How to use isNotNullAndNotEmpty method of org.testng.util.Strings class

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...29 // Execute first busy request30 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);31 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);32 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "First request to keep processor busy failed");33 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));34 }35 /**36 * Method to send another submit API request which will keep the processor busy37 * for certain amount of time38 */39 @Test(priority = 2)40 public void SubmitEPTest_SecondBusyRequest() throws InterruptedException {41 String groovyScript = String.format("Thread.sleep(%s)", r.nextInt(11000, 12000));42 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");43 // Execute second busy request44 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);45 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);46 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "Second request to keep processor busy failed");47 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));48 }49 /**50 * Method to send third submit API request request should remain queued with51 * status as "Pending' until process becomes free52 */53 @Test(priority = 3)54 public void SubmitEPTest_FirstQueueRequest() {55 double number1 = Math.random();56 double number2 = Math.random();57 String groovyScript = String.format("%s+%s", number1, number2);58 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");59 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);60 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);61 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "First queued request failed");62 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));63 }64 /**65 * Method to send fourth submit API request request should remain queued with66 * status as "Pending' until process becomes free67 */68 @Test(priority = 4)69 public void SubmitEPTest_SecondQueueRequest() {70 double number1 = Math.random();71 double number2 = Math.random();72 String groovyScript = String.format("%s+%s", number1, number2);73 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");74 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);75 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);76 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "Second request queuing failed");77 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));78 }79 /**80 * Method to send fifth submit API request request should remain queued with81 * status as "Pending' until process becomes free Test is failed - only 282 * requests can remain in queue at a time83 */84 @Test(priority = 5)85 public void SubmitEPTest_ThirdQueueRequest() throws InterruptedException {86 double number1 = Math.random();87 double number2 = Math.random();88 String groovyScript = String.format("%s+%s", number1, number2);89 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");90 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);91 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);92 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "Third request queing failed");93 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));94 Thread.sleep(12000);95 }96 @AfterMethod97 public void afterMethod(ITestResult result) {98 printTestResults(result);99 }100}...

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...39 Assert.assertEquals(startseitePageObject.getTextOfTitle(),"Wir automatisieren Browser mit Liebe und Leidenschaft.");40 startseitePageObject.topMenuPageObject.clickKontakt();41 KontaktPageObject kontaktPageObject = new KontaktPageObject();42 Assert.assertEquals(kontaktPageObject.getTextOfTitle(),"In Kontakt kommen");43 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(name)){44 kontaktPageObject.enterName(name);45 }46 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(email)){47 kontaktPageObject.enterEmail(email);48 }49 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(phone)){50 kontaktPageObject.enterPhone(phone);51 }52 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(nachricht)){53 kontaktPageObject.enterNachricht(nachricht);54 }55 kontaktPageObject.clickAbsenden();56 Assert.assertEquals(kontaktPageObject.getTextOfFehlermeldungList(0), ersteFehlermessage, "Erste Fehlermeldung");57 Assert.assertEquals(kontaktPageObject.getSizeOfFehlermeldungList(), anzFehler, "Erwartete Fehlermeldungen");58 }59 @DataProvider(parallel = false)60 public Object[][] kontaktProvider() {61 return new Object[][]{62 {"Michel", "no Vailid", "052 000 00 00", "Message", "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.", 2},63 {"", "", "", "Message", "Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld.", 2},64 {"", "", "", "", "Dies ist ein Pflichtfeld.", 4},65 };66 }...

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...38 }39 @RequestMapping(value = "/selectByIp", method = RequestMethod.GET)40 public AllianceEntity selectByAllianceIp(String allianceIp, HttpServletRequest request) {41 //如果IP为空42 if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(allianceIp)) {43 return null;44 }45 //IP格式不对46 if (!isIp(allianceIp)) {47 return null;48 }49 //请求与查找的不一样 说明是非法请求50 if (!IpUtil.getIpAddr(request).equals(allianceIp)) {51 return null;52 }53 return allianceService.findByAllianceIp(allianceIp);54 }55 @RequestMapping(value = "/insert", method = RequestMethod.GET)56 public String insertIntoAlliance(String allianceIp, String allianceId, String allianceName) {57 //如果Ip为空58 if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(allianceIp) ||59 Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(allianceId) ||60 Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(allianceName)) {61 return "输入参数有空值,请将所有内容填写完整";62 }63 //Ip格式不对64 if(!isIp(allianceIp)) {65 return "IP地址格式不对";66 }67 allianceService.insertIntoAlliance(allianceIp, allianceId, allianceName);68 return JSON.toJSONString(keySuitService.getRandowKeySuit());69 }70 //验证是否是IP地址71 private boolean isIp(String allianceIp) {72 //IP地址不能为空73 if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(allianceIp)) {74 return false;75 }76 //IP地址是用 . 分隔的77 if (!allianceIp.contains(".")) {78 return false;79 }80 //IP地址是123.123.123.123格式才可以81 if (!allianceIp.matches("\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}")) {82 return false;83 }84 List<String> list = Splitter.on(".").splitToList(allianceIp);85 for (String str : list) {86 int value = Integer.parseInt(str);87 if (value < 255 && value > 0) {...

