How to use setFoundBy method of org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver class

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...287 element = (WebElement) value;288 } catch (ClassCastException ex) {289 throw new WebDriverException("Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: " + value, ex);290 }291 setFoundBy(this, element, by, using);292 return element;293 }294 protected void setFoundBy(SearchContext context, WebElement element, String by, String using) {295 if (element instanceof RemoteWebElement) {296 RemoteWebElement remoteElement = (RemoteWebElement) element;297 remoteElement.setFoundBy(context, by, using);298 remoteElement.setFileDetector(getFileDetector());299 }300 }301 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")302 protected List<WebElement> findElements(String by, String using) {303 if (using == null) {304 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements when the selector is null.");305 }306 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.FIND_ELEMENTS(by, using));307 Object value = response.getValue();308 if (value == null) { /​/​ see https:/​/​​SeleniumHQ/​selenium/​issues/​4555309 return Collections.emptyList();310 }311 List<WebElement> allElements;312 try {313 allElements = (List<WebElement>) value;314 } catch (ClassCastException ex) {315 throw new WebDriverException("Returned value cannot be converted to List<WebElement>: " + value, ex);316 }317 for (WebElement element : allElements) {318 setFoundBy(this, element, by, using);319 }320 return allElements;321 }322 @Override323 public WebElement findElementById(String using) {324 return findElement("id", using);325 }326 @Override327 public List<WebElement> findElementsById(String using) {328 return findElements("id", using);329 }330 @Override331 public WebElement findElementByLinkText(String using) {332 return findElement("link text", using);...

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...242 element = (WebElement) value;243 } catch (ClassCastException ex) {244 throw new WebDriverException("Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement: " + value, ex);245 }246 setFoundBy(this, element, by, using);247 return element;248 }249 @Override250 protected void setFoundBy(SearchContext context, WebElement element, String by, String using) {251 if (element instanceof RemoteWebElement) {252 RemoteWebElement remoteElement = ((RemoteWebElement) element);253 String foundBy = String.format("[%s] -> %s: %s", context, by, using);254 Spearmint.reflect(remoteElement).field("foundBy").set(foundBy);255 }256 }257 protected List<WebElement> findElements(String by, String using) {258 if (using == null) {259 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find elements when the selector is null.");260 }261 Response response = execute(DriverCommand.FIND_ELEMENTS,262 ImmutableMap.of("using", by, "value", using));263 Object value = response.getValue();264 List<WebElement> allElements;265 try {266 allElements = (List<WebElement>) value;267 } catch (ClassCastException ex) {268 throw new WebDriverException("Returned value cannot be converted to List<WebElement>: " + value, ex);269 }270 for (WebElement element : allElements) {271 setFoundBy(this, element, by, using);272 }273 return allElements;274 }275 public WebElement findElementById(String using) {276 if (getW3CStandardComplianceLevel() == 0) {277 return findElement("id", using);278 } else {279 return findElementByCssSelector("#" + cssEscape(using));280 }281 }282 public List<WebElement> findElementsById(String using) {283 if (getW3CStandardComplianceLevel() == 0) {284 return findElements("id", using);285 } else {...

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...44 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")45 Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { SearchContext.class, 46 String.class, String.class };47 Method m = element.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(48 "setFoundBy", parameterTypes);49 m.setAccessible(true);50 Object[] parameters = new Object[] { driver, "cssSelector", innerElSelector };51 m.invoke(element, parameters);52 } catch (Exception fail) {53 throw new RuntimeException(fail);54 }55 }56 return element;57 }58 /​**59 * 60 * Performs click operation on the first matching shadow DOM element of the specified CSS locator61 * @param driver62 * @param params63 * @return64 */​65 public void clickElementShadowDOM(RemoteWebDriver driver, Map<String, Object> params) {66 WebElement shadowRoot = (WebElement)params.get("parentElement");67 String innerElSelector = params.get("innerSelector").toString();68 String getInnerEl = "return arguments[0].shadowRoot.querySelector('" + innerElSelector + "').click();";69 /​/​Wait for page to completely load70 ExpectedCondition<Boolean> expectation = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {71 public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {72 return ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete");73 }74 };75 try {76 Thread.sleep(1000);77 WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);78 wait.until(expectation);79 } catch (Throwable error) {}80 driver.executeScript(getInnerEl, shadowRoot);81 }82 /​**83 * 84 * Returns the value of the given attribute of the first matching shadow DOM element of the specified CSS locator. 85 * @param driver86 * @param params87 * @return String88 */​89 public String getAttributeShadowDOM(RemoteWebDriver driver, Map<String, Object> params) {90 WebElement shadowRoot = (WebElement)params.get("parentElement");91 String innerElSelector = params.get("innerSelector").toString();92 String property = params.get("attribute").toString();93 String getInnerEl = "return arguments[0].shadowRoot.querySelector('" + innerElSelector + "');";94 /​/​Wait for page to completely load95 ExpectedCondition<Boolean> expectation = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {96 public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {97 return ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete");98 }99 };100 try {101 Thread.sleep(1000);102 WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);103 wait.until(expectation);104 } catch (Throwable error) {}105 return ((WebElement) driver.executeScript(getInnerEl, shadowRoot)).getAttribute(property);106 }107 /​**108 * 109 * Finds all the shadow DOM element matching the CSS selector and returns. 110 * @param driver111 * @param params112 * @return List<WebElement>113 */​114 public List<WebElement> findElementsShadowDOM(RemoteWebDriver driver, Map<String, Object> params) {115 WebElement shadowRoot = (WebElement)params.get("parentElement");116 String innerElSelector = params.get("innerSelector").toString();117 String getInnerEl = "return arguments[0].shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('" + innerElSelector + "');";118 /​/​Wait for page to completely load119 ExpectedCondition<Boolean> expectation = new ExpectedCondition<Boolean>() {120 public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {121 return ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return document.readyState").toString().equals("complete");122 }123 };124 try {125 Thread.sleep(1000);126 WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);127 wait.until(expectation);128 } catch (Throwable error) {}129 /​/​Convert RemoteWebElement to WebElement to use it as a parent Shadow element 130 List<WebElement> elementList = ((List<WebElement>) driver.executeScript(getInnerEl, shadowRoot));131 System.out.println(elementList);132 List<WebElement> updatedList = new ArrayList<WebElement>();133 for (WebElement webElement : elementList) {134 if (webElement instanceof RemoteWebElement) {135 try {136 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")137 Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[] { SearchContext.class, 138 String.class, String.class };139 Method m = webElement.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(140 "setFoundBy", parameterTypes);141 m.setAccessible(true);142 Object[] parameters = new Object[] { driver, "cssSelector", innerElSelector };143 } catch (Exception fail) {144 throw new RuntimeException(fail);145 }146 }147 }148 return elementList;149 }150 151 /​**152 * 153 * Returns text of the shadow DOM element matching the CSS selector and returns. 154 * @param driver...

