Best Testng code snippet using org.testng.Interface ITestNGMethod.getConstructorOrMethod
...165 if (inst == null) {166 inst = instance;167 }168 Class<?> objectClass= inst.getClass();169 ConstructorOrMethod method= tm.getConstructorOrMethod();170 // Only run the configuration if171 // - the test is enabled and172 // - the Configuration method belongs to the same class or a parent173 configurationAnnotation = AnnotationHelper.findConfiguration(m_annotationFinder, method);174 boolean alwaysRun = isAlwaysRun(configurationAnnotation);175 if(MethodHelper.isEnabled(objectClass, m_annotationFinder) || alwaysRun) {176 if (MethodHelper.isEnabled(configurationAnnotation)) {177 if (!confInvocationPassed(tm, currentTestMethod, testClass, instance) && !alwaysRun) {178 log(3, "Skipping " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true));179 handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);180 continue;181 }182 log(3, "Invoking " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true));183 Object[] parameters = Parameters.createConfigurationParameters(tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(),184 params,185 parameterValues,186 currentTestMethod,187 m_annotationFinder,188 suite,189 m_testContext,190 testMethodResult);191 testResult.setParameters(parameters);192 runConfigurationListeners(testResult, true /* before */);193 Object newInstance;194 if (instance == null || !tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(instance.getClass())) {195 newInstance = inst;196 } else {197 newInstance = instance;198 }199 invokeConfigurationMethod(newInstance, tm, parameters, testResult);200 runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);201 }202 else {203 log(3,204 "Skipping "205 + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)206 + " because it is not enabled");207 }208 } // if is enabled209 else {210 log(3,211 "Skipping "212 + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)213 + " because "214 + objectClass.getName()215 + " is not enabled");216 }217 }218 catch(InvocationTargetException ex) {219 handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);220 } catch(Throwable ex) { // covers the non-wrapper exceptions221 handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);222 }223 } // for methods224 }225 /**226 * Marks the current <code>TestResult</code> as skipped and invokes the listeners.227 */228 private void handleConfigurationSkip(ITestNGMethod tm,229 ITestResult testResult,230 IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,231 ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,232 Object instance,233 XmlSuite suite) {234 recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);235 testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP);236 runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);237 }238 /**239 * Is the <code>IConfiguration</code> marked as alwaysRun.240 */241 private boolean isAlwaysRun(IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation) {242 if(null == configurationAnnotation) {243 return false;244 }245 boolean alwaysRun= false;246 if ((configurationAnnotation.getAfterSuite()247 || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTest()248 || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTestClass()249 || configurationAnnotation.getAfterTestMethod()250 || configurationAnnotation.getBeforeTestMethod()251 || configurationAnnotation.getBeforeTestClass()252 || configurationAnnotation.getBeforeTest()253 || configurationAnnotation.getBeforeSuite())254 && configurationAnnotation.getAlwaysRun())255 {256 alwaysRun= true;257 }258 return alwaysRun;259 }260 private void handleConfigurationFailure(Throwable ite,261 ITestNGMethod tm,262 ITestResult testResult,263 IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,264 ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,265 Object instance,266 XmlSuite suite)267 {268 Throwable cause= ite.getCause() != null ? ite.getCause() : ite;269 if(isSkipExceptionAndSkip(cause)) {270 testResult.setThrowable(cause);271 handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);272 return;273 }274 Utils.log("", 3, "Failed to invoke configuration method "275 + tm.getQualifiedName() + ":" + cause.getMessage());276 handleException(cause, tm, testResult, 1);277 runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */);278 //279 // If in TestNG mode, need to take a look at the annotation to figure out280 // what kind of @Configuration method we're dealing with281 //282 if (null != annotation) {283 recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite);284 }285 }286 /**287 * @return All the classes that belong to the same <test> tag as @param cls288 */289 private XmlClass[] findClassesInSameTest(Class<?> cls, XmlSuite suite) {290 Map<String, XmlClass> vResult= Maps.newHashMap();291 String className= cls.getName();292 for(XmlTest test : suite.getTests()) {293 for(XmlClass testClass : test.getXmlClasses()) {294 if(testClass.getName().equals(className)) {295 // Found it, add all the classes in this test in the result296 for(XmlClass thisClass : test.getXmlClasses()) {297 vResult.put(thisClass.getName(), thisClass);298 }299 // Note: we need to iterate through the entire suite since the same300 // class might appear in several <test> tags301 }302 }303 }304 XmlClass[] result= vResult.values().toArray(new XmlClass[vResult.size()]);305 return result;306 }307 /**308 * Record internally the failure of a Configuration, so that we can determine309 * later if @Test should be skipped.310 */311 private void recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(ITestNGMethod tm,312 IClass testClass,313 IConfigurationAnnotation annotation,314 ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,315 Object instance,316 XmlSuite suite) {317 // If beforeTestClass or afterTestClass failed, mark either the config method's318 // entire class as failed, or the class under tests as failed, depending on319 // the configuration failure policy320 if (annotation.getBeforeTestClass() || annotation.getAfterTestClass()) {321 // tm is the configuration method, and currentTestMethod is null for BeforeClass322 // methods, so we need testClass323 if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {324 setClassInvocationFailure(testClass.getRealClass(), instance);325 } else {326 setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);327 }328 }329 // If before/afterTestMethod failed, mark either the config method's entire330 // class as failed, or just the current test method as failed, depending on331 // the configuration failure policy332 else if (annotation.getBeforeTestMethod() || annotation.getAfterTestMethod()) {333 if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {334 setMethodInvocationFailure(currentTestMethod, instance);335 } else {336 setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);337 }338 }339 // If beforeSuite or afterSuite failed, mark *all* the classes as failed340 // for configurations. At this point, the entire Suite is screwed341 else if (annotation.getBeforeSuite() || annotation.getAfterSuite()) {342 m_suiteState.failed();343 }344 // beforeTest or afterTest: mark all the classes in the same345 // <test> stanza as failed for configuration346 else if (annotation.getBeforeTest() || annotation.getAfterTest()) {347 setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance);348 XmlClass[] classes= findClassesInSameTest(tm.getRealClass(), suite);349 for(XmlClass xmlClass : classes) {350 setClassInvocationFailure(xmlClass.getSupportClass(), instance);351 }352 }353 String[] beforeGroups= annotation.getBeforeGroups();354 if(null != beforeGroups && beforeGroups.length > 0) {355 for(String group: beforeGroups) {356 m_beforegroupsFailures.put(group, Boolean.FALSE);357 }358 }359 }360 /**361 * @return true if this class or a parent class failed to initialize.362 */363 private boolean classConfigurationFailed(Class<?