we add new test method to class75 let implementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block)76 let selectorName = "test_\(parameter)"77 let selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)78 class_addMethod(self, selector, implementation, "v@:")79 /​/​/​ and return wrapped selector on new created method80 return _QuickSelectorWrapper(selector: selector)81 }82 }83}84class VideoTransformationComposerAspectFillOnlyCropTests: ParametrizedTestCase {85 func methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: CGSize, crop: Crop) {86 87 /​/​only crop, no additional resize to fill occur88 let targetWidth = (originalSize.width * (1.0 - (crop.left + crop.right) /​ 100.0)).rounded()89 let targetHeight = (originalSize.height * (1.0 - ( + crop.bottom) /​ 100.0)).rounded()90 91 let targetSize = CGSize(width: targetWidth,92 height: targetHeight)93 94 let resizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(targetSize)95 96 let transformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,97 cropPerCent: crop,98 resizeContentMode: resizeContentMode)99 100 101 let transformationParameters = transformationComposer.transformationParameters102 103 let inputWidth = originalSize.width104 let inputHeight = originalSize.height105 106 let resultOffsetX = transformationParameters.crop.x107 let resultOffsetY = transformationParameters.crop.y108 109 let resultRemainedWidth = inputWidth - resultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ transformationParameters.scale.x)110 let resultRemainedHeight = inputHeight - resultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ transformationParameters.scale.y)111 112 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetX - (crop.left * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)113 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetY - ( * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)114 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedWidth - (crop.right * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)115 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedHeight - (crop.bottom * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)116 117 XCTAssertEqual(transformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)118 }119 120 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {121 122 /​/​generate parameters123 124 let sizes: [CGFloat] = [50, 100, 200]125 let cropAmounts: [CGFloat] = [5, 0]126 127 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, crop: Crop)] = []128 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []129 130 var crops: [Crop] = []131 132 for width in sizes {133 for height in sizes {134 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))135 }136 }137 138 for top in cropAmounts {139 for bottom in cropAmounts {140 for left in cropAmounts {141 for right in cropAmounts {142 let crop = Crop(top: top, left: left, bottom: bottom, right: right)143 crops.append(crop)144 }145 }146 }147 }148 149 for originalSize in originalSizes {150 for crop in crops {151 testsParameters.append((originalSize: originalSize, crop: crop))152 }153 }154 155 return { parameter in156 /​/​/​ first we wrap our test method in block that takes TestCase instance157 let block: @convention(block) (Self) -> Void = { $0.methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: parameter.originalSize, crop: parameter.crop) }158 /​/​/​ with help of ObjC runtime we add new test method to class159 let implementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block)160 161 let selectorName = "test_\(parameter)"162 let selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)163 class_addMethod(self, selector, implementation, "v@:")164 /​/​/​ and return wrapped selector on new created method165 return _QuickSelectorWrapper(selector: selector)166 }167 }168}169class VideoTransformationComposerAspectFillResizeWithCropTests: ParametrizedTestCase {170 func methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize, crop: Crop) {171 /​/​step1 - perform crop only transformation172 173 let cropTargetWidth = (originalSize.width * (1.0 - (crop.left + crop.right) /​ 100.0)).rounded()174 let cropTargetHeight = (originalSize.height * (1.0 - ( + crop.bottom) /​ 100.0)).rounded()175 176 let cropTargetSize = CGSize(width: cropTargetWidth,177 height: cropTargetHeight)178 179 let cropResizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(cropTargetSize)180 181 let cropTransformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,182 cropPerCent: crop,183 resizeContentMode: cropResizeContentMode)184 185 let cropTransformationParameters = cropTransformationComposer.transformationParameters186 187 let originalSizeInputWidthToCrop = originalSize.width188 let originalSizeInputHeightToCrop = originalSize.height189 190 let cropResultOffsetX = cropTransformationParameters.crop.x191 let cropResultOffsetY = cropTransformationParameters.crop.y192 193 let cropResultRemainedWidth = originalSizeInputWidthToCrop - cropResultOffsetX - (cropTargetSize.width /​ cropTransformationParameters.scale.x)194 let cropResultRemainedHeight = originalSizeInputHeightToCrop - cropResultOffsetY - (cropTargetSize.height /​ cropTransformationParameters.scale.y)195 196 197 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultOffsetX - (crop.left * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)198 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultOffsetY - ( * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)199 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultRemainedWidth - (crop.right * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)200 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultRemainedHeight - (crop.bottom * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)201 202 XCTAssertEqual(cropTransformationParameters.targetSize, cropTargetSize)203 204 205 206 /​/​step2 - resize cropped result207 208 let croppedResultResizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(targetSize)209 210 let croppedResultTransformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: cropTargetSize,211 cropPerCent:,212 resizeContentMode: croppedResultResizeContentMode)213 214 let croppedResultTransformationParameters = croppedResultTransformationComposer.transformationParameters215 216 let inputWidth = cropTargetSize.width217 let inputHeight = cropTargetSize.height218 219 let croppedResultOffsetX = croppedResultTransformationParameters.crop.x220 let croppedResultOffsetY = croppedResultTransformationParameters.crop.y221 222 let croppedResultRemainedWidth = inputWidth - croppedResultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ croppedResultTransformationParameters.scale.x)223 let croppedResultRemainedHeight = inputHeight - croppedResultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ croppedResultTransformationParameters.scale.y)224 225 226 227 XCTAssertEqual(croppedResultTransformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)228 229 /​/​at least any of cropX, cropY should be zero, because aspect fill resize should be centered230 XCTAssertEqual((croppedResultOffsetX + croppedResultRemainedWidth) * (croppedResultOffsetY + croppedResultRemainedHeight), 0)231 232 233 /​/​step3 - perform crop and resize at once234 235 let resizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(targetSize)236 237 let transformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,238 cropPerCent: crop,239 resizeContentMode: resizeContentMode)240 241 let transformationParameters = transformationComposer.transformationParameters242 243 let originalSizeInputWidth = originalSize.width244 let originalSizeInputHeight = originalSize.height245 246 let resultOffsetX = transformationParameters.crop.x247 let resultOffsetY = transformationParameters.crop.y248 249 let resultRemainedWidth = originalSizeInputWidth - resultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ transformationParameters.scale.x)250 let resultRemainedHeight = originalSizeInputHeight - resultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ transformationParameters.scale.y)251 252 XCTAssertEqual(transformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)253 254 /​/​compare step1 + step2 with step3255 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetX - (cropResultOffsetX + croppedResultOffsetX)), 1)256 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetY - (cropResultOffsetY + croppedResultOffsetY)), 1)257 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedWidth - (croppedResultRemainedWidth + cropResultRemainedWidth)).rounded(),1)258 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedHeight - (croppedResultRemainedHeight + cropResultRemainedHeight)).rounded(), 1)259 }260 261 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {262 263 /​/​generate parameters264 265 let sizes: [CGFloat] = [50, 100, 200]266 let cropAmounts: [CGFloat] = [5, 0]267 268 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize, crop: Crop)] = []269 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []270 var targetSizes: [CGSize] = []271 var crops: [Crop] = []272 273 for width in sizes {274 for height in sizes {275 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))...

