Best Testcontainers-java code snippet using org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName.parse
...31 * @param fullImageName in standard Docker format, e.g. <code>name:tag</code>,32 * <code>some.registry/path/name:tag</code>,33 * <code>some.registry/path/name@sha256:abcdef...</code>, etc.34 */35 public static DockerImageName parse(String fullImageName) {36 return new DockerImageName(fullImageName);37 }38 /**39 * Parses a docker image name from a provided string.40 *41 * @param fullImageName in standard Docker format, e.g. <code>name:tag</code>,42 * <code>some.registry/path/name:tag</code>,43 * <code>some.registry/path/name@sha256:abcdef...</code>, etc.44 * @deprecated use {@link DockerImageName#parse(String)} instead45 */46 @Deprecated47 public DockerImageName(String fullImageName) {48 this.rawName = fullImageName;49 final int slashIndex = fullImageName.indexOf('/');50 String remoteName;51 if (slashIndex == -1 ||52 (!fullImageName.substring(0, slashIndex).contains(".") &&53 !fullImageName.substring(0, slashIndex).contains(":") &&54 !fullImageName.substring(0, slashIndex).equals("localhost"))) {55 registry = "";56 remoteName = fullImageName;57 } else {58 registry = fullImageName.substring(0, slashIndex);59 remoteName = fullImageName.substring(slashIndex + 1);60 }61 if (remoteName.contains("@sha256:")) {62 repository = remoteName.split("@sha256:")[0];63 versioning = new Sha256Versioning(remoteName.split("@sha256:")[1]);64 } else if (remoteName.contains(":")) {65 repository = remoteName.split(":")[0];66 versioning = new TagVersioning(remoteName.split(":")[1]);67 } else {68 repository = remoteName;69 versioning = Versioning.ANY;70 }71 compatibleSubstituteFor = null;72 }73 /**74 * Parses a docker image name from a provided string, and uses a separate provided version.75 *76 * @param nameWithoutTag in standard Docker format, e.g. <code>name</code>,77 * <code>some.registry/path/name</code>,78 * <code>some.registry/path/name</code>, etc.79 * @param version a docker image version identifier, either as a tag or sha256 checksum, e.g.80 * <code>tag</code>,81 * <code>sha256:abcdef...</code>.82 * @deprecated use {@link DockerImageName#parse(String)}.{@link DockerImageName#withTag(String)} instead83 */84 @Deprecated85 public DockerImageName(String nameWithoutTag, @NotNull String version) {86 this.rawName = nameWithoutTag;87 final int slashIndex = nameWithoutTag.indexOf('/');88 String remoteName;89 if (slashIndex == -1 ||90 (!nameWithoutTag.substring(0, slashIndex).contains(".") &&91 !nameWithoutTag.substring(0, slashIndex).contains(":") &&92 !nameWithoutTag.substring(0, slashIndex).equals("localhost"))) {93 registry = "";94 remoteName = nameWithoutTag;95 } else {96 registry = nameWithoutTag.substring(0, slashIndex);97 remoteName = nameWithoutTag.substring(slashIndex + 1);98 }99 if (version.startsWith("sha256:")) {100 repository = remoteName;101 versioning = new Sha256Versioning(version.replace("sha256:", ""));102 } else {103 repository = remoteName;104 versioning = new TagVersioning(version);105 }106 compatibleSubstituteFor = null;107 }108 /**109 * @return the unversioned (non 'tag') part of this name110 */111 public String getUnversionedPart() {112 if (!"".equals(registry)) {113 return registry + "/" + repository;114 } else {115 return repository;116 }117 }118 /**119 * @return the versioned part of this name (tag or sha256)120 */121 public String getVersionPart() {122 return versioning.toString();123 }124 /**125 * @return canonical name for the image126 */127 public String asCanonicalNameString() {128 return getUnversionedPart() + versioning.getSeparator() + getVersionPart();129 }130 @Override131 public String toString() {132 return asCanonicalNameString();133 }134 /**135 * Is the image name valid?136 *137 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if not valid138 */139 public void assertValid() {140 //noinspection UnstableApiUsage141 HostAndPort.fromString(registry); // return value ignored - this throws if registry is not a valid host:port string142 if (!REPO_NAME.matcher(repository).matches()) {143 throw new IllegalArgumentException(repository + " is not a valid Docker image name (in " + rawName + ")");144 }145 if (!versioning.isValid()) {146 throw new IllegalArgumentException(versioning + " is not a valid image versioning identifier (in " + rawName + ")");147 }148 }149 /**150 * @param newTag version tag for the copy to use151 * @return an immutable copy of this {@link DockerImageName} with the new version tag152 */153 public DockerImageName withTag(final String newTag) {154 return