Best junit code snippet using org.junit.rules.Timeout.millis
1package test.fusion.water.order.junit5.tests;2/**3 * (C) Copyright 2021 Araf Karsh Hamid 4 *5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at8 *9 * *11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and15 * limitations under the License.16 */17import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;18import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;19import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;20import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;21import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;22import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestMethodOrder;23import org.junit.jupiter.api.MethodOrderer.OrderAnnotation;24import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;25import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;26import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll;27import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;28import org.junit.jupiter.migrationsupport.rules.EnableRuleMigrationSupport;29// JUnit 4 Rules.30import org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector;31import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;32import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;33import org.junit.rules.TestName;34import org.junit.rules.Timeout;35import org.junit.Rule;36import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;37import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;38import static;39import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;40import;41import;42import io.fusion.water.order.domainLayer.models.OrderEntity;43import test.fusion.water.order.junit5.annotations.tests.Functional;44import;45import test.fusion.water.order.junit5.extensions.TestTimeExtension;46/**47 * Order Test Rules Suite48 * 49 * @author arafkarsh50 *51 */52@Junit5()53@Functional()54@TestMethodOrder(OrderAnnotation.class)55@EnableRuleMigrationSupport56@TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)57@ExtendWith(TestTimeExtension.class)58public class OrderTestRules {59 private OrderEntity order;60 61 /**62 * if the @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)63 * is available then the method need not be static64 */65 @BeforeAll66 public void setupAll() {67 System.out.println("== Order Test Rules Suite Execution Started...");68 }69 70 71 /**72 * Following from Junit4 - As part of the Vintage Package73 * Field Level Rules introduced in JUnit 4.774 * Class Level Rules introduced in JUnit 4.975 */76 @Rule77 private TemporaryFolder tmpFolder1 = new TemporaryFolder();78 79 /**80 * From JUnit v4.13 assuredDeletion ensures that tmp files/folders 81 * are removed and if that fails then you will get an82 * assertion failure.83 */84 @Rule85 private TemporaryFolder tmpFolder2 = TemporaryFolder.builder().assureDeletion().build();86 87 /**88 * The Error Collector rule allows the execution of a test to 89 * continue after one or more problems are found:90 */91 @Rule92 private ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();93 94 /**95 * This Rule is configured in anticipation of an Exception Thrown96 * in the tests. 97 * E**98 */99 @Rule100 private ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();101 102 /**103 * This Returns the currently running Test Method Name104 * E**105 */106 @Rule107 private TestName testName = new TestName();108 109 /**110 * Rule Must Timed out after the specified seconds111 */112 @Rule113 private Timeout timeout = Timeout.seconds(3);114 @BeforeEach115 public void setup() throws IOException {116 System.out.println("Setup Rules.....");117 tmpFolder1.create();118 tmpFolder2.create();119 }120 121 @Test122 @DisplayName("1. Rule Test - Temporary Folder")123 @Order(1)124 public void folderTest() {125 try {126 File newFile = tmpFolder2.newFile("MyNewFile.txt");127 File newDir = tmpFolder2.newFolder("MyNewFolder");128 System.out.println(newFile.getAbsolutePath());129 System.out.println(newDir.getAbsolutePath());130 } catch (IOException e) {131 e.printStackTrace();132 }133 }134 135 @Test136 @DisplayName("2. Rule Test - Error Collector")137 @Order(2)138 public void test() {139 collector.checkThat("a", equalTo("b"));140 collector.checkThat(1, equalTo(2));141 collector.checkThat("c", equalTo("c"));142 }143 @Test144 @DisplayName("3. Rule Test - ExpectedException : No Error")145 @Order(3)146 public void throwsNothing() {147 }148 149 @Test150 @DisplayName("4. Rule Test - ExpectedException : Error Thrown")151 @Order(4)152 public void