> cls) {364 synchronized(m_classInvocationResults){365 for (Class<?> c : m_classInvocationResults.keySet()) {366 if (c == cls || c.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {367 return true;368 }369 }370 return false;371 }372 }373 /**374 * @return true if this class has successfully run all its @Configuration375 * method or false if at least one of these methods failed.376 */377 private boolean confInvocationPassed(ITestNGMethod method, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,378 IClass testClass, Object instance) {379 boolean result = true;380 Class<?> cls = testClass.getRealClass();381 if(m_suiteState.isFailed()) {382 result = false;383 } else {384 if (classConfigurationFailed(cls)) {385 if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {386 result = !classConfigurationFailed(cls);387 } else {388 synchronized(m_classInvocationResults){389 result = !m_classInvocationResults.get(cls).contains(instance);390 }391 }392 }393 // if method is BeforeClass, currentTestMethod will be null394 else if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration &&395 currentTestMethod != null &&396 m_methodInvocationResults.containsKey(currentTestMethod)) {397 result = !m_methodInvocationResults.get(currentTestMethod).contains(getMethodInvocationToken(currentTestMethod, instance));398 }399 else if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) {400 synchronized(m_classInvocationResults){401 for(Class<?> clazz : m_classInvocationResults.keySet()) {402 if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {403 result = false;404 break;405 }406 }407 }408 }409 }410 // check if there are failed @BeforeGroups411 String[] groups = method.getGroups();412 if(null != groups && groups.length > 0) {413 for(String group : groups) {414 if(m_beforegroupsFailures.containsKey(group)) {415 result = false;416 break;417 }418 }419 }420 return result;421 }422 // Creates a token for tracking a unique invocation of a method on an instance.423 // Is used when configFailurePolicy=continue.424 private static Object getMethodInvocationToken(ITestNGMethod method, Object instance) {425 return String.format("%s+%d+%d", instance.toString(), method.getCurrentInvocationCount(), method.getParameterInvocationCount());426 }427 /**428 * Effectively invokes a configuration method on all passed in instances.429 * TODO: Should change this method to be more like invokeMethod() so that we can430 * handle calls to {@code IInvokedMethodListener} better.431 *432 * @param targetInstance the instance to invoke the configuration method on433 * @param tm the configuration method434 * @param params the parameters needed for method invocation435 * @param testResult436 * @throws InvocationTargetException437 * @throws IllegalAccessException438 */439 private void invokeConfigurationMethod(Object targetInstance,440 ITestNGMethod tm,441 Object[] params,442 ITestResult testResult)443 throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException444 {445 // Mark this method with the current thread id446 tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo());447 {448 InvokedMethod invokedMethod= new InvokedMethod(targetInstance,449 tm,450 System.currentTimeMillis(),451 testResult);452 runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);453 m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod);454 try {455 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);456 ConstructorOrMethod method = tm.getConstructorOrMethod();457 //458 // If this method is a IConfigurable, invoke its run() method459 //460 IConfigurable configurableInstance =461 IConfigurable.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass()) ?462 (IConfigurable) targetInstance : m_configuration.getConfigurable();463 if (configurableInstance != null) {464 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeConfigurable(targetInstance, params, configurableInstance, method.getMethod(),465 testResult);466 }467 else {468 //469 // Not a IConfigurable, invoke directly470 //471 if (MethodHelper.calculateTimeOut(tm) <= 0) {472 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(method.getMethod(), targetInstance, params);473 }474 else {475 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeWithTimeout(tm, targetInstance, params, testResult);476 if (!testResult.isSuccess()) {477 // A time out happened478 throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, testResult.getThrowable());479 throw testResult.getThrowable();480 }481 }482 }483 }484 catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ex) {485 throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);486 throw ex;487 } catch (Throwable ex) {488 throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex);489 throw new TestNGException(ex);490 }491 finally {492 testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());493 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);494 runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);495 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null);496 }497 }498 }499 private void throwConfigurationFailure(ITestResult testResult, Throwable ex)500 {501 testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);502 testResult.setThrowable(ex.getCause() == null ? ex : ex.getCause());503 }504 private void runInvokedMethodListeners(InvokedMethodListenerMethod listenerMethod, IInvokedMethod invokedMethod,505 ITestResult testResult)506 {507 if ( noListenersPresent() ) {508 return;509 }510 InvokedMethodListenerInvoker invoker = new InvokedMethodListenerInvoker(listenerMethod, testResult, m_testContext);511 for (IInvokedMethodListener currentListener : m_invokedMethodListeners) {512 invoker.invokeListener(currentListener, invokedMethod);513 }514 }515 private boolean noListenersPresent() {516 return (m_invokedMethodListeners == null) || (m_invokedMethodListeners.size() == 0);517 }518 // pass both paramValues and paramIndex to be thread safe in case parallel=true + dataprovider.519 private ITestResult invokeMethod(Object instance,520 final ITestNGMethod tm,521 Object[] parameterValues,522 int parametersIndex,523 XmlSuite suite,524 Map<String, String> params,525 ITestClass testClass,526 ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,527 ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,528 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,529 FailureContext failureContext) {530 TestResult testResult = new TestResult();531 //532 // Invoke beforeGroups configurations533 //534 invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(testClass, tm, groupMethods, suite, params,535 instance);536 //537 // Invoke beforeMethods only if538 // - firstTimeOnly is not set539 // - firstTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching at the first invocationCount540 //541 invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm,542 filterConfigurationMethods(tm, beforeMethods, true /* beforeMethods */),543 suite, params, parameterValues,544 instance, testResult);545 InvokedMethod invokedMethod = new InvokedMethod(instance,546 tm,547 System.currentTimeMillis(),548 testResult);549 if (!confInvocationPassed(tm, tm, testClass, instance)) {550 ITestResult result = registerSkippedTestResult(tm, instance, System.currentTimeMillis(),551 getExceptionDetails(instance));552 m_notifier.addSkippedTest(tm, result);553 tm.incrementCurrentInvocationCount();554 runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);555 invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm,556 filterConfigurationMethods(tm, afterMethods, false /* beforeMethods */),557 suite, params, parameterValues,558 instance,559 testResult);560 invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(testClass, tm, groupMethods, suite, params, instance);561 return result;562 }563 //564 // Create the ExtraOutput for this method565 //566 try {567 testResult.init(testClass, instance,568 tm,569 null,570 System.currentTimeMillis(),571 0,572 m_testContext);573 testResult.setParameters(parameterValues);574 testResult.setParameterIndex(parametersIndex);575 testResult.setHost(m_testContext.getHost());576 testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.STARTED);577 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult);578 // Fix from ansgarkonermann579 // invokedMethod is used in the finally, which can be invoked if580 // any of the test listeners throws an exception, therefore,581 // invokedMethod must have a value before we get here582 if (!m_suiteState.isFailed()) {583 runTestListeners(testResult);584 }585 log(3, "Invoking " + tm.getQualifiedName());586 runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);587 m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod);588 Method thisMethod = tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod();589 // If this method is a IHookable, invoke its run() method590 IHookable hookableInstance =591 IHookable.class.isAssignableFrom(tm.getRealClass()) ?592 (IHookable) instance : m_configuration.getHookable();593 if (MethodHelper.calculateTimeOut(tm) <= 0) {594 if (hookableInstance != null) {595 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeHookable(instance,596 parameterValues, hookableInstance, thisMethod, testResult);597 } else {598 // Not a IHookable, invoke directly599 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(thisMethod, instance,600 parameterValues);601 }602 setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.SUCCESS);603 } else {604 // Method with a timeout605 MethodInvocationHelper.invokeWithTimeout(tm, instance, parameterValues, testResult, hookableInstance);606 }607 }608 catch(InvocationTargetException ite) {609 testResult.setThrowable(ite.getCause());610 setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE);611 }612 catch(ThreadExecutionException tee) { // wrapper for TestNGRuntimeException613 Throwable cause= tee.getCause();614 if(TestNGRuntimeException.class.equals(cause.getClass())) {615 testResult.setThrowable(cause.getCause());616 }617 else {618 testResult.setThrowable(cause);619 }620 setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE);621 }622 catch(Throwable thr) { // covers the non-wrapper exceptions623 testResult.setThrowable(thr);624 setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE);625 }626 finally {627 // Set end time ASAP628 testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());629 ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionClasses630 = new ExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, tm, new RegexpExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, tm));631 List<ITestResult> results = Lists.<ITestResult>newArrayList(testResult);632 handleInvocationResults(tm, results, expectedExceptionClasses, failureContext);633 // If this method has a data provider and just failed, memorize the number634 // at which it failed.635 // Note: we're not exactly testing that this method has a data provider, just636 // that it has parameters, so might have to revisit this if bugs get reported637 // for the case where this method has parameters that don't come from a data638 // provider639 if (testResult.getThrowable() != null && parameterValues.length > 0) {640 tm.addFailedInvocationNumber(parametersIndex);641 }642 //643 // Increment the invocation count for this method644 //645 tm.incrementCurrentInvocationCount();646 // Run invokedMethodListeners after updating TestResult647 runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult);648 runTestListeners(testResult);649 collectResults(tm, testResult);650 //651 // Invoke afterMethods only if652 // - lastTimeOnly is not set653 // - lastTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching the last invocationCount654 //655 invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm,656 filterConfigurationMethods(tm, afterMethods, false /* beforeMethods */),657 suite, params, parameterValues,658 instance,659 testResult);660 //661 // Invoke afterGroups configurations662 //663 invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(testClass, tm, groupMethods, suite,664 params, instance);665 // Reset the test result last. If we do this too early, Reporter.log()666 // invocations from listeners will be discarded667 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null);668 }669 return testResult;670 }671 private static void setTestStatus(ITestResult result, int status) {672 // set the test to success as long as the testResult hasn't been changed by the user via673 // Reporter.getCurrentTestResult674 if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.STARTED) {675 result.setStatus(status);676 }677 }678 private Throwable getExceptionDetails(Object instance) {679 Set<ITestResult> configResults = m_testContext.getFailedConfigurations().getAllResults();680 if (configResults.isEmpty()) {681 configResults = m_testContext.getSkippedConfigurations().getAllResults();682 }683 for (ITestResult configResult : configResults) {684 if (sameInstance(configResult, instance)) {685 return configResult.getThrowable();686 }687 }688 if (configResults.isEmpty()) {689 //if we are here it means we have a test method skip due to a @BeforeSuite failure in a different <test> maybe690 //So we will have to find out that first failure/skip and get its throwable and pack that information into our691 //current test method's test result.692 return getConfigFailureException();693 } else {694 //If we are here it perhaps means that the test method is being skipped because there was a configuration695 //failure in a different class due to @BeforeGroups being used.696 //So lets just find the first exception information and then just pack it in.697 return configResults.iterator().next().getThrowable();698 }699 }700 private Throwable getConfigFailureException() {701 Throwable t = null;702 for (IInvokedMethod method : m_testContext.getSuite().getAllInvokedMethods()) {703 ITestNGMethod m = method.getTestMethod();704 if (m.isBeforeSuiteConfiguration() && (! method.getTestResult().isSuccess())) {705 t = method.getTestResult().getThrowable();706 break;707 }708 }709 return t;710 }711 private boolean sameInstance(ITestResult configResult, Object instance) {712 return (configResult.getInstance()!