Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.TestNGAntTask.actOnResult
...428 }429 List<String> argv = createArguments();430 if (!forkJvm) {431 TestNG tng = TestNG.privateMain(argv.toArray(new String[0]), null);432 actOnResult(tng.getStatus(), false);433 return;434 }435 String fileName = "";436 FileWriter fw = null;437 BufferedWriter bw = null;438 try {439 File f = File.createTempFile("testng", "");440 fileName = f.getAbsolutePath();441 // If the user asked to see the command, preserve the file442 if (!m_dump) {443 f.deleteOnExit();444 }445 fw = new FileWriter(f);446 bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);447 for (String arg : argv) {448 bw.write(arg);449 bw.newLine();450 }451 bw.flush();452 } catch (IOException e) {453 LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);454 } finally {455 try {456 if (bw != null) {457 bw.close();458 }459 if (fw != null) {460 fw.close();461 }462 } catch (IOException e) {463 LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);464 }465 }466 printDebugInfo(fileName);467 createClasspath().setLocation(findJar());468 cmd.createArgument().setValue("@" + fileName);469 ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = createWatchdog();470 boolean wasKilled = false;471 int exitValue = executeAsForked(cmd, watchdog);472 if (null != watchdog) {473 wasKilled = watchdog.killedProcess();474 }475 actOnResult(exitValue, wasKilled);476 }477 protected List<String> createArguments() {478 List<String> argv = Lists.newArrayList();479 addBooleanIfTrue(argv, CommandLineArgs.JUNIT, mode == Mode.junit);480 addBooleanIfTrue(argv, CommandLineArgs.MIXED, mode == Mode.mixed);481 addBooleanIfTrue(482 argv, CommandLineArgs.SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS, m_skipFailedInvocationCounts);483 addIntegerIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.LOG, m_verbose);484 addDefaultListeners(argv);485 addOutputDir(argv);486 addFileIfFile(argv, CommandLineArgs.TEST_JAR, m_testjar);487 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.GROUPS, m_includedGroups);488 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.EXCLUDED_GROUPS, m_excludedGroups);489 addFilesOfRCollection(argv, CommandLineArgs.TEST_CLASS, m_classFilesets);490 addListOfStringIfNotEmpty(argv, CommandLineArgs.LISTENER, m_listeners);491 addListOfStringIfNotEmpty(argv, CommandLineArgs.METHOD_SELECTORS, m_methodselectors);492 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.OBJECT_FACTORY, m_objectFactory);493 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY, m_testRunnerFactory);494 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.PARALLEL, m_parallelMode);495 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY, m_configFailurePolicy);496 addBooleanIfTrue(argv, CommandLineArgs.RANDOMIZE_SUITES, m_randomizeSuites);497 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.THREAD_COUNT, m_threadCount);498 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT, m_dataproviderthreadCount);499 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.SUITE_NAME, m_suiteName);500 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAME, m_testName);501 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.TEST_NAMES, m_testNames);502 addStringIfNotBlank(argv, CommandLineArgs.METHODS, m_methods);503 addReporterConfigs(argv);504 addIntegerIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, m_suiteThreadPoolSize);505 addStringIfNotNull(argv, CommandLineArgs.XML_PATH_IN_JAR, m_xmlPathInJar);506 addXmlFiles(argv);507 return argv;508 }509 private void addDefaultListeners(List<String> argv) {510 if (m_useDefaultListeners != null) {511 String useDefaultListeners = "false";512 if ("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(m_useDefaultListeners)513 || "true".equalsIgnoreCase(m_useDefaultListeners)) {514 useDefaultListeners = "true";515 }516 argv.add(CommandLineArgs.USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS);517 argv.add(useDefaultListeners);518 }519 }520 private void addOutputDir(List<String> argv) {521 if (null != m_outputDir) {522 if (!m_outputDir.exists()) {523 m_outputDir.mkdirs();524 }525 if (m_outputDir.isDirectory()) {526 argv.add(CommandLineArgs.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);527 argv.add(m_outputDir.getAbsolutePath());528 } else {529 throw new BuildException("Output directory is not a directory: " + m_outputDir);530 }531 }532 }533 private void addReporterConfigs(List<String> argv) {534 for (AntReporterConfig reporterConfig : reporterConfigs) {535 argv.add(CommandLineArgs.REPORTER);536 argv.add(reporterConfig.serialize());537 }538 }539 private void addFilesOfRCollection(540 List<String> argv, String name, List<ResourceCollection> resources) {541 addArgumentsIfNotEmpty(argv, name, getFiles(resources), ",");542 }543 private void addListOfStringIfNotEmpty(List<String> argv, String name, List<String> arguments) {544 addArgumentsIfNotEmpty(argv, name, arguments, ";");545 }546 private void addArgumentsIfNotEmpty(547 List<String> argv, String name, List<String> arguments, String separator) {548 if (arguments != null && !arguments.isEmpty()) {549 argv.add(name);550 String value = Utils.join(arguments, separator);551 argv.add(value);552 }553 }554 private void addFileIfFile(List<String> argv, String name, File file) {555 if ((null != file) && file.isFile()) {556 argv.add(name);557 argv.add(file.getAbsolutePath());558 }559 }560 