How to use locationsOf method of org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter class

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...207 public void invalidUseOfMatchers(int expectedMatchersCount, List<LocalizedMatcher> recordedMatchers) {208 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(209 "Invalid use of argument matchers!",210 expectedMatchersCount + " matchers expected, " + recordedMatchers.size()+ " recorded:" +211 locationsOf(recordedMatchers),212 "",213 "This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:",214 " /​/​incorrect:",215 " someMethod(anyObject(), \"raw String\");",216 "When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.",217 "For example:",218 " /​/​correct:",219 " someMethod(anyObject(), eq(\"String by matcher\"));",220 "",221 "For more info see javadoc for Matchers class.",222 ""223 ));224 }225 public void incorrectUseOfAdditionalMatchers(String additionalMatcherName, int expectedSubMatchersCount, Collection<LocalizedMatcher> matcherStack) {226 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(227 "Invalid use of argument matchers inside additional matcher " + additionalMatcherName + " !",228 new LocationImpl(),229 "",230 expectedSubMatchersCount + " sub matchers expected, " + matcherStack.size() + " recorded:",231 locationsOf(matcherStack),232 "",233 "This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:",234 " /​/​incorrect:",235 " someMethod(AdditionalMatchers.and(isNotNull(), \"raw String\");",236 "When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.",237 "For example:",238 " /​/​correct:",239 " someMethod(AdditionalMatchers.and(isNotNull(), eq(\"raw String\"));",240 "",241 "For more info see javadoc for Matchers and AdditionalMatchers classes.",242 ""243 ));244 }245 public void stubPassedToVerify() {246 throw new CannotVerifyStubOnlyMock(join(247 "Argument passed to verify() is a stubOnly() mock, not a full blown mock!",248 "If you intend to verify invocations on a mock, don't use stubOnly() in its MockSettings."249 ));250 }251 public void reportNoSubMatchersFound(String additionalMatcherName) {252 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(253 "No matchers found for additional matcher " + additionalMatcherName,254 new LocationImpl(),255 ""256 ));257 }258 private Object locationsOf(Collection<LocalizedMatcher> matchers) {259 List<String> description = new ArrayList<String>();260 for (LocalizedMatcher matcher : matchers)261 description.add(matcher.getLocation().toString());262 return join(description.toArray());263 }264 public void argumentsAreDifferent(String wanted, String actual, Location actualLocation) {265 String message = join("Argument(s) are different! Wanted:",266 wanted,267 new LocationImpl(),268 "Actual invocation has different arguments:",269 actual,270 actualLocation,271 ""272 );273 throw JUnitTool.createArgumentsAreDifferentException(message, wanted, actual);274 }275 public void wantedButNotInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted) {276 throw new WantedButNotInvoked(createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(wanted));277 }278 public void wantedButNotInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted, List<? extends DescribedInvocation> invocations) {279 String allInvocations;280 if (invocations.isEmpty()) {281 allInvocations = "Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.\n";282 } else {283 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nHowever, there were other interactions with this mock:\n");284 for (DescribedInvocation i : invocations) {285 sb.append(i.toString())286 .append("\n")287 .append(i.getLocation())288 .append("\n\n");289 }290 allInvocations = sb.toString();291 }292 String message = createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(wanted);293 throw new WantedButNotInvoked(message + allInvocations);294 }295 private String createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(DescribedInvocation wanted) {296 return join(297 "Wanted but not invoked:",298 wanted.toString(),299 new LocationImpl(),300 ""301 );302 }303 public void wantedButNotInvokedInOrder(DescribedInvocation wanted, DescribedInvocation previous) {304 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(305 "Verification in order failure",306 "Wanted but not invoked:",307 wanted.toString(),308 new LocationImpl(),309 "Wanted anywhere AFTER following interaction:",310 previous.toString(),311 previous.getLocation(),312 ""313 ));314 }315 public void tooManyActualInvocations(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {316 String message = createTooManyInvocationsMessage(wantedCount, actualCount, wanted, firstUndesired);317 throw new TooManyActualInvocations(message);318 }319 private String createTooManyInvocationsMessage(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted,320 Location firstUndesired) {321 return join(322 wanted.toString(),323 "Wanted " + pluralize(wantedCount) + ":",324 new LocationImpl(),325 "But was " + pluralize(actualCount) + ". Undesired invocation:",326 firstUndesired,327 ""328 );329 }330 public void neverWantedButInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {331 throw new NeverWantedButInvoked(join(332 wanted.toString(),333 "Never wanted here:",334 new LocationImpl(),335 "But invoked here:",336 firstUndesired,337 ""338 ));339 }340 public void tooManyActualInvocationsInOrder(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {341 String message = createTooManyInvocationsMessage(wantedCount, actualCount, wanted, firstUndesired);342 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(343 "Verification in order failure:" + message344 ));345 }346 private String createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted,347 Location lastActualInvocation) {348 String ending =349 (lastActualInvocation != null)? lastActualInvocation + "\n" : "\n";350 String message = join(351 wanted.toString(),352 "Wanted " + discrepancy.getPluralizedWantedCount() + ":",353 new LocationImpl(),354 "But was " + discrepancy.getPluralizedActualCount() + ":",355 ending356 );357 return message;358 }359 public void tooLittleActualInvocations(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location lastActualLocation) {360 String message = createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(discrepancy, wanted, lastActualLocation);361 throw new TooLittleActualInvocations(message);362 }363 public void tooLittleActualInvocationsInOrder(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location lastActualLocation) {364 String message = createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(discrepancy, wanted, lastActualLocation);365 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(366 "Verification in order failure:" + message367 ));368 }369 public void noMoreInteractionsWanted(Invocation undesired, List<VerificationAwareInvocation> invocations) {370 ScenarioPrinter scenarioPrinter = new ScenarioPrinter();371 String scenario = scenarioPrinter.print(invocations);372 throw new NoInteractionsWanted(join(373 "No interactions wanted here:",374 new LocationImpl(),375 "But found this interaction on mock '" + safelyGetMockName(undesired.getMock()) + "':",376 undesired.getLocation(),377 scenario378 ));379 }380 public void noMoreInteractionsWantedInOrder(Invocation undesired) {381 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(382 "No interactions wanted here:",383 new LocationImpl(),384 "But found this interaction on mock '" + safelyGetMockName(undesired.getMock()) + "':",385 undesired.getLocation()386 ));387 }388 public void cannotMockFinalClass(Class<?> clazz) {389 throw new MockitoException(join(390 "Cannot mock/​spy " + clazz.toString(),391 "Mockito cannot mock/​spy following:",392 " - final classes",393 " - anonymous classes",394 " - primitive types"395 ));396 }397 public void cannotStubVoidMethodWithAReturnValue(String methodName) {398 throw new CannotStubVoidMethodWithReturnValue(join(399 "'" + methodName + "' is a *void method* and it *cannot* be stubbed with a *return value*!",400 "Voids are usually stubbed with Throwables:",401 " doThrow(exception).when(mock).someVoidMethod();",402 "***",403 "If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.",404 "Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:",405 "1. The method you are trying to stub is *overloaded*. Make sure you are calling the right overloaded version.",406 "2. Somewhere in your test you are stubbing *final methods*. Sorry, Mockito does not verify/​stub final methods.",407 "3. A spy is stubbed using when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - ",408 " - with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.",409 "4. " + MockitoLimitations.NON_PUBLIC_PARENT,410 ""411 ));412 }413 public void onlyVoidMethodsCanBeSetToDoNothing() {414 throw new MockitoException(join(415 "Only void methods can doNothing()!",416 "Example of correct use of doNothing():",417 " doNothing().",418 " doThrow(new RuntimeException())",419 " .when(mock).someVoidMethod();",420 "Above means:",421 "someVoidMethod() does nothing the 1st time but throws an exception the 2nd time is called"422 ));423 }424 public void wrongTypeOfReturnValue(String expectedType, String actualType, String methodName) {425 throw new WrongTypeOfReturnValue(join(426 actualType + " cannot be returned by " + methodName + "()",427 methodName + "() should return " + expectedType,428 "***",429 "If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.",430 "Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:",431 "1. This exception *might* occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests.",432 " Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of concurrency testing.",433 "2. A spy is stubbed using when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - ",434 " - with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.",435 ""436 ));437 }438 public void wantedAtMostX(int maxNumberOfInvocations, int foundSize) {439 throw new MockitoAssertionError(join("Wanted at most " + pluralize(maxNumberOfInvocations) + " but was " + foundSize));440 }441 public void misplacedArgumentMatcher(List<LocalizedMatcher> lastMatchers) {442 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(443 "Misplaced argument matcher detected here:",444 locationsOf(lastMatchers),445 "",446 "You cannot use argument matchers outside of verification or stubbing.",447 "Examples of correct usage of argument matchers:",448 " when(mock.get(anyInt())).thenReturn(null);",449 " doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(anyObject());",450 " verify(mock).someMethod(contains(\"foo\"))",451 "",452 "Also, this error might show up because you use argument matchers with methods that cannot be mocked.",453 "Following methods *cannot* be stubbed/​verified: final/​private/​equals()/​hashCode().",454 MockitoLimitations.NON_PUBLIC_PARENT,455 ""456 ));457 }458 public void smartNullPointerException(String invocation, Location location) {...