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...53 result.append(54 format(55 TABLE_LINE,56 ++testNumber,57 Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(test.getEpic()) ? test.getEpic() : " ",58 Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(test.getFeature()) ? test.getFeature() : " ",59 Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(test.getStory()) ? test.getStory() : " ",60 colorValue,61 getColorName(test.getStatus()),62 colorValue,63 test.getName()64 )65 );66 }67 return result.toString();68 }69}...

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...36 ,String message37 ,int errorSize){38 Home home = AbstractSeleniumToolkitPageObject.loadSeleniumToolkitPage();39 GetStarted getStarted = home.topMenuPageObject.clickGetStartedMenu();40 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(name)){41 getStarted.enterName(name);42 }43 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(email)){44 getStarted.enterEmail(email);45 }46 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(phone)){47 getStarted.enterPhoneNumber(phone);48 }49 if(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(message)){50 getStarted.enterMessage(message);51 }52 getStarted.clickSubmitButton();53 ReportAssert.assertEquals(getStarted.getErrorFieldSize(), errorSize, "Test the Size of Errorlist");54 }55 56 @DataProvider(parallel = true)57 public Object[][] contactProvider() {58 return new Object[][]{59 {"Michel", "no Vailid", "052 000 00 00", "", 3},60 {"Michel", "", "", "", 2},61 };62 }63 @DataProvider(parallel = false)...

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...26 PickingTaskDataList dataList = resp.asJson();27 assertThat("count task items", dataList.getItems(), hasSize(pageSize));28 for (PickingTaskData pickingTaskData : dataList.getItems()) {29 String desc = String.format("TaskId: %s, invalid field value: ", pickingTaskData.getTaskId());30 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getTaskId()), desc + "taskId");31 softAssert().isTrue(pickingTaskData.getShopId() > 0, desc + "shopId");32 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getTaskStatus()), desc + "taskStatus");33 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getPointOfGiveAway()), desc + "pointOfGiveAway");34 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getDateOfGiveAway().toString()), desc + "dateOfGiveAway");35 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getPickingZone()), desc + "pickingZone");36 softAssert().isTrue(pickingTaskData.getDocumentVersion() > 0, desc + "documentVersion");37 softAssert().isTrue(pickingTaskData.getBuId() > 0, desc + "buId");38 softAssert().isTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(pickingTaskData.getPriority()), desc + "priority");39 softAssert().isTrue(pickingTaskData.getProducts().size() > 0, desc + "products");40 }41 softAssert().verifyAll();42 }43}...

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...25 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");26 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);27 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);28 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "User_1 is able to run the script");29 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));30 }31 /**32 * Method verify groovy/submit API is working as expected for simple string type33 * input34 *35 */36 @Test37 public void SubmitEPStringTest_Success() {38 String groovyScript = "'a+"+Math.random()+"'";39 RequestSpecification httpRequest = getRequest("user_1", "pass_1");40 Response submitResponse = executeSubmitReq(httpRequest, groovyScript);41 SubmitEPResponse submitEPResponse = getGson().fromJson(submitResponse.asString(), SubmitEPResponse.class);42 Assert.assertEquals(submitResponse.getStatusCode(), 200, "User_1 is able to run the script");43 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(submitEPResponse.getId()));44 }45 @AfterMethod46 public void afterMethod(ITestResult result) {47 printTestResults(result);48 }49}...

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...7 }8 public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String string) {9 return string == null || string.trim().isEmpty();10 }11 public static boolean isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String string) {12 return ! (isNullOrEmpty(string));13 }14 /**15 * @param string - The input String.16 * @return - Returns an empty string if the input String is <code>null</code> (or) empty, else it returns17 * back the input string.18 */19 public static String getValueOrEmpty(String string) {20 return isNotNullAndNotEmpty(string) ? string : "";21 }22 private static final Map<String, String> ESCAPE_HTML_MAP = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();23 static {24 ESCAPE_HTML_MAP.put("&", "&amp;");25 ESCAPE_HTML_MAP.put("<", "&lt;");26 ESCAPE_HTML_MAP.put(">", "&gt;");27 }28 public static String escapeHtml(String text) {29 String result = text;30 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : ESCAPE_HTML_MAP.entrySet()) {31 result = result.replace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());32 }33 return result;34 }...