private void addBooleanIfTrue(List<String> argv, String name, Boolean value) {561 if (TRUE.equals(value)) {562 argv.add(name);563 }564 }565 private void addIntegerIfNotNull(List<String> argv, String name, Integer value) {566 if (value != null) {567 argv.add(name);568 argv.add(value.toString());569 }570 }571 private void addStringIfNotNull(List<String> argv, String name, String value) {572 if (value != null) {573 argv.add(name);574 argv.add(value);575 }576 }577 private void addStringIfNotBlank(List<String> argv, String name, String value) {578 if (isStringNotBlank(value)) {579 argv.add(name);580 argv.add(value);581 }582 }583 private void addXmlFiles(List<String> argv) {584 for (String file : getSuiteFileNames()) {585 argv.add(file);586 }587 }588 /** @return the list of the XML file names. This method can be overridden by subclasses. */589 protected List<String> getSuiteFileNames() {590 List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList();591 for (String file : getFiles(m_xmlFilesets)) {592 result.add(file);593 }594 return result;595 }596 private void delegateCommandSystemProperties() {597 // Iterate over command-line args and pass them through as sysproperty598 // exclude any built-in properties that start with "ant."599 for (Object propKey : getProject().getUserProperties().keySet()) {600 String propName = (String) propKey;601 String propVal = getProject().getUserProperty(propName);602 if (propName.startsWith("ant.")) {603 log("Excluding ant property: " + propName + ": " + propVal, Project.MSG_DEBUG);604 } else {605 log("Including user property: " + propName + ": " + propVal, Project.MSG_DEBUG);606 Environment.Variable var = new Environment.Variable();607 var.setKey(propName);608 var.setValue(propVal);609 addSysproperty(var);610 }611 }612 }613 private void printDebugInfo(String fileName) {614 if (m_dumpSys) {615 debug("* SYSTEM PROPERTIES *");616 Properties props = System.getProperties();617 Enumeration en = props.propertyNames();618 while (en.hasMoreElements()) {619 String key = (String) en.nextElement();620 debug(key + ": " + props.getProperty(key));621 }622 debug("");623 }624 if (m_dumpEnv) {625 String[] vars = m_environment.getVariables();626 if (null != vars && vars.length > 0) {627 debug("* ENVIRONMENT *");628 for (String v : vars) {629 debug(v);630 }631 debug("");632 }633 }634 if (m_dump) {635 dumpCommand(fileName);636 }637 }638 private void debug(String message) {639 log("[TestNGAntTask] " + message, Project.MSG_DEBUG);640 }641 protected void actOnResult(int exitValue, boolean wasKilled) {642 if (exitValue == -1) {643 executeHaltTarget(exitValue);644 throw new BuildException("an error occurred when running TestNG tests");645 }646 if ((exitValue & ExitCode.HAS_NO_TEST) == ExitCode.HAS_NO_TEST) {647 if (m_haltOnFailure) {648 executeHaltTarget(exitValue);649 throw new BuildException("No tests were run");650 } else {651 if (null != m_failurePropertyName) {652 getProject().setNewProperty(m_failurePropertyName, "true");653 }654 log("TestNG haven't found any tests to be run", Project.MSG_DEBUG);655 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestNGAntTask;2public class TestNGAntTaskExample {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 TestNGAntTask testNGAntTask = new TestNGAntTask();5 testNGAntTask.setTestClasses(new String[] { "com.test.TestClass" });6 testNGAntTask.setUseDefaultListeners(true);7 testNGAntTask.setVerbose(0);8 testNGAntTask.setUseDefaultListeners(true);9 testNGAntTask.setParallel("classes");10 testNGAntTask.setThreadCount(5);11 testNGAntTask.setSuiteThreadPoolSize(5);12 testNGAntTask.setGroupByInstances(true);13 testNGAntTask.setObjectFactory("org.testng.internal.DefaultObjectFactory");14 testNGAntTask.setListeners(new String[] { "com.test.TestNGListener" });15 testNGAntTask.setListenerClasses(new String[] { "com.test.TestNGListener" });16 testNGAntTask.setTestJar("testNGJarPath");17 testNGAntTask.setTestngHome("testNGHomePath");18 testNGAntTask.setTestOutputDirectory("testOutputPath");19 testNGAntTask.setTestSourceDirectory("testSourcePath");20 testNGAntTask.setJunit("true");21 testNGAntTask.setJUnit4("true");22 testNGAntTask.setJunitxml("true");23 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportDir("testNGJUnitReportPath");24 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportName("testNGJUnitReportName");25 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportNameSuffix("testNGJUnitReportNameSuffix");26 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportNamePrefix("testNGJUnitReportNamePrefix");27 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportNameSuffix("testNGJUnitReportNameSuffix");28 testNGAntTask.setJunitxmlReportNamePrefix("testNGJUnitReportNamePrefix");29 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxml("true");30 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxmlReportDir("testNGJUnitReportPath");31 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxmlReportName("testNGJUnitReportName");32 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxmlReportNameSuffix("testNGJUnitReportNameSuffix");33 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxmlReportNamePrefix("testNGJUnitReportNamePrefix");34 testNGAntTask.setJUnitxmlReportNameSuffix("testNGJUnitReport