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...40 41 /​/​ if possible take a locator and a term42 Matcher remoteWebElementInfo = foundByPattern.matcher(remoteWebElement.toString());43 if (remoteWebElementInfo.matches()) {44 setFoundBy(element,,;45 } else {46 BFLogger.logError("Incorrect FoundBy form WebElement " + remoteWebElement.toString());47 }48 }49 50 public static void setClickTimer() {51 clickTimerOn = true;52 totalClickTime = 0;53 }54 55 public static long dropClickTimer() {56 clickTimerOn = false;57 return totalClickTime;58 }...

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...76 return new D3Element(e);77 }78 /​/​Delegate Methods79 @Override80 protected void setFoundBy(SearchContext foundFrom, String locator, String term)81 {82 element.setFoundBy(foundFrom, locator, term);83 }84 @Override85 public void setParent(RemoteWebDriver parent)86 {87 element.setParent(parent);88 }89 @Override90 public String getId()91 {92 return element.getId();93 }94 @Override95 public void setId(String id)96 {...

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...83 }84 WebDriver wrapsDriver = getDriver(context);85 return (JavascriptExecutor) wrapsDriver;86 }87 static void setFoundBy(List<WebElement> matchedElements, SearchContext context, String by, String using) {88 RemoteWebElement rwe = (RemoteWebElement) matchedElements.get(0);89 try {90 Method setFoundBy = rwe.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("setFoundBy", SearchContext.class, String.class, String.class);91 setFoundBy.setAccessible(true);92 for (Object element : matchedElements) {93 setFoundBy.invoke(element, context, by, using);94 }95 } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {96 e.printStackTrace();97 }98 }99 static boolean isNullOrEmpty(String str) {100 return (str == null || str.trim().isEmpty());101 }102 static boolean isVisible(WebElement element) {103 Dimension eleSize = element.getSize();104 Point eleLocation = element.getLocation();105 WebDriver wrapsDriver = getDriver(element);106 Dimension winSize = wrapsDriver.manage().window().getSize();107 return !((eleSize.width + eleLocation.x > winSize.width) || (eleSize.height + eleLocation.y > winSize.height));...

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...9 public List<WebElement> frames;10 public WebElement webElement;11 12 public EnhancedRemoteWebElement(RemoteWebDriver driver, List<WebElement> frames, WebElement element, String xpath) {13 setFoundBy(driver, "xpath", xpath);14 setParent(driver);15 this.frames = frames;16 this.webElement = element;17 setId(((RemoteWebElement)webElement).getId());18 }19 20 @Override21 public void click() {22 openMyFrames();23;24 parent.switchTo().defaultContent();25 }26 private void openMyFrames() {27 for(WebElement frame : frames) {...

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1package com.selenium;2import;3import;4import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;5import org.openqa.selenium.By;6import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;7import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;8import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;9import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;10public class RemoteWebDriverTest {11 public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {12 DesiredCapabilities capability =;13 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);14 WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));15 searchBox.sendKeys("Selenium");16 searchBox.submit();17 driver.quit();18 }19}

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1import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver2RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver()3driver.setFoundBy("css selector")4import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities5DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities()6capabilities.setFoundBy("css selector")7import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement8RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()9element.setFoundBy("css selector")10import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement11RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()12element.setFoundBy("css selector")13import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement14RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()15element.setFoundBy("css selector")16import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement17RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()18element.setFoundBy("css selector")19import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement20RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()21element.setFoundBy("css selector")22import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement23RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()24element.setFoundBy("css selector")25import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement26RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()27element.setFoundBy("css selector")28import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement29RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()30element.setFoundBy("css selector")31import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement32RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()33element.setFoundBy("css selector")34import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement35RemoteWebElement element = new RemoteWebElement()36element.setFoundBy("css selector")37import org.openqa

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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

LambdaTest’s Selenium 4 tutorial is covering every aspects of Selenium 4 testing with examples and best practices. Here you will learn basics, such as how to upgrade from Selenium 3 to Selenium 4, to some advanced concepts, such as Relative locators and Selenium Grid 4 for Distributed testing. Also will learn new features of Selenium 4, such as capturing screenshots of specific elements, opening a new tab or window on the browser, and new protocol adoptions.


  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

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