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...201 public void invalidUseOfMatchers(int expectedMatchersCount, List<LocalizedMatcher> recordedMatchers) {202 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(203 "Invalid use of argument matchers!",204 expectedMatchersCount + " matchers expected, " + recordedMatchers.size()+ " recorded:" +205 locationsOf(recordedMatchers),206 "",207 "This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:",208 " /​/​incorrect:",209 " someMethod(anyObject(), \"raw String\");",210 "When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.",211 "For example:",212 " /​/​correct:",213 " someMethod(anyObject(), eq(\"String by matcher\"));",214 "",215 "For more info see javadoc for Matchers class.",216 ""217 ));218 }219 public void incorrectUseOfAdditionalMatchers(String additionalMatcherName, int expectedSubMatchersCount, Collection<LocalizedMatcher> matcherStack) {220 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(221 "Invalid use of argument matchers inside additional matcher " + additionalMatcherName + " !",222 new LocationImpl(),223 "",224 expectedSubMatchersCount + " sub matchers expected, " + matcherStack.size() + " recorded:",225 locationsOf(matcherStack),226 "",227 "This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:",228 " /​/​incorrect:",229 " someMethod(AdditionalMatchers.and(isNotNull(), \"raw String\");",230 "When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.",231 "For example:",232 " /​/​correct:",233 " someMethod(AdditionalMatchers.and(isNotNull(), eq(\"raw String\"));",234 "",235 "For more info see javadoc for Matchers and AdditionalMatchers classes.",236 ""237 ));238 }239 public void stubPassedToVerify() {240 throw new CannotVerifyStubOnlyMock(join(241 "Argument passed to verify() is a stubOnly() mock, not a full blown mock!",242 "If you intend to verify invocations on a mock, don't use stubOnly() in its MockSettings."243 ));244 }245 public void reportNoSubMatchersFound(String additionalMatcherName) {246 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(247 "No matchers found for additional matcher " + additionalMatcherName,248 new LocationImpl(),249 ""250 ));251 }252 private Object locationsOf(Collection<LocalizedMatcher> matchers) {253 List<String> description = new ArrayList<String>();254 for (LocalizedMatcher matcher : matchers)255 description.add(matcher.getLocation().toString());256 return join(description.toArray());257 }258 public void argumentsAreDifferent(String wanted, String actual, Location actualLocation) {259 String message = join("Argument(s) are different! Wanted:",260 wanted,261 new LocationImpl(),262 "Actual invocation has different arguments:",263 actual,264 actualLocation,265 ""266 );267 if (JUnitTool.hasJUnit()) {268 throw JUnitTool.createArgumentsAreDifferentException(message, wanted, actual);269 } else {270 throw new ArgumentsAreDifferent(message);271 }272 }273 public void wantedButNotInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted) {274 throw new WantedButNotInvoked(createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(wanted));275 }276 public void wantedButNotInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted, List<? extends DescribedInvocation> invocations) {277 String allInvocations;278 if (invocations.isEmpty()) {279 allInvocations = "Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.\n";280 } else {281 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\nHowever, there were other interactions with this mock:\n");282 for (DescribedInvocation i : invocations) {283 sb.append(i.toString())284 .append("\n")285 .append(i.getLocation())286 .append("\n\n");287 }288 allInvocations = sb.toString();289 }290 String message = createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(wanted);291 throw new WantedButNotInvoked(message + allInvocations);292 }293 private String createWantedButNotInvokedMessage(DescribedInvocation wanted) {294 return join(295 "Wanted but not invoked:",296 wanted.toString(),297 new LocationImpl(),298 ""299 );300 }301 public void wantedButNotInvokedInOrder(DescribedInvocation wanted, DescribedInvocation previous) {302 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(303 "Verification in order failure",304 "Wanted but not invoked:",305 wanted.toString(),306 new LocationImpl(),307 "Wanted anywhere AFTER following interaction:",308 previous.toString(),309 previous.getLocation(),310 ""311 ));312 }313 public void tooManyActualInvocations(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {314 String message = createTooManyInvocationsMessage(wantedCount, actualCount, wanted, firstUndesired);315 throw new TooManyActualInvocations(message);316 }317 private String createTooManyInvocationsMessage(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted,318 Location firstUndesired) {319 return join(320 wanted.toString(),321 "Wanted " + pluralize(wantedCount) + ":",322 new LocationImpl(),323 "But was " + pluralize(actualCount) + ". Undesired invocation:",324 firstUndesired,325 ""326 );327 }328 public void neverWantedButInvoked(DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {329 throw new NeverWantedButInvoked(join(330 wanted.toString(),331 "Never wanted here:",332 new LocationImpl(),333 "But invoked here:",334 firstUndesired,335 ""336 ));337 }338 public void tooManyActualInvocationsInOrder(int wantedCount, int