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestNGAntTask;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import;21import;22import;23import;24import;25import;26import;27import;28import;29import;30import;31import;32import;33import;34import;35import;36import;37import;38import;39import;40import;41import;42import
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestNGAntTask2def testng = new TestNGAntTask()3testng.setProject(project)4testng.setTest("testng.xml")5testng.setUseDefaultListeners(false)6testng.setListenerClasses(['org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter'])7testng.actOnResult { result ->8}9import org.testng.TestNGAntTask10def testng = new TestNGAntTask()11testng.setProject(project)12testng.setTest("testng.xml")13testng.setUseDefaultListeners(false)14testng.setListenerClasses(['org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter'])15def result = testng.actOnResult { result ->16}17if (result == false) {18 throw new BuildException("TestNG tests failed")19}20import org.testng.TestNGAntTask21def testng = new TestNGAntTask()22testng.setProject(project)23testng.setTest("testng.xml")24testng.setUseDefaultListeners(false)25testng.setListenerClasses(['org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter'])26def result = testng.actOnResult { result ->27 myMethod(result)28}29if (result == false) {30 throw new BuildException("TestNG tests failed")31}32import org.testng.TestNGAntTask33def testng = new TestNGAntTask()34testng.setProject(project)35testng.setTest("testng.xml")36testng.setUseDefaultListeners(false)37testng.setListenerClasses(['org.testng.reporters.JUnitXMLReporter'])38def result = testng.actOnResult { result ->39 myMethod(result) {40 }41}42if (result == false) {43 throw new BuildException("TestNG tests failed")44}
Using AI Code Generation
1TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter();2TestNGAntTask antTask = new TestNGAntTask();3antTask.setTestClasses(new String[] { "com.test.TestNGTest" });4antTask.setUseDefaultListeners(false);5antTask.setVerbose(2);6antTask.setListeners(new String[] { "org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter" });7antTask.actOnResult(tla);8boolean result = tla.getFailedTests().size() > 0 ? false : true;9if (!result) {10 System.out.println("Failed Test Cases:");11 for (ITestResult iTestResult : tla.getFailedTests()) {12 System.out.println(iTestResult.getName());13 }14}15System.exit(result ? 0 : 1);
Using AI Code Generation
1if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {2 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");3}4if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {5 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");6}7if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {8 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");9}10if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {11 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");12}13if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {14 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");15}16if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {17 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");18}19if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {20 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");21}22if (testNGResult.getFailedTests().size() > 0) {23 throw new BuildException("TestNG failed!");24}
How to find how many testcase are there in TestNG class from another java class
Turn Citrus variable into Java variable
How to run JUnit tests with Gradle?
Tests pass when run individually but not when the whole test class run
Execute TestNG.xml from Jenkins (Maven Project)
Can a Java HashMap's size() be out of sync with its actual entries' size?
TestNG by default disables loading DTD from unsecure Urls
How to combine two object arrays in Java
Execute TestNG tests sequentially with different parameters?
TestNG ERROR Cannot find class in classpath
You can use reflection technique to find out the matching methods in the supplied class like:
public int TotalTescase(String pattern, Class<?> testNGclass) throws ClassNotFoundException
int count = 0;
Class<?> className = Class.forName(testNGclass.getName());
Method[] methods = className.getMethods();
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++)
String methodName = methods[i].getName();
System.out.println("Method Name: "+methodName);
return count;
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After being voted as the best programming language in the year 2018, Python still continues rising up the charts and currently ranks as the 3rd best programming language just after Java and C, as per the index published by Tiobe. With the increasing use of this language, the popularity of test automation frameworks based on Python is increasing as well. Obviously, developers and testers will get a little bit confused when it comes to choosing the best framework for their project. While choosing one, you should judge a lot of things, the script quality of the framework, test case simplicity and the technique to run the modules and find out their weaknesses. This is my attempt to help you compare the top 5 Python frameworks for test automation in 2019, and their advantages over the other as well as disadvantages. So you could choose the ideal Python framework for test automation according to your needs.
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.
Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.
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