= null ) && (configResult.getInstance().equals(instance));713 }714 void collectResults(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestResult result) {715 // Collect the results716 final int status = result.getStatus();717 if(ITestResult.SUCCESS == status) {718 m_notifier.addPassedTest(testMethod, result);719 }720 else if(ITestResult.SKIP == status) {721 m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, result);722 }723 else if(ITestResult.FAILURE == status) {724 m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, result);725 }726 else if(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE == status) {727 m_notifier.addFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTest(testMethod, result);728 }729 else {730 assert false : "UNKNOWN STATUS:" + status;731 }732 }733 /**734 * The array of methods contains @BeforeMethods if isBefore if true, @AfterMethods735 * otherwise. This function removes all the methods that should not be run at this736 * point because they are either firstTimeOnly or lastTimeOnly and we haven't reached737 * the current invocationCount yet738 */739 private ITestNGMethod[] filterConfigurationMethods(ITestNGMethod tm,740 ITestNGMethod[] methods, boolean isBefore)741 {742 List<ITestNGMethod> result = Lists.newArrayList();743 for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {744 ConfigurationMethod cm = (ConfigurationMethod) m;745 if (isBefore) {746 if (! cm.isFirstTimeOnly() ||747 (cm.isFirstTimeOnly() && tm.getCurrentInvocationCount() == 0))748 {749 result.add(m);750 }751 }752 else {753 if (! cm.isLastTimeOnly() || (cm.isLastTimeOnly() && !tm.hasMoreInvocation())) {754 result.add(m);755 }756 }757 }758 return result.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[result.size()]);759 }760 /**761 * invokeTestMethods() eventually converge here to invoke a single @Test method.762 * <p/>763 * This method is responsible for actually invoking the method. It decides if the invocation764 * must be done:765 * <ul>766 * <li>through an <code>IHookable</code></li>767 * <li>directly (through reflection)</li>768 * <li>in a separate thread (in case it needs to timeout)769 * </ul>770 *771 * <p/>772 * This method is also responsible for invoking @BeforeGroup, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @AfterGroup773 * if it is the case for the passed in @Test method.774 */775 protected ITestResult invokeTestMethod(Object instance,776 final ITestNGMethod tm,777 Object[] parameterValues,778 int parametersIndex,779 XmlSuite suite,780 Map<String, String> params,781 ITestClass testClass,782 ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,783 ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,784 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,785 FailureContext failureContext)786 {787 // Mark this method with the current thread id788 tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo());789 ITestResult result = invokeMethod(instance, tm, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite, params,790 testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods,791 failureContext);792 return result;793 }794 /**795 * Filter all the beforeGroups methods and invoke only those that apply796 * to the current test method797 */798 private void invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(ITestClass testClass,799 ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,800 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,801 XmlSuite suite,802 Map<String, String> params,803 Object instance)804 {805 synchronized(groupMethods) {806 List<ITestNGMethod> filteredMethods = Lists.newArrayList();807 String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups();808 Map<String, List<ITestNGMethod>> beforeGroupMap = groupMethods.getBeforeGroupsMap();809 for (String group : groups) {810 List<ITestNGMethod> methods = beforeGroupMap.get(group);811 if (methods != null) {812 filteredMethods.addAll(methods);813 }814 }815 ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethodsArray = filteredMethods.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[filteredMethods.size()]);816 //817 // Invoke the right groups methods818 //819 if(beforeMethodsArray.length > 0) {820 // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external821 // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite822 invokeConfigurations(null, beforeMethodsArray, suite, params,823 /* no parameter values */ null, instance);824 }825 //826 // Remove them so they don't get run again827 //828 groupMethods.removeBeforeGroups(groups);829 }830 }831 private void invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(ITestClass testClass,832 ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod,833 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,834 XmlSuite suite,835 Map<String, String> params,836 Object instance)837 {838 // Skip this if the current method doesn't belong to any group839 // (only a method that belongs to a group can trigger the invocation840 // of afterGroups methods)841 if (currentTestMethod.getGroups().length == 0) {842 return;843 }844 // See if the currentMethod is the last method in any of the groups845 // it belongs to846 Map<String, String> filteredGroups = Maps.newHashMap();847 String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups();848 synchronized(groupMethods) {849 for (String group : groups) {850 if (groupMethods.isLastMethodForGroup(group, currentTestMethod)) {851 filteredGroups.put(group, group);852 }853 }854 if(filteredGroups.isEmpty()) {855 return;856 }857 // The list of afterMethods to run858 Map<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> afterMethods = Maps.newHashMap();859 // Now filteredGroups contains all the groups for which we need to run the afterGroups860 // method. Find all the methods that correspond to these groups and invoke them.861 Map<String, List<ITestNGMethod>> map = groupMethods.getAfterGroupsMap();862 for (String g : filteredGroups.values()) {863 List<ITestNGMethod> methods = map.get(g);864 // Note: should put them in a map if we want to make sure the same afterGroups865 // doesn't get run twice866 if (methods != null) {867 for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {868 afterMethods.put(m, m);869 }870 }871 }872 // Got our afterMethods, invoke them873 ITestNGMethod[] afterMethodsArray = afterMethods.keySet().