How to use MyViewController class

Best Swift-snapshot-testing code snippet using MyViewController


Source:AppDelegate.swift Github


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1import UIKit2import CoreLocation3import Firebase4import FirebaseDatabase5import RealmSwift6import UserNotifications7let placeWokabularyArray : [String: Place] = ["GZ" : places.placeGZ, "ULK" : places.placeULK, "ESM" : places.placeESM, "IZM" : places.placeIZM, "SK" : places.placeSK, "OB" : places.placeOB, "RKT" : places.placeRKT, "LESTEX" : places.placeLESTEX, "AS" : places.placeAS, "REAIM" : places.placeREAIM, "TC" : places.placeTC, "Home" : places.placeHome, "Mail" : places.placeMail]8let placeArray : [Place] = [places.placeGZ, places.placeULK, places.placeESM, places.placeIZM, places.placeSK, places.placeOB, places.placeRKT, places.placeLESTEX, places.placeAS, places.placeREAIM, places.placeTC, places.placeHome, places.placeMail]9extension Notification.Name {10 public static let DtoV1TNotificationKey = Notification.Name(rawValue: "DtoV1T")11}12extension Notification.Name {13 public static let DtoV1ZNotificationKey = Notification.Name(rawValue: "DtoV1Z")14}15extension Notification.Name {16 public static let setGroupNotificationKey = Notification.Name(rawValue: "DtoV3G")17}18@UIApplicationMain19class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {20 var window: UIWindow?21 22 let notificationCenter = UNUserNotificationCenter.current()23 let locationManager = CLLocationManager()24 var mytimer = Timer()25 var mytimer2 = Timer()26 27 let myrealm = try! Realm()28 var realmArray: Results<placeDatabase>!29 var realmGroupArray: Results<groupDatabase>!30 31 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {32 let options : UNAuthorizationOptions = [.alert , .sound, .badge]33 notificationCenter.requestAuthorization(options: options) {34 (didAllow, error) in35 if !didAllow {36 print("User has declined notifications")37 }38 }39 40 realmArray = myrealm.objects(placeDatabase.self)41 realmGroupArray = myrealm.objects(groupDatabase.self)42 43 if placeArray.count != realmArray.count {44 for _ in 0...placeArray.count - realmArray.count - 1 {45 let createRealm = placeDatabase(value: ["time": 0])46 try! myrealm.write {47 myrealm.add(createRealm)48 }49 }50 }51 52 for i in 0...placeArray.count - 1 {53 placeArray[i].time = realmArray[i].time54 }55 56 if realmGroupArray.count < 1 {57 let createRealm = groupDatabase(value: ["yourGroup": "ИУ5-25"])58 try! myrealm.write {59 myrealm.add(createRealm)60 }61 }62 63 FirebaseApp.configure()64 locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization()65 locationManager.delegate = self66 let destinationLocation = places.placeGZ.coordinate67 68 mytimer.invalidate()69 70 for place in placeArray {71 if (place.region.contains(locationManager.location?.coordinate ?? destinationLocation)){72 print(place.locationName," OK")73 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController74 75 /​/​Добавление информации в твое уведомление76 let userInfo = [ "place" : place]77 let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()78 content.title = "Вы вошли в полигон"79 content.body = place.title ?? "Главное здание"80 content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default81 let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 5, repeats: false)82 let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "enterPoligon", content: content, trigger: trigger)83 notificationCenter.add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)84 85 mytimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true, block: {86 _ in place.time = place.time + 187 myViewController?.inPolygon = true88 .DtoV1TNotificationKey, object: nil, userInfo: userInfo)89 myViewController?.setTimeLabel(region: place)90 })91 } else {92 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController93 myViewController?.sourceLocation = locationManager.location?.coordinate ?? places.placeIZM.coordinate94 95 mytimer2 = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true, block: {96 _ in97 myViewController?.inPolygon = false98 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()99 })100 }101 }102 103 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController104 mytimer2 = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true, block: {105 _ in106 myViewController?.inPolygon = false107 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()108 })109 110 return true111 }112 func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {113 mytimer2.invalidate()114 }115 func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) {116 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController117 