How to use shortName method of MethodTemplate class

Best Mockingbird code snippet using MethodTemplate.shortName


Source: MethodTemplate.swift Github


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...64 isBridged: false,65 isThrowing: method.isThrowing,66 isStatic: method.kind.typeScope.isStatic,67 callMember: { scope in68 let scopedName = "\(scope).\(backticked: self.method.shortName)"69 guard self.method.isVariadic else {70 return FunctionCallTemplate(71 name: scopedName,72 arguments: self.invocationArguments,73 isThrowing: self.method.isThrowing).render()74 }75 76 // Variadic functions require casting since Swift doesn't support splatting.77 let name = FunctionCallTemplate(78 name: "Swift.unsafeBitCast",79 arguments: [80 (nil, "\(scopedName) as \(self.originalSignature)"),81 ("to", "\(parenthetical: self.longSignature).self")])82 return FunctionCallTemplate(83 name: name.render(),84 unlabeledArguments:{ $0.parameterName }),85 isThrowing: self.method.isThrowing).render()86 },87 invocationArguments: invocationArguments).render()88 let declaration = "public \(overridableModifiers)func \(fullNameForMocking)\(returnTypeAttributesForMocking) -> \(mockableReturnType)"89 return String(lines: [90 "// MARK: Mocked \(fullNameForMocking)",91 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,92 declaration: declaration,93 genericConstraints:{ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") }),94 body: body).render(),95 ])96 }97 98 /// Declared in a class, or a class that the protocol conforms to.99 lazy var isClassBound: Bool = {100 let isClassDefinedProtocolConformance = context.protocolClassConformance != nil101 && method.isOverridable102 return context.mockableType.kind == .class || isClassDefinedProtocolConformance103 }()104 105 var overridableUniqueDeclaration: String {106 return "\(fullNameForMocking)\(returnTypeAttributesForMocking) -> \(mockableReturnType)\(genericConstraints)"107 }108 109 lazy var uniqueDeclaration: String = { return overridableUniqueDeclaration }()110 111 /// Methods synthesized specifically for the stubbing and verification APIs.112 var synthesizedDeclarations: String {113 let invocationType = "(\(separated: matchableParameterTypes)) \(returnTypeAttributesForMatching)-> \(matchableReturnType)"114 115 var methods = [String]()116 let genericTypes = [declarationTypeForMocking, invocationType, matchableReturnType]117 let returnType = "Mockingbird.Mockable<\(separated: genericTypes)>"118 119 let declaration = "public \(regularModifiers)func \(fullNameForMatching) -> \(returnType)"120 let genericConstraints ={ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") })121 122 let body = !context.shouldGenerateThunks ? MockableTypeTemplate.Constants.thunkStub : """123 return \(ObjectInitializationTemplate(124 name: "Mockingbird.Mockable",125 genericTypes: genericTypes,126 arguments: [("mock", mockObject), ("invocation", matchableInvocation())]))127 """128 methods.append(129 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,130 declaration: declaration,131 genericConstraints: genericConstraints,132 body: body).render())133 134 // Variadics generate both the array and variadic-forms of the function signature to allow use135 // of either when stubbing and verifying.136 if method.isVariadic {137 let body = !context.shouldGenerateThunks ? MockableTypeTemplate.Constants.thunkStub : """138 return \(ObjectInitializationTemplate(139 name: "Mockingbird.Mockable",140 genericTypes: genericTypes,141 arguments: [("mock", mockObject),142 ("invocation", matchableInvocation(isVariadic: true))]))143 """144 let declaration = "public \(regularModifiers)func \(fullNameForMatchingVariadics) -> \(returnType)"145 methods.append(146 FunctionDefinitionTemplate(attributes: method.attributes.safeDeclarations,147 declaration: declaration,148 genericConstraints: genericConstraints,149 body: body).render())150 }151 152 return String(lines: methods, spacing: 2)153 }154 155 /// Modifiers specifically for stubbing and verification methods.156 lazy var regularModifiers: String = { return modifiers(allowOverride: false) }()157 /// Modifiers for mocked methods.158 lazy var overridableModifiers: String = { return modifiers(allowOverride: true) }()159 func modifiers(allowOverride: Bool = true) -> String {160 let isRequired = method.attributes.contains(.required)161 let required = (isRequired || method.isInitializer ? "required " : "")162 let shouldOverride = method.isOverridable && !isRequired && allowOverride163 let override = shouldOverride ? "override " : ""164 let `static` = method.kind.typeScope.isStatic ? "static " : ""165 return "\(required)\(override)\(`static`)"166 }167 168 lazy var genericTypes: [String] = {169 return{ $0.flattenedDeclaration })170 }()171 172 lazy var genericConstraints: String = {173 guard !method.whereClauses.isEmpty else { return "" }174 return " where \(separated:{ context.specializeTypeName("\($0)") }))"175 }()176 177 enum FunctionVariant {178 case function, subscriptGetter, subscriptSetter179 180 var isSubscript: Bool {181 switch self {182 case .function: return false183 case .subscriptGetter, .subscriptSetter: return true184 }185 }186 }187 188 enum FullNameMode {189 case mocking(variant: FunctionVariant)190 case matching(useVariadics: Bool, variant: FunctionVariant)191 case initializerProxy192 193 var isMatching: Bool {194 switch self {195 case .matching: return true196 case .mocking, .initializerProxy: return false197 }198 }199 200 var isInitializerProxy: Bool {201 switch self {202 case .matching, .mocking: return false203 case .initializerProxy: return true204 }205 }206 207 var useVariadics: Bool {208 switch self {209 case .matching(let useVariadics, _): return useVariadics210 case .mocking, .initializerProxy: return false211 }212 }213 214 var variant: FunctionVariant {215 switch self {216 case .matching(_, let variant), .mocking(let variant): return variant217 case .initializerProxy: return .function218 }219 }220 }221 222 func shortName(for mode: FullNameMode) -> String {223 let failable: String224 if mode.isInitializerProxy {225 failable = ""226 } else if method.attributes.contains(.failable) {227 failable = "?"228 } else if method.attributes.contains(.unwrappedFailable) {229 failable = "!"230 } else {231 failable = ""232 }233 234 // Don't escape initializers, subscripts, and special functions with reserved tokens like `==`.235 let shouldEscape = !method.isInitializer236 && method.kind != .functionSubscript237 && (method.shortName.first?.isLetter == true238 || method.shortName.first?.isNumber == true239 || method.shortName.first == "_")240 let escapedShortName = mode.isInitializerProxy ? "initialize" :241 (shouldEscape ? method.shortName.backtickWrapped : method.shortName)242 243 return genericTypes.isEmpty244 ? "\(escapedShortName)\(failable)"245 : "\(escapedShortName)\(failable)<\(separated: genericTypes)>"246 }247 248 lazy var fullNameForMocking: String = {249 return fullName(for: .mocking(variant: .function))250 }()251 lazy var fullNameForMatching: String = {252 return fullName(for: .matching(useVariadics: false, variant: .function))253 }()254 /// It's not possible to have an autoclosure with variadics. However, since a method can only have255 /// one variadic parameter, we can generate one method for wildcard matching using an argument256 /// matcher, and another for specific matching using variadics.257 lazy var fullNameForMatchingVariadics: String = {258 return fullName(for: .matching(useVariadics: true, variant: .function))259 }()260 func fullName(for mode: FullNameMode) -> String {261 let additionalParameters: [String]262 if mode.isInitializerProxy {263 additionalParameters = ["__file: StaticString = #file", "__line: UInt = #line"]264 } else if mode.variant == .subscriptSetter {265 let closureType = mode.isMatching ? "@autoclosure () -> " : ""266 additionalParameters = ["`newValue`: \(closureType)\(matchableReturnType)"]267 } else {268 additionalParameters = []269 }270 271 let parameterNames ={ parameter -> String in272 let typeName: String273 if mode.isMatching && (!mode.useVariadics || !parameter.attributes.contains(.variadic)) {274 typeName = "@autoclosure () -> \(parameter.matchableTypeName(in: self))"275 } else {276 typeName = parameter.mockableTypeName(context: self)277 }278 let argumentLabel = parameter.argumentLabel ?? "_"279 let parameterName = if argumentLabel.backtickUnwrapped != {281 return "\(argumentLabel) \(parameterName): \(typeName)"282 } else if mode.isMatching && mode.variant.isSubscript {283 // Synthesized declarations for subscripts don't use argument labels (unless the parameter284 // name differs) for parity with bracket syntax.285 return "_ \(parameterName): \(typeName)"286 } else {287 return "\(parameterName): \(typeName)"288 }289 }) + additionalParameters290 291 let actualShortName = shortName(for: mode)292 let shortName: String293 if mode.isMatching, let resolvedShortName = Constants.reservedNamesMap[actualShortName] {294 shortName = resolvedShortName295 } else {296 shortName = actualShortName297 }298 299 return "\(shortName)(\(separated: parameterNames))"300 }301 302 lazy var mockableInvocation: String = {303 return ObjectInitializationTemplate(304 name: "Mockingbird.SwiftInvocation",305 arguments: [306 ("selectorName", "\(doubleQuoted: uniqueDeclaration)"),307 ("selectorType", "Mockingbird.SelectorType.method"),308 ("arguments", "[\(separated: mockArgumentMatchers)]"),309 ("returnType", "Swift.ObjectIdentifier(\(parenthetical: matchableReturnType).self)"),310 ]).render()311 }()312 313 func matchableInvocation(isVariadic: Bool = false) -> String {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let method = MethodTemplate()2let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")3print(shortName)4let method = MethodTemplate()5let longName = method.longName("Hello World")6print(longName)7let method = MethodTemplate()8let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")9print(shortName)10let method = MethodTemplate()11let longName = method.longName("Hello World")12print(longName)13let method = MethodTemplate()14let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")15print(shortName)16let method = MethodTemplate()17let longName = method.longName("Hello World")18print(longName)19let method = MethodTemplate()20let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")21print(shortName)22let method = MethodTemplate()23let longName = method.longName("Hello World")24print(longName)25let method = MethodTemplate()26let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")27print(shortName)28let