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[afterMethods.size()]);874 // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external875 // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite876 invokeConfigurations(null, afterMethodsArray, suite, params,877 /* no parameter values */ null, instance);878 // Remove the groups so they don't get run again879 groupMethods.removeAfterGroups(filteredGroups.keySet());880 }881 }882 private Object[] getParametersFromIndex(Iterator<Object[]> parametersValues, int index) {883 while (parametersValues.hasNext()) {884 Object[] parameters =;885 if (index == 0) {886 return parameters;887 }888 index--;889 }890 return null;891 }892 int retryFailed(Object instance,893 final ITestNGMethod tm,894 XmlSuite suite,895 ITestClass testClass,896 ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods,897 ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods,898 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,899 List<ITestResult> result,900 int failureCount,901 ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionHolder,902 ITestContext testContext,903 Map<String, String> parameters,904 int parametersIndex) {905 final FailureContext failure = new FailureContext();906 failure.count = failureCount;907 do {908 failure.instances = Lists.newArrayList ();909 Map<String, String> allParameters = Maps.newHashMap();910 /**911 * TODO: This recreates all the parameters every time when we only need912 * one specific set. Should optimize it by only recreating the set needed.913 */914 ParameterBag bag = createParameters(tm, parameters,915 allParameters, suite, testContext, null /* fedInstance */);916 Object[] parameterValues =917 getParametersFromIndex(bag.parameterHolder.parameters, parametersIndex);918 result.add(invokeMethod(instance, tm, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite,919 allParameters, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, failure));920 }921 while (!failure.instances.isEmpty());922 return failure.count;923 }924 private ParameterBag createParameters(ITestNGMethod testMethod,925 Map<String, String> parameters,926 Map<String, String> allParameterNames,927 XmlSuite suite,928 ITestContext testContext,929 Object fedInstance)930 {931 Object instance;932 if (fedInstance != null) {933 instance = fedInstance;934 }935 else {936 instance = testMethod.getInstance();937 }938 ParameterBag bag = handleParameters(testMethod,939 instance, allParameterNames, parameters, null, suite, testContext, fedInstance, null);940 return bag;941 }942 /**943 * Invoke all the test methods. Note the plural: the method passed in944 * parameter might be invoked several times if the test class it belongs945 * to has more than one instance (i.e., if an @Factory method has been946 * declared somewhere that returns several instances of this TestClass).947 * If no @Factory method was specified, testMethod will only be invoked948 * once.949 * <p/>950 * Note that this method also takes care of invoking the beforeTestMethod951 * and afterTestMethod, if any.952 *953 * Note (alex): this method can be refactored to use a SingleTestMethodWorker that954 * directly invokes955 * {@link #invokeTestMethod(Object, ITestNGMethod, Object[], int, XmlSuite, Map, ITestClass, ITestNGMethod[], ITestNGMethod[], ConfigurationGroupMethods, FailureContext)}956 * and this would simplify the implementation (see how DataTestMethodWorker is used)957 */958 @Override959 public List<ITestResult> invokeTestMethods(ITestNGMethod testMethod,960 XmlSuite suite,961 Map<String, String> testParameters,962 ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods,963 Object instance,964 ITestContext testContext)965 {966 // Potential bug here if the test method was declared on a parent class967 assert null != testMethod.getTestClass()968 : "COULDN'T FIND TESTCLASS FOR " + testMethod.getRealClass();969 if (!MethodHelper.isEnabled(testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), m_annotationFinder)) {970 // return if the method is not enabled. No need to do any more calculations971 return Collections.emptyList();972 }973 // By the time this testMethod to be invoked,974 // all dependencies should be already run or we need to skip this method,975 // so invocation count should not affect dependencies check976 final String okToProceed = checkDependencies(testMethod, testContext.getAllTestMethods());977 if (okToProceed != null) {978 //979 // Not okToProceed. Test is being skipped980 //981 ITestResult result = registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, null, System.currentTimeMillis(),982 new Throwable(okToProceed));983 m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, result);984 return Collections.singletonList(result);985 }986 final Map<String, String> parameters =987 testMethod.findMethodParameters(testContext.getCurrentXmlTest());988 // For invocationCount > 1 and threadPoolSize > 1 run this method in its own pool thread.989 if (testMethod.getInvocationCount() > 1 && testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1) {990 return invokePooledTestMethods(testMethod, suite, parameters, groupMethods, testContext);991 }992 long timeOutInvocationCount = testMethod.getInvocationTimeOut();993 //FIXME: Is this correct?994 boolean onlyOne = testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1 ||995 timeOutInvocationCount > 0;996 int invocationCount = onlyOne ? 1 : testMethod.getInvocationCount();997 ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionHolder =998 new ExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, testMethod,999 new RegexpExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, testMethod));1000 final ITestClass testClass= testMethod.getTestClass();1001 final List<ITestResult> result = Lists.newArrayList();1002 final FailureContext failure = new FailureContext();1003 final ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods = filterMethods(testClass, testClass.getBeforeTestMethods(), CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS);1004 final ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods = filterMethods(testClass, testClass.getAfterTestMethods(), CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS);1005 while(invocationCount-- > 0) {1006 if(false) {1007 // Prevent code formatting1008 }1009 //1010 // No threads, regular invocation1011 //1012 else {1013 // Used in catch statement1014 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();1015 Map<String, String> allParameterNames = Maps.newHashMap();1016 ParameterBag bag = createParameters(testMethod,1017 parameters, allParameterNames, suite, testContext, instance);1018 if (bag.hasErrors()) {1019 final ITestResult tr = bag.errorResult;1020 Throwable throwable = tr.getThrowable();1021 if (throwable instanceof TestNGException) {1022 tr.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);1023 m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, tr);1024 } else {1025 tr.