How to use configure method of org.testcontainers.hivemq.HiveMQContainer class

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...77 tmpFs.put("/opt/hivemq/data", "rw");78 withTmpFs(tmpFs);79 }80 @Override81 protected void configure() {82 final String removeCommand;83 withCreateContainerCmdModifier(it -> it.withEntrypoint("/bin/sh"));84 if (removeAllPrepackagedExtensions || !prepackagedExtensionsToRemove.isEmpty()) {85 if (removeAllPrepackagedExtensions) {86 removeCommand = "rm -rf /opt/hivemq/extensions/** &&";87 } else {88 removeCommand =89 prepackagedExtensionsToRemove90 .stream()91 .map(extensionId -> "rm -rf /opt/hivemq/extensions/" + extensionId + "&&")92 .collect(Collectors.joining());93 }94 } else {95 removeCommand = "";96 }97 setCommand(98 "-c",99 removeCommand +100 "cp -r '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/'* /opt/hivemq/extensions/ " +101 "; chmod -R 777 /opt/hivemq/extensions " +102 "&& /opt/ /opt/hivemq/bin/"103 );104 }105 protected void containerIsStarted(final @NotNull InspectContainerResponse containerInfo) {106 if (controlCenterEnabled) {107 "The HiveMQ Control Center is reachable under: http://{}:{}",109 getHost(),110 getMappedPort(CONTROL_CENTER_PORT)111 );112 }113 }114 /**115 * Adds a wait condition for the extension with this name.116 * <p>117 * Must be called before the container is started.118 *119 * @param extensionName the extension to wait for120 * @return self121 */122 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer waitForExtension(final @NotNull String extensionName) {123 final String regEX = "(.*)Extension \"" + extensionName + "\" version (.*) started successfully(.*)";124 waitStrategy.withStrategy(new LogMessageWaitStrategy().withRegEx(regEX));125 return self();126 }127 /**128 * Adds a wait condition for this {@link HiveMQExtension}129 * <p>130 * Must be called before the container is started.131 *132 * @param extension the extension to wait for133 * @return self134 */135 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer waitForExtension(final @NotNull HiveMQExtension extension) {136 return this.waitForExtension(extension.getName());137 }138 /**139 * Enables the possibility for remote debugging clients to connect.140 * <p>141 * Must be called before the container is started.142 *143 * @return self144 */145 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withDebugging() {146 debugging = true;147 addExposedPorts(DEBUGGING_PORT);148 withEnv(149 "JAVA_OPTS",150 "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=" + DEBUGGING_PORT + ",server=y,suspend=y"151 );152 return self();153 }154 /**155 * Sets the logging {@link Level} inside the container.156 * <p>157 * Must be called before the container is started.158 *159 * @param level the {@link Level}160 * @return self161 */162 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withLogLevel(final @NotNull Level level) {163 this.withEnv("HIVEMQ_LOG_LEVEL",;164 return self();165 }166 /**167 * Wraps the given class and all its subclasses into an extension168 * and puts it into '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/{extension-id}' inside the container.169 * <p>170 * Must be called before the container is started.171 * <p>172 * The contents of the '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/' directory are copied to '/opt/hivemq/extensions/' before the container is started.173 *174 * @param hiveMQExtension the {@link HiveMQExtension} of the extension175 * @return self176 */177 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withExtension(final @NotNull HiveMQExtension hiveMQExtension) {178 try {179 final File extension = hiveMQExtension.createExtension(hiveMQExtension);180 final MountableFile mountableExtension = MountableFile.forHostPath(extension.getPath(), MODE);181 withCopyFileToContainer(mountableExtension, "/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/" + hiveMQExtension.getId());182 } catch (final Exception e) {183 throw new ContainerLaunchException(e.getMessage() == null ? "" : e.getMessage(), e);184 }185 return self();186 }187 /**188 * Puts the given extension folder into '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/{directory-name}' inside the container.189 * It must at least contain a valid hivemq-extension.xml and a valid extension.jar in order to be executed.190 * The directory-name is taken from the id defined in the hivemq-extension.xml.191 * <p>192 * Must be called before the container is started.193 * <p>194 * The contents of the '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/' directory are copied to '/opt/hivemq/extensions/' before the container is started.195 *196 * @param mountableExtension the extension folder on the host machine197 * @return self198 */199 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withExtension(final @NotNull MountableFile mountableExtension) {200 