Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.TestNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped
...509 }510 public void addMethodSelector(XmlMethodSelector selector) {511 m_selectors.add(selector);512 }513 public void setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(boolean reportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped) {514 this.m_configuration.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(reportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped);515 }516 public boolean getReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped() {517 return this.m_configuration.getReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped();518 }519 /**520 * Set the suites file names to be run by this TestNG object. This method tries to load and parse521 * the specified TestNG suite xml files. If a file is missing, it is ignored.522 *523 * @param suites A list of paths to one more XML files defining the tests. For example:524 * <pre>525 * TestNG tng = new TestNG();526 * List<String> suites = Lists.newArrayList();527 * suites.add("c:/tests/testng1.xml");528 * suites.add("c:/tests/testng2.xml");529 * tng.setTestSuites(suites);530 *;531 * </pre>532 */533 public void setTestSuites(List<String> suites) {534 m_stringSuites = suites;535 }536 /**537 * Specifies the XmlSuite objects to run.538 *539 * @param suites - The list of {@link XmlSuite} objects.540 * @see org.testng.xml.XmlSuite541 */542 public void setXmlSuites(List<XmlSuite> suites) {543 m_suites = suites;544 }545 /**546 * Define which groups will be excluded from this run.547 *548 * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma.549 */550 public void setExcludedGroups(String groups) {551 m_excludedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ",");552 }553 /**554 * Define which groups will be included from this run.555 *556 * @param groups A list of group names separated by a comma.557 */558 public void setGroups(String groups) {559 m_includedGroups = Utils.split(groups, ",");560 }561 private void setTestRunnerFactoryClass(562 Class<? extends ITestRunnerFactory> testRunnerFactoryClass) {563 setTestRunnerFactory(m_objectFactory.newInstance(testRunnerFactoryClass));564 }565 protected void setTestRunnerFactory(ITestRunnerFactory itrf) {566 m_testRunnerFactory = itrf;567 }568 public void setObjectFactory(Class<? extends ITestObjectFactory> c) {569 setObjectFactory(m_objectFactory.newInstance(c));570 }571 public void setObjectFactory(ITestObjectFactory factory) {572 m_objectFactory = factory;573 }574 /**575 * Define which listeners to user for this run.576 *577 * @param classes A list of classes, which must be either ISuiteListener, ITestListener or578 * IReporter579 */580 public void setListenerClasses(List<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>> classes) {581 for (Class<? extends ITestNGListener> cls : classes) {582 addListener(m_objectFactory.newInstance(cls));583 }584 }585 /**586 * @param listener The listener to add587 * @deprecated Use addListener(ITestNGListener) instead588 */589 // TODO remove later /!\ Caution: IntelliJ is using it. Check with @akozlova before removing it590 @Deprecated591 public void addListener(Object listener) {592 if (!(listener instanceof ITestNGListener)) {593 exitWithError(594 "Listener "595 + listener596 + " must be one of ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, "597 + " IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener");598 }599 addListener((ITestNGListener) listener);600 }601 private static <E> void maybeAddListener(Map<Class<? extends E>, E> map, E value) {602 maybeAddListener(map, (Class<? extends E>) value.getClass(), value, false);603 }604 private static <E> void maybeAddListener(605 Map<Class<? extends E>, E> map, Class<? extends E> type, E value, boolean quiet) {606 if (map.putIfAbsent(type, value) != null && !quiet) {607 LOGGER.warn("Ignoring duplicate listener : " + type.getName());608 }609 }610 public void addListener(ITestNGListener listener) {611 if (listener == null) {612 return;613 }614 if (listener instanceof IExecutionVisualiser) {615 IExecutionVisualiser visualiser = (IExecutionVisualiser) listener;616 maybeAddListener(m_executionVisualisers, visualiser);617 }618 if (listener instanceof ISuiteListener) {619 ISuiteListener