actualCount, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location firstUndesired) {339 String message = createTooManyInvocationsMessage(wantedCount, actualCount, wanted, firstUndesired);340 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(341 "Verification in order failure:" + message342 ));343 }344 private String createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted,345 Location lastActualInvocation) {346 String ending =347 (lastActualInvocation != null)? lastActualInvocation + "\n" : "\n";348 String message = join(349 wanted.toString(),350 "Wanted " + discrepancy.getPluralizedWantedCount() + ":",351 new LocationImpl(),352 "But was " + discrepancy.getPluralizedActualCount() + ":",353 ending354 );355 return message;356 }357 public void tooLittleActualInvocations(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location lastActualLocation) {358 String message = createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(discrepancy, wanted, lastActualLocation);359 throw new TooLittleActualInvocations(message);360 }361 public void tooLittleActualInvocationsInOrder(org.mockito.internal.reporting.Discrepancy discrepancy, DescribedInvocation wanted, Location lastActualLocation) {362 String message = createTooLittleInvocationsMessage(discrepancy, wanted, lastActualLocation);363 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(364 "Verification in order failure:" + message365 ));366 }367 public void noMoreInteractionsWanted(Invocation undesired, List<VerificationAwareInvocation> invocations) {368 ScenarioPrinter scenarioPrinter = new ScenarioPrinter();369 String scenario = scenarioPrinter.print(invocations);370 throw new NoInteractionsWanted(join(371 "No interactions wanted here:",372 new LocationImpl(),373 "But found this interaction:",374 undesired.getLocation(),375 scenario376 ));377 }378 public void noMoreInteractionsWantedInOrder(Invocation undesired) {379 throw new VerificationInOrderFailure(join(380 "No interactions wanted here:",381 new LocationImpl(),382 "But found this interaction:",383 undesired.getLocation(),384 ""385 ));386 }387 public void cannotMockFinalClass(Class<?> clazz) {388 throw new MockitoException(join(389 "Cannot mock/​spy " + clazz.toString(),390 "Mockito cannot mock/​spy following:",391 " - final classes",392 " - anonymous classes",393 " - primitive types"394 ));395 }396 public void cannotStubVoidMethodWithAReturnValue(String methodName) {397 throw new MockitoException(join(398 "'" + methodName + "' is a *void method* and it *cannot* be stubbed with a *return value*!",399 "Voids are usually stubbed with Throwables:",400 " doThrow(exception).when(mock).someVoidMethod();",401 "***",402 "If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.",403 "Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:",404 "1. The method you are trying to stub is *overloaded*. Make sure you are calling the right overloaded version.",405 "2. Somewhere in your test you are stubbing *final methods*. Sorry, Mockito does not verify/​stub final methods.",406 "3. A spy is stubbed using when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - ",407 " - with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.",408 ""409 ));410 }411 public void onlyVoidMethodsCanBeSetToDoNothing() {412 throw new MockitoException(join(413 "Only void methods can doNothing()!",414 "Example of correct use of doNothing():",415 " doNothing().",416 " doThrow(new RuntimeException())",417 " .when(mock).someVoidMethod();",418 "Above means:",419 "someVoidMethod() does nothing the 1st time but throws an exception the 2nd time is called"420 ));421 }422 public void wrongTypeOfReturnValue(String expectedType, String actualType, String methodName) {423 throw new WrongTypeOfReturnValue(join(424 actualType + " cannot be returned by " + methodName + "()",425 methodName + "() should return " + expectedType,426 "***",427 "If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on.",428 "Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:",429 "1. This exception *might* occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests.",430 " Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of concurrency testing.",431 "2. A spy is stubbed using when( syntax. It is safer to stub spies - ",432 " - with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.",433 ""434 ));435 }436 public void wantedAtMostX(int maxNumberOfInvocations, int foundSize) {437 throw new MockitoAssertionError(join("Wanted at most " + pluralize(maxNumberOfInvocations) + " but was " + foundSize));438 }439 public void misplacedArgumentMatcher(List<LocalizedMatcher> lastMatchers) {440 throw new InvalidUseOfMatchersException(join(441 "Misplaced argument matcher detected here:",442 locationsOf(lastMatchers),443 "",444 "You cannot use argument matchers outside of verification or stubbing.",445 "Examples of correct usage of argument matchers:",446 " when(mock.get(anyInt())).thenReturn(null);",447 " doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(anyObject());",448 " verify(mock).someMethod(contains(\"foo\"))",449 "",450 "Also, this error might show up because you use argument matchers with methods that cannot be mocked.",451 "Following methods *cannot* be stubbed/​verified: final/​private/​equals()/​hashCode().",452 ""453 ));454 }455 public void smartNullPointerException(String invocation, Location location) {456 throw new SmartNullPointerException(join(...