final File extensionDir = new File(mountableExtension.getResolvedPath());201 if (!extensionDir.exists()) {202 throw new ContainerLaunchException(203 "Extension '" + mountableExtension.getFilesystemPath() + "' could not be mounted. It does not exist."204 );205 }206 if (!extensionDir.isDirectory()) {207 throw new ContainerLaunchException(208 "Extension '" +209 mountableExtension.getFilesystemPath() +210 "' could not be mounted. It is not a directory."211 );212 }213 try {214 final String extensionDirName = getExtensionDirectoryName(extensionDir);215 final String containerPath = "/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/" + extensionDirName;216 withCopyFileToContainer(cloneWithFileMode(mountableExtension), containerPath);217"Putting extension '{}' into '{}'", extensionDirName, containerPath);218 } catch (final Exception e) {219 throw new ContainerLaunchException(e.getMessage() == null ? "" : e.getMessage(), e);220 }221 return self();222 }223 private @NotNull String getExtensionDirectoryName(final @NotNull File extensionDirectory) throws IOException {224 final File file = new File(extensionDirectory, "hivemq-extension.xml");225 final String xml = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);226 final Matcher matcher = EXTENSION_ID_PATTERN.matcher(xml);227 if (!matcher.find()) {228 throw new IllegalStateException("Could not parse extension id from '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'");229 }230 return;231 }232 /**233 * Removes the specified prepackaged extension folders from '/opt/hivemq/extensions' before the container is started.234 * <p>235 * Must be called before the container is started.236 *237 * @param extensionIds the prepackaged extensions to remove238 * @return self239 */240 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withoutPrepackagedExtensions(final @NotNull String... extensionIds) {241 Collections.addAll(prepackagedExtensionsToRemove, extensionIds);242 return self();243 }244 /**245 * Removes all prepackaged extension folders from '/opt/hivemq/extensions' before the container is started.246 * <p>247 * Must be called before the container is started.248 *249 * @return self250 */251 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withoutPrepackagedExtensions() {252 removeAllPrepackagedExtensions = true;253 return self();254 }255 /**256 * Puts the given license into '/opt/hivemq/license/' inside the container.257 * It must end with '.lic' or '.elic'.258 * <p>259 * Must be called before the container is started.260 *261 * @param mountableLicense the license file on the host machine262 * @return self263 */264 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withLicense(final @NotNull MountableFile mountableLicense) {265 final File licenseFile = new File(mountableLicense.getResolvedPath());266 if (!licenseFile.exists()) {267 throw new ContainerLaunchException(268 "License file '" + mountableLicense.getFilesystemPath() + "' does not exist."269 );270 }271 if (!licenseFile.getName().endsWith(".lic") && !licenseFile.getName().endsWith(".elic")) {272 throw new ContainerLaunchException(273 "License file '" + mountableLicense.getFilesystemPath() + "' does not end wit '.lic' or '.elic'."274 );275 }276 final String containerPath = "/opt/hivemq/license/" + licenseFile.getName();277 withCopyFileToContainer(cloneWithFileMode(mountableLicense), containerPath);278"Putting license '{}' into '{}'.", licenseFile.getAbsolutePath(), containerPath);279 return self();280 }281 /**282 * Overwrites the HiveMQ configuration in '/opt/hivemq/conf/' inside the container.283 * <p>284 * Must be called before the container is started.285 *286 * @param mountableConfig the config file on the host machine287 * @return self288 */289 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withHiveMQConfig(final @NotNull MountableFile mountableConfig) {290 final File config = new File(mountableConfig.getResolvedPath());291 if (!config.exists()) {292 throw new ContainerLaunchException(293 "HiveMQ config file '" + mountableConfig.getFilesystemPath() + "' does not exist."294 );295 }296 final String containerPath = "/opt/hivemq/conf/config.xml";297 withCopyFileToContainer(cloneWithFileMode(mountableConfig), containerPath);298"Putting '{}' into '{}'.", config.getAbsolutePath(), containerPath);299 return self();300 }301 /**302 * Puts the given file into the root of the extension's home '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/{extensionId}/'.303 * <p>304 * Must be called before the container is started.305 * <p>306 * The contents of the '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/' directory are copied to '/opt/hivemq/extensions/' before the container is started.307 *308 * @param file the file on the host machine309 * @param extensionId the extension310 * @return self311 */312 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withFileInExtensionHomeFolder(313 