suite = (ISuiteListener) listener;620 maybeAddListener(m_suiteListeners, suite);621 }622 if (listener instanceof ITestListener) {623 ITestListener test = (ITestListener) listener;624 maybeAddListener(m_testListeners, test);625 }626 if (listener instanceof IClassListener) {627 IClassListener clazz = (IClassListener) listener;628 maybeAddListener(m_classListeners, clazz);629 }630 if (listener instanceof IReporter) {631 IReporter reporter = (IReporter) listener;632 maybeAddListener(m_reporters, reporter);633 }634 if (listener instanceof IAnnotationTransformer) {635 setAnnotationTransformer((IAnnotationTransformer) listener);636 }637 if (listener instanceof IMethodInterceptor) {638 m_methodInterceptors.add((IMethodInterceptor) listener);639 }640 if (listener instanceof IInvokedMethodListener) {641 IInvokedMethodListener method = (IInvokedMethodListener) listener;642 maybeAddListener(m_invokedMethodListeners, method);643 }644 if (listener instanceof IHookable) {645 setHookable((IHookable) listener);646 }647 if (listener instanceof IConfigurable) {648 setConfigurable((IConfigurable) listener);649 }650 if (listener instanceof IExecutionListener) {651 m_configuration.addExecutionListenerIfAbsent((IExecutionListener) listener);652 }653 if (listener instanceof IConfigurationListener) {654 m_configuration.addConfigurationListener((IConfigurationListener) listener);655 }656 if (listener instanceof IAlterSuiteListener) {657 IAlterSuiteListener alter = (IAlterSuiteListener) listener;658 maybeAddListener(m_alterSuiteListeners, alter);659 }660 if (listener instanceof IDataProviderListener) {661 IDataProviderListener dataProvider = (IDataProviderListener) listener;662 maybeAddListener(m_dataProviderListeners, dataProvider);663 }664 if (listener instanceof IDataProviderInterceptor) {665 IDataProviderInterceptor interceptor = (IDataProviderInterceptor) listener;666 maybeAddListener(m_dataProviderInterceptors, interceptor);667 }668 }669 public Set<IReporter> getReporters() {670 // This will now cause a different behavior for consumers of this method because unlike before671 // they are no longer672 // going to be getting the original set but only a copy of it (since we internally moved from673 // Sets to Maps)674 return Sets.newHashSet(m_reporters.values());675 }676 public List<ITestListener> getTestListeners() {677 return Lists.newArrayList(m_testListeners.values());678 }679 public List<ISuiteListener> getSuiteListeners() {680 return Lists.newArrayList(m_suiteListeners.values());681 }682 /** If m_verbose gets set, it will override the verbose setting in testng.xml */683 private Integer m_verbose = null;684 private final IAnnotationTransformer m_defaultAnnoProcessor = new DefaultAnnotationTransformer();685 private IAnnotationTransformer m_annotationTransformer = m_defaultAnnoProcessor;686 private Boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = false;687 private final List<IMethodInterceptor> m_methodInterceptors = Lists.newArrayList();688 /** The list of test names to run from the given suite */689 private List<String> m_testNames;690 private Integer m_suiteThreadPoolSize = CommandLineArgs.SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT;691 private boolean m_randomizeSuites = Boolean.FALSE;692 private boolean m_alwaysRun = Boolean.TRUE;693 private Boolean m_preserveOrder = XmlSuite.DEFAULT_PRESERVE_ORDER;694 private Boolean m_groupByInstances;695 private IConfiguration m_configuration;696 /**697 * Sets the level of verbosity. This value will override the value specified in the test suites.698 *699 * @param verbose the verbosity level (0 to 10 where 10 is most detailed) Actually, this is a lie:700 * you can specify -1 and this will put TestNG in debug mode (no longer slicing off stack701 * traces and all).702 */703 public void setVerbose(int verbose) {704 m_verbose = verbose;705 }706 public void setExecutorFactoryClass(String clazzName) {707 this.m_executorFactory = createExecutorFactoryInstanceUsing(clazzName);708 }709 private IExecutorFactory createExecutorFactoryInstanceUsing(String clazzName) {710 Class<?