throwsNullPointerException() {153 thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class);154 try {155 throw new NullPointerException();156 } catch (Exception e) {157 collector.addError(e);158 collector.checkThat(e.getMessage(), is(equalTo("NullPointerException")));159 }160 }161 162 @Test163 @DisplayName("5. Rule Test - TestName") 164 @Order(5)165 public void ruleTestName() {166 if(testName.getMethodName() == null) {167 System.out.println(">> TestName Rule Doesnt Work! TestName="+testName.getMethodName());168 return;169 }170 System.out.println(">> TestName="+testName.getMethodName());171 assertThat("ruleTestName",is(equalTo(testName.getMethodName())));172 }173 @Test174 @DisplayName("6. Rule Test - Timeout R1") 175 @Order(6)176 public void testTimeout1() throws InterruptedException {177 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();178 Thread.sleep(1000);179 System.out.println("Time Taken R1 = "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));180 }181 182 @Test183 @DisplayName("7. Rule Test - Timeout R2") 184 @Order(7)185 public void testTimeout2() throws InterruptedException {186 long start = System.currentTimeMillis();187 Thread.sleep(5000);188 System.out.println("Time Taken R2 = "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start));189 }190 191 @AfterEach192 public void tearDown() {193 System.out.println("Should Execute After Each Test");194 }195 /**196 * if the @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)197 * is available then the method need not be static198 */199 @AfterAll200 public void tearDownAll() {201 System.out.println("== Order Test Rules Suite Execution Completed...");202 }203}...
...22 * endless loop or a similar operation that never terminates.23 */24public class SWTTimeout implements TestRule {25 /**26 * The timeout in milliseconds.27 */28 protected final int myTimeout;29 /**30 * @param millis31 * the millisecond timeout32 */33 public SWTTimeout(int millis) {34 myTimeout = millis;35 }36 /**37 * @param timeout38 * the timeout39 * @param unit40 * the unit41 */42 public SWTTimeout(int timeout, TimeUnit unit) {43 this((int) unit.toMillis(timeout));44 }45 @Override46 public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {47 return new SWTTimeoutStatement(base, description);48 }49 private class SWTTimeoutStatement extends Statement {50 private final Statement myOriginalStatement;51 private final Description myDescription;52 protected Display myDisplay = null;53 protected volatile boolean inEval = false;54 public SWTTimeoutStatement(Statement originalStatement, Description description) {55 myOriginalStatement = originalStatement;56 myDescription = description;57 }58 @Override59 public void evaluate() throws Throwable {60 myDisplay = Display.getDefault();61 assertNotNull("No Display found. Make sure you run this test in RAP or SWT", myDisplay);62 myDisplay.timerExec(myTimeout, new Runnable() {63 @Override64 public void run() {65 if (inEval)66 throw new TimeoutException();67 }68 });69 final Thread timeoutThread = new Thread() {70 @Override71 public void run() {72 try {73 sleep(myTimeout);74 } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {75 /*76 * The timeout thread is interrupted when the original statement has been evaluated77 */78 return;79 }80 final Thread displayThread = myDisplay.getThread();81 if (!inEval || displayThread == null || !displayThread.isAlive())82 return;83 displayThread.interrupt();84 };85 };86 timeoutThread.start();87 try {88 try {89 inEval = true;90 myOriginalStatement.evaluate();91 } finally {92 inEval = false;93 timeoutThread.interrupt();94 timeoutThread.join();95 }96 } catch (final TimeoutException ex) {97 throwTimeoutException(ex, "ui event queue");98 } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {99 throwTimeoutException(ex, "thread interrupted");100 }101 }102 /**103 * Throws a new exception based on the specified {@link Throwable}.104 * <p>105 * Copies over the stack trace.106 * 107 * @param ex108 * the original exception109 * @param reason110 * the reason for the timeout111 * @throws Exception112 * the new exception113 */114 private void throwTimeoutException(final Throwable ex, String reason) throws Exception {115 final Exception exception = new Exception(String.format("test timed out after %d milliseconds (%s)",116 myTimeout, reason));117 exception.setStackTrace(ex.getStackTrace());118 throw exception;119 }120 /**121 * Local exception class used to signal timeout in the UI thread.122 */123 @SuppressWarnings("serial")124 protected class TimeoutException extends RuntimeException {125 }126 }127}...
1// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.2//3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5// You may obtain a copy of the License at6//7// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14package;15import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;16import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher;17import org.junit.rules.Timeout;18import org.junit.runner.Description;19import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;20/**21 * Test watcher, which sets a timeout for the JUnit test and allows to execute some action on22 * timeout. Uses JUnit's org.junit.rules.Timeout rule to set up a timeout; catches timeout exception23 * thrown fromTimeout rule, calls the {@link onTimeout} method, and re-throws the exception.24 *25 * <p>Useful to dump test state information before failing on timeout.26 */27public abstract class TimeoutTestWatcher extends TestWatcher {28 private String name;29 protected abstract long getTimeoutMillis();30 protected abstract boolean onTimeout();31 @Override32 protected void starting(Description description) {33 name = description.getMethodName();34 }35 @Override36 protected void finished(Description description) {37 name = null;38 }39 public String getName() {40 return name;41 }42 @Override43 public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {44 // we are using exception wrapping, because unfortunately JUnit's Timeout throws45 // java.util.Exception on timeout, which is hard to distinguish from other cases46 Statement wrapper =47 new Statement() {48 @Override49 public void evaluate() throws Throwable {50 try {51 base.evaluate();52 } catch (Throwable th) {53 throw new ExceptionWrapper(th);54 }55 }56 };57 return new Statement() {58 @Override59 public void evaluate() throws Throwable {60 try {61 new Timeout((int) getTimeoutMillis()).apply(wrapper, description).evaluate();62 } catch (ExceptionWrapper wrapper) {63 // original test exception64 throw wrapper.getCause();65 } catch (Exception e) {66 // timeout exception67 if (!onTimeout()) {68 throw new TimeoutException(e.getMessage());69 }70 }71 }72 };73 }74 /**75 * Exception wrapper wrap-and-caught any exception from the test; this guarantees that we76 * differentiate timeout exception thrown just as java.util.Exception from the test exceptions77 */78 private static class ExceptionWrapper extends Throwable {79 ExceptionWrapper(Throwable cause) {80 super(cause);81 }82 }83}...
...9 public static Builder builder() {10 return new Builder();11 }12 @Deprecated13 public Timeout(int millis) {14 this((long) millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);15 }16 public Timeout(long timeout2, TimeUnit timeUnit2) {17 this.timeout = timeout2;18 this.timeUnit = timeUnit2;19 }20 protected Timeout(Builder builder) {21 this.timeout = builder.getTimeout();22 this.timeUnit = builder.getTimeUnit();23 }24 public static Timeout millis(long millis) {25 return new Timeout(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);26 }27 public static Timeout seconds(long seconds) {28 return new Timeout(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);29 }30 /* access modifiers changed from: protected */31 public final long getTimeout(TimeUnit unit) {32 return unit.convert(this.timeout, this.timeUnit);33 }34 /* access modifiers changed from: protected */35 public Statement createFailOnTimeoutStatement(Statement statement) throws Exception {36 return FailOnTimeout.builder().withTimeout(this.timeout, this.timeUnit).build(statement);37 }38 @Override // org.junit.rules.TestRule39 public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {...
...54 public void nameThread() {55 Thread.currentThread().setName("JUnit-" + methodName.getMethodName());56 }57 /**58 * Override point: the test timeout in milliseconds.59 * @return a timeout in milliseconds60 */61 protected int getTestTimeoutMillis() {62 return AzureTestConstants.AZURE_TEST_TIMEOUT;63 }64}...