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();5 reporter.locationsOf(null);6 }7}8 at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 1.main(

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoAssertionError;3import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;4import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoInitializationException;5import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoStubbingException;6import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.NeverWantedButInvoked;7import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.TooLittleActualInvocations;8import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.TooManyActualInvocations;9import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.WantedButNotInvoked;10import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.ArgumentsAreDifferent;11import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitNoInteractionsWantedError;12import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitNoMoreInteractionsWantedError;13import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitWantedButNotInvokedError;14import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitWantedButNotInvokedInOrderError;15import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitWrongTypeOfReturnValueError;16import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.JUnitWrongTypeOfReturnValueInOrderError;17import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.TooLittleActualInvocationsInOrder;18import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.TooManyActualInvocationsInOrder;19import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedAtMostXButInvokedAtLeastY;20import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotInvokedInOrder;21import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotInvokedInOrderNoStackTrace;22import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotInvokedNoStackTrace;23import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotRetured;24import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedInOrder;25import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedNoStackTrace;26import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedInOrderNoStackTrace;27import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedInOrderNoStackTraceNoMessage;28import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedNoStackTraceNoMessage;29import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedInOrderNoStackTraceNoMessageNoActual;30import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedNoStackTraceNoMessageNoActual;31import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedInOrderNoStackTraceNoMessageNoActualNoWanted;32import org.mockito.exceptions.verification.junit.WantedButNotReturedNoStackTraceNoMessageNoActualNo