> cls = ClassHelper.forName(clazzName);711 Object instance = m_objectFactory.newInstance(cls);712 if (instance instanceof IExecutorFactory) {713 return (IExecutorFactory) instance;714 }715 throw new IllegalArgumentException(716 clazzName + " does not implement " + IExecutorFactory.class.getName());717 }718 public void setExecutorFactory(IExecutorFactory factory) {719 this.m_executorFactory = factory;720 }721 public IExecutorFactory getExecutorFactory() {722 if (this.m_executorFactory == null) {723 this.m_executorFactory = createExecutorFactoryInstanceUsing(DEFAULT_THREADPOOL_FACTORY);724 }725 return this.m_executorFactory;726 }727 private void initializeCommandLineSuites() {728 if (m_commandLineTestClasses != null || m_commandLineMethods != null) {729 if (null != m_commandLineMethods) {730 m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForMethods(m_commandLineMethods);731 } else {732 m_cmdlineSuites = createCommandLineSuitesForClasses(m_commandLineTestClasses);733 }734 for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) {735 for (XmlTest t : s.getTests()) {736 t.setPreserveOrder(m_preserveOrder);737 }738 m_suites.add(s);739 if (m_groupByInstances != null) {740 s.setGroupByInstances(m_groupByInstances);741 }742 }743 }744 }745 private void initializeCommandLineSuitesParams() {746 if (null == m_cmdlineSuites) {747 return;748 }749 for (XmlSuite s : m_cmdlineSuites) {750 if (m_threadCount != -1) {751 s.setThreadCount(m_threadCount);752 }753 if (m_parallelMode != null) {754 s.setParallel(m_parallelMode);755 }756 if (m_configFailurePolicy != null) {757 s.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy);758 }759 }760 }761 private void initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups() {762 // If groups were specified on the command line, they should override groups763 // specified in the XML file764 boolean hasIncludedGroups = null != m_includedGroups && m_includedGroups.length > 0;765 boolean hasExcludedGroups = null != m_excludedGroups && m_excludedGroups.length > 0;766 List<XmlSuite> suites = m_cmdlineSuites != null ? m_cmdlineSuites : m_suites;767 if (hasIncludedGroups || hasExcludedGroups) {768 for (XmlSuite s : suites) {769 initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(770 s, hasIncludedGroups, m_includedGroups, hasExcludedGroups, m_excludedGroups);771 }772 }773 }774 private static void initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(775 XmlSuite s,776 boolean hasIncludedGroups,777 String[] m_includedGroups,778 boolean hasExcludedGroups,779 String[] m_excludedGroups) {780 if (hasIncludedGroups) {781 s.setIncludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_includedGroups));782 }783 if (hasExcludedGroups) {784 s.setExcludedGroups(Arrays.asList(m_excludedGroups));785 }786 for (XmlSuite child : s.getChildSuites()) {787 initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups(788 child, hasIncludedGroups, m_includedGroups, hasExcludedGroups, m_excludedGroups);789 }790 }791 private void addReporter(Class<? extends IReporter> r) {792 if (!m_reporters.containsKey(r)) {793 m_reporters.put(r, m_objectFactory.newInstance(r));794 }795 }796 private void initializeDefaultListeners() {797 if (m_failIfAllTestsSkipped) {798 this.exitCodeListener.failIfAllTestsSkipped();799 }800 addListener(this.exitCodeListener);801 if (m_useDefaultListeners) {802 addReporter(SuiteHTMLReporter.class);803 addReporter(Main.class);804 addReporter(FailedReporter.class);805 addReporter(XMLReporter.class);806 if (RuntimeBehavior.useOldTestNGEmailableReporter()) {807 addReporter(EmailableReporter.class);808 } else if (RuntimeBehavior.useEmailableReporter()) {809 addReporter(EmailableReporter2.class);810 }811 addReporter(JUnitReportReporter.class);812 if (m_verbose != null && m_verbose > 4) {813 addListener(new VerboseReporter("[TestNG] "));814 }815 }816 }817 private void initializeConfiguration() {818 ITestObjectFactory factory = m_objectFactory;819 //820 // Install the listeners found in ServiceLoader (or use the class821 // loader for tests, if specified).822 //823 addServiceLoaderListeners();824 //825 // Install the listeners found in the suites826 //827 for (XmlSuite s : m_suites) {828 addListeners(s);829 //830 // Install the method selectors831 //832 for (XmlMethodSelector methodSelector : s.getMethodSelectors()) {833 addMethodSelector(methodSelector.getClassName(), methodSelector.getPriority());834 addMethodSelector(methodSelector);835 }836 //837 // Find if we have an object factory838 //839 if (s.getObjectFactoryClass() != null) {840 if (factory != DEFAULT_OBJECT_FACTORY) {841 throw new TestNGException("Found more than one object-factory tag in your suites");842 }843 factory = m_objectFactory.newInstance(s.getObjectFactoryClass());844 }845 }846 m_configuration.setAnnotationFinder(new JDK15AnnotationFinder(getAnnotationTransformer()));847 m_configuration.setHookable(m_hookable);848 m_configuration.setConfigurable(m_configurable);849 m_configuration.setObjectFactory(factory);850 m_configuration.setAlwaysRunListeners(this.m_alwaysRun);851 m_configuration.setExecutorFactory(getExecutorFactory());852 }853 private void addListeners(XmlSuite s) {854 IObjectDispenser dispenser = Dispenser.newInstance(m_objectFactory);855 GuiceContext context = new GuiceContext(s, this.m_configuration);856 for (String listenerName : s.getListeners()) {857 Class<?> listenerClass = ClassHelper.forName(listenerName);858 // If specified listener does not exist, a TestNGException will be thrown859 if (listenerClass == null) {860 throw new TestNGException(861 "Listener " + listenerName + " was not found in project's classpath");862 }863 BasicAttributes basic = new BasicAttributes(null, listenerClass);864 CreationAttributes attribute = new CreationAttributes(basic, context);865 Object listener = dispenser.dispense(attribute);866 addListener((ITestNGListener) listener);867 }868 // Add the child suite listeners869 List<XmlSuite> childSuites = s.getChildSuites();870 for (XmlSuite c : childSuites) {871 addListeners(c);872 }873 }874 /** Using reflection to remain Java 5 compliant. */875 private void addServiceLoaderListeners() {876 Iterable<ITestNGListener> loader =877 m_serviceLoaderClassLoader != null878 ? ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class, m_serviceLoaderClassLoader)879 : ServiceLoader.load(ITestNGListener.class);880 for (ITestNGListener l : loader) {881 Utils.log("[TestNG]", 2, "Adding ServiceLoader listener:" + l);882 if (m_listenersToSkipFromBeingWiredIn.contains(l.getClass().getName())) {883 Utils.log("[TestNG]", 2, "Skipping adding the listener :" + l);884 continue;885 }886 addListener(l);887 addServiceLoaderListener(l);888 }889 }890 /**891 * Before suites are executed, do a sanity check to ensure all required conditions are met. If892 * not, throw an exception to stop test execution893 *894 * @throws TestNGException if the sanity check fails895 */896 private void sanityCheck() {897 XmlSuiteUtils.validateIfSuitesContainDuplicateTests(m_suites);898 XmlSuiteUtils.adjustSuiteNamesToEnsureUniqueness(m_suites);899 }900 /** Invoked by the remote runner. */901 public void initializeEverything() {902 // The Eclipse plug-in (RemoteTestNG) might have invoked this method already903 // so don't initialize suites twice.904 if (m_isInitialized) {905 return;906 }907 initializeSuitesAndJarFile();908 initializeConfiguration();909 initializeDefaultListeners();910 initializeCommandLineSuites();911 initializeCommandLineSuitesParams();912 initializeCommandLineSuitesGroups();913 m_isInitialized = true;914 }915 /** Run TestNG. */916 public void run() {917 initializeEverything();918 sanityCheck();919 runExecutionListeners(true /* start */);920 runSuiteAlterationListeners();921 m_start = System.currentTimeMillis();922 List<ISuite> suiteRunners = runSuites();923 m_end = System.currentTimeMillis();924 if (null != suiteRunners) {925 generateReports(suiteRunners);926 }927 runExecutionListeners(false /* finish */);928 exitCode = this.exitCodeListener.getStatus();929 if (exitCodeListener.noTestsFound()) {930 if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) {931 System.err.println("[TestNG] No tests found. Nothing was run");932 usage();933 }934 }935 m_instance = null;936 m_jCommander = null;937 }938 /**939 * Run the test suites.940 *941 * <p>This method can be overridden by subclass. <br>942 * For example, DistributedTestNG to run in master/slave mode according to commandline args.943 *944 * @return - List of suites that were run as {@link ISuite} objects.945 * @since 6.9.11 when moving distributed/remote classes out into separate project946 */947 protected List<ISuite> runSuites() {948 return runSuitesLocally();949 }950 private void runSuiteAlterationListeners() {951 for (IAlterSuiteListener l : m_alterSuiteListeners.values()) {952 