withVersioning(new TagVersioning(newTag));155 }156 /**157 * Declare that this {@link DockerImageName} is a compatible substitute for another image - i.e. that this image158 * behaves as the other does, and is compatible with Testcontainers' assumptions about the other image.159 *160 * @param otherImageName the image name of the other image161 * @return an immutable copy of this {@link DockerImageName} with the compatibility declaration attached.162 */163 public DockerImageName asCompatibleSubstituteFor(String otherImageName) {164 return withCompatibleSubstituteFor(DockerImageName.parse(otherImageName));165 }166 /**167 * Declare that this {@link DockerImageName} is a compatible substitute for another image - i.e. that this image168 * behaves as the other does, and is compatible with Testcontainers' assumptions about the other image.169 *170 * @param otherImageName the image name of the other image171 * @return an immutable copy of this {@link DockerImageName} with the compatibility declaration attached.172 */173 public DockerImageName asCompatibleSubstituteFor(DockerImageName otherImageName) {174 return withCompatibleSubstituteFor(otherImageName);175 }176 /**177 * Test whether this {@link DockerImageName} has declared compatibility with another image (set using178 * {@link DockerImageName#asCompatibleSubstituteFor(String)} or179 * {@link DockerImageName#asCompatibleSubstituteFor(DockerImageName)}.180 * <p>181 * If a version tag part is present in the <code>other</code> image name, the tags must exactly match, unless it182 * is 'latest'. If a version part is not present in the <code>other</code> image name, the tag contents are ignored.183 *184 * @param other the other image that we are trying to test compatibility with185 * @return whether this image has declared compatibility.186 */187 public boolean isCompatibleWith(DockerImageName other) {188 // is this image already the same or equivalent?189 if (other.equals(this)) {190 return true;191 }192 if (this.compatibleSubstituteFor == null) {193 return false;194 }195 return this.compatibleSubstituteFor.isCompatibleWith(other);196 }197 /**198 * Behaves as {@link DockerImageName#isCompatibleWith(DockerImageName)} but throws an exception199 * rather than returning false if a mismatch is detected.200 *201 * @param anyOthers the other image(s) that we are trying to check compatibility with. If more202 * than one is provided, this method will check compatibility with at least one203 * of them.204 * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link DockerImageName#isCompatibleWith(DockerImageName)}205 * returns false206 */207 public void assertCompatibleWith(DockerImageName... anyOthers) {208 if (anyOthers.length == 0) {209 throw new IllegalArgumentException("anyOthers parameter must be non-empty");210 }211 for (DockerImageName anyOther : anyOthers) {212 if (this.isCompatibleWith(anyOther)) {213 return;214 }215 }216 final DockerImageName exampleOther = anyOthers[0];217 throw new IllegalStateException(218 String.format(219 "Failed to verify that image '%s' is a compatible substitute for '%s'. This generally means that "220 +221 "you are trying to use an image that Testcontainers has not been designed to use. If this is "222 +223 "deliberate, and if you are confident that the image is compatible, you should declare "224 +225 "compatibility in code using the `asCompatibleSubstituteFor` method. For example:\n"226 +227 " DockerImageName myImage = DockerImageName.parse(\"%s\").asCompatibleSubstituteFor(\"%s\");\n"228 +229 "and then use `myImage` instead.",230 this.rawName, exampleOther.rawName, this.rawName, exampleOther.rawName231 )232 );233 }234}...
...32 this.imageNameFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(dockerImageName);33 }34 @Deprecated35 public RemoteDockerImage(String dockerImageName) {36 this(DockerImageName.parse(dockerImageName));37 }38 @Deprecated39 public RemoteDockerImage(@NonNull String repository, @NonNull String tag) {40 this(DockerImageName.parse(repository).withTag(tag));41 }42 public RemoteDockerImage(@NonNull Future<String> imageFuture) {43 this.imageNameFuture = Futures.lazyTransform(imageFuture, DockerImageName::new);44 }45 @Override46 @SneakyThrows({InterruptedException.class, ExecutionException.class})47 protected final String resolve() {48 final DockerImageName imageName = getImageName();49 Logger logger = DockerLoggerFactory.getLogger(imageName.toString());50 try {51 if (!imagePullPolicy.shouldPull(imageName)) {52 return imageName.asCanonicalNameString();53 }54 // The image is not available locally - pull it...