method = MethodTemplate()29let longName = method.longName("Hello World")30print(longName)31let method = MethodTemplate()32let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")33print(shortName)34let method = MethodTemplate()35let longName = method.longName("Hello World")36print(longName)37let method = MethodTemplate()38let shortName = method.shortName("Hello World")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let template = MethodTemplate()2template.shortName("Swift is awesome")3let template = MethodTemplate()4template.shortName("Swift is awesome")5let template = MethodTemplate()6template.shortName("Swift is awesome")7let template = MethodTemplate()8template.shortName("Swift is awesome")9let template = MethodTemplate()10template.shortName("Swift is awesome")11let template = MethodTemplate()12template.shortName("Swift is awesome")13let template = MethodTemplate()14template.shortName("Swift is awesome")15let template = MethodTemplate()16template.shortName("Swift is awesome")17let template = MethodTemplate()18template.shortName("Swift is awesome")19let template = MethodTemplate()20template.shortName("Swift is awesome")21let template = MethodTemplate()22template.shortName("Swift is awesome")23let template = MethodTemplate()24template.shortName("Swift is awesome")25let template = MethodTemplate()26template.shortName("Swift is awesome")27let template = MethodTemplate()28template.shortName("Swift is awesome")29let template = MethodTemplate()30template.shortName("Swift is awesome")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")2let shortName = method.shortName()3print(shortName)4let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")5let shortName = method.shortName()6print(shortName)7let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")8let shortName = method.shortName()9print(shortName)10let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")11let shortName = method.shortName()12print(shortName)13let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")14let shortName = method.shortName()15print(shortName)16let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")17let shortName = method.shortName()18print(shortName)19let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")20let shortName = method.shortName()21print(shortName)22let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")23let shortName = method.shortName()24print(shortName)25let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")26let shortName = method.shortName()27print(shortName)28let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")29let shortName = method.shortName()30print(shortName)31let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")32let shortName = method.shortName()33print(shortName)34let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")35let shortName = method.shortName()36print(shortName)37let method = MethodTemplate("myMethod")38let shortName = method.shortName()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Foundation2let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")3print(method.shortName)4import Foundation5let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")6print(method.shortName)7import Foundation8let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")9print(method.shortName)10import Foundation11let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")12print(method.shortName)13import Foundation14let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")15print(method.shortName)16import Foundation17let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")18print(method.shortName)19import Foundation20let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")21print(method.shortName)22import Foundation23let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")24print(method.shortName)25import Foundation26let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")27print(method.shortName)28import Foundation29let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")30print(method.shortName)31import Foundation32let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")33print(method.shortName)34import Foundation35let method = MethodTemplate(name: "foo", shortName: "bar")36print(method.shortName)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Foundation2var obj = MethodTemplate()3obj.shortName("Karthik")4import Foundation5var obj = MethodTemplate()6obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali")7import Foundation8var obj = MethodTemplate()9obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali", "Kumar")10import Foundation11var obj = MethodTemplate()12obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali", "Kumar", "S")13import Foundation14var obj = MethodTemplate()15obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali", "Kumar", "S", "B")16import Foundation17var obj = MethodTemplate()18obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali", "Kumar", "S", "B", "M")19import Foundation20var obj = MethodTemplate()21obj.shortName("Karthik", "Murali", "Kumar", "S", "B", "M", "S")

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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Most used method in MethodTemplate

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