myViewController?.sourceLocation = locationManager.location?.coordinate ?? places.placeIZM.coordinate118 mytimer2 = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true, block: {119 _ in120 myViewController?.inPolygon = false121 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()122 })123 }124 func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {125 realmArray = myrealm.objects(placeDatabase.self)126 print("Terminate = ", realmArray.count)127 for i in 0...realmArray.count - 1 {128 let currentRealm = realmArray[i]129 try! myrealm.write {130 currentRealm.time = placeArray[i].time131 }132 }133 }134 func application(_ application: UIApplication, performActionFor shortcutItem: UIApplicationShortcutItem, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {135 if shortcutItem.type == "openShedule" {136 let mainStoryboardIpad : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)137 let initialViewControlleripad : UITabBarController = mainStoryboardIpad.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabBar") as! UITabBarController138 initialViewControlleripad.selectedIndex = 1139 self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)140 self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewControlleripad141 self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible()142 print("dkjfhsdklghklsdhfkdsjfksdjfksdjfkdsj")143 }144 145 if shortcutItem.type == "openStatistics" {146 let mainStoryboardIpad : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)147 let initialViewControlleripad : UITabBarController = mainStoryboardIpad.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabBar") as! UITabBarController148 initialViewControlleripad.selectedIndex = 2149 self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)150 self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewControlleripad151 self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible()152 }153 154 if shortcutItem.type == "changeGroup" {155 let mainStoryboardIpad : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)156 let initialViewControlleripad : UITabBarController = mainStoryboardIpad.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabBar") as! UITabBarController157 initialViewControlleripad.selectedIndex = 2158 self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)159 self.window?.rootViewController = initialViewControlleripad160 self.window?.makeKeyAndVisible()161 .setGroupNotificationKey, object: nil, userInfo: nil)162 }163 }164}165extension AppDelegate: CLLocationManagerDelegate {166 /​/​Когда пользователь выходит из какого-то региона167 func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didExitRegion region: CLRegion) {168 if region is CLCircularRegion {169 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController170 myViewController?.sourceLocation = (locationManager.location?.coordinate)!171 .DtoV1ZNotificationKey, object: nil, userInfo: nil)172 myViewController?.setTimeZero()173 174 175 mytimer.invalidate()176 mytimer2 = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 10, repeats: true, block: {177 _ in178 myViewController?.inPolygon = false179 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()180 })181 182 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()183 myViewController?.locationStatusLabel.text = "Таймер"184 }185 }186 187 func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didEnterRegion region: CLRegion) {188 189 if region is CLCircularRegion {190 let myViewController = self.window?.rootViewController as? ViewController191 let userInfo = [ "place" : placeWokabularyArray[region.identifier]]192 myViewController?.sourceLocation = locationManager.location?.coordinate ?? places.placeIZM.coordinate193 194 /​/​myViewController!.mapView.removeOverlays(myViewController!.mapView.overlays)195 mytimer2.invalidate()196 mytimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true, block: {197 _ in placeWokabularyArray[region.identifier]?.time = placeWokabularyArray[region.identifier]!.time + 1198 myViewController?.inPolygon = true199 .DtoV1TNotificationKey, object: nil, userInfo: userInfo)200 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()201 202 })203 myViewController?.setDestinationLocation()204 let content = UNMutableNotificationContent()205 content.title = "Вы вошли в полигон"206 content.body = placeWokabularyArray[region.identifier]?.title ?? "Главное здание"207 content.sound = UNNotificationSound.default208 let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: 1, repeats: false)209 let request = UNNotificationRequest(identifier: "enterPoligon", content: content, trigger: trigger)210 notificationCenter.add(request, withCompletionHandler: nil)211 }212 }213}...