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP);1026 m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, tr);1027 }1028 runTestListeners(tr);1029 result.add(tr);1030 continue;1031 }1032 Iterator<Object[]> allParameterValues = bag.parameterHolder.parameters;1033 int parametersIndex = 0;1034 try {1035 if (bag.parameterHolder.origin == ParameterOrigin.ORIGIN_DATA_PROVIDER &&1036 bag.parameterHolder.dataProviderHolder.annotation.isParallel()) {1037 List<TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker> workers = Lists.newArrayList();1038 while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) {1039 Object[] next =;1040 if (next == null) {1041 // skipped value1042 parametersIndex++;1043 continue;1044 }1045 Object[] parameterValues = injectParameters(next,1046 testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), testContext, null /* test result */);1047 TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker w =1048 new TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker(this,1049 testMethod, parametersIndex,1050 parameterValues, instance, suite, parameters, testClass,1051 beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods,1052 expectedExceptionHolder, testContext, m_skipFailedInvocationCounts,1053 invocationCount, failure.count, m_notifier);1054 workers.add(w);1055 // testng387: increment the param index in the bag.1056 parametersIndex++;1057 }1058 PoolService<List<ITestResult>> ps =1059 new PoolService<>(suite.getDataProviderThreadCount());1060 List<List<ITestResult>> r = ps.submitTasksAndWait(workers);1061 for (List<ITestResult> l2 : r) {1062 result.addAll(l2);1063 }1064 } else {1065 while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) {1066 Object[] next =;1067 if (next == null) {1068 // skipped value1069 parametersIndex++;1070 continue;1071 }1072 Object[] parameterValues = injectParameters(next,1073 testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), testContext, null /* test result */);1074 List<ITestResult> tmpResults = Lists.newArrayList();1075 int tmpResultsIndex = -1;1076 try {1077 tmpResults.add(invokeTestMethod(instance,1078 testMethod,1079 parameterValues,1080 parametersIndex,1081 suite,1082 parameters,1083 testClass,1084 beforeMethods,1085 afterMethods,1086 groupMethods, failure));1087 tmpResultsIndex++;1088 }1089 finally {1090 boolean lastSucces = false;1091 if (tmpResultsIndex >= 0) {1092 lastSucces = (tmpResults.get(tmpResultsIndex).getStatus() == ITestResult.SUCCESS);1093 }1094 if (failure.instances.isEmpty() || lastSucces) {1095 result.addAll(tmpResults);1096 } else {1097 List<ITestResult> retryResults = Lists.newArrayList();1098 failure.count = retryFailed(1099 instance, testMethod, suite, testClass, beforeMethods,1100 afterMethods, groupMethods, retryResults,1101 failure.count, expectedExceptionHolder,1102 testContext, parameters, parametersIndex);1103 result.addAll(retryResults);1104 }1105 //1106 // If we have a failure, skip all the1107 // other invocationCounts1108 //1109 if (failure.count > 01110 && (m_skipFailedInvocationCounts1111 || testMethod.skipFailedInvocations())) {1112 while (invocationCount-- > 0) {1113 result.add(registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, instance, System.currentTimeMillis(), null));1114 }1115 }1116 }// end finally1117 parametersIndex++;1118 }1119 }1120 }1121 catch (Throwable cause) {1122 ITestResult r =1123 new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(),1124 instance,1125 testMethod,1126 cause,1127 start,1128 System.currentTimeMillis(),1129 m_testContext);1130 r.setStatus(TestResult.FAILURE);1131 result.add(r);1132 runTestListeners(r);1133 m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, r);1134 } // catch1135 }1136 }1137 return result;1138 } // invokeTestMethod1139 private ITestResult registerSkippedTestResult(ITestNGMethod testMethod, Object instance,1140 long start, Throwable throwable) {1141 ITestResult result =1142 new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(),1143 instance,1144 testMethod,1145 throwable,1146 start,1147 System.currentTimeMillis(),1148 m_testContext);1149 result.setStatus(TestResult.SKIP);1150 Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(result);1151 runTestListeners(result);1152 return result;1153 }1154 /**1155 * Gets an array of parameter values returned by data provider or the ones that1156 * are injected based on parameter type. The method also checks for {@code NoInjection}1157 * annotation1158 *1159 * @param parameterValues parameter values from a data provider1160 * @param method method to be invoked1161 * @param context test context1162 * @param testResult test result1163 */1164 private Object[] injectParameters(Object[] parameterValues, Method method,1165 ITestContext context, ITestResult testResult)1166 throws TestNGException {1167 final MethodMatcher matcher = new DataProviderMethodMatcher(1168 new MethodMatcherContext(method, parameterValues, context, testResult)1169 );1170 return matcher.getConformingArguments();1171 }1172 private ParameterBag handleParameters(ITestNGMethod testMethod,1173 Object instance,1174 Map<String, String> allParameterNames,1175 Map<String, String> parameters,1176 Object[] parameterValues,1177 XmlSuite suite,1178 ITestContext testContext,1179 Object fedInstance,1180 ITestResult testResult)1181 {1182 try {1183 return new ParameterBag(1184 Parameters.handleParameters(testMethod,1185 allParameterNames,1186 instance,1187 new Parameters.MethodParameters(parameters,1188 testMethod.findMethodParameters(testContext.getCurrentXmlTest()),1189 parameterValues,1190 testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), testContext, testResult),1191 suite,1192 m_annotationFinder,1193 fedInstance));1194 }1195 catch(Throwable cause) {1196 String msg = Utils.longStackTrace(cause.getCause() != null ? cause.getCause() : cause, true);1197 if (Strings.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(msg) ) {1198 Utils.error(msg);1199 }1200 return new ParameterBag(1201 new TestResult(1202 testMethod.getTestClass(),1203 instance,1204 testMethod,...
...206 }207 ConstructorOrMethod constructorOrMethod = mock(ConstructorOrMethod.class);208 when(constructorOrMethod.getMethod()).thenReturn(method);209 ITestNGMethod iTestNGMethod = mock(ITestNGMethod.class);210 when(iTestNGMethod.getConstructorOrMethod()).thenReturn(constructorOrMethod);211 when(iTestNGMethod.getMethodName()).thenReturn(methodName);212 when(iTestNGMethod.getRealClass()).thenReturn(clazz);213 when(iTestNGMethod.isTest()).thenReturn(true);214 when(iTestNGMethod.getInvocationCount()).thenReturn(1);215 return iTestNGMethod;216 }217 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")218 protected static ITestClass getMockITestClass(Class aClass) {219 ITestClass iTestClass = mock(ITestClass.class);220 when(iTestClass.getRealClass()).thenReturn(aClass);221 return iTestClass;222 }223 protected static ITestResult getMockITestResult(Integer status) {224 Method method;225 try {226 method = TestNGTestClassWithSuite.class.getMethod("iTestResultMethodWithDetails");227 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {228 throw new RuntimeException(e);229 }230 ConstructorOrMethod constructorOrMethod = mock(ConstructorOrMethod.class);231 when(constructorOrMethod.getMethod()).thenReturn(method);232 ITestNGMethod iTestNGMethod = mock(ITestNGMethod.class);233 when(iTestNGMethod.getConstructorOrMethod()).thenReturn(constructorOrMethod);234 ITestResult iTestResult = mock(ITestResult.class);235 when(iTestResult.getStatus()).thenReturn(status);236 when(iTestResult.getMethod()).thenReturn(iTestNGMethod);237 return iTestResult;238 }239 protected BuggyExecutionListener getBuggyExecutionListener() {240 return getBuggyExecutionListener(true);241 }242 @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue")243 protected BuggyExecutionListener getBuggyExecutionListener(boolean withOverrideCopyFile) {244 return new BuggyExecutionListener(TEST_LOGGER, TEST_LOGGER, TEST_LOGGER) {245 @Override246 public void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destFile) throws IOException {247 if (!withOverrideCopyFile) {...