l.alter(m_suites);953 }954 }955 private void runExecutionListeners(boolean start) {956 List<IExecutionListener> executionListeners = m_configuration.getExecutionListeners();957 if (start) {958 for (IExecutionListener l : executionListeners) {959 l.onExecutionStart();960 }961 } else {962 List<IExecutionListener> executionListenersReversed =963 Lists.newReversedArrayList(executionListeners);964 for (IExecutionListener l : executionListenersReversed) {965 l.onExecutionFinish();966 }967 }968 }969 private static void usage() {970 if (m_jCommander == null) {971 m_jCommander = new JCommander(new CommandLineArgs());972 }973 m_jCommander.usage();974 }975 private void generateReports(List<ISuite> suiteRunners) {976 for (IReporter reporter : m_reporters.values()) {977 try {978 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();979 reporter.generateReport(m_suites, suiteRunners, m_outputDir);980 Utils.log(981 "TestNG",982 2,983 "Time taken by " + reporter + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");984 } catch (Exception ex) {985 System.err.println("[TestNG] Reporter " + reporter + " failed");986 ex.printStackTrace(System.err);987 }988 }989 }990 /**991 * This needs to be public for maven2, for now..At least until an alternative mechanism is found.992 *993 * @return The locally run suites994 */995 public List<ISuite> runSuitesLocally() {996 if (m_suites.isEmpty()) {997 error("No test suite found. Nothing to run");998 usage();999 return Collections.emptyList();1000 }1001 SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap = new SuiteRunnerMap();1002 if (m_suites.get(0).getVerbose() >= 2) {1003 Version.displayBanner();1004 }1005 // First initialize the suite runners to ensure there are no configuration issues.1006 // Create a map with XmlSuite as key and corresponding SuiteRunner as value1007 for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) {1008 createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite);1009 }1010 //1011 // Run suites1012 //1013 if (m_suiteThreadPoolSize == 1 && !m_randomizeSuites) {1014 // Single threaded and not randomized: run the suites in order1015 for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) {1016 runSuitesSequentially(1017 xmlSuite, suiteRunnerMap, getVerbose(xmlSuite), getDefaultSuiteName());1018 }1019 //1020 // Generate the suites report1021 //1022 return Lists.newArrayList(suiteRunnerMap.values());1023 }1024 // Multithreaded: generate a dynamic graph that stores the suite hierarchy. This is then1025 // used to run related suites in specific order. Parent suites are run only1026 // once all the child suites have completed execution1027 IDynamicGraph<ISuite> suiteGraph = new DynamicGraph<>();1028 for (XmlSuite xmlSuite : m_suites) {1029 populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, xmlSuite);1030 }1031 IThreadWorkerFactory<ISuite> factory =1032 new SuiteWorkerFactory(1033 suiteRunnerMap, 0 /* verbose hasn't been set yet */, getDefaultSuiteName());1034 ITestNGThreadPoolExecutor pooledExecutor =1035 this.getExecutorFactory()1036 .newSuiteExecutor(1037 "suites",1038 suiteGraph,1039 factory,1040 m_suiteThreadPoolSize,1041 m_suiteThreadPoolSize,1042 Integer.MAX_VALUE,1043 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,1044 new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(),1045 null);1046 Utils.log("TestNG", 2, "Starting executor for all suites");1047 // Run all suites in parallel1048;1049 try {1050 pooledExecutor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);1051 pooledExecutor.shutdownNow();1052 } catch (InterruptedException handled) {1053 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();1054 error("Error waiting for concurrent executors to finish " + handled.getMessage());1055 }1056 //1057 // Generate the suites report1058 //1059 return Lists.newArrayList(suiteRunnerMap.values());1060 }1061 private static void error(String s) {1062 LOGGER.error(s);1063 }1064 /**1065 * @return the verbose level, checking in order: the verbose level on the suite, the verbose level1066 * on the TestNG object, or 1.1067 */1068 private int getVerbose(XmlSuite xmlSuite) {1069 return xmlSuite.getVerbose() != null1070 ? xmlSuite.getVerbose()1071 : (m_verbose != null ? m_verbose : RuntimeBehavior.getDefaultVerboseLevel());1072 }1073 /**1074 * Recursively runs suites. Runs the children suites before running the parent suite. This is done1075 * so that the results for parent suite can reflect the combined results of the children suites.1076 *1077 * @param xmlSuite XML Suite to be executed1078 * @param suiteRunnerMap Maps {@code XmlSuite}s to respective {@code ISuite}1079 * @param verbose verbose level1080 * @param defaultSuiteName default suite name1081 */1082 private void runSuitesSequentially(1083 XmlSuite xmlSuite, SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap, int verbose, String defaultSuiteName) {1084 for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) {1085 runSuitesSequentially(childSuite, suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName);1086 }1087 SuiteRunnerWorker srw =1088 new SuiteRunnerWorker(1089 suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite), suiteRunnerMap, verbose, defaultSuiteName);1090;1091 }1092 /**1093 * Populates the dynamic graph with the reverse hierarchy of suites. Edges are added pointing from1094 * child suite runners to parent suite runners, hence making parent suite runners dependent on all1095 * the child suite runners1096 *1097 * @param suiteGraph dynamic graph representing the reverse hierarchy of SuiteRunners1098 * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and its respective SuiteRunner as value1099 * @param xmlSuite XML Suite1100 */1101 private void populateSuiteGraph(1102 IDynamicGraph<ISuite> suiteGraph /* OUT */,1103 SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap,1104 XmlSuite xmlSuite) {1105 ISuite parentSuiteRunner = suiteRunnerMap.get(xmlSuite);1106 suiteGraph.addNode(parentSuiteRunner);1107 if (!xmlSuite.getChildSuites().isEmpty()) {1108 for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) {1109 suiteGraph.addEdge(0, parentSuiteRunner, suiteRunnerMap.get(childSuite));1110 populateSuiteGraph(suiteGraph, suiteRunnerMap, childSuite);1111 }1112 }1113 }1114 /**1115 * Creates the {@code SuiteRunner}s and populates the suite runner map with this information1116 *1117 * @param suiteRunnerMap Map with XMLSuite as key and it's respective SuiteRunner as value. This1118 * is updated as part of this method call1119 * @param xmlSuite Xml Suite (and its children) for which {@code SuiteRunner}s are created1120 */1121 private void createSuiteRunners(SuiteRunnerMap suiteRunnerMap /* OUT */, XmlSuite xmlSuite) {1122 if (null != m_isJUnit && !m_isJUnit.equals(XmlSuite.DEFAULT_JUNIT)) {1123 xmlSuite.setJUnit(m_isJUnit);1124 }1125 // If the skip flag was invoked on the command line, it1126 // takes precedence1127 if (null != m_skipFailedInvocationCounts) {1128 xmlSuite.setSkipFailedInvocationCounts(m_skipFailedInvocationCounts);1129 }1130 // Override the XmlSuite verbose value with the one from TestNG1131 if (m_verbose != null) {1132 xmlSuite.setVerbose(m_verbose);1133 }1134 if (null != m_configFailurePolicy) {1135 xmlSuite.setConfigFailurePolicy(m_configFailurePolicy);1136 }1137 if (null != m_dataProviderThreadCount) {1138 xmlSuite.setDataProviderThreadCount(m_dataProviderThreadCount);1139 }1140 Set<XmlMethodSelector> selectors = Sets.newHashSet();1141 for (XmlTest t : xmlSuite.getTests()) {1142 for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> ms : m_methodDescriptors.entrySet()) {1143 XmlMethodSelector xms = new XmlMethodSelector();1144 xms.setName(ms.getKey());1145 xms.setPriority(ms.getValue());1146 selectors.add(xms);1147 }1148 selectors.addAll(m_selectors);1149 t.getMethodSelectors().addAll(Lists.newArrayList(selectors));1150 }1151 suiteRunnerMap.put(xmlSuite, createSuiteRunner(xmlSuite));1152 for (XmlSuite childSuite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) {1153 createSuiteRunners(suiteRunnerMap, childSuite);1154 }1155 }1156 /** Creates a suite runner and configures its initial state */1157 private SuiteRunner createSuiteRunner(XmlSuite xmlSuite) {1158 DataProviderHolder holder = new DataProviderHolder();1159 holder.addListeners(m_dataProviderListeners.values());1160 holder.addInterceptors(m_dataProviderInterceptors.values());1161 SuiteRunner result =1162 new SuiteRunner(1163 getConfiguration(),1164 xmlSuite,1165 m_outputDir,1166 m_testRunnerFactory,1167 m_useDefaultListeners,1168 m_methodInterceptors,1169 m_invokedMethodListeners.values(),1170 