Best junit code snippet using org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.getAnnotation
...59 return afters.isEmpty() ? statement : new RunAfters(method, statement, afters,60 target);61 }62 protected Statement withPotentialTimeout(FrameworkMethod method, Object test, Statement next) {63 long timeout = this.getTimeout(method.getAnnotation(Test.class));64 if (timeout <= 0L && mTimeout > 0L) {65 timeout = mTimeout;66 }67 return timeout <= 0L ? next : new FailOnTimeout(next, timeout);68 }69 private long getTimeout(Test annotation) {70 return annotation == null ? 0L : annotation.timeout();71 }72 protected List<FrameworkMethod> looperWrap(FrameworkMethod method, Object test,73 List<FrameworkMethod> methods) {74 RunWithLooper annotation = method.getAnnotation(RunWithLooper.class);75 if (annotation == null) annotation = mKlass.getAnnotation(RunWithLooper.class);76 if (annotation != null) {77 methods = new ArrayList<>(methods);78 for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) {79 methods.set(i, LooperFrameworkMethod.get(methods.get(i),80 annotation.setAsMainLooper(), test));81 }82 }83 return methods;84 }85 protected FrameworkMethod looperWrap(FrameworkMethod method, Object test,86 FrameworkMethod base) {87 RunWithLooper annotation = method.getAnnotation(RunWithLooper.class);88 if (annotation == null) annotation = mKlass.getAnnotation(RunWithLooper.class);89 if (annotation != null) {90 return LooperFrameworkMethod.get(base, annotation.setAsMainLooper(), test);91 }92 return base;93 }94 public boolean shouldRunOnUiThread(FrameworkMethod method) {95 if (mKlass.getAnnotation(UiThreadTest.class) != null) {96 return true;97 } else {98 return UiThreadStatement.shouldRunOnUiThread(method);99 }100 }101}...
...22 }23 @Override24 @SneakyThrows25 protected boolean isTestMethodIgnored(final FrameworkMethod frameworkMethod) {26 ConditionalIgnore ignore = frameworkMethod.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(ConditionalIgnore.class);27 if (ignore != null) {28 final IgnoreCondition condition = ignore.condition().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();29 return !condition.isSatisfied();30 }31 ignore = frameworkMethod.getAnnotation(ConditionalIgnore.class);32 if (ignore != null) {33 final IgnoreCondition condition = ignore.condition().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();34 return !condition.isSatisfied();35 }36 return super.isTestMethodIgnored(frameworkMethod);37 }38 @Override39 @SneakyThrows40 protected Statement withBeforeClasses(final Statement statement) {41 final ConditionalIgnore ignore = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation(ConditionalIgnore.class);42 if (ignore != null) {43 final IgnoreCondition condition = ignore.condition().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();44 if (!condition.isSatisfied()) {45 return new ConditionalIgnoreRule.IgnoreStatement(condition);46 }47 }48 return super.withBeforeClasses(statement);49 }50 @Override51 @SneakyThrows52 protected Statement withAfterClasses(final Statement statement) {53 final ConditionalIgnore ignore = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getAnnotation(ConditionalIgnore.class);54 if (ignore != null) {55 final IgnoreCondition condition = ignore.condition().getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();56 if (!condition.isSatisfied()) {57 return new ConditionalIgnoreRule.IgnoreStatement(condition);58 }59 }60 return super.withAfterClasses(statement);61 }62}...
...11 super(klass);12 }13 @Override14 protected Description describeChild(FrameworkMethod method) {15 if (method.getAnnotation(Repeat.class) != null && method.getAnnotation(Ignore.class) == null) {16 return describeRepeatTest(method);17 }18 return super.describeChild(method);19 }20 private Description describeRepeatTest(FrameworkMethod method) {21 int times = method.getAnnotation(Repeat.class).value();22 Description description = Description23 .createSuiteDescription(testName(method) + "(" + times + " times)", method.getAnnotations());24 for (int i = 1; i <= times; i++) {25 description.addChild(Description26 .createTestDescription(getTestClass().getJavaClass(), "[" + i + "] " + testName(method)));27 }28 return description;29 }30 @Override31 protected void runChild(final FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier) {32 Description description = describeChild(method);33 if (method.getAnnotation(Repeat.class) != null && method.getAnnotation(Ignore.class) == null) {34 runRepeatedly(methodBlock(method), description, notifier);35 }36 super.runChild(method, notifier);37 }38 private void runRepeatedly(Statement statement, Description description, RunNotifier notifier) {39 for (Description desc : description.getChildren()) {40 runLeaf(statement, desc, notifier);41 }42 }43}...
...14 List<FrameworkMethod> list = super.computeTestMethods();15 Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<FrameworkMethod>() {16 @Override17 public int compare(FrameworkMethod f1, FrameworkMethod f2) {18 TestOrder o1 = f1.getAnnotation(TestOrder.class);19 TestOrder o2 = f2.getAnnotation(TestOrder.class);20 if (o1 == null || o2 == null)21 return -1;22 return o1.order() - o2.order();23 }24 });25 return list;26 }27}...
Using AI Code Generation
1public class MyRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {2 public MyRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {3 super(klass);4 }5 protected Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test) {6 Statement statement = super.methodInvoker(method, test);7 Annotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class);8 if (annotation != null) {9 return new MyStatement(statement);10 }11 return statement;12 }13}14public class MyStatement extends Statement {15 private final Statement next;16 public MyStatement(Statement next) {17 = next;18 }19 public void evaluate() throws Throwable {20 System.out.println("before");21 next.evaluate();22 System.out.println("after");23 }24}25public class MyTest {26 public void test() {27 System.out.println("test");28 }29}30@RunWith(MyRunner.class)31public class MyRunnerTest {32 public void test() {33 System.out.println("test");34 }35}36@RunWith(MyRunner.class)37public class MySuite {38 public void test() {39 System.out.println("test");40 }41}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class JunitTestRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {2 public JunitTestRunner(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {3 super(klass);4 }5 protected Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test) {6 Statement statement = super.methodInvoker(method, test);7 return new AnnotationStatement(method, statement);8 }9 private static class AnnotationStatement extends Statement {10 private final FrameworkMethod method;11 private final Statement statement;12 public AnnotationStatement(FrameworkMethod method, Statement statement) {13 this.method = method;14 this.statement = statement;15 }16 public void evaluate() throws Throwable {17 System.out.println("Before test method: " + method.getName());18 statement.evaluate();19 System.out.println("After test method: " + method.getName());20 }21 }22}23public class JunitTest {24 public void test1() {25 System.out.println("test1");26 }27}28@RunWith(JunitTestRunner.class)29public class JunitTestRunnerTest {30 public void test() {31 System.out.println("test");32 }33}
Using AI Code Generation
1public static void main(String[] args) {2 try {3 Class<?> cls = Class.forName("org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod");4 Method method = cls.getMethod("getAnnotation", Class.class);5 Object obj = cls.newInstance();6 method.setAccessible(true);7 Object result = method.invoke(obj, org.junit.Test.class);8 System.out.println(result);9 } catch (Exception e) {10 e.printStackTrace();11 }12}13@org.junit.Test(timeout=0)
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