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Source:MainTabController.swift Github


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...66 67 /​/​Instanciando e custostomizando as controllers68 let feed = FeedController()69 /​/​feed.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: "feed")70 let feedNav = templateNavigationCOntroller(MyImageName: "home", MyViewController: feed)71 72 73 let explore = ExploreController()74/​/​ explore.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: "explore")75 let exploreNav = templateNavigationCOntroller(MyImageName: "search", MyViewController: explore)76 77 78 let notification = NotificationController()79/​/​ notification.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: "notification")80 let notificationNav = templateNavigationCOntroller(MyImageName: "comment", MyViewController: notification)81 82 83 let message = MessageController()84/​/​ message.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: "message")85 let messageNav = templateNavigationCOntroller(MyImageName: "perfil", MyViewController: message)86 87 88 /​/​palavra reservada para a tabBar setar quais view exibir nela para navegar89 viewControllers = [feedNav, exploreNav, notificationNav, messageNav]90 91 }92 93 94 func templateNavigationCOntroller(MyImageName: String, MyViewController: UIViewController) -> UINavigationController{95 96 /​/​Vinculando uma Viewcontroller para criar uma NavigationBar97 let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: MyViewController)98 /​/​CUstomizando a TabBar99 let images = UIImage(named: MyImageName)100 nav.tabBarItem.image = images101 nav.tabBarController?.tabBar.backgroundColor = .white102 /​/​Customizando a NavigationBar103 nav.navigationBar.backgroundColor = .white104 105 return nav106 }107 108 109 func setupStyleNavigationBar(){110 /​/​Deixando a ViewBranca111 view.backgroundColor = .white...

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Source:MyViewController.swift Github


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1import UIKit2import Cartography3import Unbox4final class MyView: UILabel {}5class MyViewController: UIViewController {6/​/​ Properties disabled due to Codable issues.7/​/​ let myLet = 18/​/​ var myProp = 19/​/​ class var myClassVar: Int {10/​/​ return 1011/​/​ }12/​/​ static let myStaticLet = 113/​/​ static var myStaticVar = 114 struct Foo {15 func barbar(view: MyView) -> MyViewController {16 print(view)17 return MyViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)18 }19 }20 override func viewDidLoad() {21 super.viewDidLoad()22/​/​ myProp = myLet * 1023/​/​ MyViewController.myStaticVar = MyViewController.myClassVar + MyViewController.myStaticLet * 524 render()25 view.backgroundColor = .white26 }27 func render() {28 let view = MyView()29 view.textAlignment = .center30 view.numberOfLines = 031 self.view.addSubview(view)32 view.backgroundColor = .green33 constrain(view, self.view) { view, superview in34 view.edges == inset(superview.edges, 16)35 }36 let dict: [String: Any] = ["text": "ViewController name: " + String(describing: type(of: self))]37 let box = Unboxer(dictionary: dict)...

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1import UIKit2import MyFramework3class ViewController: UIViewController {4 override func viewDidLoad() {5 super.viewDidLoad()6 let vc = MyViewController()7 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)8 }9}10import UIKit11import MyFramework12class ViewController: UIViewController {13 override func viewDidLoad() {14 super.viewDidLoad()15 let vc = MyViewController()16 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)17 }18}19import UIKit20import MyFramework21class ViewController: UIViewController {22 override func viewDidLoad() {23 super.viewDidLoad()24 let vc = MyViewController()25 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)26 }27}28import UIKit29import MyFramework30class ViewController: UIViewController {31 override func viewDidLoad() {32 super.viewDidLoad()33 let vc = MyViewController()34 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)35 }36}37import UIKit38import MyFramework39class ViewController: UIViewController {40 override func viewDidLoad() {41 super.viewDidLoad()42 let vc = MyViewController()43 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)44 }45}46import UIKit47import MyFramework48class ViewController: UIViewController {49 override func viewDidLoad() {50 super.viewDidLoad()51 let vc = MyViewController()52 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)53 }54}55import UIKit56import MyFramework57class ViewController: UIViewController {58 override func viewDidLoad() {59 super.viewDidLoad()60 let vc = MyViewController()61 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)62 }63}64import UIKit65import MyFramework