final @NotNull MountableFile file,314 final @NotNull String extensionId315 ) {316 return withFileInExtensionHomeFolder(file, extensionId, "");317 }318 /**319 * Puts the given file into given subdirectory of the extensions's home '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/{id}/{pathInExtensionHome}/'320 * <p>321 * Must be called before the container is started.322 * <p>323 * The contents of the '/opt/hivemq/temp-extensions/' directory are copied to '/opt/hivemq/extensions/' before the container is started.324 *325 * @param file the file on the host machine326 * @param extensionId the extension327 * @param pathInExtensionHome the path328 * @return self329 */330 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withFileInExtensionHomeFolder(331 final @NotNull MountableFile file,332 final @NotNull String extensionId,333 final @NotNull String pathInExtensionHome334 ) {335 return withFileInHomeFolder(336 file,337 "/temp-extensions/" + extensionId + PathUtil.prepareAppendPath(pathInExtensionHome)338 );339 }340 /**341 * Puts the given file into the given subdirectory of the HiveMQ home folder '/opt/hivemq/{pathInHomeFolder}'.342 * <p>343 * Must be called before the container is started.344 *345 * @param mountableFile the file on the host machine346 * @param pathInHomeFolder the path347 * @return self348 */349 public @NotNull HiveMQContainer withFileInHomeFolder(350 final @NotNull MountableFile mountableFile,351 final @NotNull String pathInHomeFolder352 ) {353 final File file = new File(mountableFile.getResolvedPath());354 if (pathInHomeFolder.trim().isEmpty()) {355 throw new ContainerLaunchException("pathInHomeFolder must not be empty");356 }357 if (!file.exists()) {358 throw new ContainerLaunchException("File '" + mountableFile.getFilesystemPath() + "' does not exist.");359 }360 final String containerPath = "/opt/hivemq" + PathUtil.prepareAppendPath(pathInHomeFolder);361 withCopyFileToContainer(cloneWithFileMode(mountableFile), containerPath);362"Putting file '{}' into container path '{}'.", file.getAbsolutePath(), containerPath);363 return self();364 }365 /**366 * Disables the extension with the given name and extension directory name.367 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful disabling is consumed or it times out after {timeOut}.368 * Note: Disabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.369 * <p>370 * This can only be called once the container is started.371 *372 * @param extensionName the name of the extension to disable373 * @param extensionDirectory the name of the extension's directory374 * @param timeout the timeout375 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not disabled within the configured timeout376 */377 public void disableExtension(378 final @NotNull String extensionName,379 final @NotNull String extensionDirectory,380 final @NotNull Duration timeout381 ) throws TimeoutException {382 final String regEX = "(.*)Extension \"" + extensionName + "\" version (.*) stopped successfully(.*)";383 try {384 final String containerPath =385 "/opt/hivemq/extensions" + PathUtil.prepareInnerPath(extensionDirectory) + "DISABLED";386 final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);387 containerOutputLatches.put(regEX, latch);388 execInContainer("touch", containerPath);389"Putting DISABLED file into container path '{}'", containerPath);390 final boolean await = latch.await(timeout.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);391 if (!await) {392 throw new TimeoutException(393 "Extension disabling timed out after '" +394 timeout.getSeconds() +395 "' seconds. " +396 "Maybe you are using a HiveMQ Community Edition image, " +397 "which does not support disabling of extensions"398 );399 }400 } catch (final InterruptedException | IOException e) {401 throw new RuntimeException(e);402 } finally {403 containerOutputLatches.remove(regEX);404 }405 }406 /**407 * Disables the extension with the given name and extension directory name.408 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful disabling is consumed or it times out after 60 seconds.409 * Note: Disabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.410 * <p>411 * This can only be called once the container is started.412 *413 * @param extensionName the name of the extension to disable414 * @param extensionDirectory the name of the extension's directory415 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not disabled within 60 seconds416 */417 public void disableExtension(final @NotNull String extensionName, final @NotNull String extensionDirectory)418 throws TimeoutException {419 disableExtension(extensionName, extensionDirectory, Duration.ofSeconds(60));420 }421 /**422 * Disables the extension.423 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful disabling is consumed or it times out after {timeOut}.424 * Note: Disabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.425 * <p>426 * This can only be called once the container is started.427 *428 * @param hiveMQExtension the extension429 * @param timeout the timeout430 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not disabled within the configured timeout431 */432 public void disableExtension(final @NotNull HiveMQExtension hiveMQExtension, final @NotNull Duration timeout)433 throws TimeoutException {434 disableExtension(hiveMQExtension.getName(), hiveMQExtension.getId(), timeout);435 }436 /**437 * Disables the extension.438 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful disabling is consumed or it times out after 60 seconds.439 * Note: Disabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.440 * <p>441 * This can only be called once the container is started.442 *443 * @param hiveMQExtension the extension444 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not disabled within 60 seconds445 */446 public void disableExtension(final @NotNull HiveMQExtension hiveMQExtension) throws TimeoutException {447 disableExtension(hiveMQExtension, Duration.ofSeconds(60));448 }449 /**450 * Enables the extension with the given name and extension directory name.451 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful enabling is consumed or it times out after {timeOut}.452 * Note: Enabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.453 * <p>454 * This can only be called once the container is started.455 *456 * @param extensionName the name of the extension to disable457 * @param extensionDirectory the name of the extension's directory458 * @param timeout the timeout459 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not enabled within the configured timeout460 */461 public void enableExtension(462 final @NotNull String extensionName,463 final @NotNull String extensionDirectory,464 final @NotNull Duration timeout465 ) throws TimeoutException {466 final String regEX = "(.*)Extension \"" + extensionName + "\" version (.*) started successfully(.*)";467 try {468 final String containerPath =469 "/opt/hivemq/extensions" + PathUtil.prepareInnerPath(extensionDirectory) + "DISABLED";470 final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);471 containerOutputLatches.put(regEX, latch);472 execInContainer("rm", "-rf", containerPath);473"Removing DISABLED file in container path '{}'", containerPath);474 final boolean await = latch.await(timeout.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);475 if (!await) {476 throw new TimeoutException(477 "Extension enabling timed out after '" +478 timeout.getSeconds() +479 "' seconds. " +480 "Maybe you are using a HiveMQ Community Edition image, " +481 "which does not support disabling of extensions"482 );483 }484 } catch (final InterruptedException | IOException e) {485 throw new RuntimeException(e);486 } finally {487 containerOutputLatches.remove(regEX);488 }489 }490 /**491 * Enables the extension with the given name and extension directory name.492 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful enabling is consumed or it times out after 60 seconds.493 * Note: Enabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.494 * <p>495 * This can only be called once the container is started.496 *497 * @param extensionName the name of the extension to disable498 * @param extensionDirectory the name of the extension's directory499 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not enabled within 60 seconds500 */501 public void enableExtension(final @NotNull String extensionName, final @NotNull String extensionDirectory)502 throws TimeoutException {503 enableExtension(extensionName, extensionDirectory, Duration.ofSeconds(60));504 }505 /**506 * Enables the extension.507 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful enabling is consumed or it times out after {timeOut}.508 * Note: Enabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.509 * <p>510 * This can only be called once the container is started.511 *512 * @param hiveMQExtension the extension513 * @param timeout the timeout514 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not enabled within the configured timeout515 */516 public void enableExtension(final @NotNull HiveMQExtension hiveMQExtension, final @NotNull Duration timeout)517 throws TimeoutException {518 enableExtension(hiveMQExtension.getName(), hiveMQExtension.getId(), timeout);519 }520 /**521 * Enables the extension.522 * This method blocks until the HiveMQ log for successful enabling is consumed or it times out after {timeOut}.523 * Note: Enabling Extensions is a HiveMQ Enterprise feature, it will not work when using the HiveMQ Community Edition.524 * <p>525 * This can only be called once the container is started.526 *527 * @param hiveMQExtension the extension528 * @throws TimeoutException if the extension was not enabled within 60 seconds...

