Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.TestRunner.getOutputDirectory
...41 testNG = new TestNG();42 TestRunner runner = (TestRunner) ctx;43 testNG.setUseDefaultListeners(false);44 testNG.initializeEverything();45 System.out.println("TestNG out: " + testNG.getOutputDirectory());46 // ArrayList<String> alRptogs = new ArrayList();47 // gbl99.setAlReporterEntries(alRptogs);48 System.out.println("in beforeSuite");49 System.out.println("Current Dir: " + nom99.GetWorkingDirectory());50 // File wf = new File(nom99.GetWorkingDirectory());51 // File fFeatureTemplates = new File("src/test/resources/features");52 // File fFeatureGened =new File(fFeatureTemplates.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "Gened");53 // fFeatureGened.mkdirs();54 // File faFt[] = fFeatureTemplates.listFiles();55 // for(int i=0; i < faFt.length; i++)56 // {57 // System.out.println("File " + i + " name: " + faFt[i].getName());58 // if(!faFt[i].isDirectory()) {59 // LineReader lr = new LineReader(faFt[i].getAbsolutePath());60 // LineWriter lw = new LineWriter(fFeatureGened.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + faFt[i].getName());61 // ArrayList<String> alFt = lr.ReadAllLines();62 // for (int i4 = 0; i4 < alFt.size(); i4++) {63 // System.out.println(alFt.get(i4));64 // lw.WriteLine((alFt.get(i4)));65 // }66 // System.out.println("");67 // System.err.println(" End File &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&");68 // System.out.println();69 // }70 // }71 System.out.println("Exit Before Suite");72 }73 @AfterSuite(alwaysRun = true)74 public void afterSuite() {75 System.out.println("in After Suite " + gbl99.isbDetailLog());76 System.err77 .println("************************************************************************************************");78 System.err79 .println("************************************************************************************************");80 System.err81 .println("************************************************************************************************");82 System.err83 .println("************************************************************************************************");84 Reporter.setEscapeHtml(false);85// Rpt.log(sLog);86 ArrayList<String> alLogs = gbl99.getAlReporterEntries();87 String sAll = "";88 System.out.println("Log Count: " + alLogs.size());89 for(int i88 = 0; i88 < alLogs.size(); i88++)90 {91 System.out.println(alLogs.get(i88));92 sAll = sAll + alLogs.get(i88);93 }94 List<String> lsOut = Reporter.getOutput();95 System.out.println("Reporter Output before: A" );96 for(int i8=0; i8<lsOut.size(); i8++)97 {98 System.out.println("Reporter Output before: " + lsOut.get(i8));99 }100 System.out.println("Reporter Output before: Z" );101 System.out.println("Reporter Output before: Z2 \n " + sAll );102 Reporter.clear();103 Reporter.log("");104 lsOut = Reporter.getOutput();105 System.out.println("Reporter Output before: A" );106 String sY="";107 for(int i8=0; i8<lsOut.size(); i8++)108 {109 String sT = lsOut.get(i8);110 while(sT.indexOf("=")>=0) sT = sT.replace("=", "");111 while(sT.indexOf("(+0)")>=0) sT = sT.replace("(+0)", "");112 while(sT.indexOf("(+1)")>=0) sT = sT.replace("(+1)", "");113 while(sT.indexOf("(+2)")>=0) sT = sT.replace("(+2)", "");114 sY = sY + sT;115 System.out.println("Reporter Output beforeZZ: " + lsOut.get(i8));116 }117 System.out.println("Pass/Fail: " + sY);118 sY = sY.replace("Total", "");119 sY = sY.replace("Failures", "Failed");120 sY = sY.replace("Skips", "Skipped");121 sAll = "<h3>" + sY + "</h3><BR>" + sAll;122 try {123 Reporter.log("Stuff");124 Reporter.clear();125 Reporter.log(sAll);126 System.out.println("Reporter loggged");127 } catch (Exception e2) {128 // TODO Auto-generated catch block129 e2.printStackTrace();130 }131 Desktop d = Desktop.getDesktop();132 System.out.println("Test Dir: " + gbl99.getTestContext().getSuite().getOutputDirectory());133 System.out.println("Results Dir: " + gbl99.getHtmlResultsLog().getsResultsFldr());134 System.out.println("Events Dir: " + gbl99.getHtmleventslogging().getsResultsFldr());135 System.out.println("Current Dir: " + nom99.GetWorkingDirectory());136 String sFCurrent = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "test-output";137 String sNewFTestNGLoc = nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().substring(0, nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().length()-2) + File.separator + "test-output_" + gbl99.getTestContext().getSuite().getName() + "_" + nom99.ReplaceHardTags("[~Dateyyyymmddhhmmssmm~]");138 String sOldFTestNGLoc = nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().substring(0, nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().length()-2) + File.separator + "test-output";139 String sFTestNGLoc = nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().substring(0, nom99.GetWorkingDirectory().length()-2) + File.separator + "test-output"+ File.separator + "html" + File.separator + "index.html";140 System.out.println("Working: " + nom99.GetWorkingDirectory());141 System.out.println("TestNG LOC: " + sFTestNGLoc);142 System.out.println("sOldFTestNGLoc: " + sOldFTestNGLoc);143 System.out.println(gbl99.getTestContext().getOutputDirectory());144 System.out.println("sNewFTestNGLoc: " + sNewFTestNGLoc);145 TestRunner runner = (TestRunner) gbl99.getTestContext();146 // runner.setOutputDirectory("/Path/To/Store/Output");147 System.out.println("Output Dir: " + runner.getOutputDirectory());148// try {149//;150// } catch (IOException e) {151// // TODO Auto-generated catch block152// e.printStackTrace();153// }154 String sTestNGLoc = "file:///" + sFTestNGLoc;155 sTestNGLoc = sTestNGLoc.replace("\\", "/");156 sTestNGLoc = sTestNGLoc.replaceAll(" ", "%20");157 System.out.println("TestNGLoc: " + sTestNGLoc);158 File fNew = new File(sNewFTestNGLoc);159// fNew.mkdirs();160// File fOld = new File(sOldFTestNGLoc);161// nom99.copyDirectory(fOld, fNew);...
...40 */41 if( LocalCommandLineArgs.instance().isNative )42 {43 String username = StringUtils.isEmpty( LocalCommandLineArgs.instance().username ) ? "" : "_" + LocalCommandLineArgs.instance().username;44 m_logPath = suite.getOutputDirectory() + File.separator + Utility.getTime( "yyyyMM" + File.separator + "yyyyMMddHHmmss" + username ) + File.separator;45 }46 else47 {48 m_logPath = LocalCommandLineArgs.instance().logPath;49 }50 LOG = TestLogger.setupLogger( m_logPath, this.getClass() );51 "TestNG executed with log directory " + m_logPath );52 "onStart ISuite " + suite.getName() );53 Configuration.SUITE_NAME = suite.getName();54 /**55 * member listeners initialization56 */57 addListeners( m_listeners );58 "Executing : " + suite.getXmlSuite().getTests().size() + " test cases" );59 /**60 * call backs61 */62 for( ITestListeners listener : m_listeners )63 {64 listener.onStart( suite );65 }66 if( TestApiObject.instance().bool( TestApiParameters.API_PROFILE_LISTENER ) )67 {68 m_listeners.add( new ProfilerListener() );69 new ProfilerListener().onStart( suite );70 }71 }72 public abstract void addListeners( List< ITestListeners > listeners );73 @Override74 public void onStart( ITestContext context )75 {76 // test case log starts here77 Reporter.clear();78 "onStart ITestContext " + context.getName() );79 // this is only required by getting snapshot from base test80 // when configuration has been implemented81 // there won't be any use of this code block82 "context output directory " + context.getOutputDirectory() );83 TestRunner runner = (TestRunner)context;84 runner.setOutputDirectory( m_logPath );85 "context changed output directory " + context.getOutputDirectory() );86 // reset test case time87 Utility.resetReferenceTime();88 /**89 * call backs90 */91 for( ITestListeners listener : m_listeners )92 {93 listener.onStart( context );94 }95 }96 @Override97 public void onTestStart( ITestResult result )98 {99 LOG.debug( "onTestStart " + result.getTestContext().getName() );...