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1import UIKit2import MyViewController3class ViewController: UIViewController {4 override func viewDidLoad() {5 super.viewDidLoad()6 let vc = MyViewController()7 self.addChild(vc)8 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)9 vc.didMove(toParent: self)10 }11}12import UIKit13class ViewController: UIViewController {14 override func viewDidLoad() {15 super.viewDidLoad()16 let vc = MyViewController()17 self.addChild(vc)18 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)19 vc.didMove(toParent: self)20 }21}22import UIKit23class ViewController: UIViewController {24 override func viewDidLoad() {25 super.viewDidLoad()26 let vc = MyViewController()27 self.addChild(vc)28 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)29 vc.didMove(toParent: self)30 }31}32import UIKit33class ViewController: UIViewController {34 override func viewDidLoad() {35 super.viewDidLoad()36 let vc = MyViewController()37 self.addChild(vc)38 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)39 vc.didMove(toParent: self)40 }41}42import UIKit43class ViewController: UIViewController {44 override func viewDidLoad() {45 super.viewDidLoad()46 let vc = MyViewController()47 self.addChild(vc)48 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)49 vc.didMove(toParent: self)50 }51}52import UIKit53class ViewController: UIViewController {54 override func viewDidLoad() {55 super.viewDidLoad()56 let vc = MyViewController()57 self.addChild(vc)58 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)59 vc.didMove(toParent: self)60 }61}62import UIKit63class ViewController: UIViewController {64 override func viewDidLoad() {65 super.viewDidLoad()66 let vc = MyViewController()67 self.addChild(vc)68 self.view.addSubview(vc.view)69 vc.didMove(toParent: self)70 }71}72import UIKit73class ViewController: UIViewController {

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1import UIKit2import MyFramework3class MyViewController: UIViewController {4 override func viewDidLoad() {5 super.viewDidLoad()6 let myView = MyView()7 self.view.addSubview(myView)8 }9}10import UIKit11import MyFramework12class MyView: UIView {13 override init(frame: CGRect) {14 super.init(frame: frame)15 let myLabel = MyLabel()16 self.addSubview(myLabel)17 }18 required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {19 fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")20 }21}22import UIKit23import MyFramework24class MyLabel: UILabel {25 override init(frame: CGRect) {26 super.init(frame: frame)27 }28 required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {29 fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")30 }31}32import UIKit33import MyFramework34class MyLabel: UILabel {35 override init(frame: CGRect) {36 super.init(frame: frame)37 }38 required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {39 fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")40 }41}42 let myLabel = MyLabel()43import MyFramework44import SnapshotTesting45import XCTest46class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {47 func testMyViewController() {48 let vc = MyViewController()49 vc.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 375, height: 667)50 assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image)51 }52}

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1import UIKit2import MyFramework3class ViewController: UIViewController {4 override func viewDidLoad() {5 super.viewDidLoad()6 let myViewController = MyViewController()7 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)8 }9}10import UIKit11import MyFramework12class ViewController: UIViewController {13 override func viewDidLoad() {14 super.viewDidLoad()15 let myViewController = MyViewController()16 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)17 }18}19import UIKit20import MyFramework21class ViewController: UIViewController {22 override func viewDidLoad() {23 super.viewDidLoad()24 let myViewController = MyViewController()25 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)26 }27}28import UIKit29import MyFramework30class ViewController: UIViewController {31 override func viewDidLoad() {32 super.viewDidLoad()33 let myViewController = MyViewController()34 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)35 }36}37import UIKit38import MyFramework39class ViewController: UIViewController {40 override func viewDidLoad() {41 super.viewDidLoad()42 let myViewController = MyViewController()43 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)44 }45}46import UIKit47import MyFramework48class ViewController: UIViewController {49 override func viewDidLoad() {50 super.viewDidLoad()51 let myViewController = MyViewController()52 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)53 }54}55import UIKit56import MyFramework57class ViewController: UIViewController {58 override func viewDidLoad() {59 super.viewDidLoad()60 let myViewController = MyViewController()61 self.view.addSubview(myViewController.view)62 }63}64import UIKit65import MyFramework