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Source:VideoTransformationComposerAspectFitTests.swift Github


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...43 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(resultOffsetX, 0)44 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(resultOffsetY, 0)45 }46 47 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {48 49 /​/​generate parameters50 51 let sizes = [50, 100, 200]52 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize)] = []53 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []54 var targetSizes: [CGSize] = []55 56 for width in sizes {57 for height in sizes {58 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))59 targetSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))60 }61 }62 63 for originalSize in originalSizes {64 for targetSize in targetSizes {65 testsParameters.append((originalSize: originalSize, targetSize: targetSize))66 }67 }68 69 return { parameter in70 /​/​/​ first we wrap our test method in block that takes TestCase instance71 let block: @convention(block) (Self) -> Void = { $0.methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: parameter.originalSize, targetSize: parameter.targetSize) }72 /​/​/​ with help of ObjC runtime we add new test method to class73 let implementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block)74 let selectorName = "test_\(parameter)"75 let selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)76 class_addMethod(self, selector, implementation, "v@:")77 /​/​/​ and return wrapped selector on new created method78 return _QuickSelectorWrapper(selector: selector)79 }80 }81}82class VideoTransformationComposerAspectFitOnlyCropTests: ParametrizedTestCase {83 func methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: CGSize, crop: Crop) {84 85 /​/​only crop, no additional resize to fit occur86 let targetWidth = (originalSize.width * (1.0 - (crop.left + crop.right) /​ 100.0)).rounded()87 let targetHeight = (originalSize.height * (1.0 - ( + crop.bottom) /​ 100.0)).rounded()88 89 let targetSize = CGSize(width: targetWidth,90 height: targetHeight)91 92 let resizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFit(targetSize)93 94 let transformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,95 cropPerCent: crop,96 resizeContentMode: resizeContentMode)97 98 99 let transformationParameters = transformationComposer.transformationParameters100 101 let inputWidth = originalSize.width102 let inputHeight = originalSize.height103 104 let resultOffsetX = transformationParameters.crop.x105 let resultOffsetY = transformationParameters.crop.y106 107 let resultRemainedWidth = inputWidth - resultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ transformationParameters.scale.x)108 let resultRemainedHeight = inputHeight - resultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ transformationParameters.scale.y)109 110 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetX - (crop.left * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)111 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetY - ( * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)112 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedWidth - (crop.right * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)113 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedHeight - (crop.bottom * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)114 115 XCTAssertEqual(transformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)116 }117 118 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {119 120 /​/​generate parameters121 122 let sizes: [CGFloat] = [50, 100, 200]123 let cropAmounts: [CGFloat] = [5, 0]124 125 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, crop: Crop)] = []126 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []127 128 var crops: [Crop] = []129 130 for width in sizes {131 for height in sizes {132 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))133 }134 }135 136 for top in cropAmounts {137 for bottom in cropAmounts {138 for left in cropAmounts {139 for right in cropAmounts {140 let crop = Crop(top: top, left: left, bottom: bottom, right: right)141 crops.append(crop)142 }143 }144 }145 }146 147 for originalSize in originalSizes {148 for crop in crops {149 testsParameters.append((originalSize: originalSize, crop: crop))150 }151 }152 153 return { parameter in154 /​/​/​ first we wrap our test method in block that takes TestCase instance155 let block: @convention(block) (Self) -> Void = { $0.methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: parameter.originalSize, crop: parameter.crop) }156 /​/​/​ with help of ObjC runtime we add new test method to class157 let implementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block)158 159 let selectorName = "test_\(parameter)"160 let selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)161 class_addMethod(self, selector, implementation, "v@:")162 /​/​/​ and return wrapped selector on new created method163 return _QuickSelectorWrapper(selector: selector)164 }165 }166}167class VideoTransformationComposerAspectFitResizeWithCropTests: ParametrizedTestCase {168 func methodToTestWithParameters(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize, crop: Crop) {169 /​/​step1 - perform crop only transformation170 171 let cropTargetWidth = (originalSize.width * (1.0 - (crop.left + crop.right) /​ 100.0)).rounded()172 let cropTargetHeight = (originalSize.height * (1.0 - ( + crop.bottom) /​ 100.0)).rounded()173 174 let cropTargetSize = CGSize(width: cropTargetWidth,175 height: cropTargetHeight)176 177 let cropResizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(cropTargetSize)178 179 let cropTransformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,180 cropPerCent: crop,181 resizeContentMode: cropResizeContentMode)182 183 let cropTransformationParameters = cropTransformationComposer.transformationParameters184 185 let originalSizeInputWidthToCrop = originalSize.width186 let originalSizeInputHeightToCrop = originalSize.height187 188 let cropResultOffsetX = cropTransformationParameters.crop.x189 let cropResultOffsetY = cropTransformationParameters.crop.y190 191 let cropResultRemainedWidth = originalSizeInputWidthToCrop - cropResultOffsetX - (cropTargetSize.width /​ cropTransformationParameters.scale.x)192 let cropResultRemainedHeight = originalSizeInputHeightToCrop - cropResultOffsetY - (cropTargetSize.height /​ cropTransformationParameters.scale.y)193 194 195 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultOffsetX - (crop.left * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)196 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultOffsetY - ( * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)197 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultRemainedWidth - (crop.right * originalSize.width /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)198 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(cropResultRemainedHeight - (crop.bottom * originalSize.height /​ 100.0)).rounded(), 1)199 200 XCTAssertEqual(cropTransformationParameters.targetSize, cropTargetSize)201 202 203 204 /​/​step2 - resize cropped result205 206 let croppedResultResizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(targetSize)207 208 let croppedResultTransformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: cropTargetSize,209 cropPerCent:,210 resizeContentMode: croppedResultResizeContentMode)211 212 let croppedResultTransformationParameters = croppedResultTransformationComposer.transformationParameters213 214 let inputWidth = cropTargetSize.width215 let inputHeight = cropTargetSize.height216 217 let croppedResultOffsetX = croppedResultTransformationParameters.crop.x218 let croppedResultOffsetY = croppedResultTransformationParameters.crop.y219 220 let croppedResultRemainedWidth = inputWidth - croppedResultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ croppedResultTransformationParameters.scale.x)221 let croppedResultRemainedHeight = inputHeight - croppedResultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ croppedResultTransformationParameters.scale.y)222 223 224 225 XCTAssertEqual(croppedResultTransformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)226 227 /​/​at least any of cropX, cropY should be zero, because aspect fill resize should be centered228 XCTAssertEqual((croppedResultOffsetX + croppedResultRemainedWidth) * (croppedResultOffsetY + croppedResultRemainedHeight), 0)229 230 231 /​/​step3 - perform crop and resize at once232 233 let resizeContentMode = ResizeContentMode.aspectFill(targetSize)234 235 let transformationComposer = VideoTransformationComposer(originalSize: originalSize,236 cropPerCent: crop,237 resizeContentMode: resizeContentMode)238 239 let transformationParameters = transformationComposer.transformationParameters240 241 let originalSizeInputWidth = originalSize.width242 let originalSizeInputHeight = originalSize.height243 244 let resultOffsetX = transformationParameters.crop.x245 let resultOffsetY = transformationParameters.crop.y246 247 let resultRemainedWidth = originalSizeInputWidth - resultOffsetX - (targetSize.width /​ transformationParameters.scale.x)248 let resultRemainedHeight = originalSizeInputHeight - resultOffsetY - (targetSize.height /​ transformationParameters.scale.y)249 250 XCTAssertEqual(transformationParameters.targetSize, targetSize)251 252 /​/​compare step1 + step2 with step3253 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetX - (cropResultOffsetX + croppedResultOffsetX)), 1)254 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultOffsetY - (cropResultOffsetY + croppedResultOffsetY)), 1)255 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedWidth - (croppedResultRemainedWidth + cropResultRemainedWidth)).rounded(),1)256 XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(abs(resultRemainedHeight - (croppedResultRemainedHeight + cropResultRemainedHeight)).rounded(), 1)257 }258 259 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {260 261 /​/​generate parameters262 263 let sizes: [CGFloat] = [50, 100, 200]264 let cropAmounts: [CGFloat] = [5, 0]265 266 var testsParameters: [(originalSize: CGSize, targetSize: CGSize, crop: Crop)] = []267 var originalSizes: [CGSize] = []268 var targetSizes: [CGSize] = []269 var crops: [Crop] = []270 271 for width in sizes {272 for height in sizes {273 originalSizes.append(CGSize(width: width, height: height))...