...54 {55 DOMConfigurator.configure("log4j.xml");56"Before suite launch...");57 TestRunner runner = (TestRunner) ctx;58 OUTPUT_PATH = (new File(runner.getOutputDirectory())).getParent();59 IMAGES_PATH = new File(runner.getOutputDirectory()).getParent() + "_Images\\";60 //Globals variables populated here --- START ---61 CommonClass.bRunInTestMode = bRunInTestMode;62 CommonClass.bPrintScreen = bPrintScreen;63 CommonClass.CHROME_DRIVER_PATH = CHROME_DRIVER_PATH;64 CommonClass.IE_DRIVER_PATH = IE_DRIVER_PATH;65 CommonClass.OUTPUT_PATH = OUTPUT_PATH;66 CommonClass.IMAGES_PATH = IMAGES_PATH;67 CommonClass.iWaitForElement = iWaitForElement;68 CommonClass.iWaitForThread = iWaitForThread;69 CommonClass.iWaitForThread1 = iWaitForThread1;70 CommonClass.iWaitForThread2 = iWaitForThread2;71 CommonClass.sBaseURL = sBaseURL;72 //Globals variables populated here --- END ---73 ...
...63 }64 Selenium screenshotTaker = new DefaultSelenium(host, Integer.parseInt(port),65 "", "");66 TestRunner tr = (TestRunner) context;67 File outputDirectory = new File(context.getOutputDirectory());68 tr.addListener((IResultListener) new ScreenshotListener(outputDirectory,69 screenshotTaker));70 }71 @AfterMethod72 @Override73 public void checkForVerificationErrors() {74 super.checkForVerificationErrors();75 }76 @AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true)77 public void selectDefaultWindow() {78 if (selenium != null) {79 selenium.selectWindow("null");80 }81 }...
...44 TestConfiguration config = TestConfiguration.getInstance();45 if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cliArguments.getTestType())) {46 config.setTestType(cliArguments.getTestType());47 }48 if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cliArguments.getOutputDirectory())) {49 config.setOutputDir(new File(cliArguments.getOutputDirectory()));50 }51 if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cliArguments.getAppUnderTestPath())) {52 File classpathRoot = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));53 config.setAppUnderTestPath(new File(cliArguments.getAppUnderTestPath()).getAbsolutePath());54 }55 if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cliArguments.getAppiumUrl())) {56 config.setAppiumServerUrl(new URL(cliArguments.getAppiumUrl()));57 }58 return config;59 }60 private static String getAbsolutePath(String filePath) {61 return new File(filePath).getAbsolutePath();62 }63}...
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.javacodegeeks.testng;2import;3import org.testng.ITestResult;4import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter;5public class CustomListener extends TestListenerAdapter {6 public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) {7 super.onTestFailure(tr);8 String outputDirectory = tr.getTestContext().getOutputDirectory();9 System.out.println("outputDirectory: " + outputDirectory);10 }11}12package com.javacodegeeks.testng;13import org.testng.annotations.Test;14public class TestClass {15 public void testMethod() {16 System.out.println("testMethod");17 }18}
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.vogella.jvmmonitoring.memory;2import;3import;4import org.testng.TestNG;5import org.testng.TestRunner;6public class TestNGOutput {7 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {8 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();9 testNG.setOutputDirectory(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "test-output");10 testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });11;12 TestRunner testRunner = testNG.getTestRunner();13 String outputDirectory = testRunner.getOutputDirectory();14 System.out.println("TestNG output directory is: " + outputDirectory);15 }16}
Using AI Code Generation
1public void test() throws Exception {2 File outputDirectory = new TestRunner().getOutputDirectory();3 System.out.println(outputDirectory);4}5public void test() throws Exception {6 File outputDirectory = new TestRunner().getOutputDirectory();7 System.out.println(outputDirectory);8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestRunner;2import;3import;4import;5import java.util.Date;6import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;7import java.util.Calendar;8public class CopyTestOutput {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 TestRunner runner = new TestRunner();11 String outputDir = runner.getOutputDirectory();12 System.out.println("Test Output Directory: " + outputDir);13 String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("").format(new Date());14 String destDir = "C:\\Users\\srikanth\\Desktop\\TestNG\\TestNGReports\\TestNGReport" + timeStamp;15 File srcDir = new File(outputDir);16 File destDirFile = new File(destDir);17 try {18 FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDirFile);19 } catch (IOException e) {20 e.printStackTrace();21 }22 System.out.println("Test Output Directory copied to: " + destDir);23 }24}
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
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