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1import SnapshotTesting2import XCTest3class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {4 func test() {5 let controller = MyViewController()6 assertSnapshot(matching: controller, as: .image)7 }8}9import SnapshotTesting10import XCTest11class MyViewControllerTests2: XCTestCase {12 func test() {13 let controller = MyViewController()14 assertSnapshot(matching: controller, as: .image)15 }16}17import UIKit18class MyViewController: UIViewController {19 override func loadView() {20 self.view = UIView()21 }22}23import class XCTest.XCTestCase24import struct XCTest.XCTAttachment25import class Foundation.Bundle26#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)27import class UIKit.UIColor28import class UIKit.UIImage29public enum Snapshotting<View, Format> {30 case image(precision: Float, size: CGSize?)31 public func snapshot(_ value: View) -> Snapshot<Format> {32 switch self {33 case let .image(precision, size):34 return Snapshot.image(precision: precision, size: size).snapshot(value)35 return Snapshot.recursiveDescription.snapshot(value)36 return Snapshot.recursiveDescriptionLineByLine.snapshot(value)37 return

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1import Foundation2import UIKit3import SnapshotTesting4import XCTest5class MyViewController: UIViewController {6 let label = UILabel()7 override func viewDidLoad() {8 super.viewDidLoad()9 label.sizeToFit()10 view.addSubview(label)11 }12}13class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {14 func testMyViewController() {15 let viewController = MyViewController()16 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()17 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)18 }19}20import Foundation21import UIKit22import SnapshotTesting23import XCTest24class MyViewController: UIViewController {25 let label = UILabel()26 override func viewDidLoad() {27 super.viewDidLoad()28 label.sizeToFit()29 view.addSubview(label)30 }31}32class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {33 func testMyViewController() {34 let viewController = MyViewController()35 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()36 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)37 }38}39import Foundation40import UIKit41import SnapshotTesting42import XCTest43class MyViewController: UIViewController {44 let label = UILabel()45 override func viewDidLoad() {46 super.viewDidLoad()47 label.sizeToFit()48 view.addSubview(label)49 }50}51class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {52 func testMyViewController() {53 let viewController = MyViewController()54 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()55 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)56 }57}58import Foundation59import UIKit60import SnapshotTesting61import XCTest62class MyViewController: UIViewController {63 let label = UILabel()64 override func viewDidLoad() {65 super.viewDidLoad()66 label.sizeToFit()67 view.addSubview(label)68 }69}70class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {71 func testMyViewController() {72 let viewController = MyViewController()73 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()74 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)75 }76}

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1import UIKit2import SnapshotTesting3import XCTest4class ViewController: UIViewController {5 override func viewDidLoad() {6 super.viewDidLoad()7 label = UILabel()8 view.addSubview(label)9 }10}11let vc = ViewController()12let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)13window.makeKeyAndVisible()14let test: (UIViewController) -> Void = { vc in15 assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image(on: .iPhoneX))16}17test(vc)

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1import Foundation2import UIKit3import SnapshotTesting4import XCTest5class MyViewController: UIViewController {6 let label = UILabel()7 override func viewDidLoad() {8 super.viewDidLoad()9 label.sizeToFit()10 view.addSubview(label)11 }12}13class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {14 func testMyViewController() {15 let viewController = MyViewController()16 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()17 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)18 }19}20import Foundation21import UIKit22import SnapshotTesting23import XCTest24class MyViewController: UIViewController {25 let label = UILabel()26 override func viewDidLoad() {27 super.viewDidLoad()28 label.sizeToFit()29 view.addSubview(label)30 }31}32class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {33 func testMyViewController() {34 let viewController = MyViewController()35 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()36 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)37 }38}39import Foundation40import UIKit41import SnapshotTesting42import XCTest43class MyViewController: UIViewController {

