How to use getEscapeHtml method of org.testng.Reporter class

Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.Reporter.getEscapeHtml


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...476 protected void writeReporterMessages(List<String> reporterMessages) {477 writer.print("<div class='messages'>");478 Iterator<String> iterator = reporterMessages.iterator();479 assert iterator.hasNext();480 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {481 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;482 } else {483 writer.print(;484 }485 while (iterator.hasNext()) {486 writer.print("<br/​>");487 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {488 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;489 } else {490 writer.print(;491 }492 }493 writer.print("</​div>");494 }495 protected void writeStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {496 writer.print("<div class='stacktrace'>");497 writer.print(Utils.shortStackTrace(throwable, true));498 writer.print("</​div>");499 }500 /​**501 * Writes a TH element with the specified contents and CSS class names....

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...491 protected void writeReporterMessages(List<String> reporterMessages) {492 writer.print("<div class="messages">");493 Iterator<String> iterator = reporterMessages.iterator();494 assert iterator.hasNext();495 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {496 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;497 } else {498 writer.print(;499 }500 while (iterator.hasNext()) {501 writer.print("<br/​>");502 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {503 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;504 } else {505 writer.print(;506 }507 }508 writer.print("</​div>");509 }510 protected void writeStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {511 writer.print("<div class="stacktrace">");512 writer.print(Utils.shortStackTrace(throwable, true));513 writer.print("</​div>");514 }515 */​/​**516 * Writes a TH element with the specified contents and CSS class names....

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...426 protected void writeReporterMessages(List<String> reporterMessages) {427 writer.print("<div class=\"messages\">");428 Iterator<String> iterator = reporterMessages.iterator();429 assert iterator.hasNext();430 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {431 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;432 } else {433 writer.print(;434 }435 while (iterator.hasNext()) {436 writer.print("<br/​>");437 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {438 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;439 } else {440 writer.print(;441 }442 }443 writer.print("</​div>");444 }445 protected void writeStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {446 writer.print("<div class=\"stacktrace\">");447 writer.print(Utils.shortStackTrace(throwable, true));448 writer.print("</​div>");449 }450 /​**451 * Writes a TH element with the specified contents and CSS class names....

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...406 protected void writeReporterMessages(List<String> reporterMessages) {407 writer.print("<div class=\"messages\">");408 Iterator<String> iterator = reporterMessages.iterator();409 assert iterator.hasNext();410 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {411 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;412 } else {413 writer.print(;414 }415 while (iterator.hasNext()) {416 writer.print("<br/​>");417 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {418 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;419 } else {420 writer.print(;421 }422 }423 writer.print("</​div>");424 }425 protected void writeStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {426 writer.print("<div class=\"stacktrace\">");427 writer.print(Utils.shortStackTrace(throwable, true));428 writer.print("</​div>");429 }430 /​**431 * Writes a TH element with the specified contents and CSS class names....

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...205 protected void writeReporterMessages(List<String> reporterMessages) {206 writer.print("<div class=\"messages\">");207 Iterator<String> iterator = reporterMessages.iterator();208 assert iterator.hasNext();209 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {210 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;211 } else {212 writer.print(;213 }214 while (iterator.hasNext()) {215 writer.print("<br/​>");216 if (Reporter.getEscapeHtml()) {217 writer.print(Utils.escapeHtml(;218 } else {219 writer.print(;220 }221 }222 writer.print("</​div>");223 }224 protected void writeStackTrace(Throwable throwable) {225 writer.print("<div class=\"stacktrace\">");226 writer.print(Utils.shortStackTrace(throwable, true));227 writer.print("</​div>");228 }229 /​**230 * Writes a TH element with the specified contents and CSS class names....

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...54 }55 /​**56 * @return If true, use HTML entities for special HTML characters (<, >, &, ...).57 */​58 public static boolean getEscapeHtml() {59 return m_escapeHtml;60 }61 /​**62 * @param escapeHtml If true, use HTML entities for special HTML characters (<, >, &, ...).63 */​64 public static void setEscapeHtml(boolean escapeHtml) {65 m_escapeHtml = escapeHtml;66 }67 private static synchronized void log(String s, ITestResult m) {68 /​/​ Escape for the HTML reports69 if (m_escapeHtml) {70 s = Strings.escapeHtml(s);71 }72 if (m == null) {...

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1Reporter.log("This is a test message", true);2Reporter.log("This is a test message", false);3Reporter.log("This is a test message");4Reporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);5Reporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);6EmailableReporter.log("This is a test message", true);7EmailableReporter.log("This is a test message", false);8EmailableReporter.log("This is a test message");9EmailableReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);10EmailableReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);11XMLReporter.log("This is a test message", true);12XMLReporter.log("This is a test message", false);13XMLReporter.log("This is a test message");14XMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);15XMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);16JUnitReportReporter.log("This is a test message", true);17JUnitReportReporter.log("This is a test message", false);18JUnitReportReporter.log("This is a test message");19JUnitReportReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);20JUnitReportReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);21SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", true);22SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", false);23SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message");24SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);25SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);26SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", true);27SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", false);28SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message");29SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, true);30SuiteHTMLReporter.log("This is a test message", 2, false);

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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TestNG tutorial

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  1. JUnit 5 vs. TestNG: Compare and explore the core differences between JUnit 5 and TestNG from the Selenium WebDriver viewpoint.
  2. Installing TestNG in Eclipse: Start installing the TestNG Plugin and learn how to set up TestNG in Eclipse to begin constructing a framework for your test project.
  3. Create TestNG Project in Eclipse: Get started with creating a TestNG project and write your first TestNG test script.
  4. Automation using TestNG: Dive into how to install TestNG in this Selenium TestNG tutorial, the fundamentals of developing an automation script for Selenium automation testing.
  5. Parallel Test Execution in TestNG: Here are some essential elements of parallel testing with TestNG in this Selenium TestNG tutorial.
  6. Creating TestNG XML File: Here is a step-by-step tutorial on creating a TestNG XML file to learn why and how it is created and discover how to run the TestNG XML file being executed in parallel.
  7. Automation with Selenium, Cucumber & TestNG: Explore for an in-depth tutorial on automation using Selenium, Cucumber, and TestNG, as TestNG offers simpler settings and more features.
  8. JUnit Selenium Tests using TestNG: Start running your regular and parallel tests by looking at how to run test cases in Selenium using JUnit and TestNG without having to rewrite the tests.
  9. Group Test Cases in TestNG: Along with the explanation and demonstration using relevant TestNG group examples, learn how to group test cases in TestNG.
  10. Prioritizing Tests in TestNG: Get started with how to prioritize test cases in TestNG for Selenium automation testing.
  11. Assertions in TestNG: Examine what TestNG assertions are, the various types of TestNG assertions, and situations that relate to Selenium automated testing.
  12. DataProviders in TestNG: Deep dive into learning more about TestNG's DataProvider and how to effectively use it in our test scripts for Selenium test automation.
  13. Parameterization in TestNG: Here are the several parameterization strategies used in TestNG tests and how to apply them in Selenium automation scripts.
  14. TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver: Understand the various TestNG listeners to utilize them effectively for your next plan when working with TestNG and Selenium automation.
  15. TestNG Annotations: Learn more about the execution order and annotation attributes, and refer to the prerequisites required to set up TestNG.
  16. TestNG Reporter Log in Selenium: Find out how to use the TestNG Reporter Log and learn how to eliminate the need for external software with TestNG Reporter Class to boost productivity.
  17. TestNG Reports in Jenkins: Discover how to generate TestNG reports in Jenkins if you want to know how to create, install, and share TestNG reports in Jenkins.


You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.


Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.

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