...3637 /**38 * @return the corresponding Java test method.39 * @deprecated This method is deprecated and can now return null. Use40 * getConstructorOrMethod() instead.41 */42 @Deprecated43 Method getMethod();4445 /**46 * Returns the method name. This is needed for serialization because47 * methods are not Serializable.48 * @return the method name.49 */50 String getMethodName();5152 /**53 * @return All the instances the methods will be invoked upon.54 * This will typically be an array of one object in the absence55 * of an @Factory annotation.56 *57 * @deprecated Use getInstance().58 */59 @Deprecated60 Object[] getInstances();6162 Object getInstance();6364 /**65 * Needed for serialization.66 */67 long[] getInstanceHashCodes();6869 /**70 * @return The groups this method belongs to, possibly added to the groups71 * declared on the class.72 */73 String[] getGroups();7475 /**76 * @return The groups this method depends on, possibly added to the groups77 * declared on the class.78 */79 String[] getGroupsDependedUpon();8081 /**82 * If a group was not found.83 */84 String getMissingGroup();85 public void setMissingGroup(String group);8687 /**88 * Before and After groups89 */90 public String[] getBeforeGroups();91 public String[] getAfterGroups();9293 /**94 * @return The methods this method depends on, possibly added to the methods95 * declared on the class.96 */97 String[] getMethodsDependedUpon();98 void addMethodDependedUpon(String methodName);99100 /**101 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Test102 */103 boolean isTest();104105 /**106 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration107 * and beforeTestMethod = true108 */109 boolean isBeforeMethodConfiguration();110111 /**112 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration113 * and beforeTestMethod = false114 */115 boolean isAfterMethodConfiguration();116117 /**118 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration119 * and beforeClassMethod = true120 */121 boolean isBeforeClassConfiguration();122123 /**124 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration125 * and beforeClassMethod = false126 */127 boolean isAfterClassConfiguration();128129 /**130 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration131 * and beforeSuite = true132 */133 boolean isBeforeSuiteConfiguration();134135 /**136 * @return true if this method was annotated with @Configuration137 * and afterSuite = true138 */139 boolean isAfterSuiteConfiguration();140141 /**142 * @return <tt>true</tt> if this method is a @BeforeTest (@Configuration beforeTest=true)143 */144 boolean isBeforeTestConfiguration();145146 /**147 * @return <tt>true</tt> if this method is an @AfterTest (@Configuration afterTest=true)148 */149 boolean isAfterTestConfiguration();150151 boolean isBeforeGroupsConfiguration();152153 boolean isAfterGroupsConfiguration();154155 /**156 * @return The timeout in milliseconds.157 */158 long getTimeOut();159 void setTimeOut(long timeOut);160161 /**162 * @return the number of times this method needs to be invoked.163 */164 int getInvocationCount();165 void setInvocationCount(int count);166167 /**168 * @return the total number of thimes this method needs to be invoked, including possible169 * clones of this method - this is relevant when threadPoolSize is bigger than 1170 * where each clone of this method is only invoked once individually, i.e.171 * {@link org.testng.ITestNGMethod#getInvocationCount()} would always return 1.172 */173 int getTotalInvocationCount();174175 /**176 * @return the success percentage for this method (between 0 and 100).177 */178 int getSuccessPercentage();179180 /**181 * @return The id of the thread this method was run in.182 */183 String getId();184185 void setId(String id);186187 long getDate();188189 void setDate(long date);190191 /**192 * Returns if this ITestNGMethod can be invoked from within IClass.193 */194 boolean canRunFromClass(IClass testClass);195196 /**197 * @return true if this method is alwaysRun=true198 */199 boolean isAlwaysRun();200201 /**202 * @return the number of threads to be used when invoking the method on parallel203 */204 int getThreadPoolSize();205206 void setThreadPoolSize(int threadPoolSize);207208 boolean getEnabled();209210 public String getDescription();211 void setDescription(String description);212213 public void incrementCurrentInvocationCount();214 public int getCurrentInvocationCount();215 public void setParameterInvocationCount(int n);216 public int getParameterInvocationCount();217218 public ITestNGMethod clone();219220 public IRetryAnalyzer getRetryAnalyzer();221 public void setRetryAnalyzer(IRetryAnalyzer retryAnalyzer);222223 public boolean skipFailedInvocations();224 public void setSkipFailedInvocations(boolean skip);225226 /**227 * The time under which all invocationCount methods need to complete by.228 */229 public long getInvocationTimeOut();230231 public boolean ignoreMissingDependencies();232 public void setIgnoreMissingDependencies(boolean ignore);233234 /**235 * Which invocation numbers of this method should be used (only applicable236 * if it uses a data provider). If this value is an empty list, use all the values237 * returned from the data provider. These values are read from the XML file in238 * the <include invocationNumbers="..."> tag.239 */240 public List<Integer> getInvocationNumbers();241 public void setInvocationNumbers(List<Integer> numbers);242243 /**244 * The list of invocation numbers that failed, which is only applicable for245 * methods that have a data provider.246 */247 public void addFailedInvocationNumber(int number);248 public List<Integer> getFailedInvocationNumbers();249250 /**251 * The scheduling priority. Lower priorities get scheduled first.252 */253 public int getPriority();254 public void setPriority(int priority);255256 /**257 * @return the XmlTest this method belongs to.258 */259 public XmlTest getXmlTest();260261 ConstructorOrMethod getConstructorOrMethod();262263 /**264 * @return the parameters found in the include tag, if any265 * @param test266 */267 Map<String, String> findMethodParameters(XmlTest test);268}
...56 // do nothing57 }58 @DataProvider(name = "DataProvider", parallel = true)59 default Object[][] createData(final ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestContext context) {60 Annotation[] annotations = testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getDeclaredAnnotations();61 Object[][] objects = DataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(annotations, context, testMethod);62 return objects;63 }64 @DataProvider(name = "SingleDataProvider")65 default Object[][] createDataSingleThread(final ITestNGMethod testMethod,66 ITestContext context) {67 Annotation[] annotations = testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getDeclaredAnnotations();68 Object[][] objects = DataProviderFactory.getDataProvider(annotations, context, testMethod);69 return objects;70 }71 /**72 * Pause for specified timeout.73 *74 * @param timeout in seconds.75 */76 default void pause(long timeout) {77 CommonUtils.pause(timeout);78 }79 default void pause(Double timeout) {80 CommonUtils.pause(timeout);81 }...
...33 }34 }35 36 private boolean annotationPresent(IInvokedMethod method, Class clazz) {37 boolean retVal = method.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(clazz) ? true : false;38 return retVal;39 }40 41 public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) {42 if(method.isTestMethod()) {43 if(method.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(MyTestNGAnnotation.class)) {44 System.out.println("This gets invoked after every TestNG Test that has @MyTestNGAnnotation Annotation...");45 }46 if( !testSuccess ) {47 testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);48 }49 }50 }51 public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {52 // TODO Auto-generated method stub53 54 }55 public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult result) {56 // TODO Auto-generated method stub57 58 }59 public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) {60 // TODO Auto-generated method stub61 62 }63 public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) {64 // TODO Auto-generated method stub65 66 }67 public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult result) {68 // TODO Auto-generated method stub69 70 }71 public void onStart(ITestContext context) {try{72 // Method m = context.getCurrentXmlTest().getPackages().get(0).getXmlClasses().get(1).getClass().getDeclaredMethod("tMe", null);73 //System.out.println(context.getCurrentXmlTest().getPackages().get(0).getXmlClasses().get(1));74 for(ITestNGMethod m1 : context.getAllTestMethods()) {75 if(m1.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(MyTestNGAnnotation.class)) {76 //capture metadata information.77 = m1.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(MyTestNGAnnotation.class).name();78 = m1.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(MyTestNGAnnotation.class).city();79 DataSet.state = m1.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(MyTestNGAnnotation.class).state();80 }81 // m.invoke(new TestCalc(), null);82 } 83 }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} 84 }85 public void onFinish(ITestContext context) {86 87 }88 89 public void transform(ITestAnnotation arg0, Class arg1, Constructor arg2,90 Method arg3) {91 92 }93}...