...26 private static final int DEFAULT_TCP_PORT = 9600;27 private static final String DEFAULT_VERSION = "1.1.0";28 private static final long ONE_GIGABYTES = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;29 private static final DockerImageName DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME =30 DockerImageName.parse("opensearchproject/opensearch").withTag(DEFAULT_VERSION);31 public OpensearchContainer() {32 this(DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME);33 }34 public OpensearchContainer(final DockerImageName dockerImageName) {35 super(dockerImageName);36 logger().info("Starting an Opensearch container using [{}]", dockerImageName);37 withNetworkAliases(String.format("opensearch-%s", Base58.randomString(6)));38 withEnv("discovery.type", "single-node");39 withLogConsumer(this::opensearchLog);40 withSharedMemorySize(ONE_GIGABYTES);41 addExposedPorts(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, DEFAULT_TCP_PORT);42 setWaitStrategy(43 new LogMessageWaitStrategy()44 .withRegEx(".*(Node '\\w+' initialized).*")...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("testcontainers/ryuk:0.2.3");5 System.out.println("Repository: " + dockerImageName.getUnversionedPart());6 System.out.println("Tag: " + dockerImageName.getTag());7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");5 System.out.println("Registry: " + dockerImageName.getRegistry());6 System.out.println("Repository: " + dockerImageName.getRepository());7 System.out.println("Tag: " + dockerImageName.getTag());8 System.out.println("Version: " + dockerImageName.getVersionPart());9 System.out.println("User: " + dockerImageName.getUser());10 }11}12import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;13public class 2 {14 public static void main(String[] args) {15 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");16 System.out.println("Registry: " + dockerImageName.getRegistry());17 System.out.println("Repository: " + dockerImageName.getRepository());18 System.out.println("Tag: " + dockerImageName.getTag());19 System.out.println("Version: " + dockerImageName.getVersionPart());20 System.out.println("User: " + dockerImageName.getUser());21 }22}23import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;24public class 3 {25 public static void main(String[] args) {26 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");27 System.out.println("Registry: " + dockerImageName.getRegistry());28 System.out.println("Repository: " + dockerImageName.getRepository());29 System.out.println("Tag: " + dockerImageName.getTag());30 System.out.println("Version: " + dockerImageName.getVersionPart());31 System.out.println("User
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("redis:latest");5 System.out.println(dockerImageName.getUnversionedPart());6 System.out.println(dockerImageName.getVersionPart());7 }8}9import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;10public class 2 {11 public static void main(String[] args) {12 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("redis:latest");13 System.out.println(dockerImageName.getUnversionedPart());14 System.out.println(dockerImageName.getVersionPart());
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 String image = "testcontainers/ryuk:0.2.3";5 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse(image);6 System.out.println(dockerImageName);7 }8}9This article has been derived from "DockerImageName.parse(String) method" written by amit on 30-06-2020
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");5 System.out.println(dockerImageName);6 }7}8import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;9public class 2 {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");12 System.out.println(dockerImageName);13 }14}15import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;16public class 3 {17 public static void main(String[] args) {18 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");19 System.out.println(dockerImageName);20 }21}22import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;23public class 4 {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");26 System.out.println(dockerImageName);27 }28}29import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;30public class 5 {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("");33 System.out.println(dockerImageName);34 }35}36import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;37public class 6 {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 DockerImageName dockerImageName = DockerImageName.parse("
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName name = DockerImageName.parse("mysql:8.0.11");5 System.out.println(name.getUnversionedPart());6 System.out.println(name.getVersionPart());7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;2public class Test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 DockerImageName image = DockerImageName.parse("");5 System.out.println("image = " + image);6 }7}8import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;9public class Test {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 DockerImageName image = DockerImageName.parse("");12 System.out.println("image = " + image);13 }14}15import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;16public class Test {17 public static void main(String[] args) {18 DockerImageName image = DockerImageName.parse("");19 System.out.println("image = " + image);20 }21}22import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;23public class Test {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 DockerImageName image = DockerImageName.parse("");26 System.out.println("image = " + image);27 }28}29import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;30public class Test {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 DockerImageName image = DockerImageName.parse("");33 System.out.println("image = " + image);34 }35}36import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;37public class Test {38 public static void main(String[] args) {
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