...54 public void nameThread() {55 Thread.currentThread().setName("JUnit-" + methodName.getMethodName());56 }57 /**58 * Override point: the test timeout in milliseconds.59 * @return a timeout in milliseconds60 */61 protected int getTestTimeoutMillis() {62 return TEST_TIMEOUT;63 }64}...
1/*2 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.3 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 *10 *11 *12 *13 *14 *15 *16 *17 *18 *19 *20 *21 *22 */23/*24 */25package org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.threads;26import org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.JTTTest;27import org.graalvm.compiler.jtt.hotspot.NotOnDebug;28import org.junit.Rule;29import org.junit.Test;30import org.junit.rules.TestRule;31import org.junit.rules.Timeout;32public final class Thread_sleep01 extends JTTTest {33 @Rule public TestRule timeout = NotOnDebug.create(Timeout.seconds(20));34 public static boolean test(int i) throws InterruptedException {35 final long before = System.currentTimeMillis();36 Thread.sleep(i);37 return System.currentTimeMillis() - before >= i;38 }39 @Test40 public void run0() throws Throwable {41 initializeForTimeout();42 runTest("test", 10);43 }44 @Test45 public void run1() throws Throwable {46 initializeForTimeout();47 runTest("test", 20);48 }49 @Test50 public void run2() throws Throwable {51 initializeForTimeout();52 runTest("test", 100);53 }54}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.Rule;2import org.junit.Test;3import org.junit.rules.Timeout;4public class TimeoutTest {5 public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(20);6 public void testInfiniteLoop1() {7 while (true) {8 }9 }10 public void testInfiniteLoop2() {11 while (true) {12 }13 }14}15import org.junit.Test;16public class TimeoutTest {17 @Test(timeout = 100)18 public void testInfiniteLoop1() {19 while (true) {20 }21 }22 @Test(timeout = 100)23 public void testInfiniteLoop2() {24 while (true) {25 }26 }27}28import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;29import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;30import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;31@Timeout(5)32public class TimeoutTest {33 void testInfiniteLoop1() {34 while (true) {35 }36 }37 void testInfiniteLoop2() {38 while (true) {39 }40 }41}42import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;43import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;44import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;45@Timeout(5)46public class TimeoutTest {47 void testInfiniteLoop1() {48 while (true) {49 }50 }51 void testInfiniteLoop2() {52 while (true) {53 }54 }55}56import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;57import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;58import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;59@Timeout(5)60public class TimeoutTest {61 void testInfiniteLoop1() {62 while (true) {63 }64 }65 void testInfiniteLoop2() {66 while (true) {67 }68 }69}70import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;71import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout;72import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;73@Timeout(5)74public class TimeoutTest {
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.rules.Timeout;2import org.junit.Rule;3import org.junit.Test;4public class TimeoutRuleTest {5 public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(20);6 public void testInfiniteLoop1() {7 while (true);8 }9 public void testInfiniteLoop2() {10 while (true);11 }12}13import org.junit.Rule;14import org.junit.Test;15import org.junit.rules.Timeout;16import org.junit.runner.RunWith;17import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;18import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;19import java.util.Arrays;20import java.util.Collection;21@RunWith(Parameterized.class)22public class TimeoutRuleTest {
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.rules.Timeout;2import org.junit.Rule;3import org.junit.Test;4public class TestTimeout {5 public void testInfiniteLoop1() {6 while (true);7 }8 public void testInfiniteLoop2() {9 while (true);10 }11 public void testInfiniteLoop3() {12 while (true);13 }14}15import org.junit.rules.Timeout;16import org.junit.Rule;17import org.junit.Test;18public class TestTimeout {19 public void testInfiniteLoop1() {20 while (true);21 }22 public void testInfiniteLoop2() {23 while (true);24 }25 public void testInfiniteLoop3() {26 while (true);27 }28}
Using AI Code Generation
1Timeout timeout = Timeout.millis(1000);2timeout = timeout.withMessage("Timeout message");3public TestRule globalTimeout = timeout;4globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);5globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {6 public String get() {7 return "Timeout message";8 }9});10globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {11 public String get() {12 return "Timeout message";13 }14});15globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {16 public String get() {17 return "Timeout message";18 }19});20globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {21 public String get() {22 return "Timeout message";23 }24});25globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {26 public String get() {27 return "Timeout message";28 }29});30globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {31 public String get() {32 return "Timeout message";33 }34});35globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {36 public String get() {37 return "Timeout message";38 }39});40globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {41 public String get() {42 return "Timeout message";43 }44});45globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {46 public String get() {47 return "Timeout message";48 }49});50globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000).withMessage(new Supplier<String>() {51 public String get() {52 return "Timeout message";53 }54});