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1import org.testcontainers.hivemq.HiveMQContainer;2import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;3public class HiveMQContainerTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 HiveMQContainer hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer(DockerImageName.parse("hivemq/hivemq4"))6 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf");7 hivemqContainer.start();8 }9}

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1HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")2 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");3HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")4 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");5HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")6 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");7HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")8 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");9HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")10 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");11HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")12 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");13HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")14 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");15HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")16 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");17HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")18 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");19HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer("hivemq/hivemq4:4.4.1")20 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf", "hivemq.conf");

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1import org.testcontainers.hivemq.HiveMQContainer;2import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;3public class HiveMQContainerTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 HiveMQContainer hiveMQContainer = new HiveMQContainer(DockerImageName.parse("hivemq/hivemq4"))6 .withHiveMQConfig("hivemq.conf")7 .withExtension("")8 .withExtension("")9 .withExtension("")10 .withExtension("")11 .withExtension("")12 .withExtension("")13 .withExtension("")14 .withExtension("")15 .withExtension("")16 .withExtension("")17 .withExtension("")18 .withExtension("")19 .withExtension("")20 .withExtension("")21 .withExtension("")22 .withExtension("")23 .withExtension("")24 .withExtension("")25 .withExtension("")26 .withExtension("")27 .withExtension("")28 .withExtension("")29 .withExtension("")30 .withExtension("")31 .withExtension("")32 .withExtension("")33 .withExtension("")34 .withExtension("")35 .withExtension("")36 .withExtension("")37 .withExtension("")38 .withExtension("")39 .withExtension("")40 .withExtension("")41 .withExtension("")42 .withExtension("")43 .withExtension("")44 .withExtension("")45 .withExtension("")46 .withExtension("")47 .withExtension("")48 .withExtension("")49 .withExtension("")50 .withExtension("")51 .withExtension("

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1HiveMQContainer container = new HiveMQContainer()2 .withHiveMQVersion("2020.6")3 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-1.jar")4 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-2.jar")5 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-3.jar")6 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-4.jar")7 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-5.jar")8 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-6.jar")9 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-7.jar")10 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-8.jar")11 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-9.jar")12 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-10.jar")13 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-11.jar")14 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-12.jar")15 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-13.jar")16 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-14.jar")17 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-15.jar")18 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-16.jar")19 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-17.jar")20 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-18.jar")21 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-19.jar")22 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-20.jar")23 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-21.jar")24 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-22.jar")25 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-23.jar")26 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-24.jar")27 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-25.jar")28 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-26.jar")29 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-27.jar")30 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-28.jar")31 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-29.jar")32 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-30.jar")33 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-31.jar")34 .withExtension("hivemq-extension-32

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer()2 .withVersion("4.4.4")3 .withAdminPassword("admin")4val hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer()5 .withVersion("4.4.4")6 .withAdminPassword("admin")7 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf")8val hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer()9 .withVersion("4.4.4")10 .withAdminPassword("admin")11 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf")12 .withLicense("license.txt")13val hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer()14 .withVersion("4.4.4")15 .withAdminPassword("admin")16 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf")17 .withLicense("license.txt")18 .withExtension("")19val hivemqContainer = new HiveMQContainer()20 .withVersion("4.4.4")21 .withAdminPassword("admin")22 .withConfiguration("hivemq.conf")23 .withLicense("license.txt")24 .withExtension("

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