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Source:RuntimeTestsExample.swift Github


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...12 func p(_ s: String) {13 print("Magic: \(s)")14 }15 16 override class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [_QuickSelectorWrapper] {17 /​/​/​ For this example we create 3 runtime tests "test_a", "test_b" and "test_c" with corresponding parameter18 return ["a", "b", "c"].map { parameter in19 /​/​/​ first we wrap our test method in block that takes TestCase instance20 let block: @convention(block) (RuntimeTestsExample) -> Void = { $0.p(parameter) }21 /​/​/​ with help of ObjC runtime we add new test method to class22 let implementation = imp_implementationWithBlock(block)23 let selectorName = "test_\(parameter)"24 let selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)25 class_addMethod(self, selector, implementation, "v@:")26 /​/​/​ and return wrapped selector on new created method27 return _QuickSelectorWrapper(selector: selector)28 }29 }30}...

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1let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()2print(selectors)3let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()4print(selectors)5let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()6print(selectors)7let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()8print(selectors)9let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()10print(selectors)11let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()12print(selectors)13let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()14print(selectors)15let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()16print(selectors)17let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()18print(selectors)19let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()20print(selectors)21let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()22print(selectors)23let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()24print(selectors)25let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()26print(selectors)27let selectors = _qck_testMethodSelectors()28print(selectors)

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1class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [Selector] {2 #selector(testExample),3 #selector(testPerformanceExample),4}5class func _qck_testMethodSelectors() -> [Selector] {6 #selector(testExample),7 #selector(testPerformanceExample),8}9class _1Tests: XCTestCase {10 func testExample() {11 }12 func testPerformanceExample() {13 self.measure {14 }15 }16}17class _2Tests: XCTestCase {18 func testExample() {19 }20 func testPerformanceExample() {21 self.measure {22 }23 }24}25#if !canImport(ObjectiveC)26public func allTests() -> [XCTestCaseEntry] {27 testCase(_1Tests.allTests),28 testCase(_2Tests.allTests),29}30import XCTest31import _1Tests32var tests = [XCTestCaseEntry]()33tests += _1Tests.allTests()34tests += _2Tests.allTests()35XCTMain(tests)36import PackageDescription37let package = Package(38 .library(39 .package(url: "

