How to use toString method of org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo class

Best Selenium code snippet using org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.toString


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...184 this.cdpUri = cdpUri;185 this.capabilities = ->186 new ImmutableCapabilities(187 new PersistentCapabilities(capabilities)188 .setCapability("se:cdp", uri.toString())189 .setCapability("se:cdpVersion", "85")))190 .orElse(new ImmutableCapabilities(capabilities));191 }192 private static FirefoxDriverCommandExecutor toExecutor(FirefoxOptions options) {193 Require.nonNull("Options to construct executor from", options);194 String sysProperty = System.getProperty(SystemProperty.DRIVER_USE_MARIONETTE);195 boolean isLegacy = (sysProperty != null && ! Boolean.parseBoolean(sysProperty))196 || options.isLegacy();197 FirefoxDriverService.Builder<?, ?> builder =198, false)199 .filter(b -> b instanceof FirefoxDriverService.Builder)200 .map(FirefoxDriverService.Builder.class::cast)201 .filter(b -> b.isLegacy() == isLegacy)202 .findFirst().orElseThrow(WebDriverException::new);203 return new FirefoxDriverCommandExecutor(builder.withOptions(options).build());204 }205 @Override206 public Capabilities getCapabilities() {207 return capabilities;208 }209 @Override210 public void setFileDetector(FileDetector detector) {211 throw new WebDriverException(212 "Setting the file detector only works on remote webdriver instances obtained " +213 "via RemoteWebDriver");214 }215 @Override216 public LocalStorage getLocalStorage() {217 return webStorage.getLocalStorage();218 }219 @Override220 public SessionStorage getSessionStorage() {221 return webStorage.getSessionStorage();222 }223 private static boolean isLegacy(Capabilities desiredCapabilities) {224 Boolean forceMarionette = forceMarionetteFromSystemProperty();225 if (forceMarionette != null) {226 return !forceMarionette;227 }228 Object marionette = desiredCapabilities.getCapability(Capability.MARIONETTE);229 return marionette instanceof Boolean && ! (Boolean) marionette;230 }231 @Override232 public String installExtension(Path path) {233 return (String) execute(ExtraCommands.INSTALL_EXTENSION,234 ImmutableMap.of("path", path.toAbsolutePath().toString(),235 "temporary", false)).getValue();236 }237 @Override238 public void uninstallExtension(String extensionId) {239 execute(ExtraCommands.UNINSTALL_EXTENSION, singletonMap("id", extensionId));240 }241 /​**242 * Capture the full page screenshot and store it in the specified location.243 *244 * @param <X> Return type for getFullPageScreenshotAs.245 * @param outputType target type, @see OutputType246 * @return Object in which is stored information about the screenshot.247 * @throws WebDriverException on failure.248 */​249 public <X> X getFullPageScreenshotAs(OutputType<X> outputType) throws WebDriverException {250 Response response = execute(ExtraCommands.FULL_PAGE_SCREENSHOT);251 Object result = response.getValue();252 if (result instanceof String) {253 String base64EncodedPng = (String) result;254 return outputType.convertFromBase64Png(base64EncodedPng);255 } else if (result instanceof byte[]) {256 String base64EncodedPng = new String((byte[]) result, UTF_8);257 return outputType.convertFromBase64Png(base64EncodedPng);258 } else {259 throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unexpected result for %s command: %s",260 ExtraCommands.FULL_PAGE_SCREENSHOT,261 result == null ? "null" : result.getClass().getName() + " instance"));262 }263 }264 private static Boolean forceMarionetteFromSystemProperty() {265 String useMarionette = System.getProperty(SystemProperty.DRIVER_USE_MARIONETTE);266 if (useMarionette == null) {267 return null;268 }269 return Boolean.valueOf(useMarionette);270 }271 /​**272 * Drops capabilities that we shouldn't send over the wire.273 *274 * Used for capabilities which aren't BeanToJson-convertable, and are only used by the local275 * launcher.276 */​277 private static Capabilities dropCapabilities(Capabilities capabilities) {278 if (capabilities == null) {279 return new ImmutableCapabilities();280 }281 MutableCapabilities caps;282 if (isLegacy(capabilities)) {283 final Set<String> toRemove = Sets.newHashSet(Capability.BINARY, Capability.PROFILE);284 caps = new MutableCapabilities(285 Maps.filterKeys(capabilities.asMap(), key -> !toRemove.contains(key)));286 } else {287 caps = new MutableCapabilities(capabilities);288 }289 /​/​ Ensure that the proxy is in a state fit to be sent to the extension290 Proxy proxy = Proxy.extractFrom(capabilities);291 if (proxy != null) {292 caps.setCapability(PROXY, proxy);293 }294 return caps;295 }296 @Override297 public DevTools getDevTools() {298 if (devTools == null) {299 URI wsUri = cdpUri.orElseThrow(() ->300 new DevToolsException("This version of Firefox or geckodriver does not support CDP"));301 HttpClient.Factory clientFactory = HttpClient.Factory.createDefault();302 ClientConfig wsConfig = ClientConfig.defaultConfig().baseUri(wsUri);303 HttpClient wsClient = clientFactory.createClient(wsConfig);304 Connection connection = new Connection(wsClient, wsUri.toString());305 CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpVersionFinder().match("85.0").orElseGet(NoOpCdpInfo::new);306 devTools = new DevTools(cdpInfo::getDomains, connection);307 }308 return devTools;309 }310}...