m_testListeners.values(),1171 m_classListeners.values(),1172 holder,1173 Systematiser.getComparator());1174 for (ISuiteListener isl : m_suiteListeners.values()) {1175 result.addListener(isl);1176 }1177 for (IReporter r : result.getReporters()) {1178 maybeAddListener(m_reporters, r.getClass(), r, true);1179 }1180 for (IConfigurationListener cl : m_configuration.getConfigurationListeners()) {1181 result.addConfigurationListener(cl);1182 }1183 m_executionVisualisers.values().forEach(result::addListener);1184 return result;1185 }1186 protected IConfiguration getConfiguration() {1187 return m_configuration;1188 }1189 /**1190 * The TestNG entry point for command line execution.1191 *1192 * @param argv the TestNG command line parameters.1193 */1194 public static void main(String[] argv) {1195 TestNG testng = privateMain(argv, null);1196 System.exit(testng.getStatus());1197 }1198 /**1199 * <B>Note</B>: this method is not part of the public API and is meant for internal usage only.1200 *1201 * @param argv The param arguments1202 * @param listener The listener1203 * @return The TestNG instance1204 */1205 public static TestNG privateMain(String[] argv, ITestListener listener) {1206 TestNG result = new TestNG();1207 if (null != listener) {1208 result.addListener(listener);1209 }1210 //1211 // Parse the arguments1212 //1213 try {1214 CommandLineArgs cla = new CommandLineArgs();1215 m_jCommander = new JCommander(cla);1216 m_jCommander.parse(argv);1217 validateCommandLineParameters(cla);1218 result.configure(cla);1219 } catch (ParameterException ex) {1220 exitWithError(ex.getMessage());1221 }1222 //1223 // Run1224 //1225 try {1226;1227 } catch (TestNGException ex) {1228 if (TestRunner.getVerbose() > 1) {1229 ex.printStackTrace(System.out);1230 } else {1231 error(ex.getMessage());1232 }1233 result.exitCode = ExitCode.newExitCodeRepresentingFailure();1234 }1235 return result;1236 }1237 /**1238 * Configure the TestNG instance based on the command line parameters.1239 *1240 * @param cla The command line parameters1241 */1242 protected void configure(CommandLineArgs cla) {1243 setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(cla.includeAllDataDrivenTestsWhenSkipping);1244 if (cla.verbose != null) {1245 setVerbose(cla.verbose);1246 }1247 if (cla.dependencyInjectorFactoryClass != null) {1248 Class<?> clazz = ClassHelper.forName(cla.dependencyInjectorFactoryClass);1249 if (clazz != null && IInjectorFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {1250 m_configuration.setInjectorFactory(1251 m_objectFactory.newInstance((Class<IInjectorFactory>) clazz));1252 }1253 }1254 if (cla.threadPoolFactoryClass != null) {1255 setExecutorFactoryClass(cla.threadPoolFactoryClass);1256 }1257 setOutputDirectory(cla.outputDirectory);...
...95 }96 @Test(description = "GITHUB-2674")97 public void ensureUpstreamFailuresTriggerSkipsForAllDataProviderValues() {98 TestNG testng = create(test.skip.issue2674.TestClassSample.class);99 testng.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);100 InvokedMethodNameListener listener = new InvokedMethodNameListener();101 testng.addListener(listener);102;103 assertThat(listener.getSkippedMethodNames())104 .containsExactly("test2(iPhone,13)", "test2(iPhone-Pro,12)");105 }106 @Test(description = "GITHUB-2674")107 public void ensureUpstreamFailuresTriggerSkipsForAllDataProviderValuesViaCmdLineArgs() {108 CommandLineArgs cli = new CommandLineArgs();109 cli.includeAllDataDrivenTestsWhenSkipping = true;110 ConfigAwareTestNG testng = new ConfigAwareTestNG();111 testng.setTestClasses(new Class<?>[] {test.skip.issue2674.TestClassSample.class});112 testng.configure(cli);113 InvokedMethodNameListener listener = new InvokedMethodNameListener();...
...118 public void setOverrideIncludedMethods(boolean overrideIncludedMethods) {119 this.overrideIncludedMethods = overrideIncludedMethods;120 }121 @Override122 public void setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(boolean reportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped) {123 this.includeAllDataDrivenTestsWhenSkipping = reportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped;124 }125 @Override126 public boolean getReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped() {127 return this.includeAllDataDrivenTestsWhenSkipping;128 }129}...