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1import XCTest2class TestClass: XCTestCase {3 func test1() {4 print("test1")5 }6 func test2() {7 print("test2")8 }9 func test3() {10 print("test3")11 }12 func test4() {13 print("test4")14 }15 func test5() {16 print("test5")17 }18 func test6() {19 print("test6")20 }21 func test7() {22 print("test7")23 }24 func test8() {25 print("test8")26 }27 func test9() {28 print("test9")29 }30 func test10() {31 print("test10")32 }33 func test11() {34 print("test11")35 }36 func test12() {37 print("test12")38 }39 func test13() {40 print("test13")41 }42 func test14() {43 print("test14")44 }45 func test15() {46 print("test15")47 }48 func test16() {49 print("test16")50 }51 func test17() {52 print("test17")53 }54 func test18() {55 print("test18")56 }57 func test19() {58 print("test19")59 }60 func test20() {61 print("test20")62 }63 func test21() {64 print("test21")65 }66 func test22() {67 print("test22")68 }69 func test23() {70 print("test23")71 }72 func test24() {73 print("test24")74 }75 func test25() {76 print("test25")77 }78 func test26() {79 print("test26")80 }81 func test27() {82 print("test27")83 }84 func test28() {85 print("test28")86 }87 func test29() {88 print("test29")89 }90 func test30() {91 print("test30")92 }93 func test31() {94 print("test31")95 }96 func test32() {97 print("test32")98 }99 func test33() {100 print("test33")101 }102 func test34() {103 print("test34")104 }105 func test35() {

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1import XCTest2import Quick3class MyQuickSpec: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("MyQuickSpec") {6 it("works") {7 print("works")8 }9 }10 }11}12class MyXCTestCase: XCTestCase {13 func testMethodSelectors() {14 let selectors = MyQuickSpec._qck_testMethodSelectors()15 XCTAssertEqual(selectors.count, 1)16 XCTAssertEqual(selectors[0].description, "testWorks")17 }18}19import XCTest20import Quick21class MyQuickSpec: QuickSpec {22 override func spec() {23 describe("MyQuickSpec") {24 it("works") {25 print("works")26 }27 }28 }29}30class MyXCTestCase: XCTestCase {31 func testMethodSelectors() {32 let selectors = MyQuickSpec._qck_testMethodSelectors()33 XCTAssertEqual(selectors.count, 1)34 XCTAssertEqual(selectors[0].description, "testWorks")35 }36}37import XCTest38import Quick39class MyQuickSpec: QuickSpec {40 override func spec() {41 describe("MyQuickSpec") {42 it("works") {43 print("works")44 }45 }46 }47}48class MyXCTestCase: XCTestCase {49 func testMethodSelectors() {50 let selectors = MyQuickSpec._qck_testMethodSelectors()51 XCTAssertEqual(selectors.count, 1)52 XCTAssertEqual(selectors[0].description, "testWorks")53 }54}55import XCTest56import Quick57class MyQuickSpec: QuickSpec {58 override func spec() {59 describe("MyQuickSpec") {60 it("works") {61 print("works")62 }63 }64 }65}66class MyXCTestCase: XCTestCase {67 func testMethodSelectors() {68 let selectors = MyQuickSpec._qck_testMethodSelectors()69 XCTAssertEqual(selectors.count, 1)70 XCTAssertEqual(selectors[0].description, "testWorks")71 }72}73import XCTest74import Quick

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1import XCTest2import Quick3class TestClass: QuickSpec {4 override func spec() {5 describe("TestClass") {6 it("test method 1") {7 print("test method 1")8 }9 it("test method 2") {10 print("test method 2")11 }12 }13 }14}15let testClass = TestClass()16let testMethods = testClass._qck_testMethodSelectors()17for testMethod in testMethods {18 testClass.perform(testMethod)19}20import XCTest21import Quick22class TestClass: QuickSpec {23 override func spec() {24 describe("TestClass") {25 it("test method 1") {26 print("test method 1")27 }28 it("test method 2") {29 print("test method 2")30 }31 }32 }33}34let testClass = TestClass()35let testMethods = testClass._qck_testMethodSelectors()36for testMethod in testMethods {37 testClass.perform(testMethod)38}39import XCTest40import Quick41class TestClass: QuickSpec {42 override func spec() {43 describe("TestClass") {44 it("test method 1") {45 print("test method 1")46 }47 it("test method 2") {48 print("test method 2")49 }50 }51 }52}53let testClass = TestClass()54let testMethods = testClass._qck_testMethodSelectors()55for testMethod in testMethods {56 testClass.perform(testMethod)57}58import XCTest59import Quick60class TestClass: QuickSpec {61 override func spec() {62 describe("TestClass") {63 it("test method 1") {64 print("test method 1")65 }66 it("

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