Using AI Code Generation
1public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(10 * 1000);2public void test() throws InterruptedException {3}4public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(1000);5public void test() throws InterruptedException {6}7public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(2000);8public void test() throws InterruptedException {9}10package com.journaldev.junit;11import org.junit.Rule;12import org.junit.Test;13import org.junit.rules.Timeout;14public class JavaJUnitRuleTimeoutTest {15 public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(10 * 1000);16 public void test() throws InterruptedException {17 }18 public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(1000);19 public void test() throws InterruptedException {20 }21 public Timeout globalTimeout = new Timeout(2000);22 public void test() throws InterruptedException {23 }24}25 at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)26 at java.lang.Object.wait( at com.journaldev.junit.JavaJUnitRuleTimeoutTest.test( at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)29 at java.lang.Object.wait( at com.journaldev.junit.JavaJUnitRuleTimeoutTest.test( at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)32 at java.lang.Object.wait( at com.journaldev.junit.JavaJUnitRuleTimeoutTest.test(
Using AI Code Generation
1@Test(timeout=1000)2public void test() {3}4public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);5public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);6public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);7public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);8public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);9public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);10public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);11public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);12public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);13public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);14public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);15public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);16public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);17public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);18public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);19public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);20public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);21public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);22public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);23public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.millis(1000);24public Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(10);
Class Not Found: Empty Test Suite in IntelliJ
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Had the same message. I had to remove the Run/Debug configuration.
In my case, I ran the unit test as a local test before. After that I moved my test to the androidTest package and tried to run it again. Android Studio remembered the last run configuration so it tried to run it again as a local unit test which produced the same error.
After removing the config and running the test again it generated a new configuration and worked.
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While there is a huge demand and need to run Selenium Test Automation, the experts always suggest not to automate every possible test. Exhaustive Testing is not possible, and Automating everything is not sustainable.
When we talk about programming in the modern tech world, Java instantly comes to our mind. After all, it is considered as one of the most versatile programming languages. Looking back on its history, Java has always had an extraordinary position in a back-end developer’s heart. A majority of developers enjoy Java due to its platform independency, security, ease of use, variety of accessible resources, and several other essential features. These traits appreciably contributed to the popularity of Java as a programming language – as of 2018, there were seven million or more Java developers globally.
When you start your journey as an automation tester, then mistakes are bound to happen. They may also happen if you are up in a race to automated website testing without exploring the impact of your Selenium test automation scripts in depth. And while it is good to learn from your mistakes, it is always better to be preventive by learning from others.
This article is a part of our Content Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on A Detailed TestNG Tutorial.
The primary intent of Selenium test automation is to expedite the testing process. In the majority of the cases, automation tests using Selenium perform exceptionally better than the manual counterparts. However, there might be possibilities to speed up Selenium tests using Selenium test automation best practices to its truest potential. I have come across umpteen cases in my career where there was potential to speed up selenium tests.
LambdaTest also has a detailed JUnit tutorial explaining its features, importance, advanced use cases, best practices, and more to help you get started with running your automation testing scripts.
Here are the detailed JUnit testing chapters to help you get started:
You can also check out our JUnit certification if you wish to take your career in Selenium automation testing with JUnit to the next level.
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