...26 IInjectorFactory getInjectorFactory();27 void setInjectorFactory(IInjectorFactory factory);28 boolean getOverrideIncludedMethods();29 void setOverrideIncludedMethods(boolean overrideIncludedMethods);30 default void setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(boolean reportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped) {}31 default boolean getReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped() {32 return false;33 }34}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestNG;2import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;3import java.util.ArrayList;4import java.util.List;5public class TestNGRunner {6 public static void main(String[] args) {7 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();8 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);9 List<String> suites = new ArrayList<>();10 suites.add("path/to/suite.xml");11 testNG.setTestSuites(suites);12;13 }14}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestNGTest {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();4 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);5;6 }7}8public void test() {9 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();10 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);11;12}13public void test() {14 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();15 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);16;17 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(false);18}19public class TestNGTest {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();22 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);23;24 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(false);25 }26}27public class TestNGTest {28 public static void main(String[] args) {29 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();30 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);31;32 }33}34public void test() {35 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();36 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);37;38}39public void test() {40 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();41 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);42;43 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(false);44}45public class TestNGTest {46 public static void main(String[] args) {47 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();48 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);49;50 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(false);51 }52}53public class TestNGTest {54 public static void main(String[] args) {
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestNG {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();4 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);5 testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });6;7 }8}9TestNG testNG = new TestNG();10testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);11testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });;13@TestNG testNG = new TestNG();14testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);15testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });;17new TestNG()18 .setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true)19 .setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class })20 .run();21TestNG testNG = new TestNG();22testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);23testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });;25@TestNG testNG = new TestNG();26testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);27testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });;29new TestNG()30 .setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true)31 .setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class })32 .run();33TestNG testNG = new TestNG();34testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);35testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[] { TestClass.class });;
Using AI Code Generation
1public class TestNGRunner {2 public void runTestNG() {3 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();4 testNG.setTestClasses(new Class[]{Test.class});5 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);6;7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.TestNG;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class SkipAllDataDrivenTests {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 TestNG testNG = new TestNG();7 List<String> suites = new ArrayList<>();8 suites.add("/path/to/testng.xml");9 testNG.setTestSuites(suites);10 testNG.setReportAllDataDrivenTestsAsSkipped(true);11;12 }13}
How to find how many testcase are there in TestNG class from another java class
Turn Citrus variable into Java variable
How to run JUnit tests with Gradle?
Tests pass when run individually but not when the whole test class run
Execute TestNG.xml from Jenkins (Maven Project)
Can a Java HashMap's size() be out of sync with its actual entries' size?
TestNG by default disables loading DTD from unsecure Urls
How to combine two object arrays in Java
Execute TestNG tests sequentially with different parameters?
TestNG ERROR Cannot find class in classpath
You can use reflection technique to find out the matching methods in the supplied class like:
public int TotalTescase(String pattern, Class<?> testNGclass) throws ClassNotFoundException
int count = 0;
Class<?> className = Class.forName(testNGclass.getName());
Method[] methods = className.getMethods();
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++)
String methodName = methods[i].getName();
System.out.println("Method Name: "+methodName);
return count;
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Galen Framework is a test automation framework which was originally introduced to perform cross browser layout testing of a web application in a browser. Nowadays, it has become a fully functional testing framework with rich reporting and test management system. This framework supports both Java and Javascript.
There are different interfaces provided by Java that allows you to modify TestNG behaviour. These interfaces are further known as TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver. TestNG Listeners also allows you to customize the tests logs or report according to your project requirements.
According to netmarketshare, Google Chrome accounts for 67% of the browser market share. It is the choice of the majority of users and it’s popularity continues to rise. This is why, as an automation tester, it is important that you perform automated browser testing on Chrome browser.
Have you noticed the ubiquity of web forms while surfing the internet? Almost every website or web-application you visit, leverages web-forms to gain relevant information about yourself. From creating an account over a web-application to filling a brief survey, web forms are everywhere! A form comprises web elements such as checkbox, radio button, password, drop down to collect user data.
After being voted as the best programming language in the year 2018, Python still continues rising up the charts and currently ranks as the 3rd best programming language just after Java and C, as per the index published by Tiobe. With the increasing use of this language, the popularity of test automation frameworks based on Python is increasing as well. Obviously, developers and testers will get a little bit confused when it comes to choosing the best framework for their project. While choosing one, you should judge a lot of things, the script quality of the framework, test case simplicity and the technique to run the modules and find out their weaknesses. This is my attempt to help you compare the top 5 Python frameworks for test automation in 2019, and their advantages over the other as well as disadvantages. So you could choose the ideal Python framework for test automation according to your needs.
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.
Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.
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