...49 /* allMethods[i].getDeclaringClass(), */ allMethod,50 m_annotationFinder,51 null,52 null); /* @@@ */53 ConstructorOrMethod method = m.getConstructorOrMethod();54 String methodName = method.getName();55 if (filter.accept(method) && !acceptedMethodNames.contains(methodName)) {56 vResult.add(m);57 acceptedMethodNames.add(methodName);58 }59 }60 current = current.getSuperclass();61 }62 return vResult.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[0]);63 }64 @Override65 public ITestNGMethod[] getBeforeTestMethods(Class cls) {66 return privateFindTestMethods(method -> "setUp".equals(method.getName()), cls);67 }...
...108 * the im109 * @return the case ID110 */111 private String[] getCaseID(ITestNGMethod im) {112 Method m = im.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod();113 CaseId caseId = m.getAnnotation(CaseId.class);114 if (null != caseId) {115 for (String str : {116 System.out.println("++++++++++++++++>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n\n" + str + "<<<<<<<\n\n");117 }118 return;119 }120 return null;121 }122 /*123 * (non-Javadoc)124 * 125 * @see org.testng.TestListenerAdapter#getTestContexts()126 */...
...26 * @see org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener#beforeInvocation(org.testng.IInvokedMethod, org.testng.ITestResult)27 */28 public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) {29 if(method.isTestMethod() && annotationPresent(method, Xray.class) ) {30 testResult.setAttribute("requirement", method.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(Xray.class).requirement()); 31 testResult.setAttribute("test", method.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(Xray.class).test());32 testResult.setAttribute("labels", method.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(Xray.class).labels());33 }34 }35 36 private boolean annotationPresent(IInvokedMethod method, Class clazz) {37 boolean retVal = method.getTestMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(clazz) ? true : false;38 return retVal;39 }40 41 /* (non-Javadoc)42 * @see org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener#afterInvocation(org.testng.IInvokedMethod, org.testng.ITestResult)43 */44 public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) {45 if(method.isTestMethod()) {46 if( !testSuccess ) {47 testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE);48 }49 }50 }51 public void onTestStart(ITestResult result) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1org.testng.ITestNGMethod[] methods = new org.testng.ITestNGMethod[1];2methods[0] = org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.getConstructorOrMethod(testClass, method, null);3org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.setInvocationCount(methods[0], count);4methods[0].setInvocationCount(count);5org.testng.ITestNGMethod[] methods = new org.testng.ITestNGMethod[1];6methods[0] = org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.getConstructorOrMethod(testClass, method, null);7org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.setInvocationCount(methods[0], count);8methods[0].setInvocationCount(count);9org.testng.ITestNGMethod[] methods = new org.testng.ITestNGMethod[1];10methods[0] = org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.getConstructorOrMethod(testClass, method, null);11org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.setInvocationCount(methods[0], count);12methods[0].setInvocationCount(count);
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;2import org.testng.annotations.Test;3import org.testng.internal.ConstructorOrMethod;4public class TestNGExample {5 public void test() {6 TestNGExample testClass = new TestNGExample();7 ConstructorOrMethod constructorOrMethod = ITestNGMethod.getConstructorOrMethod(testClass.getClass());8 System.out.println("Constructor or method of the test class: "+constructorOrMethod);9 }10}11Constructor or method of the test class: public org.testng.internal.ConstructorOrMethod org.testng.ITestNGMethod.getConstructorOrMethod(java.lang.Class)
How to find how many testcase are there in TestNG class from another java class
Turn Citrus variable into Java variable
How to run JUnit tests with Gradle?
Tests pass when run individually but not when the whole test class run
Execute TestNG.xml from Jenkins (Maven Project)
Can a Java HashMap's size() be out of sync with its actual entries' size?
TestNG by default disables loading DTD from unsecure Urls
How to combine two object arrays in Java
Execute TestNG tests sequentially with different parameters?
TestNG ERROR Cannot find class in classpath
You can use reflection technique to find out the matching methods in the supplied class like:
public int TotalTescase(String pattern, Class<?> testNGclass) throws ClassNotFoundException
int count = 0;
Class<?> className = Class.forName(testNGclass.getName());
Method[] methods = className.getMethods();
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++)
String methodName = methods[i].getName();
System.out.println("Method Name: "+methodName);
return count;
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After being voted as the best programming language in the year 2018, Python still continues rising up the charts and currently ranks as the 3rd best programming language just after Java and C, as per the index published by Tiobe. With the increasing use of this language, the popularity of test automation frameworks based on Python is increasing as well. Obviously, developers and testers will get a little bit confused when it comes to choosing the best framework for their project. While choosing one, you should judge a lot of things, the script quality of the framework, test case simplicity and the technique to run the modules and find out their weaknesses. This is my attempt to help you compare the top 5 Python frameworks for test automation in 2019, and their advantages over the other as well as disadvantages. So you could choose the ideal Python framework for test automation according to your needs.
TestNG is a Java-based open-source framework for test automation that includes various test types, such as unit testing, functional testing, E2E testing, etc. TestNG is in many ways similar to JUnit and NUnit. But in contrast to its competitors, its extensive features make it a lot more reliable framework. One of the major reasons for its popularity is its ability to structure tests and improve the scripts' readability and maintainability. Another reason can be the important characteristics like the convenience of using multiple annotations, reliance, and priority that make this framework popular among developers and testers for test design. You can refer to the TestNG tutorial to learn why you should choose the TestNG framework.
You can push your abilities to do automated testing using TestNG and advance your career by earning a TestNG certification. Check out our TestNG certification.
Watch this complete tutorial to learn how you can leverage the capabilities of the TestNG framework for Selenium automation testing.
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