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();5 reporter.locationsOf("mockito");6 }7}8 at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 1.main( class Reporter {11 public static final String LOCATIONS_OF_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Reporter.locationsOf() is not supported in this version of Mockito.";12 public void locationsOf(String string) {13 throw new IllegalArgumentException(LOCATIONS_OF_NOT_SUPPORTED);14 }15}

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;3import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoAssertionError;4import org.mockito.exceptions.Reporter;5import org.mockito.exceptions.base.Reporter;6import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;7import org.mockito.exceptions.Reporter;8import org.mockito.exceptions.Reporter;9import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;10import org.mockit

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2public class MockitoTest {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();5 reporter.locationsOf("some string");6 }7}8import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;9public class MockitoTest {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();12 reporter.locationsOf("some string");13 }14}15import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;16public class MockitoTest {17 public static void main(String[] args) {18 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();19 reporter.locationsOf("some string");20 }21}22import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;23public class MockitoTest {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();26 reporter.locationsOf("some string");27 }28}29import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;30public class MockitoTest {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();33 reporter.locationsOf("some string");34 }35}36import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;37public class MockitoTest {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();40 reporter.locationsOf("some string");41 }42}43import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;44public class MockitoTest {45 public static void main(String[] args) {46 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();47 reporter.locationsOf("some string");48 }49}50import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;51public class MockitoTest {52 public static void main(String[] args) {53 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();54 reporter.locationsOf("some string");55 }56}

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;3public class MockitoExceptionTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();6 String message = "This is a test message";7 System.out.println(reporter.locationsOf(message));8 }9}

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1package org.mockito.internal.exceptions;2import org.junit.Test;3import static org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf;4public class locationsOfTest {5 public void test1() {6 String[] locations = locationsOf(new Throwable());7 for (String location : locations) {8 System.out.println(location);9 }10 }11}12org.mockito.internal.exceptions.locationsOfTest.test1(<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(<init>(

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import java.util.List;3public class 1 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 String message = "This is a message";6 List list = new ArrayList();7 list.add("This is a list element");8 list.add("This is another list element");9 Reporter.locationsOf(message, list);10 }11}12import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;13import java.util.List;14public class 2 {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 String message = "This is a message";17 List list = new ArrayList();18 list.add("This is a list element");19 list.add("This is another list element");20 Reporter.locationsOf(message, list);21 }22}23 at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 1.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)26 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main( at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 2.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)33 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import java.util.List;3public class 1 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 String message = "This is a message";6 List list = new ArrayList();7 list.add("This is a list element");8 list.add("This is another list element");9 Reporter.locationsOf(message, list);10 }11}12import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;13import java.util.List;14public class 2 {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 String message = "This is a message";17 List list = new ArrayList();18 list.add("This is a list element");19 list.add("This is another list element");20 Reporter.locationsOf(message, list);21 }22}23 at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 1.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)26 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main( at org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter.locationsOf( at 2.main( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)33 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();5 reporter.locationsOf("method1");6 }7}8import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;9public class 2 {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();12 reporter.locationsOf("method2");13 }14}15import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;16public class 3 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;3public class 1 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 try {6 throw new MockitoException("some message");7 } catch (MockitoException e) {8 int[] locations = Reporter.locationsOf(e, "");9 System.out.println("locations: " + locations[0] + " " + locations[1]);10 }11 }12}13Previous Next void main(String[] args) {14 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();15 reporter.locationsOf("method3");16 }17}18import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;19public class 4 {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();22 reporter.locationsOf("method4");23 }24}25import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;26public class 5 {27 public static void main(String[] args) {28 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();29 reporter.locationsOf("method5");30 }31}32import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;33public class 6 {34 public static void main(String[] args) {35 Reporter reporter = new Reporter();36 reporter.locationsOf("method6");37 }38}39import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;40public class 7 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.mockito.internal.exceptions.Reporter;2import org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException;3public class 1 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 try {6 throw new MockitoException("some message");7 } catch (MockitoException e) {8 int[] locations = Reporter.locationsOf(e, "");9 System.out.println("locations: " + locations[0] + " " + locations[1]);10 }11 }12}

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