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...88 Optional<URI> cdpUri = CdpEndpointFinder.getReportedUri(capabilityKey, originalCapabilities)89 .flatMap(uri -> CdpEndpointFinder.getCdpEndPoint(factory, uri));90 connection = -> new Connection(91 factory.createClient(ClientConfig.defaultConfig().baseUri(uri)),92 uri.toString()));93 CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpVersionFinder().match(originalCapabilities.getBrowserVersion())94 .orElseGet(() -> {95 LOG.warning(96 String.format(97 "Unable to find version of CDP to use for %s. You may need to " +98 "include a dependency on a specific version of the CDP using " +99 "something similar to " +100 "`org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-devtools-v86:%s` where the " +101 "version (\"v86\") matches the version of the chromium-based browser " +102 "you're using and the version number of the artifact is the same " +103 "as Selenium's.",104 capabilities.getBrowserVersion(),105 new BuildInfo().getReleaseLabel()));106 return new NoOpCdpInfo();107 });108 devTools = -> new DevTools(cdpInfo::getDomains, conn));109 this.capabilities = -> new ImmutableCapabilities(110 new PersistentCapabilities(originalCapabilities)111 .setCapability("se:cdp", uri.toString())112 .setCapability(113 "se:cdpVersion", originalCapabilities.getBrowserVersion())))114 .orElse(new ImmutableCapabilities(originalCapabilities));115 }116 @Override117 public Capabilities getCapabilities() {118 return capabilities;119 }120 @Override121 public void setFileDetector(FileDetector detector) {122 throw new WebDriverException(123 "Setting the file detector only works on remote webdriver instances obtained " +124 "via RemoteWebDriver");125 }126 @Override127 public <X> void onLogEvent(EventType<X> kind) {128 Require.nonNull("Event type", kind);129 kind.initializeListener(this);130 }131 @Override132 public void register(Predicate<URI> whenThisMatches, Supplier<Credentials> useTheseCredentials) {133 Require.nonNull("Check to use to see how we should authenticate", whenThisMatches);134 Require.nonNull("Credentials to use when authenticating", useTheseCredentials);135 getDevTools().createSessionIfThereIsNotOne();136 getDevTools().getDomains().network().addAuthHandler(whenThisMatches, useTheseCredentials);137 }138 @Override139 public LocalStorage getLocalStorage() {140 return webStorage.getLocalStorage();141 }142 @Override143 public SessionStorage getSessionStorage() {144 return webStorage.getSessionStorage();145 }146 @Override147 public Location location() {148 return locationContext.location();149 }150 @Override151 public void setLocation(Location location) {152 locationContext.setLocation(location);153 }154 @Override155 public TouchScreen getTouch() {156 return touchScreen;157 }158 @Override159 public ConnectionType getNetworkConnection() {160 return networkConnection.getNetworkConnection();161 }162 @Override163 public ConnectionType setNetworkConnection(ConnectionType type) {164 return networkConnection.setNetworkConnection(type);165 }166 /​**167 * Launches Chrome app specified by id.168 *169 * @param id Chrome app id.170 */​171 public void launchApp(String id) {172 execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.LAUNCH_APP, ImmutableMap.of("id", id));173 }174 /​**175 * Execute a Chrome Devtools Protocol command and get returned result. The176 * command and command args should follow177 * <a href="https:/​/​​devtools-protocol/​">chrome178 * devtools protocol domains/​commands</​a>.179 */​180 public Map<String, Object> executeCdpCommand(String commandName, Map<String, Object> parameters) {181 Require.nonNull("Command name", commandName);182 Require.nonNull("Parameters", parameters);183 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")184 Map<String, Object> toReturn = (Map<String, Object>) getExecuteMethod().execute(185 ChromiumDriverCommand.EXECUTE_CDP_COMMAND,186 ImmutableMap.of("cmd", commandName, "params", parameters));187 return ImmutableMap.copyOf(toReturn);188 }189 @Override190 public DevTools getDevTools() {191 return devTools.orElseThrow(() -> new WebDriverException("Unable to create DevTools connection"));192 }193 public String getCastSinks() {194 Object response = getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.GET_CAST_SINKS, null);195 return response.toString();196 }197 public String getCastIssueMessage() {198 Object response = getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.GET_CAST_ISSUE_MESSAGE, null);199 return response.toString();200 }201 public void selectCastSink(String deviceName) {202 getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.SET_CAST_SINK_TO_USE, ImmutableMap.of("sinkName", deviceName));203 }204 public void startTabMirroring(String deviceName) {205 getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.START_CAST_TAB_MIRRORING, ImmutableMap.of("sinkName", deviceName));206 }207 public void stopCasting(String deviceName) {208 getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.STOP_CASTING, ImmutableMap.of("sinkName", deviceName));209 }210 public void setPermission(String name, String value) {211 getExecuteMethod().execute(ChromiumDriverCommand.SET_PERMISSION,212 ImmutableMap.of("descriptor", ImmutableMap.of("name", name), "state", value));213 }...