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1public void testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() {2 assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty("foo"));3 assertFalse(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(""));4 assertFalse(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(null));5}6org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED7org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED8org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED9org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED10org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED11org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED12org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED13org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED14org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED15org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED16org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED17org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED18org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED19org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED20org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED21org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED22org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED23org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED24org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED25org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED26org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PASSED27org.testng.util.StringsTest > testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() PAS

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1import org.testng.annotations.Test;2import org.testng.util.Strings;3public class TestNGStrings {4 public void testIsNotNullAndNotEmpty() {5 String str = "Hello";6 System.out.println(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(str));7 }8}

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1 [javac] if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(schema)) {2 [javac] symbol: method isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String)3 [javac] if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(schema)) {4 [javac] symbol: method isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String)5 [javac] if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(schema)) {6 [javac] symbol: method isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String)7 [javac] if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(schema)) {8 [javac] symbol: method isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String)9 [javac] if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(schema)) {10 [javac] symbol: method isNotNullAndNotEmpty(String)

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1import org.testng.util.Strings;2public class TestNGUtils {3public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {4 String testString = "test";5 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));6}7}8import org.testng.util.Strings;9public class TestNGUtils {10public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {11 String testString = "test";12 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));13}14}15package org.testng;16import org.testng.annotations.Test;17public class TestNGUtils {18public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {19 String testString = "test";20 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));21}22}23package org.testng;24import org.testng.annotations.Test;25public class TestNGUtils {26public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {27 String testString = "test";28 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));29}30}31package org.testng;32import org.testng.annotations.Test;33public class TestNGUtils {34public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {35 String testString = "test";36 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));37}38}39package org.testng;40import org.testng.annotations.Test;41public class TestNGUtils {42public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {43 String testString = "test";44 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));45}46}47package org.testng;48import org.testng.annotations.Test;49public class TestNGUtils {50public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {51 String testString = "test";52 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));53}54}55package org.testng;56import org.testng.annotations.Test;57public class TestNGUtils {58public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {59 String testString = "test";60 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));61}62}63package org.testng;64import org.testng.annotations.Test;65public class TestNGUtils {66public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {67 String testString = "test";68 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));69}70}71package org.testng;72import org.testng.annotations.Test;73public class TestNGUtils {74public void testStringNotNullAndNotEmpty() {75 String testString = "test";76 Assert.assertTrue(Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(testString));77}78}

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TestNG tutorial

TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.


  1. JUnit 5 vs. TestNG: Compare and explore the core differences between JUnit 5 and TestNG from the Selenium WebDriver viewpoint.
  2. Installing TestNG in Eclipse: Start installing the TestNG Plugin and learn how to set up TestNG in Eclipse to begin constructing a framework for your test project.
  3. Create TestNG Project in Eclipse: Get started with creating a TestNG project and write your first TestNG test script.
  4. Automation using TestNG: Dive into how to install TestNG in this Selenium TestNG tutorial, the fundamentals of developing an automation script for Selenium automation testing.
  5. Parallel Test Execution in TestNG: Here are some essential elements of parallel testing with TestNG in this Selenium TestNG tutorial.
  6. Creating TestNG XML File: Here is a step-by-step tutorial on creating a TestNG XML file to learn why and how it is created and discover how to run the TestNG XML file being executed in parallel.
  7. Automation with Selenium, Cucumber & TestNG: Explore for an in-depth tutorial on automation using Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG, as TestNG offers simpler settings and more features.
  8. JUnit Selenium Tests using TestNG: Start running your regular and parallel tests by looking at how to run test cases in Selenium using JUnit and TestNG without having to rewrite the tests.
  9. Group Test Cases in TestNG: Along with the explanation and demonstration using relevant TestNG group examples, learn how to group test cases in TestNG.
  10. Prioritizing Tests in TestNG: Get started with how to prioritize test cases in TestNG for Selenium automation testing.
  11. Assertions in TestNG: Examine what TestNG assertions are, the various types of TestNG assertions, and situations that relate to Selenium automated testing.
  12. DataProviders in TestNG: Deep dive into learning more about TestNG's DataProvider and how to effectively use it in our test scripts for Selenium test automation.
  13. Parameterization in TestNG: Here are the several parameterization strategies used in TestNG tests and how to apply them in Selenium automation scripts.
  14. TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver: Understand the various TestNG listeners to utilize them effectively for your next plan when working with TestNG and Selenium automation.
  15. TestNG Annotations: Learn more about the execution order and annotation attributes, and refer to the prerequisites required to set up TestNG.
  16. TestNG Reporter Log in Selenium: Find out how to use the TestNG Reporter Log and learn how to eliminate the need for external software with TestNG Reporter Class to boost productivity.
  17. TestNG Reports in Jenkins: Discover how to generate TestNG reports in Jenkins if you want to know how to create, install, and share TestNG reports in Jenkins.


You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.


Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.

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