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1import UIKit2import MySwiftFramework3import SnapshotTesting4@testable import MySwiftFramework5class MyViewController: UIViewController {6 override func viewDidLoad() {7 super.viewDidLoad()8 let view = UIView()9 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)10 }11}12import UIKit13import MySwiftFramework14import SnapshotTesting15@testable import MySwiftFramework16class MyViewController: UIViewController {17 override func viewDidLoad() {18 super.viewDidLoad()19 let view = UIView()20 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)21 }22}23import UIKit24import MySwiftFramework25import SnapshotTesting26@testable import MySwiftFramework27class MyViewController: UIViewController {28 override func viewDidLoad() {29 super.viewDidLoad()30 let view = UIView()31 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)32 }33}34import UIKit35import MySwiftFramework36import SnapshotTesting37@testable import MySwiftFramework38class MyViewController: UIViewController {39 override func viewDidLoad() {40 super.viewDidLoad()41 let view = UIView()42 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)43 }44}45import UIKit46import MySwiftFramework47import SnapshotTesting48@testable import MySwiftFramework49class MyViewController: UIViewController {50 override func viewDidLoad() {51 super.viewDidLoad()52 let view = UIView()53 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)54 }55}

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1import UIKit2import MySwiftFramework3import SnapshotTesting4@testable import MySwiftFramework5class MyViewController: UIViewController {6 override func viewDidLoad() {7 super.viewDidLoad()8 let view = UIView()9 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)10 }11}12import UIKit13import MySwiftFramework14import SnapshotTesting15@testable import MySwiftFramework16class MyViewController: UIViewController {17 override func viewDidLoad() {18 super.viewDidLoad()19 let view = UIView()20 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)21 }22}23import UIKit24import MySwiftFramework25import SnapshotTesting26@testable import MySwiftFramework27class MyViewController: UIViewController {28 override func viewDidLoad() {29 super.viewDidLoad()30 let view = UIView()31 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)32 }33}34import UIKit35import MySwiftFramework36import SnapshotTesting37@testable import MySwiftFramework38class MyViewController: UIViewController {39 override func viewDidLoad() {40 super.viewDidLoad()41 let view = UIView()42 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)43 }44}45 override func viewDidLoad() {46import UIKit47import MySwiftFramework48import SnapshotTesting49@testable import MySwiftFramework50class MyViewControl r: UIViewController {51 override func viewDidLoad() {52 super.viewDidLoad()53 le view = UIView()54 view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 480)55 }56}57 label.sizeToFit()58 view.addSubview(label)59 }60}61class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {62 func testMyViewController() {63 let viewController = MyViewController()64 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()65 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)66 }67}68import Foundation69import UIKit70import SnapshotTesting71import XCTest72class MyViewController: UIViewController {73 let label = UILabel()74 override func viewDidLoad() {75 super.viewDidLoad()76 label.sizeToFit()77 view.addSubview(label)78 }79}80class MyViewControllerTests: XCTestCase {81 func testMyViewController() {82 let viewController = MyViewController()83 viewController.view.layoutIfNeeded()84 assertSnapshot(matching: viewController, as: .image)85 }86}

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1import UIKit2import SnapshotTesting3import XCTest4class ViewController: UIViewController {5 override func viewDidLoad() {6 super.viewDidLoad()7 label = UILabel()8 view.addSubview(label)9 }10}11let vc = ViewController()12let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)13window.makeKeyAndVisible()14let test: (UIViewController) -> Void = { vc in15 assertSnapshot(matching: vc, as: .image(on: .iPhoneX))16}17test(vc)

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1let vc = MyViewController()2let view = MyView()3let vc = MyViewController()4let view = MyView()5let vc = MyViewController()6let view = MyView()7let vc = MyViewController()8let view = MyView()9let vc = MyViewController()10let view = MyView()11let vc = MyViewController()12let view = MyView()13let vc = MyViewController()14let view = MyView()15let vc = MyViewController()16let view = MyView()17let vc = MyViewController()18let view = MyView()19let vc = MyViewController()20let view = MyView()21let vc = MyViewController()22let view = MyView()23let vc = MyViewController()24let view = MyView()

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