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...68 if (requests.size() == 0) {69 return;70 }71 RequestWillBeSent request = requests.get(0);72 if (request != null && entry.getRequestId().toString().equals(request.getRequestId().toString())) {73 Network.GetResponseBodyResponse send = devTools.send(Network.getResponseBody(request.getRequestId()));74 responses.add(send.getBody());75 }76 });77 open("https:/​/​​ru/​person/​credits/​money/​consumer_unsecured/​zayavka");78 await().pollThread(Thread::new)79 .atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)80 .until(() -> responses.size() == 1);81 System.out.println(responses.get(0));82 }83 @Test84 public void interceptRequestTest() {85 DevTools devTools = getLocalDevTools();86 devTools.send(Fetch.enable(empty(), empty()));87 String content = "[{\"title\":\"Todo 1\",\"order\":null,\"completed\":false},{\"title\":\"Todo 2\",\"order\":null,\"completed\":true}]";88 devTools.addListener(Fetch.requestPaused(), request -> {89 String url = request.getRequest().getUrl();90 String query = getUrl(url);91 if (url.contains("/​todos/​") && query == null) {92 List<HeaderEntry> corsHeaders = new ArrayList<>();93 corsHeaders.add(new HeaderEntry("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"));94 corsHeaders.add(new HeaderEntry("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE"));95 devTools.send(Fetch.fulfillRequest(96 request.getRequestId(),97 200,98 Optional.of(corsHeaders),99 Optional.empty(),100 Optional.of(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(content.getBytes())),101 Optional.of("OK"))102 );103 } else {104 devTools.send(Fetch.continueRequest(105 request.getRequestId(),106 Optional.of(url),107 Optional.of(request.getRequest().getMethod()),108 request.getRequest().getPostData(),109 request.getResponseHeaders()));110 }111 });112 open("https:/​/​​client/​index.html?https:/​/​​todos/​");113 $$("#todo-list li").shouldHave(CollectionCondition.size(2));114 $$("#todo-list label").shouldHave(CollectionCondition.texts("Todo 1", "Todo 2"));115 }116 private String getUrl(String url) {117 try {118 return new URL(url).getQuery();119 } catch (MalformedURLException e) {120 throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);121 }122 }123 private DevTools getLocalDevTools() {124 open();125 ChromeDriver driver = (ChromeDriver) WebDriverRunner.getWebDriver();126 DevTools devTools = driver.getDevTools();127 devTools.createSession();128 return devTools;129 }130 @Test131 public void devtoolsWithSelenoid() throws URISyntaxException {132 Configuration.remote = "http:/​/​localhost:4444/​wd/​hub";133 open();134 RemoteWebDriver webDriver = (RemoteWebDriver) WebDriverRunner.getWebDriver();135 Capabilities capabilities = webDriver.getCapabilities();136 CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpVersionFinder()137 .match(capabilities.getBrowserVersion())138 .orElseGet(NoOpCdpInfo::new);139 HttpClient.Factory factory = HttpClient.Factory.createDefault();140 URI uri = new URI(String.format("ws:/​/​localhost:4444/​devtools/​%s", webDriver.getSessionId()));141 Connection connection = new Connection(142 factory.createClient(ClientConfig.defaultConfig().baseUri(uri)),143 uri.toString());144 DevTools devTools = new DevTools(cdpInfo::getDomains, connection);145 devTools.createSession();146 devTools.send(Performance.enable(empty()));147 open("https:/​/​​");148 List<Metric> send = devTools.send(Performance.getMetrics());149 assertTrue(send.size() > 0);150 send.forEach(it -> System.out.printf("%s: %s%n", it.getName(), it.getValue()));151 }152}...

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...36 public int compareTo(CdpInfo that) {37 return, that.getMajorVersion());38 }39 @Override40 public String toString() {41 return "CDP version: " + getMajorVersion();42 }43}

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1import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;2import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.DevTools;3import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.browser.Browser;4import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.browser.model.GetVersionResponse;5import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.browser.model.Version;6import;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import;21import;22import;23import;24import;25import;26import;27import;28import;29import;30import;31import;32import;33import;34import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.runtime.Runtime;35import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.runtime.model.ConsoleAPICalled;36import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91.runtime.model.ExceptionThrown;37import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.v91

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1 return new CdpInfo("page", "getAppManifest", null);2 }3 public static class Response {4 private final String url;5 private final String data;6 private final String errors;7 public Response(String url, String data, String errors) {8 this.url = java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(url, "url is required");9 = data;10 this.errors = errors;11 }12 public String getUrl() {13 return url;14 }15 public String getData() {16 return data;17 }18 public String getErrors() {19 return errors;20 }21 private static Response fromJson(JsonInput input) {22 String url = null;23 String data = null;24 String errors = null;25 input.beginObject();26 while (input.hasNext()) {27 switch(input.nextName()) {28 url = input.nextString();29 break;30 data = input.nextString();31 break;32 errors = input.nextString();33 break;34 input.skipValue();35 break;36 }37 }38 input.endObject();39 return new Response(url, data, errors);40 }41 }42}43const {CDPSession} = require('chrome-remote-interface');44const cdp = require('chrome-remote-interface');45async function main() {46 const client = await cdp({port: 9222});47 const {Page} = client;48 await Page.enable();49 const manifest = await Page.getAppManifest();50 console.log(manifest);51 await client.close();52}53main();54Cdp cdp = client.createCdp("page");55CdpInfo info = cdp.getAppManifest();56CdpResponse response = client.send(info);57CdpResponse.Response response = cdp.getAppManifest().send(client);58PageGetAppManifest.Response response = new PageGetAppManifest.Response(response.getPayload());59Cdp cdp = client.createCdp("page");60CdpInfo info = cdp.getAppManifest();

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1CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();2System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());3System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());4CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();5System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());6System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());7import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;8CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();9System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());10System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());11import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;12CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();13System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());14System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());15import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;16CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();17System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());18System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());19import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;20CdpInfo cdpInfo = new CdpInfo();21System.out.println(cdpInfo.toString());22System.out.println(cdpInfo.toJson());23import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo;

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1import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo2import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpDomainInfo3import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpEventInfo4import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandInfo5import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandParameterInfo6import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandParameterTypeInfo7import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandParameterEnumInfo8import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandParameterEnumValueInfo9import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpInfo.CdpCommandReturnInfo10import

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A few quick searches led me to this:

Basically, he recommends creating a JUnit4 Rule that wraps the test Statement in a try/catch block in which he calls:

    ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES));

Does that work for your problem?


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Selenium 4 Tutorial:

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  1. Upgrading From Selenium 3 To Selenium 4?: In this chapter, learn in detail how to update Selenium 3 to Selenium 4 for Java binding. Also, learn how to upgrade while using different build tools such as Maven or Gradle and get comprehensive guidance for upgrading Selenium.

  2. What’s New In Selenium 4 & What’s Being Deprecated? : Get all information about new implementations in Selenium 4, such as W3S protocol adaption, Optimized Selenium Grid, and Enhanced Selenium IDE. Also, learn what is deprecated for Selenium 4, such as DesiredCapabilites and FindsBy methods, etc.

  3. Selenium 4 With Python: Selenium supports all major languages, such as Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. In this chapter, learn how to install Selenium 4 for Python and the features of Python in Selenium 4, such as Relative locators, Browser manipulation, and Chrom DevTool protocol.

  4. Selenium 4 Is Now W3C Compliant: JSON Wireframe protocol is retiring from Selenium 4, and they are adopting W3C protocol to learn in detail about the advantages and impact of these changes.

  5. How To Use Selenium 4 Relative Locator? : Selenium 4 came with new features such as Relative Locators that allow constructing locators with reference and easily located constructors nearby. Get to know its different use cases with examples.

  6. Selenium Grid 4 Tutorial For Distributed Testing: Selenium Grid 4 allows you to perform tests over different browsers, OS, and device combinations. It also enables parallel execution browser testing, reads up on various features of Selenium Grid 4 and how to download it, and runs a test on Selenium Grid 4 with best practices.

  7. Selenium Video Tutorials: Binge on video tutorials on Selenium by industry experts to get step-by-step direction from automating basic to complex test scenarios with Selenium.

Selenium 101 certifications:

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Most used method in CdpInfo

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